• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 2,852 Views, 52 Comments

Warframe: Relic Hunters - UnknownEntity743

They used us, They destroyed our home, our family and friends, burned in the fires of war and greed. Now we are called apon again to bring peace and order all over again.

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Chapter 17 Practical Problems

Warframe: Relic Hunters
Chapter 17
Practical Problems

*Location: Earth, +5 months since crash, Relic Hunters’ HQ*

“-So I said I was just out on a job for my boss again, Applejack’s becoming increasingly more curious and I have my doubts that I’m going to keep this a secret for long,” Skyler explained to Nekros as they walked down the halls of HQ

It had been nearly half a year since this all started and things with the others at school had become increasingly dangerous as they either tried prying them for info or followed them home.

Skyler was more directed as she had closely worked with them before and was the best suspect, and now that she’s been labelled a traitor and a Relic Hunter, things just kept getting more hectic.

“Well if I was in your position I would just give them the vaguest answer you could think of, if that girl really is a lie detector, that should bypass it,” Nekros explained as they got closer to the breakroom they heard what sounded like fighting

“What is that?” Skyler asked as they both saw Volt and Wukong pass by “Hey, Volt, what’s happening?”

“Rhino’s lost it, you gotta see this!” He called out as they both followed suit

As they approached they saw that Ash, Valkyr, Ember, Mag, Nyx and Frost stood in a line as they watched Rhino as he dragged Excalibur towards the dojo.

“-I told you for the last time, get in The Box!” Rhino ordered as the scraping of metallic nails rung out

“No.” Excalibur said childishly

“Get in the box Cal!” He ordered again

“No!” He snapped back as he kept pulling him closer and closer to the door

“Umm, Cal, what are you doing?” Skyler asked as he looked up and lost his grip, sending him and Rhino flying into a wall

“Trying to escape this psychopath! What else!?” He answered as he quickly hid behind Skyler in fear

“Come now, if you just step into the Box I’ll make it quick, just. stay. Still!” Rhino said in a strained voice as he began to walk over to Excalibur again

Rhino was about to grab Excalibur again, but Ordis came onto the speaker system.

“Operator, I would like to inform you that he has finally arrived,” Ordis spoke, making them all stop

“Where is he now, Ordis?” Excalibur asked as huffed and walked away, trailing his massive sword on the ground

“He is waiting~ TO MURDER ALL OF~ in the Orokin research facility,” Ordis explained as Excalibur dusted himself off and began to walk before stopping

“Oh yea, Skyler, Valkyr I’m gunna need you two for a moment,” Excalibur said as they both looked at each other before following


After a good few minutes of walking they stopped in front of the door as the sound of mumbling could be heard on the other side.

“Before we enter, I just wanted to tell you that his guy can be… erratic,” Excalibur said calmly as he opened the door to a mess of papers and parts

They were about to speak before a massive Fragor came flying their way, on fire as it dug into the side of the door, the metal hissing from the heat as they looked back at the lab.

The place looked like a storm of chaos and science swept through the place. Limbo sat by a desk as he drew out plans on a computer. The other figure was busy humming to himself.

(He) was almost as tall as Rhino, buff wise as well, his gear which consisted of a (Hek), a massive (Hammer) and two (Pistols). He then noticed the 3 standing at the door, looking at him in concern.

“Ahh, finally you came! Good-good-good, come now, you wanted me for my expertise in designing enhancements, so come on!” Vauban insistent as he waved them over, as they passed Valkyr called over to Limbo

“Limbo, is he… sane?” Valkyr asked as they passed him

“He’s a few screws loose, but a fine craftsman none the less, that and he’s obsessed with lighting Fragors on fire,” Limbo explain as he pointed to the door and they shivered

“So, Vauban, can you help me out with this favour?” Excalibur asked as he finished taking his armour off, Vauban had stopped what he was doing to face him now

“Well… I need the test subject if I want to make any progress,” Vauban explained as he glanced at the two girls before turning back “I’m guess this won’t be easy,”

“Excalibur, why did you bring us here?” Valkyr asked as she narrowed her eyes

“Well you see if Skyler is to help us out in the future I was going to see if Vauban here could manufacture her warframe armour, but something similar to what she usually wears, after all with that jackass of a commander, he'll be after you when you least expect it, Skyler,” Excalibur explained

"Oh-oh i know! we'll break his legs!" Vauban exclaimed happily as everyone just stared at him "What? i really would,"

“So, the reason you brought Valkyr here was because you wanted to leave me in the hands of a nut case?” Skyler asked as she pointed to Vauban as he messed around with a saw and explosive device

“Look if i had a better idea i would have gone for it but this guy is our best bet,” Excalibur said calmly as she sighed

“I gunna die,” She whined as Excalibur patted her on the head

“You’ll be fine, Valkyr if you need me, I’ll be getting my ass handed to me by Rhino,” Excalibur pointed out as he disappeared around the door

“Now then, let’s get this shit show on the move, shall we?” Vauban said in glee before spinning to his right “I know that! If you had a better idea, I’m all ears!”

