• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 532 Views, 0 Comments

Punk Street - Freethinker037

He sent them to Canterlot to give them a better life. Now it's his turn to catch up and reunite their family.

  • ...

Punk'd Part 2: Near miss

Author's Note:


This chapter hit a brick wall halfway through, and it took me forever to figure it out.

But it's done, and here it is. I hope you all enjoy it. Next chapter, we'll be arriving in Canterlot.

BTW, Keep your eyes open for links in each chapter. I try and link songs to give the chapters more life.


Pure Spirit was glad that he had a radio. He would have died of boredom by now if he didn’t. It’s been hours since he left Cloudsdale and he’d been driving nonstop, barring any bathroom breaks and fuel stops. The later made him even happier for saving up as much money as he currently had.

Right now, he had said radio turned up and was singing along to a 70s classic. He was still heading west in the general direction of Canterlot and was making good time. His guesstimates say that he should be arriving in the capitol by nightfall. That’s good for Pure Spirit, because that means he can spend the next day getting set up and then look for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

He hasn’t got the faintest idea where they are, but he figured he would be able to find them if he asked around. The authorities would be a safe bet. If they’re in the system, then they should know exactly where they are.

Pure Spirit was just getting into the third chorus when he spotted a white convertible parked by the side of the road, and the two girls standing right by it. They started waving him down when they noticed his car. Not being the kind of guy to leave someone hanging (especially damsels in distress), he pulled over to lend these ladies a hand.

As the Buick rolled to a stop, pure spirit rolled down the passenger side window.

“Hey there. You ladies okay?” Pure Spirit greeted them with a polite smile.

“Why yes, we are. Thank you for asking.” This girl was oozing class and sophistication. Her indigo hair is styled to perfection, her eyes are a deep blue, her outfit tastefully chosen, her fair skin is smooth and radiant, and hell, even her manicure was immaculate. Also, her figure could put a lot of supermodels to shame.

She may not be his type, but hot is hot, and our hero is in awe! Good thing he has a good poker face.

“So, what seems to be the trouble? Did your car breakdown?”

“Not quite. You see, we were coming back from a camping trip at Winsome Falls when our car ran out of fuel. I also can't seem to get a signal on my phone. I don’t suppose a gentleman like you would be kind enough to give us a lift? There’s a station a couple of miles down the road, if it’s no trouble at all.” She asked with a hopeful tone.

“None what so ever. I needed to fill up, anyway. Hop in.” He replied while offering them his signature confidant smile.

The girl (who he guesses was as young as he was) returned the smile before opening the door. “Come along, Sweetie Bell.” She ushered the other girl (who looked even younger) into the backseat before climbing into the front, herself. As soon as their seatbelts were on, he yanked the shifter back into drive and made for the gas station.

After a minute or so of silent driving, the purple haired beauty spoke up. “Thank you again for your help, darling.”

“Yeah! Thanks for the lift!” Piped up the younger one, Sweetie Bell, from the back. “We’ve been stuck back there for ten minutes before you showed up.” Sweetie Bell was probably shorter than the other girl by a couple of inches. Her hair was a combination of bright pink and lavender and was well styled too. Her skin tone closely matched her companion’s as well.

“Oh yeah? Didn’t anyone stop to help?” Pure Spirit inquired, looking through the rearview mirror at the younger girl.

“Nope. Two cars and a truck passed us by and none of them stopped to help…. which, come to think of it, is kind of weird.” Replied Sweetie Bell, tapping a finger to her chin.

“How’s that?”

“Well, normally, all Rarity would have to do is stand by the side of the road and the cars would just line up in front of her. Maybe this is a sign of the apocalypse.”

Pure Spirit, chuckled at this. The older girl, Rarity, rolled her eyes before she spoke. “Come now, Sweetie Bell. Must you exaggerate?”

“Come on, sis. Can you honestly say that guys don’t throw themselves at your feet just as soon as they look at you?” Sweetie Bell asked her sister incredulously.

“Yes I can. Men don’t throw themselves at my feet…. They kneel instead.” She kept a serious expression the whole time but the tell-tale gleam in her eye towards the end gave up the joke and Pure spirit laughed. Sweetie Bell did as well. She didn’t need to see her sister’s eyes to know she was joking.

