• Published 27th Nov 2016
  • 625 Views, 11 Comments

Equal Measures - Coyotek4

Starlight Glimmer is the pony of the hour after defeating Queen Chrysalis ... but she can't escape her past, which returns in a most unexpected way.

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Ch 1: The 7th Seat

As the party winds down, Starlight finally has time to process everything that happened this day. She looks down at the table and reflects upon the recent events.


Starlight looks up and turns to see Pinkie Pie blow a horn right into Rarity’s ear, causing her to rub her head in an effort to stop the ringing.

“Pinkie, darling, you say that about every party you throw.”

“Well of course! That way, every party IS the best ever! They’re all tied for best! No hard feelings that way.”

Rarity rolls her eyes and strolls back to the refreshment table. Starlight chuckles quietly at the sight, then looks back down at the table to resume her pondering. A familiar face walks up to her, distracting her yet again.

“Can you believe this party, Starlight? I mean, I’ve never even been in Twilight’s castle before … well except for, you know, our little excursion that night.”

Starlight forces a smile at Trixie’s comments. “It is incredible,” she deadpans.

“Wow, don’t get too excited. Are you feeling OK?”

“I’m feeling fine. It’s just that … well …”

Starlight turns back and stares at the front of her chair, still amazed to see her own cutie mark on it. “I guess seeing this, here, is just a bit overwhelming.”

“Well you’ve told me enough about this ‘cutie map’ to tell me that you belong now. I mean, you did save all of Equestria, didn’t you.”

We saved all of Equestria,” Starlight quickly corrects. “You, me, Discord, Thorax … this wasn’t a one-pony show.”

“Even so, look what’s happened since! Chrysalis is gone. The changelings are now our allies. And it’s all because of you … and me, Discord and Thorax,” Trixie adds before being corrected again. “The point is, I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t have given you a spot at this table if she didn’t think you worthy.”

“Um, Trixie … sorry to interrupt, but …”

Trixie turns to see Fluttershy. “Can’t you see that the Great and Powerful Trixie is having a conversation with her best friend?” Seeing the latter shrink back in fear, Trixie laughs. “Kidding, kidding! What can the Great and … er, what can I do for you?”

“Well, Angel was wondering if you needed a bunny for your act the next time you’re in town. He’s eager to get into magic, I think, and I figured you were the right pony to ask.”

Trixie smiles. “Well I’ll be in Canterlot for some upcoming shows. What did Angel have in mind?”

As the two discuss logistics, Starlight ponders her friend’s last word to her. ‘Worthy’ Yeah, sure …

“Thanks again for helping me and Spike clean up, but really, this celebration was for you; you really shouldn’t be lifting a hoof now.”

“Who’s lifting a hoof?” Starlight asks; her horn glowing as the last of the dishes sails into the kitchen. “It’s the least I could do, after all you and the others did for me.”

“Not enough, I’d say,” Twilight counters as she turns to face Starlight. “We all owe you our lives. Us, the Princesses, my brother, my foal niece … seriously, all of Equestria has you to thank.”

“Please, Twilight … it really wasn’t …” Starlight trails off, looking towards the walls.

“Starlight, I can see something’s bothering you. I could see it during the party. Please tell me what’s wrong?”

“It just doesn’t feel right to me, Twilight. In the eyes of the world, I’m now a hero. It’s as if everything I’ve ever done in my life before now never happened. But I can’t forget those deeds, Twilight. I can’t forget the pony I was. And I don’t think that pony should have a seat at the cutie map table.” Starlight’s voice loudens. “Twilight, that pony wanted to destroy cutie marks!”

“That pony doesn’t exist anymore,” Twilight reassures her protégé. “I don’t see that pony when I look at you. I see somepony who’s matured beyond anyone’s expectations. I see somepony who now truly appreciates what real friendship has to offer. I see, Starlight, somepony who has earned and deserves a seat at the cutie map. Somepony who is ready to join the rest of us when friendship problems arrive, wherever in Equestria they should come up.”

“… I’m sure you’re right,” Starlight responds after reflection. It’s just … it’s still so much to take in. I mean, what happens if I fail on my first assignment.”

