• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 330 Views, 3 Comments

Life of the Whistle - SteamingWhistle382

The life of the Equestrian National Railways engineer Steaming Whistle, with all its ups, downs and derailments

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first encounter

1901, Canterlot, orphanage on the outskirts of the city

"YOU LITTLE BRAT HAVE CAUSE ME ENOUGH TROUBLE! I WILL NO LONGER KEEP UP WITH YOUR SHENANIGANS!" Bellowed a angry man at a young boy with worn out work clothes and black hair, who was shaking violently.

"P-p-please sir! I won't cause you any more problems, I promise!" Quivered the boy.

"DAMN RIGHT YOU WONT! CAUSE YOU WONT BE HERE TO MAKE ANY!" He shouted, and grabbed the boy via his magic by the neck, opened the door and threw him out!

"AND STAY THERE!" He shouted, and closed the door with a bang!

The boy, a 8 year old Steaming Whistle, was picking himself up from the ground. He threw an angry glare at the orphanage he called his home for as long as he remembered.

'Good riddance!' He thought, as he started to walk down the empty streets. It was late in the evening, but he knew his way around. He slowly moved to an older district of the city, where many of the buildings were already closed and abandoned. He walked to an small building which was nailed shut, but that didn't stop him. He walked to one of the wooden planks and pulled it open, making enough space for him to crawl through. It was a lot darker inside, since there weren't any sources of light, but he was there so many times now that he could nearly walk around blind. He passed some old boxes that had been made into makeshift chairs, with an bigger on as a table. He continued to walk through the building till he heard someone sneaking up to him.

"Don't even try it Emerald." Said the child without turning around.

"Spoilsport." Came the reply as another boy with similar work clothes and black hair that had a green streak through it came up beside him.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Emerald.

"The old bastard threw me out. Said I caused too much trouble." Shrugged the black haired boy.

"Well, we did started that fire in the factory..."

"We only wanted to put more pressure on the boiler."

"And then helped it spread through the whole building..."

"We couldn't know that was petroleum in that bucket."

"And caused the manager to lose that brand new dress he bought for his wife..."

"Say, on which side were you again?" Grumbled Steaming with narrowed eyes.

"I duno, always the side with the better cards." Shrugged the boy.

"And what are you going to do now?" Asked Emerald.

"At first, I'm going to take a good nights sleep, I'm pretty tired. And tomorrow, we'll see further."

"Alright, the 'guest bed' is always free for you." Smirked the kid, as he pointed to an old looking mattress that was lying on the ground.

"Still better than what the old man at the orphanage had." Smirked the young boy, as he walked to the mattress and threw himself on it.

"Good night, Steaming Whistle."

"Good night, Emerald Heart."

The next morning, they woke up bright and early, a habit they learned when they worked in the iron foundries. They slowly walked through the busy streets of the industrial part of Canterlot. While they did had some water to drink that morning, thanks to Emerald who rebuild the drain pipe to act as a water collector, both he and Steaming had another problem, as their stomachs grumbled loudly.

"If we ever want to find some work, we need to get some food in us first, or we won't have any strength to do so." Chuckled Emerald, as they reached the main marked place. It was pretty big, with many people walking about buying fresh products or selling said ones. The two of them looked around hungrily, at the many different fruits and vegetables that were sold all around them. But sadly neither he nor Emerald had any bits to buy anything. But that hasn't stopped them before.

"Hey E! Look over there!" Steaming said in a low whisper, and pointed to a stand which was filled with all kinds of things that could be produced out of apples.

"You know what I see?" Smirked Steaming.

"Breakfast" Grinned Emerald, as he disappeared into the crowds, knowing exactly what Steaming wanted him to do. The black haired one slowly walked towards the stand, making sure to maintain a small distance to not make him look suspicious. Just then, a shrill whistle sounded out as Emerald raced by the stand, knocking over anything and anyone in his way. Following him was a small group of Royal guards, racing as fast as they could after him, but not getting any closer. As all eyes were drawn to the chase, Steaming quickly began to collect some apples for him and Emerald. He was just about to turn away with his loot, when a voice with a southern accent shouted out behind him.

"And where the hay do ya think yar going?!" He glanced back with a slight look of shock in his face, as a girl with blond hair and freckles in her face glared at him. All eyes were drawn to him as he started to race as fast as he could away from the stand.

