• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 961 Views, 15 Comments

The Angels have Landed - Tarri

Twins Dreamstar and Starwishes, are two close siblings who are recent additions to Canterlot High from an archipelago called the Angel Islands. Will they be able to adapt and make new friends? Or will their new friends have trouble adapting to them!?

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Chapter 07: The Twins' New Wheels

The early morning sun streamed in through the bedroom windows, striking Dreamstar’s sleeping face. There were some clouds in the sky, however none stood in the way of those brilliant morning rays, which began to annoyingly attempt to pry the young teen’s eyes open with a prolonging persistence. It did not take long for the morning sun to have its way, and Dreamstar opened his eyes briefly, squinted, before covering his eyes with his hands, before rubbing them. He moved his head, so that the sun was no longer directly aiming to blind him with its radiance.

Dreamstar propped his head a bit, noting the weight of part of a second body just above his stomach. His sister was still sleeping, sprawled in unusual position on his bed. She, like him, lay on her back. She was using her brother’s stomach as a pillow, rather than using an actual pillow - the sheets had been pushed almost completely off the end of the bed, only Dreamstar’s right foot was covered. It had been a warm night, and during the night they must have pushed the covers off. Her arms spread out in either direction - one crossing his thigh, the hand resting somewhere around his knees. The other traveled more towards where her head should have been, near her pillow. One leg went on an angle towards the corner of the bed, while the other headed to the side, her knee bent, and her leg actually hanging off the edge.

It was always weird to wake up before her, or vice versa. They usually woke up together, however that pesky sunlight had decided this morning would be different. It was not unusual for either one of them to be in the other’s bed with them - they did have their own beds, however they hardly ever slept alone. In fact, neither one of them could ever recall sleeping apart from the other, as they had the habit of sleeping together in the same bed for as long as they could remember - even longer, according to their mother. They had shared the same crib, and as kids, the same room, and despite having their own beds, it was a habit that never let go.

Dreamstar wondered if he should jostle her awake. After all, it’s not like he could get up if she was half on top of him. Then again, they usually got up together. Dreamstar remembered what Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie had said about he and his sister always seeming to be in sync with each other.

Dreamstar yawned, before squeezing his eyes shut as he remembered that moment when Sunny Daze was just standing there, naked, in the showers, and her seeing him in the same state of being. Peachy Pie, rushing in, coming to a sudden halt, freezing in place, and then his sister coming along, asking if they had figured their prank out yet, before cracking up laughing. One would think that perhaps she would have prevented Sunny from entering the changing rooms in order to avoid all forms of awkward situations, but not Starwishes. She just had to make their eventual reveal of their prank all the more… amusing.
For herself. It was one of those things that the twins loved to do - to turn things on the other sometimes. When it came to pranks, they would either be trying to prank others as a team, or they would be trying to prank each other. Sometimes, they would turn traitor against each other during a team effort, just because they would think it was funny. This time, the prank was really more turned on everyone - except for Starwishes, that is.

Dreamstar did try to get some manner of revenge, but grabbing her and pulling her fully clothed under a running shower so that she and her P.E. clothes were completely drenched did not really count for much in the form of payback. The only real downside to that action for her was that her underpants had become completely soaked, and given she was in her P.E. clothes, it just meant going home, dressed as per usual, sans underwear. Hardly payback at all.

Dreamstar wondered what Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie thought of all this… it wasn’t as if he was bothered by them seeing him nude, but he wasn’t sure about the other way around. He found it hard to read their responses in that moment, and in that moment where Starwishes had burst in laughing, Dreamstar snapped out of his frozen state and made his move to salvage whatever kind of revenge he could. And then after being soaked, Starwishes just ditched her P.E. gear and took her shower, unashamed. Sunny and Peachy were not sure how to react at that point, with Sunny still wet from the shower, and Peachy unsure what to do next. The mood for their two friends lightened a little, although for them it seemed a little awkward. Well, maybe a little more for Sunny, who was completely naked herself in the shower with two crazy nutjobs who seemed to be both out to get each other, or brimming with a happy step. This made her hesitate to both continue her own shower in her current company, and to leave quickly and get dressed. Starwishes then dragged Sunny into conversation, regaling everyone with how hilarious it was, before laughing her head off, resulting in Dreamstar launching a new attack, leading to the twins scrapping playfully with each other again. It did take some of the edge off, seeing this, so Sunny decided to just continue the shower, anyway, albeit with a tinge of awkwardness. Peachy Pie decided instead to leave the changing room and go outside to wait for them, an action followed by Dreamstar and Starwishes slipping up on the shower floor. As much of an awkward situation it was for Sunny, she suddenly let out a little bit of a laugh at this, momentarily.

