• Published 23rd Sep 2016
  • 2,992 Views, 6 Comments

A Cup of Cocoa and Coffee - Deathscar

Come in and listen as Sunset and Twilight ponder their past over a cup of cocoa and coffee.

  • ...

Just A Sip

Where is she?

Sunset drummed her fingers on the side of the cup. She stared at the dark liquid that sat inside, watching it ripple with each hit from her hands. Shifting in her cushioned seat, she glanced out the window, watching all sort of people pass by. Some were crossing the street just opposite the cafe, while others sat at the bus stop, tapping on their phones. This cafe had always been the go-to spot for Sunset and Twilight. Oddly, it was almost always quiet at the busiest time of the day. Sunset could only assume it was due to everyone rushing for work or school, and so chose to ignore the establishment entirely.

She was not complaining though. The less blaring car horns and rapid chatting, the better. The silence was another reason her and Twilight frequented this spot. It allowed them to chat without worry and without having to compete with the rest of the world. In here, they could speak their minds. Checking her watch once more, Sunset sighed. Wonder if she’s busy, and she just forgot to tell me.

Reaching into her bag, Sunset pulled out the book with her cutie mark printed on the front. She flipped open to the most recent page she remembered, and the next page was… still blank. Sunset's shoulders dropped as she clicked a pen, ready to scribble on the page. Maybe she overslept? ...Again?

“Who're you writing to?” A voice spoke from Sunset’s right. She jumped, turning to spot Twilight, who was giggling softly.

“Twilight! You know how much I hate getting scared!” Sunset smiled, putting the book on the table. “I was worried you overslept again!”

“Aw come on Sunset, that was one time.” Twilight took a seat across her. She raised her hand, drawing the attention of a nearby waiter. “One hot chocolate please. Thank you.”

“Let me guess, you’re going to take one sip and leave the rest? You know, if you don’t like hot chocolate, they do have other drinks. Maybe a hot chamomile will be up your alley.” Sunset spun the spoon in her cup.

“Or drink that disgusting bitter concoction you seem to be so fond of? No thanks.” Twilight gave a smirk of her own, staring directly at Sunset. But her expression quickly softened. “You wanted to see me about something?”

Sunset’s playful demeanor fell swiftly. She let out an exasperated sigh and returned her gaze to her cup. “School’s been getting too much lately.”

“Why? Having trouble with homework?” Twilight shifted in her seat, nodding as the waiter delivered her drink.

“No, it’s not the homework. It’s...everything else.” Sunset closed her eyes and hung her head low. “Hosting events, keeping up my friendships, the list just keeps growing and I’m getting—”

“Tired.” Sunset shot her head up, looking at Twilight. “I know what it’s like. You’re surrounded by so many things in your life, you don’t realize how exhausted you are before it’s too late.” Twilight gazed out the window, watching a crowd cross the street.

Sunset smiled. That’s...exactly how I feel. “But you’re Celestia’s prized pupil and the Princess of Friendship!”

Twilight leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes. “Ponies keep saying that as if that’s supposed to give me less stress. But it only multiplied it.”

I never thought about it like that.

“Before, I could just be myself and spend time with ponies that matter to me. I would spend the day reading in my library before heading off for breakfast at Sugercube Corner.” Twilight’s mind drifted, rebuilding the scene in her mind. She imagined the quiet trot towards her favorite bakery, the smell of freshly baked cookies and cakes wafting in the air. Even on her first day in Ponyville she did not need a map to find her way to Pinkie’s bakery. The smell alone led her there.

Which would also explain the ridiculous queue whenever she arrived. However, Pinkie would always drag Twilight into the cafe first, smiling as she piled on pounds of sweet treats and delicious drinks. Her favorite being the scrumptious homemade hot chocolate Pinkie would make to order. This event was something Twilight always felt the need to apologize for, as she felt she was always cutting the queue, though the ponies in the queue never seemed to mind. It was a simpler time, one her heart yearned to experience again.

“Pinkie would always greet me with the happiest…”

She could hear it in her thoughts right now. The high pitched yell of her name, followed by a long drawn out ‘Helloooooo!’ It would always bring a smile to her face without fail. It was the one memory and Pinkie was the one pony she could depend on to make her chortle. The determination, boundless energy and ability to make friends with everypony she met, was something Twilight attempted to use in her role as Princess. With varying results.

“But now I can barely get out of my castle in the morning with all the paperwork I need to do. And all those problems from the citizens of Ponyville I need to listen to.” Twilight opened her eyes and glanced down at the cup of hot chocolate that sat in her hands. “Sometimes I wish I could exchange my princess status if it means bringing back the life I once had.”