"Stop! Thief!" Shouted the girl, but Steaming couldn't care less as he raced through the crowded marked. A few of the royal guards who had chased Emerald now made their way after Steaming. But oppose to Emerald who simply forced his way through the crowds, Steaming slithered through them like a snake. He always knew how to escape somebody who was after him, and in a place such as this, it was easy for him to loose the guards. He quickly got out of the market place, and turned into an alleyway, hiding behind some trash cans, watching the guards racing in the direction they thought he ran off.

"Fools." Chuckled the boy, as he slowly came out of his hiding place.

"I wouldn't say so." Came a voice from behind him, making him jump and turn around.

Behind him stood a young girl, around the same age as he was. She had electric blue eyes, and dark, almost metallic looking black hair. A friendly smile was on her face, but Steaming knew from experience that a smile could fool you.

"Who are you." The boy asked, in a stance ready to jump at her and make a run for it.

"Junction Spike, but my friends call me Jacky. I saw you stealing those apples. Why did you do that?" She asked.

"My friend and I were hungry." Shrugged Steaming, as he grabbed one of the apples and took a bite out of it.

"But why didn't you or your mother buy it?" Asked Jacky again.

"I don't have any money. I lost my job in the factory, and I lost my parents before I started to remember things." Said the boy simply.

"You don't have any parents?! But where do you live?!" She asked, shocked.

"I live in an orphanage, or better said, lived in an orphanage, till yesterday."


"The old man there said I was too much trouble for him, and that's why he threw me out." Said the kid smirking, not exactly saying why he was thrown out.

"You poor thing. No parents, no home, no money, I don't know how one could survive like this." Said the girl sadly.

"I can manage. I might have lived for eight years in that orphanage, but that didn't meant I had it easy. It was always everyone for himself. But what about you? With fancy clothes like those, I don't think you come from where I'm from." Chuckled Steaming, as Jacky's expression chanced from one of sadness to one of shock.

"Oh dear! I came here with my mother to buy groceries for dinner tonight, but when I followed you and your friend, I lost sight of her! Please, can you help me find her?" Asked the girl in an helpless tone.

"... Alright, but only if you don't tell the guards who I am." Smiled the boy cocky as they shook hands.

"That won't be a problem, you never told me your name." Chuckled Jacky.

"Oh, then allow me to introduce myself: Steaming Whistle. At least, that's what everyone calls me." He said, lifting his workers hat and making a short bow, getting a giggle from Jacky in reply.

"That's a pretty funny name." She said.

"I know, but it fits. I like to whistle, so there." He grinned, whistling a little tune to show Jacky why he was named like he was.

"So, what does your mother look like?" Asked the boy, as he and Jacky walked back to the front of the crowded marked.

"She has a yellow dress, with brown hair the same length as mine, and a large basket in her hands." Said Jacky.

"Hmmm... Argh, I can't see anyone from down here! Stupid small size..." Muttered Steaming as he looked around. He saw a small hay cart, standing near a stack of boxes.

"Haha, now that'll be a good lookout point!" He grinned, and showed the girl next to him who became a bit nervous.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? She asked, a bit scared.

"Better than going in there blind and rushing into one of the Royal guards." Smirked Steaming as he started to jog to the boxes, with Jacky gradually following him.

They climbed the boxes with no problems, but Steaming had to 'encourage' Jacky onto the hay cart. As soon as they were on the cart, they could look over the whole market. They scanned everyone, until Steamings eyes landed on a face that fitted the description.

"Hey Jacky! I think I found her!" Steaming smiled, as he pointed at an woman that was rushing around on the market place, a concerned look on her face, while stopping everyone who passed her.

"Yes! That's her!" She cheered, loosing her balance while doing so. Steaming tried to keep her from falling, but was dragged down with her. Both he, Jacky, and a small part of the hay load tumbled onto the street. A few seconds passed, and both their heads poked out of the hay, looking at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Come on! Your mother must be pretty scared already, we shouldn't keep her waiting." Steaming chuckled, before getting out of the hay.

They both got out of the hay and made their way to the woman, who was on the eastern end of the market. When she saw her daughter, she quickly went to her and gave her a tight hug.

"Don't you ever run away from me again, you hear?" She said, sniffing slightly, before turning to the young boy.

"Thank you ever so much! I don't know how I can repay you!" She said.

"I know how!" Said Jacky brightly.

"He and his friend don't have a job, nor do they have parents or money, so they need to steal food. Can they come for dinner tonight?" Asked Jacky with hopeful eyes.