Afterwards, upon meeting up outside again, the twins dressed now in their regular clothes (Starwishes taking her skirt, Dreamstar his shorts - the prank had run its course), the conversation between the friends had seemed a little less chatty. Dreamstar and Starwishes had been talking about as much as they usually did, and Sunny Daze talked a little, although not as much, given what had just happened. She hadn’t felt humiliated or anything, just… a little in shock from the event. Peachy Pie hadn’t said a single word, and didn’t seem to pay much attention to her friends.

“Peachy…?” Starwishes had asked, noting her silence.

Peachy Pie stopped, as did Dreamstar, Starwishes, and Sunny Daze. They all looked at her, wondering if she was okay. Peachy took one look at the three, saw their concerned expressions, and then suddenly burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter!

GUYS!” Peachy Pie laughed. “Oh my GOSH!! SERIOUSLY? And Sunny… you just… naked, right there in front of… and you were BOTH naked, and… THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES!! And then Starwishes… ‘HAVE THEY FIGURED OUT WE SWAPPED PLACES YET?’ when Dreamstar is COMPLETELY naked and we can see EVERYTHING and that he ISN’T Starwishes and…”

At that point, Peachy Pie erupted into greater laughter, losing the ability to form complex language. To be honest, the twins thought they had broken her - one of their many mission objectives, accomplished, they guessed.

Sunny Daze began to snort a little, a grin forming on her face. Despite ending up naked in front of a naked boy in the showers, she guessed she was starting to appreciate the funny side of it all, although she probably was not as far gone as Peachy Pie, who was in need of repairs.

“GUYS!!” Peachy Pie had begun crying. “GUYS!! You… I mean GUYS!! SERIOUSLY!!

Peachy Pie let herself fall over, curling herself into a ball. She was now crying from all her laughing, and now she was begging for herself to stop laughing.

The relationship with their friends seemed to remain intact, after all, the rest of the afternoon until Peachy Pie had to go meet her parents, they had mellowed out. Both Sunny and Peachy had finally understood why the twins had found random moments in the day so funny, because they had swapped places, and were amused with the fact that people, assuming their identities based on their clothes alone, were getting them mixed up so badly, while addressing them so confidently.

With Saturday now here, Dreamstar thought about how Sunny and Peachy were going to be here in just mere hours. He looked at the time, and noticed it was almost seven o’clock. He wondered what time they would arrive - after all, the times they gave weren’t entirely solid. Peachy Pie estimated about 10:30, while Sunny Daze wasn’t sure, but they said they would meet each other and come over together.

That considered, Dreamstar then looked back to his sister, who was still snoozing away, and thought about the prank again, and how his payback in the showers just wasn’t enough. He ran his fingers through her hair, wondering how such an innocent face could be so evil. He then remembered that he, too, had the same face as her. She looked so peaceful as she slept.

Dreamstar carefully moved a little, as so not to wake his sister, shifting his body down the bed, before softly tucking his hands under her shoulder, the other somewhere around the small of her back and the top of her buttock, and being absolutely careful not to jerk her suddenly, gently rolled her off the edge of the bed.

Lunartome was already up when the twins emerged from their room, obviously, since he had to leave early. The two encountered him in the bathroom - he was in the shower, as the two used the hand basin one after the other following the usual morning dunny ritual.

Dreamstar and Starwishes then made their way downstairs, and proceeded to indulge in Saturday morning cartoons in the living room.

The twins heard their father come downstairs, but rather than greet them, he headed straight for the kitchen. It seemed like he didn’t have much time before he had to go. He made himself a quick and simple breakfast - a couple pieces of toast, one with jam, one with marmite, and the usual early morning coffee of which he always partook.

