• Published 23rd Nov 2016
  • 544 Views, 6 Comments

Frosty the Snowpony - Sonic Gamer

The CMC bring their snowpony to life.

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Ch. 3 Pursuit

On the train, Frosty stood at the rear of the train outside so he wouldn’t melt from the train’s central heating. Apple Bloom went to check on him. “Beautiful night, ain’t it?” she said.

“Sure is,” Frosty replied, “even that grey ball in sky looks beautiful.”

“That’s called the moon. Princess Luna rises it every night, and sets it every morning.”

“Well, whoever this Luna girl is, she does a very good job.”

“She sure does.”

Underneath the the train cart, Trixie was eavesdropping. “Now’s my chance,” she whispered before teleporting behind Frosty and Apple Bloom.

Frosty and Apple Bloom turned around for they have heard Trixie teleport. “Not you again!” Apple Bloom responded.

“I have a bone to pick with you, Snowpony!” Trixie said to Frosty. “Give Trixie back her hat, or else!”

“Or else what?” Frosty asked.

“Oh never mind that! Just give Trixie back her hat!” Trixie tried to grab her hat, but Frosty moved away before she could. “There’s nowhere to run, if you go inside, you’ll just melt.”

Then Apple Bloom grabbed Trixie’s tail with her mouth. “You leave him alone, you bully!” she muffled.

“Let go of Trixie, you little brat!” Trixie then whipped Apple Bloom off her tail, but then she unintentionally threw her off the cart. “Sweet Celestia!”

“Oh no!” Frosty then ran inside, and pulled the emergency brake. The train then came to an immediate stop. He then ran right out of the cart to save Apple Bloom.

“I almost killed a foal,” Trixie said traumatized, “I almost killed a foal. Not only that, that snowpony ran off with my hat!” The train then started moving again. Trixie then teleported off the train in pursuit of her hat. “I’ll apologize to her later, first thing I have to do is get my hat back!”

Meanwhile, Frosty was running after Apple Bloom. He then found her lying unconscious next to the train track. She was covered in scrapes and bruises. “Are you OK, Apple Bloom?” He asked in concern.

Apple Bloom woke up. “Frosty,” she said, “I’ll be alright.” Something then came up in her head. “Oh no, the train! How are we gonna get you to the North Pole now?”

“I’m more concerned about you. We need to get you to get you home.”

“But what about you? You would only last until the end of winter if you stay here in Equestria.”

“I care more about your safety than the North Pole. Besides, you when through all this trouble to help me, and I believe I must return the favor.”

“You’re just like Rainbow Dash, you’re very loyal. But how are you gonna get me home? We’re like miles away from Ponyville.”

“I don’t know, but I’ll come up with something.” That was when Hocus Pocus appeared.

“Hey, it’s Trixie’s rabbit!” Apple Bloom said, “Where have you been?”

Hocus started making jesters.

“Wait, I think he’s trying to tell us something.” Frosty implied. “Do you know how to get Apple Bloom home?”

Hocus nodded. He then played a little game of charades.

“Oh, I like this game!” Apple Bloom said.

Hocus pretended to laugh jollily.

“Aren’t hyenas vicious predators?” Frosty asked.

Hocus face palmed, and tried something else. He then put some snow on his face, and made it look like a bread. He then did the laugh again.

“Oh, now I get it! Santa Hooves! He’ll take you home, Apple Bloom.”

“Great idea!” Apple Bloom said.

“Now let’s go look for him, and quick, Trixie might find us before we find Santa. Get on my back.”

Apple Bloom hopped on Frosty’s back, and they ventured off.

They eventually hit a blizzard, it had no effect on Frosty because he was made of snow. Apple Bloom on the other hoof; she started to sneeze. “Are you OK?” Frosty asked.

“I think I might be getting a cold from this blizzard,” Apple Bloom answered as she sneezed again. Hocus was sneezing as well.

“Oh dear, we need to get you to someplace warm, and fast.”

They then found a greenhouse in the distance. “Look, a greenhouse!” Apple Bloom said.

“Perfect!” Frosty responded. They then walked inside. “Wow, sure is warm in here, perfect temperature for all these plants.”

Little did they know, Trixie was behind them. “This will be the perfect trap,” she whispered to herself. She then closed and locked the door behind them.

“Oh no!” Apple Bloom shouted. She tried to open the door, but no dice. “It’s locked!”

“”Oh no,” Frosty said, “I’m trapped! I-I don’t feel so good.” He then fell to the ground.

Trixie watched through the window as she smiled at Frosty’s demise. “As soon as he’s completely melted, I’ll be able to take my hat back!” She said as she laughed maniacally. She then sneezed from being outside in the cold. “And probably stay inside until the blizzard stops.” She then heard some bells, and hid inside a bush.

There was a sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer, and the one piloting the sleigh was jolly, large, and bearded alicorn stallion in a red winter suit. You guessed it, it was none other than Santa Hooves. “Land right here, fellas!” he said to his reindeer.

They then landed where the greenhouse is. Trixie was shocked from what she saw. “Santa Hooves?” she whispered to herself, “He’s real?”

Santa unlocked the door to the greenhouse, and went inside. But it was already too late. Frosty was completely melted, he was nothing but a puddle along with his windpipe, scarf, broomstick, coal eyes, and Trixie’s hat. Apple Bloom sat on the ground sobbing over the loss of her friend. Santa walked up to her, and said, “Are you OK?”

Apple Bloom turned around, and saw Santa. “Santa?” she said.

“The one and only. I see that Frosty has melted.”

“He was my friend, and now he’s gone.”

“Cheer up, Apple Bloom. You see, he was made out of Hearth’s Warming snow, which means he’ll be back again next year.”

“You really mean it?”

“I’m certain.”

“But what about Trixie? She might not give the hat back to us.”

“I see. Let me handle this.” Santa then used his magic bring what was left of Frosty outside, and restored him.

“Happy Birthday!” Frosty shouted.

“Frosty, you’re alive!” Apple Bloom said with rejoice. She then gave Frosty a hug.

“As for you Trixie,” Santa said.

“Oh dear,” Trixie replied.

“I thought you changed.”

“I did, I guess I let greed come to my head. When I found out that my hat really was magical, I wanted to get it back so I can use that magic to improve on my performances. I guess I went a little too far.”

“Well, what you did put you on the naughty list,”

Trixie sighed. “I understand.”

“But, you did learn your lesson. Maybe I’ll give you a replacement hat for Hearth’s Warming this year, and it’ll be as magical as your old one.”

“R-really?” Trixie got excited. “Oh, thank you, Santa! I’ll be better next year.”

“Hope so. Now c’mon, let’s get all of you home.” They all got onto Sana’s sleigh, and flew off into the night.

Author's Note:

Good thing I prevented any continuity errors with the show. Stay tuned for the epilogue.