Her mother looked at the orphan, clad in dirty, worn out work clothes, wearing an dirty old workmans hat. Her eyes fell onto his face, which was dirty as well, but his eyes gave away a look of honesty and friendliness, not one of a burglar. She then smiled warmly.

"Of course they can." She said kindly.

"Thank you ma'am." The boy said, taking off his hat, showing off his dirty hair.

"If you could come to the Celestia road number 97 at 5pm? We shall expect both you and your friend there." She continued.

"Of course ma'am." Steaming said, but his pupils shrunk when he saw the Royal guards making their rounds across the market.

"I'm sorry my ladies, but I need to go. Good bye, and I shall see you this afternoon." The kid said, before turning around quickly, just as the Royal guards saw him.

"Oy, you! Stop, in the name of the princess!" One of them shouted, as they gave chase after him.

"You always seem to find friends in the most strangest places." Chuckled Junctions mother, as they began to move again.

Steaming soon lost the guards again, and began making his way to his and Emeralds 'home'. He snuck inside and was quickly tackled by Emerald.

"Ugh! And hello to you too my friend." He groaned with a chuckle as the black and green haired boy got up from him.

"Where were you for Celestias sake?! I thought the guards got you after that blonde blew your cover!" He grumbled, as Steaming gave him one of the apples.

"Long story, but to keep it short: grab the cleanest of your clothes you can find and be ready at 3pm, 'cause we got invited for dinner at 5 with the Spike family!" The black haired one grinned.

"... What?" Asked his friend with an look that said 'I'm not buying it'.

"It's true, the daughter of that mister Spike followed me to my hideout, and for not blowing the whistle on me, I helped her find her mother. She told her that we didn't have money or a home, and asked her mother if we could eat with them. She said yes, and we are expected to be there at 5pm!" Explained Steaming.

"And what exactly is this 'Spike family' for a family?"

"I don't know, but I don't give away a free meal. And after we're full, we can as them if they knew anybody who is in need of two pairs of helping hands. What do you say?" He asked, as he went to a small wooden cupboard that they used to store their clothes in.

"Alright, you got me. But what are we going to wear?" Asked Emerald.

"Easy! You are going to wear that clean suit we 'borrowed' from that tailor, and I wear my stuff, along with my-" he said, before remembering something.

"Ah buck! I forgot! The old geezer kept my hat! Looks like I need to go back and visit him again..." Groaned the black haired boy.

"Or you could just go without the hat?" Suggested Emerald, as Steaming gave him a death panned look.

"Emerald, how long do we know each other?"

"Since the day I arrived at the orphanage 5 years ago."

"And in these 5 years, did you ever see me without my hat? Except the time I washed my hair or went to work with this here hat?" He asked, pointing at his workmans hat.

"No..." Groaned Emerald.

"Then why in Tartarus name, do you think I would go without my hat?" Asked Emerald.

The other boy said nothing, and sat on one of the chairs.

"Thought so." Smirked Steaming, and got another pair of work clothes out. They were still dirty, but on a much lighter scale than the ones he wore now.

After he placed them on his chair, he went to the door, after checking the old, cracked, but still working clock that hung on the wall.

"11am, I still got 4 hours. Okay, I'll be back in around 2 and 1/2 hours! Be ready by then!" Shouted Steaming through the building, getting a grumbling as an answer.

"One more quack like that and as soon as we get a piece of soap, your mouths going to be washed with it! Don't forget I speak mumblish as well!" He shouted again, this time, there was no reply.

"Thought so." He smirked, and left the building.

He quickly and quietly made his way to the orphanage, making sure to bypass any Royal guards on the way. After a nearly 40 minute long walk, he arrived in front of the run down, red brick, three story building that he called his home not 24 hours ago. He walked into an alleyway in between the orphanage and the next building and hid behind the back door of the house, waiting for somebody to come out and open a passage inside for him. He didn't have to wait long, as an elderly woman walked slowly out of the house, carrying a rubbish bag in her magical grasp.

"The old bastard! Always sending me on the rubbish duty! Ungrateful runt, first he throws out young Emerald, then he kicks poor Steaming out and keeps all his belongings and even the documents about him to himself!" She grumbled, as Steaming quickly snuck inside, but not without hearing what the woman said.

"The old geezer had documents about me?! Okay, looks like this just got more interesting." Smirked the boy as he snuck through the small corridors of the building. He quickly found his way to the main office, he had spent many hours of his weeks in there, and found it, to his surprise, deserted.