The light sounds of steps coming down the stairs alerted the twins to their mother coming down, making sure she was up before her husband left. Usually, she slept in a little, usually until about half-past eight on Saturdays. Dreamstar and Starwishes turned about on the sofa they were sitting on, and rested with their tummy against the backing, arms resting on the top of the back, and watching their parents go about their business. Celestialstar began by grabbing herself a cereal bowl, and switched the jug on to make herself some tea. Lunartome hurried himself upstairs, returning in less than a minute with a briefcase. It was weird seeing him with a briefcase, the twins had recently started joking that he was a secret agent, and his mission here in this foreign country was classified.

“Have you got everything?” Celestialstar asked him.

“Yes, everything is taken care of,” Lunartome replied.

“Have you got a change of clothes?” Celestialstar asked.

“My bag is in the car, don’t worry!” Lunartome assured her. He looked at the clock, before looking back to his wife. “I better get going.”

The two gave a quick cuddle and a kiss, before Lunartome turned his attention to his pair of naked demon spawn clones.

“Sorry I can’t meet your friends today,” Lunartome apologised.

“That’s okay,” the twins told him. Lunartome paused, as if to consider ramifications.

“Don’t worry, I will return tomorrow and save you from the double-demon,” Lunartome assured his wife.

“Please come back,” Celestialstar begged. “I’m scared…”

Lunartome and Celestialstar both held onto each other again, as if they were both terrified.

HEY!” Dreamstar and Starwishes cried out together.

“We’re not THAT evil!” Dreamstar protested.

“Um… yes we are,” Starwishes reminded her brother.

“Oh,” Dreamstar realised, before both of them lowered their positions on the sofa, so only their eyes and above were peering over the back, staring at their parents, as if waiting for a moment to strike.

“I seriously have to go,” Lunartome said, before a quick exchange of kisses were made. He looked to the twins. “Don’t burn the house down.”

“Awwww…” The twins pouted. And with that, their father left through the back door. Dreamstar and Starwishes wandered over to the balcony above the garage, where their mother joined them.

The area by the garage was rather large. The garage itself was under the house, and in front of it was a large pad, big enough to park three cars on the outside. The family only had one car for the time being. The twins had wondered why their father hadn’t gone downstairs into the garage, but he had already parked the car outside prior to the twins waking up.

Lunartome looked up to his family, and gave a wave, before climbing into the car. Celestialstar and the twins waved back. The car started, reversed around, turned, and then began to drive up the driveway, which was a gentle slope which curved near the end, coming out onto the road, next to the letterbox. After pausing at the end, the car turned onto the road, and left their line of sight.

“And they never saw him again…” Dreamstar murmured.

“He better come back, he has to save me from you monsters!” Celestialstar joked, wrapping her arms around her kids and giving them a squeeze. “Come on, you two, time for breakfast.”

After a short and fairly uneventful journey to the kitchen, and after experiencing the hardships of obtaining a bowl of cereal, as well as a cuppa, the twins joined their mother at the dining room table, so that they might feast together.

“What time are Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie supposed to arrive?” Celestialstar asked.

“Don’t know,” Starwishes replied.

“10:30?” Dreamstar said.

“Give or take,” Starwishes added.

“Peachy Pie had said maybe 10:30, Sunny Daze didn’t have a time,” Dreamstar explained, taking a bite into his cereal.

“They decided to meet up and show up together,” said Starwishes, also taking a bite, before continuing with a full mouth. “So we don’t know exactly.”

“I have to go into town soon,” Celestialstar told her children. “So I will probably not be here when they arrive, but I should be home before lunchtime. By the way...”

The twins stopped devouring their cereal and looked up together.

“...your father and I got you two something,” Celestialstar continued.

“Present?” The twins brightened up. They loved presents. Especially when it was for them.

“Don’t get used to it,” their mother told them, finishing off her tea, and taking her dishes to the kitchen. She then left the room.

The twins looked at each other. Present? What would it be? And more to the point, why? After all, it wasn’t their birthday for about five months!

Celestialstar returned with two boxes. One for each sibling, it would have appeared.

“There is a box for each of you,” Celestialstar announced. “So… which box will you two pick?”

“That one!” The twins pointed to the box on the left, both at the same time.

“Try again,” their mother told them.

“That one!” The twins attempted again, but both pointing to the same box.

“You can’t both have the same box!” Celestialstar stressed.

“Okay…” Dreamstar said. He looked at his sister. His sister returned his glance.

“That one!” Both twins cried out, both pointing to the other box.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Celestialstar uttered, deciding instead to just give them each whatever box she felt like.

The twins took the boxes, and opened them, finding each with a pair of brand new roller skates.

