• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 524 Views, 3 Comments

Dr. Robotnik attempts to conquer Equestria - SgtRatapus

Shortly before his defeat, Discord creates a agent of chaos that wasn't affected by the Elements of Harmony.

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Wha... Where am I? This feels strange, I seem to be knowledgeable yet have no memory of who or what I am. I take a look around and see a wide expanse of things even I with no prior history would find chaotic. Off to the side I see a strange creature crafting something together. Discord, yes Discord is his name. Not sure if we met before, but I definitely know this being as Discord the spirit of chaos.

Discord was having too much fun, seems he recently conquered the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. He was on a reality altering spree to sate his hunger for chaotic pleasure. All this altering though and no substantial creation, he felt it was high time he invented something truly chaotic.

He started with a pear since pears seem to have quite a distinct shape. Unique shape draws inspiration yes, and uniquely chaotic helps add a bit of variety. With some normal magic which he slightly recoiled against using, he grew the pear to an absurd size (compared to other pears) and used that as his base to work off of. With all the quadrupeds running around already he decided to make this soon to be vile creature a biped. So he gave it two stumpy legs and two slightly less stumpy arms. Discord took a look around and noticed plenty of pinks, browns, purples and other less dominant colors. He decided then to make this thing have distinctly colored overalls as a bold contrast. A black lower half and red top half to it's 'body' with little yellow stripes to separate it all into four areas on it's front. Grey covered his legs down to his red shoes and grey arm covers as well with rings in the middle up to his white gloves with four digits on each hand. The top of the pear-shaped object before him still blank, he placed together the head for his final touches. A big pink oblong nose which sported a massive orange mustache underneath it and two eyes which were made black with red pupils just to stand out even more. To make up for all the hair there, he plucked the stem as the final step, leaving him bald.

Discord shot some chaos magic into his new experiment and was about to test his personality when he looked right at me. No... He's looking through me, past me. Strange, my existence here does not appear physical at all. Down a ways he spotted six ponies searching for him. With a flick of the talon he vanishes, reappearing in a throne he crafted for himself as he waits to taunt and humiliate the ponies who seek him out.

...Well as much fun as observing this random group of characters is, I think I will take my leave and try to figure out what or where exactly I am. I traveled in the opposite direction and noticed right away that everything started to slow down. Chocolate rain off in the distance that was once pouring buckets in seconds slowed down to a cup a minute. A buffalo in a ballerina get-up that was mid jump is still mid jump, slowly descending back down. The further I get from Discord and the other ponies the more time slows down. It won't be long until time stops completely. I hesitate to go back, but is there another way? A timeless existence isn't much of an existence at all. Let's see if heading back brings forth time again.

With just a thought I appear between Discord and the ponies that were after him. "Not as wonderful as friendship!" Twilight Sparkle declared. Time jumped back to a normal rate, so it seems I'm stuck with following the events here until some unspecified time.

"Oh, this again?" Discord's response. He pulls a glass out of thin air and lets an overhead cotton candy cloud fill it with chocolate rain. I wonder, if me leaving the area with action slows down time is there perhaps a way to speed it up as well? Yes, I do somehow already know what's going to happen here though not much afterward.

So basically Discord taunts, the six ponies gather together and shoot him with some magical friendship beam. Said beam is too much for Discord to handle, which turns him to stone. Time whipped by as the events I just stated came true at an astoundingly fast rate. In mere seconds Discord goes from gloating to obtaining a stone coating. As a last effect of the Elements of Harmony, Twilight focuses the energy to undo all the altering Discord did to Equestria and return it to normal. A bright flash engulfs my vision. As it fades out everything does indeed return to normal. Green grasses, white clouds and blue skies as far as an eye could see. The ponies congratulate each other for conquering Discord and head back to report to Princess Celestia.

Alas all altered things returned to normal there was one thing Discord didn't alter, but create. As the ponies left the area, over the crest of the hill in the distance, an orange mustache protruded out of a bush.

I'm not allowed to leave until I find out what happens to the pear shaped weirdo am I? Well let's hope this is interesting...