• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 2,243 Views, 17 Comments

the dark story - punk_eclipse

resident evil and my little pony friendship is magic crossover.

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The ponies were in the same formation as before, Except, this time, Leon was leading. The sun was setting. There were fallen lampposts everywhere. Parts of the buildings had fallen. There was a smell of rotten flesh on the air.

" So, What is this place?" Twilight said.

"This is Raccoon City. Or, What's left of it."

"What caused all this?"

"Its a long story. How did you get here? You are obviously not from this world."

" A teleportation spell gone wrong." Twilight kicked a rock.

" Why don't you use that spell to go back to, What was the name.....?"

"Equestria. And the problem is, I can't seem to use my magic."

"Hey!" called Rainbow Dash." What's that?" She pointed at something About 100 feet from them. It was much bigger than a zombie. And he carried something.

"Stay here." Leon said as he slowly approached the thing. When he was about 30 feet from it, He aimed at it´s head, and shot. This time, it didn't fall, it turned around, put the thing it was holding in his shoulder and aimed at Leon, He shot 3 more times and started running."Take cover!" It shot it´s weapon, a missile came out of it, everybody jumped behind something before getting hit by the missile Rarity, unfortunately, couldn't get out of the explosion range in time. Luckily,Only her right hind leg was caught in the explosion.

" Is everybody OK?"

" I´m alright."

" That was awesome! Can we do it again?"

" That was close."

" Owwww, My leg."

" Always the drama queen, Must be noth-" Twilight looked at Rarity´s leg." Holy sweet Celestia!"

The monster dropped it´s weapon and aimed one they didn't notice was in his hand. The weapon started spinning. Leon quickly looked around for any exits, he saw an open door." Quick, Come with me!" He picked Rarity up and started running to the door. everypony followed him. The monster started shooting. Applejack wasn't fast enough, She was shot in her chest and neck.


" Go on, if y´all try to help me *cough* y´all die too".

" NO!"

" Come on Rainbow Dash." Twilight pulled her inside.

Applejack smiled." Take care." Leon closed the door, Then made a barricade.

Rainbow dash had tears in her eyes." Applejack." She sobbed. Fluttershy walked up to her, and hugged her. Then Pinkie, Then Twilight. Leon dropped Rarity so she could join the group hug. And so she did.Leon picked a nearby chair and sat on it.