• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 522 Views, 3 Comments

Dr. Robotnik attempts to conquer Equestria - SgtRatapus

Shortly before his defeat, Discord creates a agent of chaos that wasn't affected by the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Six little catastrophes

The heroes who saved Equestria from Discord finished their celebration as they returned to their homes in Ponyville. Many festivities were had as various drinks and food stuffs got enjoyed, mostly alcoholic. To say most of the ponies who attended were buzzed would be an understatement. But we're following Twilight Sparkle at the start of this chapter who's responsible and unadventerous (as far as adventurers go anyway).

"Sorry Spike, I didn't know the party would be aimed at adults. Would you like to pick something up from Sugarcube Corner?"

"Yea I suppose. Can I get some emerald encrusted cookies?"

"Sure. How about I meet you there? I'll get some bits from the library."

Twilight and Spike split ways. The distance from the library to Sugarcube Corner wasn't far so he wouldn't have to wait long once things went wrong.
Twilight was humming a happy tune as she trotted back home on this peaceful day. After a little travel she got to the library and opened the door.

"AhHHhh this'll do nicely." Said a strange figure cloaked in darkness.

"Huh?" Curious and confused, Twilight went to flick on a nearby light switch.

When the lights turned on the now illuminated thing turned it's neck to face her. If his big curly orange mustache wasn't hint enough I'd say this was the product of Discord mentioned in the Prologue.

"Who dares intrude on Doctor Robotnik! Don't interfere with my plans to conquer Mobius." With that said, Robotnik swiftly dove out of a nearby open window with a book in his grasp. When he landed a little *clunk* sound was made as he started up a motor, lifted off the ground in a egg-shaped machine and took off into the sky.

Twilight stood there with her mouth agape as the events with this unknown creature happened in a matter of seconds. She was shocked, happy, confused and upset at an unknown sentient being having been in her library and taking a book without properly checking it out. And something about conquering a Mobius? With all the possible responses she could've had she settled with an eye twitch and making a sound similar to something a squirrel might make. "Gaba deh, daba teh?"


Twilight Sparkle blazed down the street towards Sugarcube Corner. Spike looked up from a bench located outside said building.

"Hey Twilight, are you alright?"

"NO I am NOT! Spike I need you to chase after that thing in the sky and get whatever book he has back. While you do that I'll see which book he may have taken. The fate of the Mobius could depend on it!"

"...What's a Mobius?"

"I don't know! I'll have to research it when I get a chance." Twilight said.

"Okay I'll try, but that thing is moving pretty fast; I don't think-" Spike attempted to say.

"I know, I'll cast a spell that'll let you run super fast!" Twilight's horn lit up intensely within a few seconds for a few seconds. Spike tried to shield himself with his arms hoping this wouldn't be one of the times that the spell blew up in his face.

"Twilight calm down!"

"There, finished! Come back to the library right away when you're done." Twilight then teleported away, assumably to the library.

Spike sighed. "Couldn't you just wait three minutes, Equestria? Three minutes??"

"Here! Would you like a emerald encrusted cookie? Just finished this batch." Pinkie Pie said while popping out from behind the bench.

"Whoa! Uh, sure thank you." Spike hesitantly took a cookie from the tray Pinkie Pie was holding and took a bite.

"No problem! Oh no twitchy tail twitchy tail!" Pinkie disappeared back behind the bench.

"Twitchy tail? Which one was that..." Spike didn't get to finish his thought as a bunch of blue paint dropped on him from above. Spike deadpanned, thinking his day couldn't possibly get any crazier. Oh how wrong he is.

"Sorry Spike! I lost my grip on the paint bucket when I tried to paint this hard to reach spot over here." Mr. Cake said as he pointed to my left. "No no, over here." Oh, his left.

"It's fine, nothing's hurt... except my dignity." Spike muttered. With all these recent distractions Spike almost forgot about what Twilight wanted him to do. In the distance the outline of that thing could still be seen flying around Sweet Apple Acres. Spike gave his now paint covered cookie a glance before regretfully tossing it into a nearby garbage bin. Spike jumped off the bench to take his first step and-

"WHOOOOOOooooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHH!" Spike yelled as he took off from the bench running at speeds that I can't narrate fast enough to.


