• Published 22nd Aug 2016
  • 617 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Magician - Cogz

Humans, Mages, and Arians live together in harmony thanks to the peace brought by Princess Celestia but forces start to show themselves that threaten that peace.Twilight gets sent to Oaktown by Princess Celestia and she meets some interesting people.

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The Many Faces Of Oakville/Twilight The Mage Appears Pt 3

Twilight walked around town after leaving the boutique with a notebook in hand, writing everything down she learned about the places and people she came across since she got here; she had indeed met some interesting people as Celestia said she would but Twilight had a hard time deciding if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Spike walked along side Twilight, looking at the neatly wrapped piece of candy in his palm.

“Did you see how she looked at me when she handed me the candy Twilight?” he looked lovingly at the candy. Twilight threw her head back and let out a grunt; she had been listening to spike go on about Rarity for the past fifteen minutes now and it was graining on her nerves.
“Spike, for the love of everything; she just handed you a piece of candy…” she looked at her young assistant who was paying no attention; she just let out a huff and kept walking around the town square, recording everything she saw. Twilight had decided to write some letters to Celestia about the people she met after she had gathered more information and took a seat at a bench with Spike; she wrote about the quiet and demure musician, the crazy cotton candy haired baker, and the Canterlot loving fashion designer; she wanted to leave nothing out.

Spike had finally stopped daydreaming; taking the letters that Twilight wrote and preparing them to be sent to Celestia, about three letters total were written. Once Twilight was done writing and had readied them for mail. Spike took them in his hands and took a deep breath and then blew; out of his mouth came a small orange colored warm fire that enveloped the letters quickly, making them disappear; the flames danced around for a minute before quickly taking off into the direction of the royal city Canterlot.
Twilight had always found Spike’s weird ability to be neat, it was an easy way to get communication across which is one of the main reasons Spike was with her; she looked over at Spike with a small smile “You know Spike, that’s a pretty handy ability you have.” she looked over at her assistant who grinned at the comment, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly “It was nuthin.” he responded quickly, loving the compliment.

Twilight and Spike’s peaceful moment was interrupted when a small light emitting rabbit jumped on the bench, startling the pair; it made an aggravated high pitched chuu sound before bouncing off the bench and away into the crowd of shoppers, leaving a small sparkly white trail in its wake. Twilight and Spike took a moment to register what happened but didn’t have long because then their attention was grabbed by a soft but tremulous voice that rang out behind them. A pink haired girl wearing a yellow turtle neck and long green skirt chased after the rabbit, passing the two as she had a hand reached out trying to grab it.

“Angel, please come back” the girl spoke meekly; her breathing sporadic as she ran in her brown boots. The girl bumped into multiple people and she stopped to bow her head and apologize to each one sheepishly before going back to giving chase to the runaway creature. Twilight noticed Spike giving her a look that asked her to go help; she let out a flair of breath from her nose and got up to help give chase.

The sight of Twilight trying to catch the accursed long eared vermin (as Twilight called it) was comical; she had thought she caught it multiple times only to let it escape from her grasp as she jumped to grab it. The other girl was trying just as hard only to meet the same results; with the rabbit poofing into smoke and reappearing behind them as she touched it. The rabbit had stopped moving when it got to the square and the girls took their chance; they each took a side and went to grab at it from the front and behind and they finally caught the thing, it squirmed in their collective grasp. The girl took it in her hands and held it tight, breathing heavily.

“T-Thank you for helping me catch him…” she said softly to Twilight as she hugged the rabbit closely to her chest. The girl turned her attention to Angel before she got a response from Twilight and lifted the rabbit to eye level with her; she gave a weak smile, still tired from the run. “Oh Angel, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for forget about your favorite food, please don’t run off again and I will get you all of the fresh carrots you want, okay?” she reasoned with the still squirming creature. The moment the carrots were mentioned it stopped and it’s ears perked up; it being satisfied with that and nestling itself into the girl’s arms. The girl smiled warmly and started to pet the rabbit’s head, it making pleased chuu sounds. “That’s my little Angel..” she turned her attention back to Twilight and bowed her head “T-Thank you again…” the girl spoke softly and quietly, never making eye contact with Twilight or Spike; her hair fell in her face and she made no attempt to push it back. Twilight nodded, speaking normally, giving up on trying to sound professional.