“You won’t fail, Starlight. I can promise you that.”

For the first time all day, Starlight smiles a real smile. “Thank you Twilight. I needed that kick in the flank. So,” changing the conversation, “how long do you think you’ll be gone?”

“Probably a week. There’s a lot to discuss with Thorax regarding the new state of affairs with the hive. And it won’t be just us; Dragonlord Ember will be joining us as well. This really is a special time in Equestria’s history. Who would have thought, even a couple moons ago, that the ponies, dragons, and changelings would all be allies?”

“It’s really incredible … but I’ll still miss you while you’re gone.”

“Spike will still be here to keep you company. And all our friends will still be around. I’m sure there’ll be stories to tell once I return.” Twilight turns to a clock on the wall. “Oh. Good thing I packed up in advance of the party; I need to get moving. It’s a long trip to the hive.”

“Funny, I don’t remember it taking so long to get there,” Starlight remarks. The two share one final laugh.

“Take care, Starlight … and congratulations again!”

“Thank you again, Twilight … for everything.”

Starlight walks over to a poster in her room, depicting an equal sign with a red-circled slash superimposed on it. I know Twilight’s right. I know they’re all right. I have changed. I’ve come a long way from the pony I was. I just wish it were easier to accept.

Letting out one final sigh, Starlight returns to her bed, closes her eyes, and attempts to drift back to sleep.

I will not be ignored.

Her eyes flick open quickly, and she rises with a start. “Who said that?” she calls out.

Silence pervades. Just my imagination, she decides. Starlight lies down and closes her eyes once again.

You think you can just forget about me? I WON’T LET YOU.

Starlight jumps out of bed and scans her room, her mind now racing. All around, everything is as it usually is. “Who’s there?” she calls out to nopony in particular. Silence pervades.

“Just all in my head,” Starlight convinces herself. Taking one more look around the room, Starlight sighs and returns to her bed. Slowly, she drifts away.

A gentle rapping against her door awakens a groggy Starlight from her slumber. Uggh … morning already? Did Celestia jump the gun or something? She glances at a clock on the wall.

“ELEVEN-FIFTEEN???” The realization of the present time snaps Starlight from tired to alert instantaneously, as the rapping continues.

“Starlight? You OK in there?”

Recognizing Spike’s voice, Starlight opens the door and addresses the dragon with rushed sentences. “Hi Spike. Sorry I overslept. Just couldn’t fall asleep, I guess. Maybe I got a sugar buzz from last night’s party.” She forces a weak smile after her last comment, before noticing Spike’s solemn expression. “Is everything all right?”

“You need to see this” is all Spike says, before beckoning Starlight to follow her.

The two traverse the castle, eventually coming to the scene of the previous night’s party: the cutie map room. Immediately, Starlight sees what concerns Spike. A flash of horror momentarily blinds her mind.

“What do you think caused this?”

“I don’t know, Spike.” Starlight’s mind wants to say more, but is afraid to do so. No. It couldn’t be …

Starlight walks around from one chair to the next. Each one’s cutie mark insignia has been painted over with a black equal sign, the paint having run in drops in some places.

Starlight turns back to Spike. “I swear, I had nothing to do with this!” she pleads.

“Calm down, Starlight. I believe you. and I’m sure all our friends will believe you, too. But we got to figure out—“

“Wait, they’re coming? NOW? What do we TELL them?” The outward fear in Starlight’s voice quickly turns to hysterics.

“We tell them the truth, then try to figure out … hey, where’re you going?”

Starlight abruptly runs from the room, sprinting back to her bedroom. She slams the door behind her and stops to catch her breath, panting away from physical and mental exhaustion. She turns to the door, afraid to respond to the awkward questions her friends would certainly have.


Terrified of the familiar voice, Starlight spins around again and comes face to face with a grinning version of … herself. Fighting off an initial shock, she inspects her doppelganger and quickly recognizes the one difference in appearance: her twin self’s cutie mark is an all-too-familiar equal sign.

“Who are you,” Starlight meekly asks.

I’m you … but you already know that, don’t you. Now let’s talk …