• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 5,007 Views, 202 Comments

You're All Alone, Sweetheart - TheApexSovereign

A terrible accident leaves a young filly abandoned and alone.

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Discord's Epilogue

Well, this is it. I'm at the end of the road. I've been her for what, fifty years? Sixty? I lost count. Do you know where the Princess put me? At the bottom of the ocean of course. Heh, maybe I'll get lucky if two sharks fighting over a meal, eh?


Ugh, what's the use? I'm beaten. It's all over for me. The death of the Sweetie Belle child was my fault. Her annoying sister did have some truth to her words, that if I cared I would've done something, but I didn't.

Surprisingly, I did care about the child. Her plight reminded me of my own; a freak cast away by society. And I would've saved her. Honestly. But seeing a pony kill a loved one is far more entertaining than ruling Equestria. Is that strange? Yes, but if you actually question that then you don't know a thing about me.

Although I'm encased in stone, I still have a strong presence in Equestria, and I know all...

At the child's funeral, in which most if not all of Canterlot and Ponyville attended at the castle, Princess Celestia told the tale of how Sweetie Belle was horribly scared after an 'accident.' Students from her class confessed what they said to her. Let's just say those fillies aren't the most popular in Ponyville now. Rarity went up and gave a rather beautiful speech on her sister, and how neglect and anger morphed her into a monster. Many tears within the crowd were shed. Crocodile tears is what I'd call 'em.

Nobody would've cared, of course not. If she committed suicide at the lake, then she'd probably just be thrown into a ditch or something. She wouldn't have this million bit funeral with the entire populous of Equestria attending. Of course, everypony saw me as some heartless monster for warping the filly. Yeah, the Princess and the Elements convinced the fools that I dragged the 'fragile one' into darkness and convinced her to overthrow the princesses.

Bullshit. Pardon my language, but the tyrant ruined my image even further for 'using a frail and impressionable filly for my own gain.' Another lie added to her bulging file.

But everypony wept for their fallen ruler, Princess Luna. Celestia took it the hardest. She didn't talk to anyone for weeks aside from a few 'yes' or 'no' questions. In her memory, the land celebrates August 5th, the day the moon goddess died, as a sort of somber memorial of her.

Speaking of the moon, the Princess used the Elements of Harmony to create another moon.

I'll just give you a moment to take that in.

She created a moon. Crazy right? But alas, it didn't have the same mythical presence the real one once had. And of course, as you can guess, it was Celestia's duty to raise the sun and moon once more.

I'll go over the Elements current state quickly, because the very thought of them makes me want to gag.

Twilight Sparkle became Celestia's new court mage, replacing Trixie. Don't worry. We'll get to her in a second. Anyway, Twilight wrote several books on destructive magic and even decoded Celestia's strange 'God Form' she used when fighting Trixie and Sweetie. It shed a new light on the Princess, but not one of fear or unease, but of praise. Life's funny like that, y'know? And while we're on the subject, her slave-I mean 'assistant' Spike. Well, if you don't know yet, dragons age allot slower than ponies. By the time the unicorn was a senior, Spike would just be a teenage dragon. And remember when I said I created chaos through more subtle means? Well, I aged him allot faster. And with the ponies vague knowledge on dragons, they considered this to be normal. After two years, the full grown Spike had to leave Ponyville and join his own kind. It was a tearful departure, making me wish that if I wasn't frozen with a passive expression, I'd be laughing at the whole thing.

The creepy one...what's her name? Ah yes, Pinkie Pie. She rebuilt Sugarcube Corner, dedicated it to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and ran it as a fun yet respectable business. And I just want to say, remember the whole subtle chaos thing? Well, I may have 'secretly' filled the room with hydrogen, and may have made the teeniest tiniest spark to turn the sweet shop into a barbecue. 'Experts' concluded it was a gas leak that killed the Cakes. Anyway, yeah. Pinkamena Diane Pie: Mother, baker, and a few screws short of a toolbox.