Recently at Sweet Apple Acres

"Applejack you gotta listen to me! There's some weird flying thing coming this way!" Rainbow Dash said, waving her front legs frantically at Applejack.

"Let me guess, it had a menacing orange mustache and cackled maniacally too?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

"Rainbow Dash go home, you're drunk. Whatever you saw was probably a funny looking cloud, like that one over there."

"I'm not that drunk. The party ended like, hours ago. You should be more drunk than I am based off the amount you oh hey that is a funny looking cloud."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked distractedly at a cloud as Robotnik came in behind them and flew through a tree full of apples. The noise got their attention as Applejack shouted after him.

"Hey those are my apples! Give 'em back!"

Maniacal laughter is all she got in response as Robotnik turned around in the air and made his way towards the edge of the Everfree Forest.

"Don't worry Applejack, I'll stop him!" Rainbow said.

Rainbow took to the air after Robotnik. Robotnik checked his side mirror just in time to see Rainbow Dash coming in. With a glance back, he reached down into his pod and pulled out a huge boot attached to a stick. Robotnik took a swing as it landed square on Rainbow Dash's cutie mark.

"I hope you got a kick out of that one! AhhhahahahahahHAH!"

Rainbow Dash's trajectory changed drastically as she went flying into a tree below while Robotnik disappeared over the canopy. She was about to take off after him again when a blue blur got her attention.

"What is that?"

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Spike screamed as he came to an abrupt halt just below the tree Rainbow Dash crashed into. "Twilight you need to test these spells before you approve them for use! Sheesh."

A dust cloud from the heart of Ponyville all the way to Spike's current position could be seen. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "Whoa Spike you're pretty fast! How'd you do that?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, all I did was leap off a bench!" Spike said as he attempted to dust himself off a bit. "I came here looking for a strange flying object with some guy in it, have you seen anything Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh. Yeah. He just took a bunch of apples from Applejack and was heading for the Everfree Forest I think? I was chasing after him but then something hit me."

Spike looked around seeing nothing but trees and clear skies, then up to the tree Rainbow Dash crashed into.

Spike facepalmed. "Rainbow Dash go home, you're drunk. If stationary objects are hitting you then it must be really bad."

Spike attempted to slowly tip-toe forward this time to see what would happen. He took off at a fairly remarkable but manageable speed this time.

"Hey I'm not drunk!"


Fluttershy happily hummed a sweet tune as she tended to some woodland creatures outside her cottage. Is anything else she's doing matter at the moment? We all know it's about to be interupted anyway.

Robotnik flew in and stopped at a hover above her chicken coop. A huge metal claw dropped from below his pod and latched onto the sides of the coop then lifted it off the ground. Next a long tube extended from below his pod and landed at ground level next to the now exposed chicken coop. A vacuum turned on as all the eggs, and somehow only eggs, started rolling off the nests and towards the tube, getting sucked in.

"Excuse me mister but umm, I believe that's my chicken coop you're destroying and my chicken eggs you're taking." Fluttershy said though barely audible over the loud vacuum running.

"Who cares." Dr. Robotnik said.

"Oh, umm, I kind of do..." Fluttershy trailed off, not quite sure how to deal with this.

There was an awkward pause as Robotnik vacuumed up all the eggs then dropped the chicken coop that the claw had in it's grip then retracted the claw and tube. Robotnik cackled as he took off once more heading back into Ponyville.

Spike arrived on the scene shortly after. He didn't know where in the Everfree Forest to even start looking when Rainbow Dash said he went that way but he thought he heard strange activity coming from over here. Spike stopped near Fluttershy, concerned as he saw how sad she looked.

"Hey, are you alright?" Spike asked.

"Those were Elizabeak's first eggs. She'll be so miserable when she finds out they were taken." Fluttershy squeaked out. A few tears fell from her eyes as she was on the brink of fully crying.