“Not a problem at all, it was Spike here who wanted to help actually, I’m Twilight by the way…” she looked back at her assistant who had just joined them. The girl nodded slowly “I’m…” she looked down and murmured “Flutter…shy..” she awkwardly shuffled her feet. Twilight tilted her head “What was that? Didn’t quite hear you.” she watched Fluttershy bite her lip for a moment “It’s..Fluttershy…” she kept her eyes to the ground, speaking a little louder that time. Twilight laughed lightly, trying to save the situation from being awkward “Oh I see, it’s a nice name.” she watched as Fluttershy looked at her through her hair saying nothing to that. Twilight sighed and continued “I’m a mage and this is my little assistant, Spike, he’s a dragon child..” she watched as spike waved and say hello.

Fluttershy perked up and brushed her hair behind her ear, walking up to Spike and smiled shyly, speaking more loudly and outgoing “A dragon child? I’ve never seen one before, you’re so cute!” Spike grinned at that “Thanks, yep, I’m a dragon child..” he shrugged, trying not to be too boastful “It’s no big deal..” he said, rubbing the back of his head. Fluttershy shook her head “Oh but it IS a big deal, can you transform into your dragon form yet?” she asked curiously with a smile. Spike shook his head “Not yet, soon though I hope…” he smiled back at Fluttershy trying to return the gesture; the two ignored Twilight who was standing there. Twilight coughed, making the two look at her. “Well, I’m glad you got your rabbit back but Spike, let’s get moving, it’s about time we find this place Celestia set up for us…” he watched Spike dejectedly nod and wave at Fluttershy; Fluttershy waved back slowly at them both; she gathered her courage to say one more thing to the pair before leaving.

“U-ummm..if you want to come see animals, I help at the animal reserve h-here in town, always feel free to come on by..” she spoke meekly again but gave a friendly smile and turned to head back to the reserve with Angel nestled in her arms.

Once Fluttershy was out of sight; Twilight fished in her pocket for the address Celestia gave them for their temporary home. It took them a while to find it and a bit of asking around at strangers but they finally stumbled across what looked like an old place no one stepped foot in for years; it was pretty small and looked compact and there was no sign or anything on the building and it had double doors. Twilight frowned, double checking the address and found that, yes, it was correct. Twilight sighed and quickly went to open the door, expecting to see a mess but instead, found her personal heaven.

It was a simple circular room with a door off to the side; it had a small kitchen area. In the center of the room was a spiral staircase leading to a second floor and the walls were lined with bookshelves filled with books of all kinds and Twilight noticed a few titles that were really rare. Twilight was stunned into silence and got excited, giving a big smile.

“Oh my gosh, Spike, are you seeing this!?” she rushed around the room like an excited child in a toy store, grabbing books off of the shelves “Look at these titles, some of these I’ve never even seen in person before!” she pulled out some more books and noticed one in particular with a faded title; it had a bunch of runes of the cover, she gently ran a hand across the cover, feeling every bump and groove on it “Oh my gosh, is this the magic index of Starswirl first edition?” she couldn’t contain her excitement as she put the other books down and hugged the magic book, twirling around a few times with it. Spike raised an eyebrow and passed her as she landed on a chair near the books.

“Nerd…” he muttered as he walked up the spiral staircase and came face to face with two small bedrooms. The rooms were pretty bleak looking; both rooms had a wicker closet and two bed; one large one for Twilight's room and a small children’s bed for him in his room; Twilight's room had a giant window that over looked the town; the curtains were pulled back letting the sun flood the room. Spike stuck his head down the staircase where Twilight was sitting in the chair and lost in her new book. “Twilight, there are bedrooms up here” he waved at her to get her attention. Twilight closed the book and placed it on the coffee table near the seat.

