• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 678 Views, 11 Comments

Captain of the Night - Artimeus

A story about the horrors of insurrection, and love forever lost.

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Chapter 1

“I take it everything is in order, Captain?” Princess Luna inquired, watching as the crimson-violet hues of the evening sky grew ever darker. A gentle breeze rustled the stained glass doors of the balcony, her sparkling mane billowing in tandem with the soft clink of the crystal panes.

“Of course, M’lady,” Captain Shadow Noctis responded, standing beyond the threshold of the balcony entrance. “The remaining watchstanders have been reduced to lowest level alert, and exterior roving patrols have nothing significant to report; they have been dispatched to reinforce the Everfree border garrison. The castle is secure.”

Something is amiss, the Captain thought to himself. The Princess had never ordered such a drastic decrease in interior security; to recall all exterior patrols and send them to the Everfree Forest was unheard of. Noctis had not been aware of any specific threats to the security of the border that evening. Nor were there reports of unrest from the more sinister residents of the lands beyond the forest. In fact, in all his years as Captain, he could not recall there ever having been a nocturnal threat or attack of any sort made against Canterlot Castle. A testament to the vigilance and discipline of the Nocturnal Guard, no doubt, he thought to himself.

“Very well, Captain.” The Princess of the Night slowly turned from the balcony and proceeded into her chambers. “Come, let us walk.”

“Yes, M’Lady.” Shadow took his place beside the Princess as they walked through the chambers and down the spiral staircase, into the Grand Hall of the castle. Their hooffalls echoed amongst the smooth stone and marble passageway. Princess Luna and Captain Noctis remained silent for some time.

She spoke first, her voice almost a whisper. “Captain Noctis, how long have you been commander of my Nocturnal Guard?” she asked as they quietly strode towards the castle entryway.

“Almost 10 years, Princess Luna,” Shadow answered.

“How the seasons have passed,” Luna sighed softly. “And your father, and his father, both in my family’s service as well, were they not?”

“Correct, M’Lady.” Shadow adjusted his breastplate as they walked.

“My family has served as caretakers and guardians of the Royal Family for generations, and I have no doubt we shall continue to honor our oath. Such is our sworn duty.”

The Captain reflected momentarily on this. It had been his birthright to one day become Captain of Princess Luna’s Nocturnal Guard detachment. His family had indeed served the Lunar House since the day the Princess was born. Long before that, however, they had fulfilled several positions within the Royal Family’s nighttime Guard Division, and upon her birth and adolescence, as an augment to Princess Celestia’s own Royal Guard. His lineage was that of a rare breed of pegasi, a nocturnal tribe with cat-like eyes and membraned, bat-like wings. Ever since the Royal Family requested that the well-adapted members of his clan serve as permanent guardians and wardens of the night, they had filled many roles and capacities; as couriers, aides, guardsmen, charioteers, planners, scouts, and most recently, as Captains of Luna’s personal Guard detachment.

When the Royal Family announced that, upon the birth of their second daughter, House Noctis would occupy the leadership positions of the newly-formed Nocturnal Guard, there was widespread yet stifled uproar.
The unicorns of the Guard believed they were far better suited to serve as commanding officers, for they felt having been gifted with magic made them superior to any other breed. The earth ponies, however, disagreed, claiming that their kind were wiser and better adapted to calculated and deliberate decisions, having neither the capability of flight nor the power of magic to assist them in hardship. They believed unicorns to be egotistic and vain, while the pegasi were ill-tempered and rash. Additionally, they claimed that their prevalent ancestral knowledge of the lands of Equestria, and its creatures, were of invaluable tactical importance.

Of course, the Royal Family’s decision did not sit well with the pegasi either, who could not understand the favoritism the Family had shown towards the Noctis lineage. The fact that the pegasi were a warrior clan, and did not wear envy well, further aggravated the matter.