A moment later, they settled down into silence for another minute, before Sweetie Bell spoke up again.

“So, Mr. Knight in Shining automobile, what’s your name?”

Pure Spirit looked up at the rearview again before answering. “Sir Pure Spirit at thine service, miladies.” He couldn’t help but reply with a posh accent for added effect. The girls giggled at his antics.

Rarity was the first to compose herself.

“Pure Spirit, eh?” He nodded. “My, what a chivalrous name. So, my dear Pure Spirit, where are you headed to on this rather gorgeous day? I doubt you came out here to go camping; you haven’t got an ounce of outdoor paraphernalia on you.” She took a quick peek around the car at her mention of camping equipment, or lack thereof.

“I’m moving to Canterlot. Got some family out that way that I haven’t seen in a while.” Pure Spirit answered non-chalantlly.

“Family?” Asked Sweetie Bell.

“Sisters I haven’t seen in a couple of years. They’re the reason I’m moving.”

“Oh, isn’t that sweet?” Said Rarity, “Do you know where they live?”

“Not…really. I was planning on looking for them as soon as I get there.” Replied Pure Spirit.

“Oh my stars. That’s terrible. If you’d like, Sweetie Bell and I can help you find your sisters. We’re from Canterlot ourselves, and know our fair share of people.” Rarity offered with a serious tone.

“Uh, thanks for the offer, but there’s no need for that.” Pure Spirit returned with a hint of hesitation. “I already have a few good leads, plus the authorities can help. No need to put yourselves through all that trouble.” He had to raise an eye brow at her sudden offer. Back in Thunderhill, when someone out of the blue offers their help, that usually means they want something in return, and nine time out of ten, it’s nothing good. So, naturally, he’s cautious.

Sweetie Bell was a little disappointed at his decision. “Aww, why not? Everybody could use some help every now and then, right?”

‘That’s what they always say.’ Pure Spirit thought before Rarity cut in. “Now now, Sweetie. Leave it be. It’s his choice to make, not yours. If he says he’s fine, who are we to say otherwise. Remember: A lady always respects the decisions of others.”

Sweetie Bell thought for a moment. “…Even if they were gonna jump of a bridge or something?”

“I think that’d be an exception.” Pure Spirit Answered her.

Rarity nodded. “Indeed. It is a person’s life hanging in the balance.”

They all nodded to that.

“Unless they were bungee jumping.” Sweetie Bell added.

They all nodded again.

The car fell silent again, with nothing but the sound of the radio, the muffled engine, and the light breeze from the slightly cracked windows.

Speaking of which…

“So I gotta ask. What’s with the sign on the roof?”

The question caught Pure Spirit by surprise as he looked up at the ropes that were going across the ceiling of the cabin. During his long trip, he completely forgot about his conquest, the offensive City Limit sign that had delayed his departure from Cloudsdale. Said sign was still tied securely to the roof of his trusty Buick as he reached up and plucked the rope. It let out deep bass note.

‘Yeah, that sucker ain’t going anywhere.’ He thought with a smug grin before replying to Sweetie Bell’s question. “I found it at a garage sale a couple of towns back. Got it for $10.” Sure, what he’s saying might be a lie, but he wasn’t gonna tell them he took it from the city that held him down for his entire life. He wasn’t that stupid. Thankfully, his time in Thunderhill blessed him with a silver tongue.

Now, Pure Spirit wasn’t one to go around crying wolf the whole time. It was only ever part of his survival instinct back in Cloudsdale. Sometimes, he found himself in situations where he needed to fast talk himself out of there. Other times, he preferred to keep some of his cards close to his chest. Old habits die hard.

Sweetie Bell giggled at this. “So you just saw it, liked it, and bought it?”

“In a nutshell.” Said Pure Spirit.

Sweetie Bell Smiled. “You’re weird.” Then her smile grew sultry. “I like wierdos.” She said in flirty tone.

Pure Spirit’s eyes grew wide while Rarity quickly turned on her little sister.


Sweetie Bell just raised her hands in surrender.

Pure Spirit felt uncomfortable. He lifted his eyes slowly to the rear-view. His gaze met hers as she smiled and winked at him through the mirror. He quickly looked back at the road, swallowing once at this predicament.