Giving up your princess status!? That’s all that I ever wanted! Sunset could not even wrap her head around that idea, that Twilight would be so willing to give up years of work in an instant. She watched as Twilight lifted the cup to her mouth, sipping her drink before setting it down.

Twilight sighed. “It just isn’t the same.”

Sunset fell silent. What was she supposed to say? What could she say? She drank a couple of gulps of her coffee, hoping to buy herself sometime to think of something.

“I’m sorry, this was supposed to be about you and I stole the moment.” Twilight smiled at her friend, though this time, Sunset could see the mirth had disappeared.

“H-hey, no problem!” Sunset attempted to sound as cheerful as possible, but even she could hear the falseness in her own voice. “But it does sound like you’ve been keeping that bottled in for a while.”

Twilight nodded. “No wonder Celestia saw so much in you. You’re observant as well, in addition to being smart and pretty.”

Sunset recoiled a little, breaking eye contact with Twilight. She felt a hot blush creep over her face, unprepared for a compliment, much less three. Opening her mouth, she attempted to say thanks, but the only words that came were ‘uhhhs’ and ‘umms’.

“What’s been troubling you, Sunset?” Twilight asked, staring at her friend.

“Well, Applejack and Rainbow are fighting.”

“Again?” Twilight tilted her head. “That’s the third time this month.”

“Yeah…” Sunset placed her hands on either side of her head. “I’ve been trying to help them through it. I know they’ll make it up, but it’s tiring to help them through the same thing over and over again.”

“Right. And Rarity? Is she still…”

“Trying that one dress pattern? Yep, 8th revision.” This time, it was Sunset’s turn to glance out the nearby window. “Thankfully she doesn’t want my help, which is all fine by me. Something about ‘surprising her friends’.” She made the quotation mark with her fingers, grinning as she did so.

Twilight could not help by giggle upon hearing how similar the two Raritys were. She remembered the random days Rarity would request Twilight to visit her. Be it for a new dress that ‘would absolutely be perfect for you, darling!’ or simply for cocoa and crumpets. No matter the reason, she was always more than happy to oblige.

It also did not hurt that she would get to see Rarity’s newest designs, which, like magic, would always get better every single time she saw them. Even if she swore it was the best it could have been the previous time around. What she truly admired was Rarity’s tenacity when it came to her dress making. She rarely gave up, if at all, and showed her how to treat mistakes like another stepping stone to be better. "Be it in your work, or in yourself!" Rarity would always say.

Twilight brought her mind back to the present. “Yeah, sounds familiar alright.”

“I’m just gonna guess she’s as fashion obsessed as mine?”

“No.” Twilight stated with an emotionless glance. Sunset was quickly taken aback by the comment, finding the laughter vanishing from her throat. “She’s even worse!” Twilight laughed loudly, and soon, Sunset did too.

“What about Fluttershy? What was she like before you became a Princess?” Sunset questioned, drinking from her cup once more.

Twilight tapped her chin with her finger, attempting to think back to the days of the Golden Oak Library. She described going to Fluttershy’s Cottage every Sunday to help the pegasus with the animals. The trot there was the most peaceful of them all, the exact opposite of the trot to Sugercube Corner. There would barely be a soul, except for the increasing number of animals. Most of which would greet Twilight in their own way.

She knew she had arrived, when the chirping of birds and buzzing of bees filled the air. Upon entering, Fluttershy would treat her to tea and biscuits, then they would spend the day caring for animals of all shapes and sizes. After what happened in her first Winter Wrap Up, Fluttershy encouraged Twilight to join her in seeing that every animal can be cute, kind and contribute to the world. As such, Twilight’s fear of skunks, bats and snakes quickly wavered. It also taught her patience and understanding, something that has been invaluable to her since her ascension.

“Doesn’t sound too different from the Fluttershy we have here. Except instead of a cottage, she goes to the pet centre and volunteers.” Sunset paused. “Actually, now that I think about it, she rarely spends any time at home. I wonder how she even gets work done.”

“Knowing Fluttershy? She does it with her animal friends.” Twilight smiled.

Sunset nodded. “Then we have this big sporting event coming up, and Principal Celestia assigned me to be the organizer.” She groaned, throwing her head against the cushioned seat.

“Can’t you say no?” Twilight inquired.

“Well, y-yeah, I mean I could. But I wouldn’t want to let the school down. I worked so hard to get to where I am, I don’t want everyone to start hating me again.”