Spike knew this flying weirdo was crazy but this was going too far. Nobody messed with Fluttershy! Spike would see to it that her eggs are recovered and that the thief paid dearly. "I'll get them back Fluttershy, but can you tell me which way he flew off to?"

"I think he was heading into Ponyville but I'm not sure..." Fluttershy sniffled.

Spike nodded. No dilly-dallying this time. He took a full step and made his way into town.


A blood curdling scream was heard as Spike got closer to town. "Rarity!" He'd recognize that scream anywhere. Spike rounded a few corners and arrived at Carousol Boutique.

Rarity was found curled up in a corner muttering incoherently to herself. No sign of the weirdo here, he must move really fast Spike thought. Nothing looked out of the ordinary in the shop, but Rarity being tramatized would be enough reason to hunt him down not including everything else. Still, Spike needed to know where he went.

"Rarity, tell me what happened! What's wrong??"

"He... He... He had red overalls mixed with yellow and black!!! And with a orange mustache?? Such a terrible color mashup! Whyyy-hyy-hyy-hyyyy!"

Spike deadpanned. Again. "Rarity do you know where he went? I'm going to put a stop to him!"

"And Bald! Eww! So bald..."


"Oh? Spike! What happened to you? You're slick purple scales are now blue, though I suppose it isn't a bad look..." Rarity said, bringing a hoof up to her chin as she pondered.

Spike had forgot about the paint mishap at Sugarcube Corner. "Yeah there was an accident earlier but I haven't had time to clean it. Anyway did you see-"

"You know what would go great with that getup of yours? I recently got these white shoes with red stripes and had no idea what I could use them for. But when I see you now I think it'd be the perfect fit!" Rarity magicked a pair of red-striped white sneakers onto Spike.


"Ooh and perhaps these white gloves would help eccentuate your eyes a bit."

"Rarity, there's no time!"

Rarity flew a pair of gloves and placed them over Spike's claws. "But... I have this suit that would match your outfit perfectly..." Rarity pouted.

"There's no time to put pants on. Some weirdo is causing trouble and must be stopped! So now can you tell me which way that weird flying guy went?"

"Hmm, no. But he mentioned something about using a magnifying glass he took from me for some gemstones. Maybe he's near that place where we encountered the Diamond Dogs?"

Spike nodded. It was the most recent and only lead he had to work with; if nothing else he could climb the mountain there and get a better view of the land around Ponyville.


Spike would have to climb the mountain, but not to get a better view of Ponyville. Atop the mountain a gold statue of some resemblance to Doctor Robotnik stood on two feet with one arm pointed out. Besides the posture the only details the statue had were of two eyes and a large mustache at the top of the statue where it's head was and a window for a mouth. Next to the statue was a average looking 2 story building which didn't seem made to match the overglorified pose the statue had. Spike had to make haste; if this guy could take everything as fast as he did who knew how long it would be before he used it for something. Not to mention that this statue and building setup was made just as quickly since it definitely wasn't here a few days ago. Spike traveled up the spiral mountain and entered into this strange fortress.

Gadgets whirred and sprockets blurred... I guess... as Spike raced through to find Robotnik. After climbing numerous floors he reached the top where Robotnik had a crazy machine set up. A large metal contraption holding a few gemstones was aimed at the base of a frying pan while at the top a magnifying glass was being pointed at it. Spike thought Twilight got crazy with the experiments but this went to a whole new level.

"Sonic!? How did you get here?" Robotnik said.

Spike looked around before his eyes settled on him. "Not sure who you're referring to, but you stole from my friends and I intend to get it all back!"

"You're too late Sonic! Once the sun goes into the right position in thirty seven seconds the rays will go into that magnifying glass to heat that frying pan and then you won't be the only one who's slightly runny!"

Gasp, Robotnik was about to cook eggs! Sonic will need to act fast before- "My name is Spike sir and I can't allow you to do that!" Spike scratched his chin with his claw. What could he do to prevent this from happening in approximately thirty seconds? With a snap of his claws he had an idea. He'd write a letter to Princess Celestia!