Vauban then spun around the other way and pointed one of his pistols at nothing.

"Shut-shut-shut, shut the fuck up!!!" He yelled

Both Valkyr and Skyler just looked at each other as they watched the one-sided conversation play out in front of them. One thought went through their minds

“This is gunna be a long day,”


“So, you decided to take your fate like a man?” Rhino mocked as Excalibur entered the arena

“Yes, well someone must teach you how to grow up,” Excalibur quipped as Ember made a hissing sound, but Rhino just laughed

“Oh, I’m gunna enjoy making you beg for mercy,” He spoke as he slammed his blade into the metal floor, making the ground shake

“I didn’t know you show mercy?” Excalibur said sarcastically as the timer above began to count down

“You're right.” Rhino responded as they waited for the clock to end


Rhino then brought his colossal blade around as Excalibur brought out his Nikana and then they charged almost instantly. They collided sending a shockwave of air flying as they fought for ground, the ground laterally bending downwards by the sheer force, causing them to break apart.

Excalibur began to run around Rhino as he waited. Excalibur then dashed towards Rhino as he cut into his side but he just turned and brought his blade down on Excalibur as he struggled to keep Rhino from crushing his body.

Rhino then took the opportunity to grab Excalibur by the leg and toss him into the air where he landed a massive punch to his chest, making him gasp and tumble to the ground.

Excalibur’s vision blurred as his head spun in pain, his senses dimmed as he slowly looked around, his surroundings becoming black and grey. His pain fading.

Quickly, he rolled away from Rhino smashing his Galantine in the ground as he grabbed his Nikana and ran for him. Rhino tried to pull his sword out by he was met with a resounding elbow to the face as he stumbled back and was kicked to the ground.

Excalibur landed on top of him as he repeatedly punched him in the face, each hit getting more violent.

“If you wanted to die, all you needed to do was ask,” Excalibur said coldly as Rhino glanced towards the rest as they watched and made eye contact with Valkyr as he nodded

“Sorry mate, but this is gunna hurt me a lot more than its gunna hurt you,” Rhino responded as he kicked Excalibur off of him

Before Excalibur could react, a hand gripped his throat and began to squeeze as he fought for breath. Rhino then proceeded to rhino charge into the nearest pillar and smashed Excalibur into it.

He did it to the other 3 pillars before letting go, then it was over. Excalibur just groaned as he slowly got up.

“Ow, why is everything is moving?” He winced as another punch collided with his jaw “OW!!!”

“That’s for making everyone see ‘You’ again,” He said before grabbing his sword and walking away "Oh, and i won, Ha!"

“What?” was all Excalibur could say as Valkyr along with Trinity and Volt approached him

“Jesus, talk about a shocking turn of events, you sure you’re alright in the head? and not just because he planted it in four pillars” Volt asked as Trinity began to heal Excalibur's wounds

“Wait, you mean I slipped up? again?” He asked in concern as they looked at each other before Excalibur smashed his fist into the pillar “Not again,”

“What, was that exactly?” Volt asked as Excalibur remained silent before Valkyr answered

“It’s what the Orokin left behind,” Valkyr said as calmly as she could “They did that to him,”

“Like a split personality?” Trinity asked as she glanced back at Excalibur who just stared at the ground

“No, something else entirely, I don’t know what it is, but it’s there,” Valkyr answered as Excalibur began to move to his feet

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about this, including Skyler,” Excalibur ordered as Volt went to interject “No! last thing I need is more shit piled onto my list,”

Before anyone could say a word Ordis came on the coms but sounding. Scared.

“Operator, incoming transmission from…” Ordis stopped as he glitched slightly

“Who is it Ordis?” Excalibur asked as he stopped gliching and stayed silent for a moment

“LT. Lech Kril.” He answered as they all froze in place, then the message played out

“I’m coming for you Relic Hunters, you will feel my hammer shatter your Warframes and expose the flesh beneath!” Kril spoke as they all just listened

“Excalibur, failure to comply will result in the death of innocent blood, you have 1 hour,” Then the message ended

“No, why now?” Excalibur whispered as he saw Ordis bring up a monitor, displaying the school with a crowd of people looking at 7 Grineer holding hostages

(One) of them was taller, and looked more machine than flesh. The ground around it froze with its presence as it stared at the camera facing it.

“I am Lech Kril. My hammer awaits your skull.” He spoke as the (Lancers) waited for orders

“Excalibur, what do we do now?” Volt asked in worry as they all watched the screen, no doubt that the rest could see this too

Excalibur slowly walked over to his Nikana, slowly he lifted it from the ground and placed it back in its holster.

“We fight.”

To Be Continued…

There's a fine line between art and Anarchy
I somewhere in between that line
Burning it to ashes


Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed and next time a more powerful Kril vs. Excalibur

Next Chapter: Ice Shattering Force

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