Not much happened with Rainbow Dash. She performed for the Wonderbolts, fulfilling her petty dreams of fame and glory. I think she hooked up with Spitfire or Soarin', I'm not sure they all look the same to me. Dash went into retirement when reaching an old age and concluded she was pretty happy with her life. Applause for you, my conceited self-indulged friend.

Fluttershy remained a virgin her entire life. I don't know, I just find that really funny. With my inner child aside, she too lived a pretty normal day to day routine of taking care of animals. She acted as a shoulder to cry on for Rarity, but besides that, nothing much happened with this one. She'll always be a shut-in that was afraid of her own shadow. Speaking of that, she died on a mission given by Celestia to vacate another dragon sleeping in a cave near Ponyville, like they did so many years ago. And like last time, the dragon assaulted her friends, causing Fluttercry to gain a ball of confidence and stand up to the beast. But unlike last time, the dragon didn't cry like a baby, he just gulped the pegasus in a single bite and went back to sleep. The dragon still lives there to this day, tears were shed at the funeral yada yada. Let's move on.

Applejack and Big Mac took care of the farm. They bucked apples, had their little family reunions, acted imbred. You know the drill. Little Applebloom was hurt when discovering the news of her ex-friend, Sweetie Belle. She felt guilty for abandoning her to the point where she hucked herself off a cliff. Weird kid, am I right? Yeah, another funeral, more sadness. Applejack went into a depression but quickly pulled herself out of it and handed down her sister's bow to her child, Apple Blossom. Would you like to know who the father is? Well too bad. And I don't think you even want to know. Trust me.

And finally we come to Miss Rarity. She was depressed for at least three months, and it took all of her friends to pull her out of it. She still runs the dress shop with a nice picture of her and an un-wounded Sweetie Belle propped up on her desk. The Element of Generosity donated huge amount of money and clothing to the less fortunate countries of the planet. Ugh, disgusting. Every year she visits Sweetie Belle's grave in the Canterlot gardens and leaves a note or gift there. The letter is just some gushy crud about her feelings too the whole event. and how much she loves her. Eugh, gag. Let's move on.

The Great and Powerful Trixie. What a dreadful life she's had. Imagine Sweetie Belle's last three years and spread that out over an entire lifespan. That's Trixie right there. She was bullied, abused, unpopular, and even raped by the entire Royal Guard. She begged to the Princess, but there was no evidence of corruption within the guard. There was though, but Celestia didn't want to create a public uproar about the first rape in Equestria in three hundred years. So she just dropped the whole case. Yes, the egotistical magician made some bad choices and boasted to get people to like her, but that doesn't justify the pain she's endured for thirty-three years.

She was publicly executed. Furious Canterloins chucked tomatoes and other rotten foods at her as she set her neck on the chopping block with her head hanging over the basket. Celestia made some spiel about justice, deceit, and compromise while Trixie pleaded mercy the entire time. Realizing salvation wouldn't come, the wizard used her last ten seconds to start blurting out all of Celestia's crimes and misdeeds, such as the origin of Changelings. The hooded pony brought down the ax without haste. The crowd cheered, not even mulling over what they had just heard.

No one knew about the horrible acts Princess Celestia committed. Only me.

And after all that's happened, I still can't take my mind off of Sweetie Belle. I was there for her when no one else was. She was sort of like a daughter to me. Yes. You heard right. The god of chaos and mischief considered a scarred filly as his daughter. Go figure. She held a dangerous and uncontrollable weapon: Anger. Sure, I manipulated that to try and rule Equestria. But still, at least I cared. And in all honesty, I never saw this alliance coming. I just assumed the filly would be loved like she used too. But no.

If it wasn't for her accident, then she would've lived a happy and normal life. That one little stupid accident ruined all of that. Quite tragic.

It almost makes me me regret tampering with that chemistry set all those years ago.

The End

Alternate Ending coming soon!