• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 1,175 Views, 16 Comments

Dashpoint - blackhooves14

A MLP:FIM version of the DC Comics event Flashpoint

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Dashpoint Ch 9: Fire in the Everfree

On the other side of Equestria far from Canterlot in the Everfree forest a purple and green dragon was relaxing in a tree when he suddenly belched fire and a note, after reading the note he quickly got off the tree he was sitting in and ran to Commander Shining Armor who was overseeing preparations for an attack on The Immortal Trixie. “Commander! Commander!” he said with a shortness of breath.

“Yes Spike? What do you need?” said Shining

“It’s Major Blueblood, he’s requesting a fireside chat with you right now, he says it’s urgent!”

“Alright then, send my approval and then patch him through.” as Spike wrote the letter and sent it away, Commander Shining turned to his comrades, “Gentlecolts, I’m afraid I’ll have to cut this meeting short.”

“It’s alright Commander, we can take it from here, you’ve already been of great help to us.” said one of the soldiers. Shining nodded, saluted his comrades and retired to his personal quarters with Spike.

Spike suddenly burped and received a new letter, he opened it and read the contents, “Commander, the Major is ready for you.”

“Patch him through Spike.” said Shining.

Spike took a deep breath and blew a thin stream of green fire that began to coil into a circle, inside the circle an image began to form of Blueblood, Barb was doing the same thing in the caverns. Soon the images became clear and complete and both unicorn’s could see each other.

“Major.” said Shining as he saluted Blueblood.

“Commander.” said Blueblood as he saluted in return.

“At ease, how are things in the Cavern?” asked Shining.

“Well you see, that’s what I needed to contact you about. It’s about Star Subject...”

“What happened? Has she escaped?” said Shining with a sudden urgency.

“Well...kind of...” said Blueblood unsure of how to break the news to the Commander.

“Kind of? What does that mean Major? What’s going on?” said Shining in a much more demanding tone.

“Well you see...the Princess has pardoned her...” said Blueblood rather quietly.

“WHAT?!” cried Shining as he stamped a hoof on the ground.

“Earlier today the Princess came in with Major Applejack, Captain Fluttershy, and a pegasi with metallic wings named Rainbow Dash. She allowed Rainbow Dash to visit Star Subject, and after some strange events that I just cannot understand or explain, she gave a rather impromptu royal pardon to Star Subject!”

The Commanders face was dead serious and deep in thought, after a long silence he spoke in a harsh tone. “How could you let this happen Major?!”

“She’s the Princess her authority supersedes mine and yours, plus she’s my aunt, so that doesn’t help much either.”

“But doesn’t she need the approval of the parliament for something like this?”

“She said to Tartarus with them, if she didn’t release Star Subject then Equestria would be in danger, that’s what she said.”

“Equestria will be in danger regardless if Star Subject is let out, she-she’s a monster...” said Shining with a low growl.

Blueblood was rather appalled, “Commander...isn’t calling your own sister that a bit...”

“I KNOW WHO SHE IS!” he cried fiercely before trying to regain his composure, “And I know what she did, it may have been just an accident, but I can’t afford to let her roam free and repeat her mistake.” he sighed, “I should have been there, Princess or not I would never have allowed her to leave.”

They were silent for a very long time, “Shining I-” began Blueblood.

“Wait...” interrupted Shining, he looked serious, he began looking left and right, up and down, Blueblood was perplexed

“Commander what’s-” suddenly he heard an explosion where Shining was, the image shook and he saw Shining tumble over before he disappeared. “COMMANDER!” cried Blueblood. Barb stopped her stream, “Barb! What’s going on? What happened?”

“I don’t know commander, Spike broke the connection, and I can’t reconnect!” Barb tried to create the same stream of fire, but without the same results. After trying a few times she was quiet, her worried green eyes looked up to Blueblood, “D-do you think they’re alright?” she asked. Blueblood placed a hoof on her head.

“I hope so...”

In the Everfree forest the whistling sound Shining heard was the sound of a battalion of Solar Soldiers dive bombing onto the small Equestrian Army encampment. Exploding with a tremendous force sending flaming shrapnel flying into the camp. The force of them landing shook the ground making Spike fall over breaking the connection with his sister and Blueblood. Shining Armor had fallen over as well, but immediately got back on his own hooves, he strapped in his armor and stepped outside his quarters to see the entire camp on fire with his comrades fighting back the Solar Soldiers in the blazing inferno. These creatures resembled skeletal beings almost similar to Changeling’s, but they were engulfed in flames. Their bodies composed of a white-hot exoskeleton, their eyes were burning red and their wings were made of flames.

“Come on Spike!” cried Shining as the little dragon hopped on his back. Shining blasted a few Solar Soldiers out of his way and reached a small group of his comrades who were finishing some off as well, two pegasi and two unicorn’s. “Come on! We need to get the injured to safety and find survivors!”