Twilight placed her hand on her’s, shocking Sunset back up. “Sunset, I don’t think missing one event is going to make everyone hate you. If anything, you need to miss some events so you can put your best in the others.”

“It’s not only that Twilight.” Sunset stared at her hand, which rested on top of hers. “Rainbow’s counting on me too.”

“Rainbow?” Twilight attempted to remember what moments with Rainbow was like. She recalled that the pegasus would fly in from the window uninvited, and even when she was, she felt the need to make an entrance by entering from every single place but the front door. Then the both of them would stay awake the entire night, reading Daring Do books and writing their own stories based upon Daring Do. Even though Rainbow would not admit it, she was a pretty good author, something that took Twilight a little while to accept.

Other days would be Rainbow playing harmless pranks on Twilight, instigating a laugh from both of them. What she cherished most, was that Rainbow was always willing to help, no matter what it was. Even times when Twilight was in her room crying alone, Rainbow would fly in to attempt to cheer her up with a plate of scrumptious smelling cookies from Sugercube Corner, followed by twenty jokes and puns that Rainbow had read that week. Rainbow refused to shy away from any challenges that might have been presented to her, be it with her friends or her dream. As such, Twilight did not either. Though sometimes it was easier said than done.

“If I know Rainbow, I know that she’s way more concerned with you then she is with this event.” Twilight assured her friend, grinning to her.

“I don’t know.” Sunset frowned.

Twilight grasped Sunset’s palm tightly. “Trust me.”

Sunset felt Twilight’s grip tighten, and soon, tightened hers as well. “I will.” She could not quite explain it, but this moment felt special to her. Something about the simplicity of being in a diner with her best friend brought her an unusual amount of joy. Her heart felt at peace, and the the storm in her mind was beginning to calm down. She took another sip of her coffee, savoring the bitter flavor rushing past her tongue. It seemed to be the only one that could compare to her feelings whenever she needed to ask Twilight to drop by. Though giving her the energy needed to get through her day probably played a part in her addiction as well.

“You know, Applejack always hated coffee,” Sunset remarked.

“Huh?” Twilight scratched her head. “But she’s the one that does the most physical work. Well, at least in Equestria.”

Memories of watching Applejack on the farm, slamming her hindhooves into trees to fell the apples. Or pulling a cart laden with gardening tools, seeds and of course, Applebloom. The endless array of chores Applejack did always made Twilight tired just by watching. Yet, tired was the last thing that would describe AJ. While Pinkie displayed boundless, uncontrollable energy, Applejack always seemed to be in control of hers. She did her chores with a smile and, much to Twilight surprise, her hobbies did not consist of sleeping or napping.

Instead, Applejack enjoyed baking and making other sorts of treats. She would also help Applebloom with her homework, or spend time playing sports. Yet never once did she ask for assistance, even though all her friends offered it. She would only allow it if she truly needed it, which was rare in its own right. Though Twilight was thankful that one of the very first incidents with Applejack taught the farm pony how to accept help, instead of turning it away. A lesson Twilight took to heart as well. AJ was the most helpful pony Twilight had ever met, and an image she herself still strives for after she became the Princess of Friendship.

“I can’t imagine her not taking any coffee in this world, since you have access to it.”

“Well, she says she doesn’t want fake energy. She gives herself drive through her work and working out.” Sunset placed the empty cup on the table.

“That makes sense.” Twilight nodded.

Sunset reached into her pouch and pulled out her wallet. “You know, I wish I could turn back time too, so that I didn’t make those choices I did." She sifted through her notes with her finger, her thoughts finally clear. "But I can’t change that. We can’t change that. If anything, I was taught by a certain Princess of Friendship to always do my best. That my friends will be there for me when it counts.” She stared at Twilight, who sat in stunned silence. “You might not be able to turn back time, but I hope you never have to. Because if you didn't become the pony that you are, I wouldn't be here either. I really do owe you a lot." Sunset beamed wide, continuing, "your friends will always be with you. Just like I will.”

Twilight was at a loss. Her mind raced to find an expression, a saying or even just words in general, but she came up blank. It was then she spotted Sunset’s book on the table, and reached over for it. “May I?”

“Of course, Twi. You’re the only person I trust to read that!”

Twilight flipped through the pages, and Sunset noticed that her expression changed with every flip. She would have felt worried if it was any other person reading that, but knew that there was no need to hide her past from the person that helped her overcome it. She was about to give a note to the waitress, when several coins dropped on the table with multiple 'clanks'. Sunset turned around to see Twilight, smiling once more.

“Heh, I didn’t forget this time!” Twilight grinned and pushed the coins forward. Sunset chuckled but swiftly returned them.