Twilight met Spike upstairs and looked around, she nodded in approval “I like it!” she grinned, letting herself fall on her bed and letting out a small chuckle. Spike looked around and sniffed the air, he made a face. “It smells like old dusty books..” he watched as Twilight rolled over on the bed to face Spike “I know right? It’s fantastic!” she was unaware Spike had said that in disapproval.

Spike let out a grunt and walked to his room, leaving Twilight alone to be excited. Twilight checked her closet and found all of her outfits arranged “Seems like everything was moved alright…” she went back to her bed and laid down for a minute, she looked at the sun through the window and used a hand to shield her eyes, now deep in thought “I wonder what Celestia meant back then…” the young mage thought about how Celestia said coming to Oakville would be a good chance to study and meet new people; with Celestia also wanting Twilight to oversee the yearly sun festival as well but she felt like Celestia was hiding something but she didn’t know what, well, with any luck she would be out of here in a few months she reasons to herself. Twilight's heavy thoughts turned to heavy eyelids and she started to drift off to sleep.

No sooner than when she closed her eyes she heard a loud and grating doorbell that jolted her away. Twilight pulled herself off her head and went to meet her sudden guest; she wondered who could be there, they just got here. Twilight opened the door to be met with a woman with messy blonde hair. The girl wore a uniform of what seemed like a mailman; a name tag was pinned on the pocket of the girl’s shirt but it was upside down. The girl’s most noticeable feature was her crossed yellow eyes; she wore a worn brown mail bag that hung from her shoulder.

The girl rummaged for a letter in her bag which took a minute and held it out when she found it, she held it out with such force and flourish though that she dropped the letter to the ground. The mail girl quickly bent down to grab it and proceeded to try hand it to her with a smile, as if nothing happened at all. “Delivery for Twilight!” she chimed as she let Twilight slowly take the letter; Twilight nodded and exchanged a small thank you. The girl gave a dramatic salute with her right hand on her forehead, clicking her heels as she did so “Not a problem mam, it’s what I do!” she turned to go and closed her eyes briefly; letting lovely wings made of grey light appear on either side of her back. Twilight watched with raised brow for a second before grabbing her notebook, quickly scribbling this meeting down. Twilight watched as the girl flew off; some letters falling out of her bag as she took off into the sky. Twilight gently look those letters and placed them on her side stand by the door; making a mental note to drop those off at the postal office letter.

Twilight placed the notebook down at the same table and grabbed the letter was meant for her. The envelope was pink with crude doodles scribbled all over it. She opened it carefully, always doing things neatly; some confetti fell out of the envelope as she pulled the letter out. The letter faintly smelled of icing and the handwriting was crude like the drawings.

Dear Twilight,
You’re invited to a super duper awesome party today at Sugar Cube Corners at 6:00! Invite the kid who was with you. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!

Twilight closed the letter when she finished and was planning on placing the letter on the stand with everything else but she was interrupted by Spike, who interjected with his own thoughts.

“You should go…” Spike said with excitement from behind Twilight; he watched Twilight jump up a little with a squeak and turned around, red in the face. Twilight puffed her cheeks out “Spike, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that…” she whined as she took a breath. Spike ignored her protests and continued “Just go, you might learn some things for you letters to Celestia” he grinned at Twilight “Plus, it does sound like fun, I wanna go!” He said excitingly, looking at Twilight hopefully. Twilight grimaced but nodded “Alright, it’s about thirty minutes until 6 so get ready..” she watched Spike run up the stairs and change, cheering as he went up the staircase. Twilight merely adjusted her tie while she waiting for Spike, deciding she liked her outfit well enough and once Spike was ready, they made their way to the bakery.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be the last part of The Many Faces Of Oakville and then the story really starts!