• Published 15th Oct 2016
  • 7,615 Views, 150 Comments

Fifteen Days - UnluckyReaver

Rainbow Dash crashes into the Everfree and goes missing, 15 days later she walks back out. This is the tale on how she survived this harrowing time.

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Day One

Rainbow Dash was putting the final touches on her new trick; her goal was to perform the sonic rainboom, then reverse direction and cause a second one, essentially creating a sonic rainboom within a sonic rainboom. The air pressure around her increased as Rainbow made the final turn; however the loud boom that accompanied the turn was not the sound of Rainbow completing her trick; it was the sound of her being thrown violently off course.

Tumbling through the air, Rainbow Dash desperately tried to pull herself out of the uncontrolled dive she was in. Pain shot through her wings every time she tried to use them, her legs dangled below her, useless. Looking towards the ground, her eyes widened in horror as the canopy of the Everfree Forest was racing towards her. Raising her forelimbs to protect herself, she closed her eyes and braced herself.

Rainbow Dash could feel herself striking the few series of branches, forcing the air out of her lungs and her eyes open. A series of greens and browns passed before her eyes then she came to a sudden and violent stop. As she tried to stand, Rainbow Dash found that two of her legs gave out immediately; looking herself over, she could see that one of her legs was at a strange angle, and the other one had a long gash. In addition, one of her wings was hanging limply at her side. Panic overtook the Pegasus as she realized that she was now stuck in the middle of the Everfree Forest without any way of getting out.

“WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo?” Rainbow exclaimed, desperately trying to figure out what to do. A roar interrupted her train of thought. Looking up Rainbow saw a large lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail; a manticore, only this one was much larger than the one they faced during the Nightmare Moon incident. Dash tried to get to her feet once more, only to find her legs still didn’t want to work. The manticore pounced forewords knocking the Pegasus through the air for several feet where she collided with a tree. As the world slowly faded, the manticore moved in for the kill. Just before everything completely faded, Rainbow saw something else enter the small clearing, when it seemed to shout at the manticore then everything went black.

Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance and reached for her pillow, only to find it missing. “Stupid pillow! Where did you go?” With her eyes still closed she began to feel around for her missing pillow only to have her hoof come in contact with the cold earth. “What the hay?!” the blue Pegasus exclaimed, her eyes shooting open. Looking around, it took several seconds for her eyes to adjust; “It’s night? When did it become night? And why am I outside, in the... Ever…free…Forest…” Dash’s eyes widened in horror as the memories came rushing in. “That would mean…” She turned her head to look herself over.

She was lying on some sort of makeshift bed made from something she couldn’t quite recognize. Both her broken leg and wing had been placed in splints, and her other wounds were bandaged. “Who did… wait, there was a second…” The Pegasus trailed off when she noticed the small fire and the form that was next to it. Since it seemed to be sitting it was hard for Rainbow to judge its full size; the creature looked like nothing anything she had ever seen before. It was fully clothed; had a short, light brown mane, had tanned skin instead of fur on its strange face, and its small gray eyes were studding her carefully. When it reached out for the bag that was beside it, Rainbow could see that its forelimbs looked similar to Spike’s but lacked the actual claw.

From her position on the makeshift bed, Rainbow watched as one of the creature’s forelimbs reached into the bag, searching through it for something. As it pulled out whatever it was looking for, the creature returned its attention towards her. The cyan Pegasus’ jaw dropped when it did the last thing she was expecting; it began to speak.

The creature’s voice was deep, and spoke in a strange harsh language that Rainbow didn’t recognize. He, the Pegasus guessed that the creature was a he, paused as if waiting for the cyan mare to answer him. “I have no idea what you’re trying to say big guy.” Dash said bluntly. The creature looked at her for a moment, then spoke again only this time he pulled an apple from the bag. It held the apple out for a moment, then tossed the apple so that it landed near her front hooves. He spoke again as he pulled out another apple for himself.

Rainbow looked over the apple for a few moments; deciding that if this strange creature really wanted to do hurt her it would have done so by now, the Pegasus picked up the apple and took a bite. Looking up, Rainbow could see that the creature had placed a half eaten apple next to him, and was pulling something out of the fire. Having shared meals with Gilda in the past, Rainbow recognized what it was almost immediately. The mare watched in both horror and fascination as he went from eating the apple to eating the cooked flesh of something that was once alive.

“What do I do? I’m stuck here with something that eats meat! What if it eats ponies… what if its planning eat me?!” Rainbow said starting to panic rising once more. Trying to stand, her injured legs quickly gave way from under her. “Oh man, I can’t run, can’t fly… I doomed!” Dash looked around for something, anything to help her, when it suddenly hit her. “Gilda ate meat and she didn’t eat ponies… maybe this thing is the same.” Cautiously Rainbow turned to look at the creature only to realize that it was watching her.

The creature spoke again then tossed another two apples at the Pegasus. Dash looked at the apples then up at the creature but it had already turned his attention back to the fire. Maybe it… he just thought I wanted more food and wasn’t freaking out. Rainbow told herself. Yeah, that’s probably it.

Rainbow watched as the creature pulled something new from the bag then stood. Seeing it at full height for the first time left Rainbow Dash in shock; it was tall, taller than Big Mac, possibly as tall as the princess. It walked towards her on two legs much the same way as Spike did. Moments later Dash found herself looking up, staring into the creature’s eyes that seemed to shine with a predatory intellect. After several long seconds, Dash found herself compelled to break her gaze; to her surprise the creature seemed to smile then sat down next to her.

Rainbow watched the creature for any signs that it might attack; instead it began to fiddle with whatever it had taken out of the bag. Curiosity eventually got the better of her, and the Pegasus shifted to get a better look at the item; it was white and had strange brown lettering on it, the creature removed this part to reveal a foil layer underneath. Once opened, Rainbow recognized what it was, a chocolate bar; the creature broke it in half then held out one of the pieces towards the blue mare.
Well, it hasn’t tried to eat me yet, so… Rainbow told herself as she took the chocolate. The creature turned his attention to his own piece, seemingly ignoring the Pegasus. I don’t get this thing at all; one moment he’s giving me food, the next he’s ignoring me. Dash thought as she bit into the chocolate. Not bad, had better though.

The creature finished his piece and stared at the fire for several moments before doing something unexpected; it began to sing. His voice was deep but gentle; Rainbow felt herself slowly drifting off as the creature sung it's strange lullaby.