As a young colt, there were many occasions when Shadow was forced to defend himself from the bullying and belittlement of other children, fueled by the blind jealousy of their parents. Being an only child and knowing that he would one day become the commander of a Princess’s personal detachment did not make his adolescence any easier. Constant military training and extensive studies further hampered his attempts to make friends or enjoy a simple childhood.
Still, despite the envious eyes and adversities associated with his fate, he was raised and instilled with a sense of duty and pride the others could scarcely comprehend. Shadow’s mother and father would constantly remind him that their progenitors had served as the Royal Family’s closest advisors and aides for many years, and now they were hoof-selected to command their nocturnal forces in defense of the Lunar House. To be personally chosen by royalty was an honor that could not be surpassed. Shadow’s parents always knew how to encourage and empower him.

Above all else, however, Princess Luna was Shadow’s most cherished friend.

Princess Luna had grown very close to the Noctis family over the years. In fact, Shadow was born not 3 days after the Princess. As a result, he had been raised alongside her; his parents often looked after Luna while the Royal Family was away tending to business. Whenever she was around, Shadow made every attempt to spend time with her. They would often play games in the castle gardens for hours at a time. As Shadow and Luna grew older, their friendship became ever stronger. Soon, Luna came to trust only Shadow with her most personal matters. They would often spend quiet nights together in the castle gardens, gazing at the stars and conversing about whatever topic suited the occasion. Sometimes they wouldn’t say anything at all, merely stare into the inky blackness and wonder what the future held. Shadow treasured the time he was able to spend with the Princess in solitude, away from the stresses of his duties. He could only hope Luna appreciated it as he did.

Princess Luna and Captain Noctis came to a halt and stood before the entryway of the Grand Hall, its massive engraving-adorned doors impeding their progress. Candlelight shone softly across the walls, casting dancing shadows. The final diffused slivers of evening daylight shone through the stained glass windows of the hall. The Princess turned to face him.

“Shadow, ever since I was but a child, your family has been close to me, and I to them. In all these years, you have been my closest companion, and my family’s most trusted Captain. And when tragedy befell us, you were there to comfort me and take me in. I cannot adequately state my appreciation for all you have done for me. You are all I could have ever asked for in a friend.”

Shadow was taken aback by this sudden outburst. Never had the Princess been so direct and forthcoming with him. Words found it difficult to form. “Princess, why…”

A lone tear began to roll down her cheek. “Shadow, please, listen to me.” She lowered her head, eyes closed. Her mane seemed to have lost some of its luster. “There is something I must do… we have waited for far too long.”

“Princess, I don’t understand, what is this-“

“This is not the time for questions, Captain Noctis.” Princess Luna cut him short. Silent tears were beginning to trickle down her cheeks. “I fear I do not have much time. My sister, she… she will pay for her thoughtlessness… they will all pay for their inconsideration. They will suffer. All we ever wanted was to be loved, as she is.” Luna spat the last sentence out through gritted teeth, her jaw clenched, eyes shut tight.

Captain Noctis was having difficulty comprehending the rapidly unfolding situation. What should he say? What should he do? The Princess never spoke in such a tone. His heart was beginning to beat rapidly, apprehension and anxiety suddenly grasping at his mind. His fears were being realized; something was terribly wrong.

“M’Lady… Luna, please, can you explain what’s happening? This isn’t you, something isn’t-“

Again, Luna cut him off. Her tears had suddenly ceased. She lifted her head and opened her eyes. Something else had materialized in their stead. A presence. “Captain, we must be on our way. We have work to attend to.” She magically flung open the doors to the Grand Hall and continued beyond, into the vespertine shades of the courtyard. Shadow moved forward and stood on the landing, watching as her figure receded into the gloom.

As she strode down the marble steps, Luna glanced behind her. “Goodbye, Shadow.”

A bolt of violet lightning shot forth from Luna’s horn and struck the Captain on the forehead. His eyes rolled back, his legs buckled, and he tumbled forward onto the steps. He came to rest on the cool grass of the castle courtyard, unconscious. A cloak of magical energy encapsulated him, and he disappeared from view.

“I will miss you dearly.”

With that final act of kindness, the Princess of the Night spread her wings, galloped into the courtyard, and took flight into the twilight pastels of the sky.