“You got us roller skates?” Starwishes said, her eyes having widened at the reveal.

“Your father and I had been talking,” Celestialstar told them, as the twins removed a skate each from their own box. “And since you seem to like skating, and since your friends both love skating, we figured you would probably be happy with a pair of your own, so that you can go skating all over the place with Sunny and Peachy.”

Dreamstar and Starwishes studied their roller skates. Their pairs were almost identical - Dreamstar’s pair was primarily blue, with pink inners, a pink tongue, white laces, and pink at the foot-end. Starwishes’ skates were primarily pink, with blue inners, a blue tongue, white laces, and blue at the front. Both designs had a warm yellow star on the outside of both skates, and both pairs of skates had pink wheels.

The twins were silent. They had no idea what to say!

“Well, don’t thank me all at once!” Celestialstar said, breaking the silence. The twins jumped from their chairs, and hugged their mother tightly.

“We love them so much!” Starwishes exclaimed.

“Thanks, Mum!” Dreamstar said.

“You two are welcome,” their mother told them. They slowly parted from their mother a little. “But I want you two to do the dishes first, then you can try them out, deal?”

“Deal!!” Both twins sang, happily.

After taking care of the dishes and tidying up the dining room table, both Dreamstar and Starwishes wasted no time running up stairs to find a pair of socks. Once procured, they came downstairs rather quickly, seated themselves at the table, and implemented the sock initiation sequence. Once successful, they proceeded to sort out the laces of their skates, making sure they were threaded properly, and pulled said skates onto their sock-covered feet. Tying their laces, their transformation was then complete.

They skated a little along the tiles, reaching the front door without falling over. They both held onto each other for additional support, before opening and exiting the house - the area in front of the garage would be perfect for skating around, like a mini-skate rink! The problem was getting there. One option would be to get to the end of the path out by the road, before coming down the driveway, which was a slope, before coming to a flat surface. Another option would be probably to attempt to skate on the grass, which also was a slope, leading down to the descending driveway and car area. Instead, they decided to do it the awesome way (which included not skating down a slope). Once on the grass, they both sat on their little bottoms, and using their hands behind them, with their skates in front of them, they steadied themselves down the grassy slope. If the skates were to ever give way, they would gently fall onto their bottoms onto the soft grass and not graze their butt cheeks.
Probably would be wiser to put some pants on to avoid such a scenario, but oh well, too late now! (Not really, they were just too lazy, and they didn’t feel like putting clothes on).

It did not take long for them to be skating generally well, it seemed like their practice at the rink had helped quite a bit, and they were off to an even better start than when they started their second round of skating that past Wednesday. They used each other for balance a number of times - if one of the twins felt wobbly, they would just grab on to the other for support, and then all was well. They found the concrete pad to be quite a nice surface to skate on - a little different from at the rink, as the rink felt polish-smooth… the concrete in front of their house felt a little more gritty.

Their mother had come out to watch them skate from atop the balcony a couple of times, before she had to take care of a few errands. Since she had no access to a car (since her husband took it, that meanie), she had to walk. Upon exiting out the front door, she watched for a moment as her twin offspring were practicing with the bottom of the driveway slope - building up speed, skating up the driveway a little, before turning and letting gravity do the rest.

“Looking good!” Celestialstar complimented the twins. She had never actually seen them skate, but from her own opinion, they were doing better than she would be!

The twins stopped as their mother continued to address them.

“I’m heading out now,” Celestialstar told them. “I should be back by lunchtime. Don’t forget that Sunny and Peachy will be here, soon.”

“We haven’t forgotten,” Starwishes called out, assuring their mother. Both twins did wonder why their mother would remind them of something like that.

“Not like we’d forget!” Dreamstar told her.

“Just making sure,” their mother told them, hinting at the fact that they were still naked, save for their socks and skates.

“We’re not children,” said Starwishes.

“That… is debatable,” Celestialstar told her. “I’ll see you two later!”

“Bye!!” The twins waved, as their mother waved back. If they were able to get up that driveway easily, they would have skated with her to the footpath, however that would probably have to wait for another day, after more skating practice.

“You think it’s this one?” Sunny Daze asked her comrade, as streets in this part of town were a little less known to her.

“I think so,” Peachy Pie replied. The street led down a hill, towards a wooded area. The twins had described the street - about 200 metres long with a house at the end of it, no other houses, just grass and trees, with a single footpath on one side.