Dear Princess Celestia,

This may sound incredibly out there, but could you prevent the sun from moving for a while? If the sun hits a certain angle in the next thirty ten seconds all of Equestria could be doomed.

Sincerely, Spike.

He hoped that would work. With a quick puff of green flames the letter was sent on it's way. Sweat started dripping off his brow as he watched a nearby clock tick the seconds away. Robotnik laughed some more as he tied a bib around his neck and started drooling at the empty frying pan, ready to toss some eggs on once the heat was there. Spike started chewing on his glove-covered claws as the clock ticked off the last few seconds.

The magnifying glass lit up slightly but stopped there. Did it work? When the frying pan didn't heat up Spike started cheering since Celestia came through! With a grumble Robotnik got up and stomped in place.

"Curse you, Sonic! It's not fair! I hate that hedgehog!"

"My name is SPIKE and I am NOT a-" Spike took a step forward, temporarily forgetting about his super speed. "HedgeHOWHOAA!" He took off and crashed into a bunch of nearby levers.

A monitor on the wall started flashing red as sirens went off. Spike spotted the book that started this whole thing on a nearby counter and grabbed it, the magnifying glass, and eggs that were collected in a basket before taking off. Explosions went off behind him as he evacuated the building and made it to the base of the mountain in record time. One last explosion could be heard as a random missle launched, heading straight for the Everfree Forest.


Zecora was busy collecting some herbs just outside of her hut when she heard something strange. It was getting louder and louder so her curiousity was piqued.

"For the quiets of the Everfree something sounds amiss..."

From her position a flaming projectile made itself seen above the trees as it swiftly came down and made contact with her hut. With her roof punctured, the missle exploded and applesauce was splattered everywhere in and outside of her hut. A chunk of the missle then fell in front of her with the face of Dr. Robotnik stamped on it, winking with a huge grin and a massive thumbs up.

"Whoever's weapon caused this I won't easily dismiss."


Spike wasted no time in returning all the items back to their owners. Rarity was pleased to see her mirror again. Fluttershy got her eggs back. Yay! All Elizabeak has to do is pick her eggs out from all the other ones that were mixed in. Last stop would hopefully put an end to his running around as he came up to the library entrance and went in.

Books were thrown haphazardly around as Twilight manically skimmed through a dozen books per minute. She was so focused on her task that she didn't acknowledge when Spike came in.

"Manitee? Monkey? No, Mobe- Mobe-!"

Spike dropped the book in front of her to grab her attention.

"Spike! You did it!" Twilight lifted Spike up in her magic and nuzzled him quite roughly. Spike put up with it; if it meant they could both rest easy tonight it'd all be worth it.

"Yeah, though it wasn't an easy task. Do you want to hear what I had to do to get it?"

"In a minute Spike, I need to see why Doctor Robotnik took this specific book."

Spike, finally learning the weird guy's name, was curious as well. He never had a chance to look at the book when fleeing the exploding fortress.

Twilight read the cover of the book. "House Maintenance 101: Plumbing for Dumbees. Huh? Why would he want such a specific book? What does this have to do with the Mobius?"

While Twilight mused, Spike noticed a bookmark placed in the book. With a flick of the claw he opened it and read "Chapter 2: How to unclog a toilet." Various parts of the page were heavily highlighted. "Umm Twilight? I think he just wanted this book for personal use..."


Princess Celestia sat on her throne. It had been a half hour since she halted the sun and hadn't heard back. Equestria wasn't in peril it seemed but she was still concerned. She was about to write a return letter when it seemed Spike finally followed up.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Thanks for stopping the sun on such short notice, it really saved the day! Another few seconds later and Elizabeak might not have gotten her eggs back! Sorry for the late reply but if you still have the sun frozen in place it should be safe to move. Hopefully no more crazy events will happen around here for at least a while but who knows...
With Thanks,


Princess Celestia looked up from her letter with an eyebrow raised.

"So I stopped the sun to prevent a couple of eggs from being cooked?"

Author's Note:

Woop! I plan to tone down Robotnik's Jafar levels a tad for next chapter.