Luckily, fate had enough of its teasing and offered him a respite in the form of the gas station.

“We’re here.” he informed his passengers.

Rarity beamed. “Oh how lovely!”

Pure Spirit guided the Buick into the station and pulled up at one of the free pumps. Once it was parked, he shut her down before they all piled out. Once outside, Sweetie Bell headed inside the store while Rarity turned to Pure Spirit with an appreciative smile.

“Thank you again, darling, for your timely rescue. Who knows how long we would have been waiting out there for assistance.”

Pure Spirit just smiled and shrugged. “Eh. It was nothing bi- “

“Oh but it was. You certainly showed integrity as well as chivalry by helping us. As thanks, I would like to pay for your fuel as well as anything else you may need, as a token of my appreciation.”

Pure Spirit made to protest but Rarity wasn’t having it.

“No no. I insist. It’s the least I could do.” She said and began to head inside the store as well before she called back. “Now go ahead and fill up.” She left no room for argument.

Pure Spirit huffed and shook his head as Rarity disappeared inside the convenience store before grabbing the pump nozzle to fill up his car. As he did, he thought to himself. ‘Damn. What a woman.’

Inside the store, Rarity was met by a blonde girl wearing a Stetson hat and a look of concern.

“That took longer than Ah’d like. you’n Sweetie Bell okay?” She asked with a southern drawl as she tipped her hat back.

Rarity took her friend’s inquiry in stride. “Oh, Applejack. It was no trouble at all. We simply ran out of fuel and I couldn’t get a signal on my cell to call for assistance. So, we had to ‘thumb it’, as it were, back here to get some more.” She replied with an ever-present sense of grace.

Applejack just chuckled and at her friend. “So y’all are tellin’ me that out of all the junk you brought with you on this trip, you didn’t bring extra gas?” she asked with a raised eye brow.

Rarity scoffed. “It isn’t junk! I do need my eye lash curler, and how am I supposed to fix my hair without my dryer and straightening iron!? Besides, fuel should stay in the fuel tank, and not in my beautifully upholstered interior.”

All Applejack could do at this point is laugh at her friend. “Dang, Rarity, you really are one in a million, you know that?”

The purple haired beauty just smiled a knowing smile before replying. “It’s why you all love me, darling.” She took a quick glance around before looking back to the cowgirl. “Where are the others?”

“Applebloom and Scootaloo wanted to photograph more critters, so they went into the Everfree for a bit, behind the station. Rainbow Dash went with them to make sure they don’t do nothin’ stupid.”

“Ah, I see.” Rarity nodded.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Applejack looked over Rarity shoulder and out the front windows of the store in which they stood. The country girl raised an eyebrow in mild interest before asking. “That him? The guy who picked you up?”

Rarity turned around and followed her friend’s gaze before smiling. “Yes, that’s him. His name is Pure Spirit, and he’s quite the character.”

Pure Spirit was standing behind his car trying to juggle some small rocks he found with mixed success while the Buick was still filling up. He was blissfully unaware of the admirers he had acquired.

Applejack smiled at the young man’s antics. “Ah see what you mean. He looks like a real stand up guy.”

“Oh he is. Polite, relaxed, funny, and can hold a decent conversation. There was one thing, however, that I found a little strange.”

“And what would that be, sugarcube?”

“He mentioned he was moving to Canterlot to look for his family. Apparently, he hasn’t seen them in quite a bit, or so he says.”

Applejack looked back at her friend, confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Normally, nothing. But when I offered to help him find them, seeing as I know quite a few people around Canterlot, he refused. Defensively so. It’s like he doesn’t trust me.” Rarity had a slight frown as she remembered how reserved Pure Spirit became.

Applejack crossed her arms before replying. “Of course he wouldn’t trust you, Rares, he doesn’t know you. He’s a teenager drivin’ ‘cross the country alone, tryin’ to find his family. Suddenly a stranger shows up out of the blue and offers to help him…Ah mean, even Ah’d watch my back in that situation.”

Rarity sighed. “I suppose you’re right.”

Applejack placed a hand on Rarity’s shoulder before replying. “Don’t worry, Darlin’. I’m pretty sure he still appreciates the gesture.”

“Hmmm, I guess.” Rarity conceded.