"You come all the way out here to meet me and take time away from your busy schedule. This is the least I can do.” Sunset was ready to pay, but Twilight poured the coins into her hand and balled it into her fist.

She begun to prod her friend, speaking, “the least you can do is tell Prince- Principal Celestia you need a break, and tell your friends you do too. You’re overwhelming yourself Sunset. And take it from somepo- someone who already did, you don't want to be there. So stop trying to take everything upon yourself and allow me to pay." A second of silence fell between the two. "Please?”

Sunset stared at the fist knocking her shoulder. She shrugged with a smile and opened it, grabbing the coins and placing them in the waitress’ hands. She spun back around, noticing that Twilight had begun to scribble in the book. “Hm? Twilight?”

“Give me just a moment…” Twilight’s voice trailed off as the sound of quill to paper filled the air. “And...here!” She passed the opened journal to Sunset, who, upon reading what had been written, could not help but smile as wide as her mouth would allow. With a soft ‘slam’, the book closed shut. Sunset tucked the book safely underneath her left arm while slinging her pouch across her body with the right. When she glanced down at Twilight, Sunset noticed that she was staring at the cocoa in front of her.

She soon lifted the cup to her lips to drink another sip. And, after wiping her mouth with a tissue, Twilight stood up, turning to Sunset. “This taste might grow on me yet.”

Sunset tossed her arm around her friend, pulling her close. They giggle and chatted until they were out of the diner and for hours after. But what Twilight wrote still echoed clearly in Sunset’s heart.

‘Sunset, you’ve taught me more than you might know. Your compassion and maturity is something I brought back with me since the incident with the Sirens and it has helped me through many decisions in my life. The nights where I need to stay up to work, and you’re there writing to me makes me so happy beyond words. (And I have a huge vocabulary!)

No matter what happens, I guarantee I’ll be by your side. I hope to see you back in Equestria one day, and if not, I’ll visit more often!

Thank you for being someone I didn’t know I needed.

And next time, I’ll even try to finish that cup of cocoa.’


The End

Author's Note:

If you enjoyed the story, be sure to give it a like! Thanks so much for reading it!


Comments ( 6 )

Geez, talk about simple. Don't get me wrong, this was charming enough, but I'm not exactly feeling the emotional impact you're going for. I mean... Twilight still spends time with her friends, right? Having her recount them as if she hasn't seen them in years comes across as kinda melodramatic. With that said, though, I always appreciate a more nuanced take on Twilight's new responsibilities. She's already prone to stressing herself out, so the responsibilities of a Princess can't have the best affect on her.

You try to mirror those issues with Sunset, but while I can appreciate putting too much pressure on yourself to fulfil all your obligations - that's something that rings very close to home - it still feels small next to Twilight's duties as a princess. It's not exactly an invalid problem to have, but it's also mundane.

With that said, you've more or less caught the characters' voices. This certainly sounds like a natural conversation between Twilight and Sunset, even if what they're talking about is too melodramatic and too mundane, respectively, for my tastes. There's relatively little comedy, and the simplicity also makes it less cute or heartwarming than it might otherwise be. This, again, makes it too mild for my tastes. Thankfully, there's a couple sorta cute touches, like Twilight admitting to liking Rainbow Dash's fanfiction.

I'm desperate for any Princess Twilight/Sunset fics, but unfortunately, the romance element here is severely underplayed, to the point where all you'd have to do is change like three lines to make their relationship entirely platonic. You also only vaguely imply the romantic relationship between the two, even in the ending message. You can describe feelings all you want, but I wish you had shown us more of that in their interactions - and, perhaps, implied more of those feelings from Twilight and Sunset. I think that might be a big reason why this is unsatisfying to me.

Anyways, a few miscellaneous nitpicks:

I find it very hard to believe that Equestria doesn't have coffee. That's a really strange choice for something to make human-exclusive.

I always interpreted that Friendship Games deleted scene as Twilight's Equestrian currency not being usable in the human world, but it is just as plausible that she just didn't have enough money. Good catch.

When Twilight writes in Sunset's book, is she sending herself a message? Or is that a different book?

It's really not necessary to put "The End" at the bottom. I dunno if you just like doing that or what.

Aww, this was relaxing and cute! Have an up vote!! :pinkiehappy:

She's the Mare with a Plan.

This was alright I guess, nothing extraordinary.

This was a nice read

As sweet as cocoa.

This was beautiful. I especially loved how interspersed the present, Twilight and Sunset’s conversation, and the past, Twilight recalling her friendships.

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