“What about the camp?” asked one of the unicorn’s

“The flames are too much for us to handle, especially with these Solar’s setting everything they touch on fire, now come on!” Him and his group dashed off through the blazing encampment towards the medical tent, which was starting to catch on fire. He looked to the two unicorns, “You two, put out that fire, and get out the injured” he looked at the pegasi, “You two head up top and find any of our guys, then escort them out of this place!” The teams went and did their jobs, suddenly a few Solar’s came in out of nowhere to ambush Shining Armor and the unicorns, “Take care of the fire, I’ll handle them!” Shining immediately blasted one of them into oblivion, the other three came at him head on. He jumped over one, but with his hind legs he bucked the head off the other. His hooves felt warm and they stung a bit, but he had to ignore the pain. The other one tried to jump him again, but he used his horn to blast him, but because it was a weaker spell it only sent the creature flying into a post that broke upon impact sending the burning tower down to the grass which immediately caught on fire. Shining dived out of the way, but then he remembered he had Spike on his back, so he tried to angle his landing so the dragon wouldn’t get hurt, but instead Spike flew off and Shining landed awkwardly and twisted one of his hooves. “Agh! Spike?” Shining looked to his side to see that the dragon was not burned after landing in a burning tent, but he was knocked out.

Shining looked over and just through the fire he could see that the two unicorn’s were getting the injured out, but on the other side he saw that the Solar had gotten up from the wreckage and was starting to approach the unicorns.

Shining got back on his hooves, “Hey! Hot-head!” he cried, the creature looked at him and was blasted in the face by another spell sending it’s head flying off. Shining smiled as he saw the unicorns get the injured out, he took Spike and tossed him on his back, he was preparing to jump over the fire and escape with them, but he suddenly felt a burning force that knocked him to the ground.

As Shining came to, he saw that the left side of his body was scorched must have been a fireball from one of those things. He felt a rib go out of place as he tried to stand up, across from him he saw Spike sprawled on the ground still unconscious, hopefully. As Shining focused on trying to stand up again he saw that more Solar’s were surrounding him, just four, easy to take on, but in his condition, he wasn’t sure he was going to make it. Spike was probably going to be okay, he could stand the heat, but these things were more than just fire, he had to make sure Spike wasn’t going to get maimed Shining made it his duty to protect Spike at the cost of his life, he was the only thing that reminded him of her.

As Shining continued to break more bones in his body and irritate his burned flesh trying to stand, one of the Solar’s pounced at him with fiery jaws agape, ready to tear off his face, it all happened so slowly, when a sudden purple blur brought everything back to real time. The purple blue had knocked the Solar into the ground, it slowly got up, but was stumbling and screeching incoherently because it’s jaw had been blown off by the blur’s attack.

Shining looked from the Solar to the thing that attacked it, but before he knew it, it had become a purple blur again and it was attacking the other three Solar’s with lightning fast speed all of them completely incapacitated after the blur had finished with them. In his awe Shining didn’t notice the screeching Solar as it began to approach him, Shining struggled to get up, but the pain was keeping him from moving any faster. The solar began to pick up speed and was charging at him when it suddenly met a hoof to the face from the purple blur, but Shining could now see that blur was a pony, a pony dressed up in a very ridiculous outfit.

As the Solar flew to the other side of the burning field the costumed pony gently drifted down, it’s dark blue cloak draping over it’s haunches and onto the ground gracefully. It wore a purple fedora, a purple uniform of some kind as well as dark blue shin guards, he couldn’t see the ponies face for it was wearing a mask of some kind with large light blue lens where the eyes were. On the uniform was a purple circle with a blue M on it. The mysterious pony spoke, “Commander.” her voice was feminine, but assertive.

“Wh-who are you?” asked Shining completely confused.

“Oh forgive me about my lack of manners, I am...the Mare Do Well.” as she said that she took a dramatic bow. Suddenly growling could be heard from behind her and suddenly more Solar’s approached them.

“Grr...damn...” Shining was getting irritated, where were these things coming from? “Come on! We have to do something!” he finally was able to stand up and was ready for a fight, but the Mare Do Well looked unusually calm and composed, well at least that’s what he could gather since she was wearing a mask. “Well? Aren’t we going to do anything?”

“Wait for it...” she said. Suddenly rays of light came from behind them and they hit the Solar’s dead on. Looking behind him he saw many unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies charging at them, all of them wore a red uniform with a red and gold cape draped across one side of their body, on it was an unusual symbol, it was a blue shield with a golden pony on it. Some of the ponies ran past them to fight the Solar’s while others stayed to extinguish the fires, one pony approached Spike who was finally getting up.

“Shining was amazed, “W-who are they?”

“They’re the CMC’s” she said.

“The what?”

“The CMC, the Crusader’s of Mother Canterlot, my army.”

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