Meanwhile, Pure Spirit took a moment to take off his white hoodie, as he was feeling warm, and throw it back into his car before stretching out his arms over his head in his red t-shirt. This did not go unnoticed by the two girls.

Applejack smiled. “Gotta admit, though. He’s kinda cute.”

Rarity giggled and was about to respond before she was cut off by the reappearance of her younger sister.

“He’s absolutely GORGEOUS!” Stated Sweetie Bell, practically frothing at the mouth while staring at her ideal male specimen as he turned back towards the rear of his car to attend to the recently shut off fuel pump.

Rarity smacked Sweetie Bell’s shoulder when she caught her getting an eye-full of Pure Spirit’s back-end when he bent over to grab the fuel nozzle out of the Buick. “Ow! Hey!”

“Sweetie Bell, behave!” Rarity admonished her little sister.

“She better, ‘cause here he comes.” AJ pointed out to the sisters.

Rarity looked towards Pure Spirit just as he walked through the entrance, and greeted him with a smile. “There you are, darling. Did you top up your car?”

“Ready to Rock.” Pure Spirit answered with a nod.

“Good.” Rarity then remembered Applejack. “Oh. Where are my manners? Pure Spirit, I would like you to meet Applejack Apple. A very dear friend of mine. Applejack, this is Pure Spirit.” Rarity gestured to the two as she spoke.

“Hey there, Partner.” Applejack said as she held out her hand.

Pure Spirit shook her hand with a smile. “How’s it going?”

“Pretty good. Say, you got a firm grip there. Ever put in a hard day’s work?” Applejack inquired, impressed by the firm handshake.

Pure Spirit chuckled before answering. “Nah. I just come from a rough neighborhood. It kept me in shape. Probably the only good thing that can be said.”

“Ah hear that.” Replied AJ followed by a nod from Rarity. “Well, Rarity said you were movin’ to Canterlot, right?” Pure Spirit nodded. “Well then, you don’t need to worry there, hun. That city is as friendly as it is big.” She ended with pride in her voice.

“Glad to hear. That was the point in the first place when I hit the road. Well, that and my family.” Pure Spirit replied with his signature confidant smile.

“Rarity mentioned that as well. Y’all sure you don’t need any help? My family does business all over the city. Between Rarity n’ me, we can nail down your kin folk’s where-abouts like a bullseye at archery practice.”

Pure Spirit was about to decline but then took a moment to consider their offer.

“They honestly don’t look like they have a hidden agenda. They genuinely wanna help me out. The heck was I thinking? This ain’t Thunderhill. These girls are from Canterlot. If what Rarity’s friend…Applejack? Right, Applejack. If what Applejack said can be taken at face value, then there’s hardly a reason to believe they’ll try to roll me later on. Still though. This is my problem to handle. There’s no need to drag them into this.”

“Thanks for the offer, but there’s no need to trouble yourselves for my sake. I’ll be fine.”

“Well, Ah can’t say Ah’m happy with lettin’ you go at it alone, but it’s your rodeo. If you say you’re alright, then who am Ah to say otherwise?” Applejack returned with a sad smile.

A stroke of inspiration came to Rarity at that moment and she reached into her purse. “Indeed. Although, if you ever change your mind, our offer still stands. Here we are.” She pulled out a business card and handed it over. “This is my card. I run Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique!” Rarity said with a flourish.

Applejack rolled her eyes before following suit. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her own card before handing it to Pure Spirit. “You can also call on me and mah family should you ever need help lookin’ for yours. We live over at Sweet Apple Acres. It’s a farm on the outskirts of Canterlot. Also, if’n you’re ever short on cash, we could always use an extra pair of hands on the farm.”

“I might just do that. Thanks.” He said before turning to Rarity again, looking confused. “Soooo…you run a boutique, right?” When she nodded, he continued. “Aren’t you a little young to run a business? I mean, aren’t you in high school? You look as young as me.”

