• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 678 Views, 11 Comments

Captain of the Night - Artimeus

A story about the horrors of insurrection, and love forever lost.

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Chapter 4

“Shadow, can I tell you something, and can you promise to speak nothing of it to anypony else?”

Shadow shifted his gaze from the stars above the gardens to Luna. “Of course, Princess. What’s wrong?”

Luna rolled onto her side and locked her gaze with Shadow’s. She said, “There’s been something on my mind lately. It is very strange of me to have these thoughts, but… do you believe the citizens of Equestria hate me?”

Shadow rolled onto his side as well. “Of course not; what makes you say such a thing?” he asked with genuine concern is his voice.

Luna sighed, rolled on her back, and stared into the night. “It is nothing, I’m sure, but lately, I have been wondering. Everypony enjoys and cherishes the warmth and sunlight of the day. When darkness falls, however, and I raise the moon, everypony goes to sleep. They shun the night, and fear it. They tell terrifying stories to their children about fanciful creatures which supposedly roam my domain.” She sighed again, this time with noticeable sadness. “My sister, Celestia, receives all the praise for bringing forth the day, while I am relegated to a life of solitude and darkness. How is this fair?”

Shadow shifted slightly, pondered her statements for a moment, and said, “Luna, nopony hates you. Trust me. Do you know what the night signifies to them? Some consider it the most beautiful and romantic part of their days. They walk along the sands of the beach, enjoying and cherishing their time with one another, gazing at the moon’s wonderful glow and listening to the gentle crash of the ocean surf. Others enjoy the cool breezes and soft, melodious sounds of the night while they spend time telling stories around a campfire with their friends and families. Yes, it is a time when most ponies rest their weary heads, but that does not imply that they scorn the night. My tribe, for example, has learned to appreciate the true beauty and wonder of nocturnal hours.”

He looked intently into Luna’s eyes and smiled. “So you see, we don’t hate you. It’s simply that no pony’s told you how much they love you in person yet.”

Her eyes widened, and she began to blush. She quickly turned her hide skyward once more, and giggled softly. “I suppose you’re right, Shadow.” She shuffled closer, resting her head on his chest as it rose and fell rhythmically. “I suppose you’re right.”

He awoke with a start.

The doors to the chamber swung open with a small creak, and beyond the threshold stood Lieutenant Nova. Quietly, he stepped forth into the room and made his way to where Captain Noctis lay. He sighed gently, then removed his helmet and placed it on the bed.

He sat on the edge, and said, “You know, for a long time, I believed I would have been a better Captain than you. I felt that my loyalty and devotion to the Princess far outweighed yours. Now, though…” he sat silently for a moment, contemplating his choice of words.

“Now that she is no longer with us, I understand. You knew her better than any of us could hope. Today, you displayed to us just how much you cared for her, and the lengths you would have gone to protect her. You were the best of the Nocturnal Guard physically and mentally. Birthright or not, you would have been the perfect choice for Captain. And I would have been proud to serve with you either way.”

He sat up, placed his helm on his head, and began walking towards the door.

“I am sorry for ever having doubting your loyalty, Captain,” he said over his shoulder.

Shadow lifted his head and looked in his direction. “Thank you, Nova,” he said quietly.

Nova simply smiled, nodded in his direction, and continued beyond the threshold, shutting the doors as he departed.

Noctis lay there, momentarily allowing his mind to drift, trying not to concentrate on memories. He had suffered enough for millennia. Somber shadows of the past would have their place, but not tonight. There was nothing more for him to see, nothing left for him to do. He sat up and slowly looked around the room. The room he had known for years and years felt lifeless and empty, drained of color. Even the breeze carried an expressionless visage, melancholia permeating the air.

His gaze shifted to the balcony, where a shadowy form was standing. The phantom began to walk forward, her mane billowing in the calm winds. Princess Celestia took form.

Shadow immediately rose from the bed, found his footing, and bowed. “Your Majesty,” he greeted her.

Princess Celestia elegantly walked towards him, bent down, and nuzzled his neck in a compassionate embrace. Noctis raised his body and met her gaze.

“Princess Celestia, please accept my humble apologies. Such an outburst from a Captain is disgraceful and inexcusable. Again, I apologize for my reprehensible-“

The Princess hushed him, a warm and understanding smile creasing her lips. “There is no need to apologize, Shadow. Your reaction was understandable, and completely warranted. I know how much you cared for my sister.”

His eyes grew watery. “I loved her,” Shadow said, his voice quaking.

“I know you did. She loved you too.”

He held back no longer. He allowed the full momentum of his loss to crash through his resolve, and collapsed into Princess Celestia’s embrace. He buried his face into her neck; Celestia’s eyes could no longer stay dry, either.

“She will be missed profoundly, Shadow.”

The two stood in the moon’s glow for an eternity.