“Do you know how long 200 metres is?” Peachy Pie asked.

“I don’t know,” Sunny replied.

“Gah… I wish they would have just said it in feet, it would be so much easier!” Peachy Pie complained.

“Does it really matter?” Sunny asked. “I mean, they did say what street it was, but there is no street sign, but they did describe it to us…”

“Yeah, I just never thought they lived right on the edge of town,” Peachy said, as she looked back. The rest of the town spread out below them, all down hill. They had skated all the way up this hill, now they had to skate down.

“Come on!” Sunny Daze cheered. “We can only try, right? This is the right street, you’re just paranoid!”

“I’m not paranoid, I just don’t want to skate uphill again!” Peachy stated. Sunny began making the descent downhill on the footpath, Peachy then followed.

“Seems weird to have a footpath on a road that only leads to one house,” Peachy commented. “You think they had planned to build a whole heap of houses here?”

“I dunno,” Sunny shrugged. The gravity made the ride downhill a smooth one. “What time did we say we were going to be there?”

“Well… I guesstimated 10:30, but eh… 10:20 is close enough,” Peachy replied.

They reached the end, and found a path leading towards a two-storey house with a driveway leading down a slope - the twins had described that, too. They figured they must have the right house - the description matched well enough, and also, they were sure they could hear the twins yapping away somewhere down the drive.

They skated along the path to the house, and almost immediately spotted the twins skating around the end of their driveway. But the skating was not the first thing they noticed.
Starwishes was the first to spot them.

HIII!!” Starwishes waved out, as Dreamstar made a turn on his skates, and realised their guests had arrived.

“Hi!” Dreamstar then joined in the greeting. Sunny and Peachy just stood there, almost similar to the other day in the showers, but with not quite the same punch.

“Hi… guys!” Sunny waved back.

Peachy gave a slight half-wave, but she had the kind of expression on her face that spelled a three-letter acronym, one starting with W, ending with F, and has a T in the middle.

The twins scrambled to try make their way up the grass slope, with their skates still on. Dreamstar reached the top first, and almost slipped - if not for Sunny who caught his arms. Starwishes ended up crawling up the last part of the slope, before getting to her feet.

“You have your own skates!” Sunny noted, looking down at Dreamstar’s, although was not able to avoid seeing Dreamstar’s bits ‘n pieces during her glance. She thought it might be better to just retake eye contact, just to avoid any potential discomfort.

“Yeah!” Dreamstar said. “Mum and Dad got them for us!”

“Now we can all go skating together!” Starwishes exclaimed, excitedly.

“That is really awesome!!” Sunny gleamed. “I can’t wait!”

“Was it easy to find us?” Dreamstar asked.

“Of course it was,” Peachy Pie replied. She was still wondering what the heck was going on.

“It wasn’t too hard to find,” Sunny told Dreamstar, then smiling. “Though Peachy wasn’t so sure…”

“Hey, there was no street sign,” Peachy pointed out.

“Also we didn’t know how long 200 metres was,” Sunny admitted. “We use feet, here.”

“Well, you still made it!” Starwishes chimed.

“And glad to be here!” Sunny said. She was still holding onto Dreamstar’s arms.There was a little moment of silence.

“Okay, someone has to say it,” Peachy Pie brought up, realising Sunny wasn’t going to do it. “Why are you two naked?”

“Oh… we just didn’t get dressed this morning,” Starwishes replied. “We did think about it last night, you know… but then we thought you’ve already seen us naked, so…”

“So…?” Peachy Pie inquired. Dreamstar and Starwishes looked at each other, then back to their guests.

“Well… we did think about putting clothes on before you came, but…” Dreamstar began.

“I guess we lost track of time trying out our new skates…” Starwishes admitted.

“Sorry, we’re just used to being naked at home, so I guess we forgot...” Dreamstar confessed. “You don’t think that’s… weird, do you?”

Sunny and Peachy looked at each other.

“Well… no, I don’t think it’s really that weird,” Sunny replied, with a slight blush.

“I think it’s a little bit weird,” Peachy said. “So… what you are getting at… are you guys nudists or something?”

“Nudists?” Dreamstar and Starwishes asked. They had never heard the term before.

Peachy Pie just stared at them. She just didn’t even know anymore.