"Huh? The old geezer left the sinking ship? Well, better that than having him here while I search for my stuff." Shrugged Steaming as he quickly got to the main desk, opening and closing the drawers, till he finally found what he was searching for. He slowly pulled out an old, dirty leather hat, with an dark blue and golden checked cloth ribbon around the front. He placed the hat on his head, smiling slightly as it finally was on its rightful place. Underneath the hat was a brown envelope, with the letters 'SW' on it.

'Must be the documents Carol talked about...' He thought to himself.

He opened it, and started reading it. While he read, his eyes grew bigger and bigger, till they were the size of plates. He quickly folded the letter and put it in a pocket of his vest, making sure that it wouldn't fall out again. He was just about to head for the door when it was opened from the other side, making space for a slightly shocked and very angry old man to appear in the door.


"I'm here to take what is mine, this!" He pointed at his hat, before pulling out the letter. "And this!"

"YOU'VE GOT EXACTLY 3 SECONDS TO HAND ME THAT LETTER, OR YOU WONT BE ALIVE LONG ENOUGH TO READ IT!" He yelled, as he produced a revolver from a pocket of his, pointing it threateningly at Steaming.


Steam was getting nervous, his only escape way was blocked, and he had less than three seconds to make his move.

"Two!" He cocked the hammer of the revolver back, as Steaming looked behind him. They were on the second level of the house, with a bit of luck, he could make the jump out of the window without any mayor dama-

"Thre-" He put pressure on the trigger, but just before he completely pulled the trigger, he was pushed to the side, the shot going passed Steaming and through the window, where it couldn't do any harm. The young child looked up to see the elderly women, Carol Singer, standing in the doorway, quickly noticing what was happening.

"Run, quicky!" She urged, shooing Steaming out of the door. Steaming raced as fast as he could towards the exit. From behind him he could hear the sound of a fight, followed by a loud bang. He raced even faster, crashing through the front door, as another bang came from behind him, and he felt a hot stinging in his arm. He looked down, only to see a red hole, with blood running down from it. He kept his cry of agony back, as he raced as fast as he could around the next corner, disappearing from his assaulter. He grabbed his left sleeve, ripping it from his jacket, while wincing slightly as the pain shot through his body. He tied the piece of cloth tightly above the wound, making sure that the bleeding would stop. He rushed back to his hideout, getting shocked glances from bystanders he passed. He crashed inside, quickly getting the attention from Emerald who raced to him, helping him to the box/table.

"Damn it Steaming, I thought you only wanted to get your hat!" He grumbled as he quickly made some makeshift bandages out of the reminder of Steamings jacket.

"I was, but then I found this!" He said, as he grabbed his jacket and pulled the letter out of it.

"A letter. You got shot, because of a letter?!" Emerald roared.

"Calm down E! If you read what is in the letter, you will understand, at least somewhat." Steaming smiled.

Emerald took the letter and began to read it.

"My dear Brother,

I trust you with taking care of my son Whistle. I know I can rely on you. Please, take care of him as if he was your son. I and my wife need to go and survey the rail extension towards Dodge Junction. We have heard that the natives have repeatedly attacked the workmen, and we are concerned that there might be bloodshed if we don't do something about it. We will be back as soon as possible.

Take care, your Brother Steaming Funnel and sister in law Head Light."

"Do you understand now?!" Steaming asked joyful.

"Not really." He said, as Steaming face palmed.

"It means the old geezer was my uncle, and my parents worked for the railways, and went to Dodge Junction! Which means I'm not an orphan!" He smiled broadly.

"But that was probably 8 years ago! Surely they would've returned and got you out of there!" Argued Emerald.

"Maybe something hindered them from returning? One thing is for sure though: As long as there is no evidence that they are dead, there is the possibility that they are still alive, and that means, I must go to Dodge Junction to find them!" Said Steaming with determination.

"Might I remind you that we have an invitation for dinner tonight?" Said Emerald, as Steaming stopped ranting and turned to his friend.

"... Maybe the search for my parents can wait till after that." Steaming said sheepishly as he got up from the table, and grabbed his 'clean' clothes.

"So, I'm getting ready, better get the 'security system' on duty. We'll be out and about in around 15 minutes!" Steaming smirked, as he grabbed his clothes and went to an part of the building where he wouldn't be distributed. Exactly 15 minutes, they left the building, and made their way through the city, towards the Celestia road.