Rarity laughed at this. “If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that…”

“Rarity is the proud owner of Carousel Boutique. After our parents learned of her prodigious talent as a seamstress at the age of fourteen, our father offered her a small, three-story building to house her store and workshop under the conditions that she maintains said store as well as her good grades in school. This challenge would have broken most kids, but not my sister. During the last three years, Rarity had single handedly built her business into THE premier boutique in the whole of Canterlot by designing only the most chique, unique, and magnifique dresses in in the entire city, if not the country.” Loud and proud, Sweetie Bell jumped into the conversation and answered Pure Spirit’s question, with the three older teens having been caught by surprise as they had forgot about Sweetie Bell’s presence. She was clearly proud of her older sister’s accomplishments and is not afraid to tell brag about it, every chance she gets.

The premier seamstress turned to her sister with a raised brow. “Was that really necessary, Sweetie Bell?”


Rarity just shook her head. Pure Spirit and Applejack just laughed at the sisters’ antics.

Pure Spirit then recovered before speaking. “Well, congratulations on that.”

“Why thank you, darling.”

“As much as I’m enjoying the company, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to get back on the road if I wanna make Canterlot by nightfall. I’ll hold on to these,” He lifted the two business cards. “and if I ever find my sisters, I’ll let you know and maybe we can all hang out or something, cool?”

“Like ice, darlin’.”

“Of course, dear.”

“Yes you are.”

Rarity glared at her younger sister. “Sweetie…” She said in a warning tone. Then she turned back to Pure spirit, again. “Let me pay for your fuel, then we can see you off.”

A few minutes later, the three girls stood around the driver’s side of the white Buick with Pure Spirit behind the wheel.

“So, we’ll be seein’ ya ‘round town soon, right?” Applejack asked as she leaned against the side of the car.

Pure Spirit’s signature confidant smile reappeared as he answered. “You bet your hat I will.”

Rarity smirked at that. “Don’t even try it. That hat means more to her than you think. Right, AJ?”


“Sounds like a story for another time.” He says before switching back to his posh accent. “For now, I must bid ye fair maidens farewell.”

“Of course, sir Pure Spirit. May the lord bless thee on thy travels on yonder road.” Rarity couldn’t help but reply in kind. Sweetie Bell giggled at the sight. Applejack just shook her head with a smile and rolled her eyes.

With one last nod and a two-finger salute, Pure Spirit shifted his car into drive and pulled out of the station before hauling ass down the road towards Canterlot.

The girls watched the car as it took off into the distance in silence.

Sweetie Bell was decided to break the silence with a sad sigh. “Goodbye, my love. Maybe one day, we can be together, and we can let our love blossom.”

“Sweetie Beeeeell….” Rarity groaned

Sweetie Bell just smiled and walked back to the store to get a drink.

After another moment of silence, Applejack spoke up. “Hey, Rares?”

“Yes Applejack?”

“What was up with that sign tied to the roof of his car like a deer?”

“He said he bought from a garage sale at the last town.”


“He said he liked it.”


“Personally, I don’t know why anyone would want to buy such a thing.”

“What thing?” A third voice interrupted them. They turned around to find a girl whose hair was every color across the spectrum.

“It’s nothin’, Dash. Just another one of humanity’s quirky moments.” Replied Applejack with a shrug and an indifferent expression.

Rarity smiled at Rainbow Dash before speaking. “How was your little trip?”

“Pretty good. Quiet out here. Scoots and Bloom took a lot of pictures. I mean A LOT!” Rainbow ended with a chuckle. She then looked around the station yard before turning back to Rarity. “Hey, where’s the Mercedes?”

Applejack answered. “It’s back up the road a couple o’miles. Rarity ran out of gas and had to hitchhike back here.”



Rainbow then addressed Rarity. “Are you telling me that out of all that junk you brought with you, you didn’t bring extra gas?”

This ‘caused Applejack to burst in a fit of giggles. Rarity just gave the farmer a dirty glare. “Oh yuck it up why don’t you.”

Rainbow just had a smug look on her face at this. “You still didn’t answer my question.”

“Oh fine. No. I didn’t bring extra fuel.”

With that, Rainbow’s laughs could be heard with Applejack’s.

Rarity just let out a frustrated sigh before asking. “Are you two done? Can we please go get my car? I would like to go home.”

The laughing girls reigned in their giggling.

“Heh heh, sure thing, sugercube.” Replied Applejack while wiping a tear from her eye.

“Hehehehe, yeah. Let’s go get it as well as all the junk in the trunk.” Rainbow Dash and Applejack high-fived at that.

“It not Junk!”

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