• Published 22nd Aug 2016
  • 615 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Magician - Cogz

Humans, Mages, and Arians live together in harmony thanks to the peace brought by Princess Celestia but forces start to show themselves that threaten that peace.Twilight gets sent to Oaktown by Princess Celestia and she meets some interesting people.

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Twilight Arrives In Oakville

Long ago; there was a country named Equestria ruled by a man nicknamed Discord; he was a young twenties looking man with messy short ash colored hair and matching chin stubble. He wore a grey pin striped suit and at his side was the talon of an eagle that could neutralize magic. Discord was a man who thrived on chaos; believing that this was man’s true state. He believed that all men and women were inherently mad and thrived on chaos and anarchy.

Discord was a formidable magic user for he had the ability to warp reality how he saw fit; he could manipulate and alter logic and shift size and shape at a whim. Discord also possessed the powers of Telekinesis, Hypnosis, and even the ability to create; he was truly a powerful being and no one dared stand against him and the country suffered great under his reign. One day, two magical arian sisters rose up to face Discord when they saw the damage Discord was doing to the people and stood against him; the sisters were named Celestia who harnessed the power of sun flame and Luna who harnessed the power of shadow and darkness; she was also most formidable with a saber. The two sisters fought against Discord in a battle that’s aftermath can still be seen to this day. The girls suffered much physical damage but working together, they managed to trap Discord in an alternate world where he could do no more harm to the country.

The sisters were praised by the people for their heroics and were asked to watch over the people who were now without a leader to guide them. The two sisters decided to work together and became the princesses of Equestria. The people lived in Celestia’s light and saw her as a sovereign, her very presence putting people at ease; her sister saw no problem with this at first and was okay with her sister taking the reins finding herself more useful in terms of battle and overseeing the night; she tried to show the people the majesty of the night sky and the beauty of the moon that she treasured so but soon, everyone fell to Celestia as the rightful queen and only seeing the younger Luna as the sister of Celestia. The younger sister however, started to grow jealous of Celestia; everyone turning to her and phrasing her for being the hero of Equestria and Luna always the one forgotten.

Princess Luna grew bitter and grew to resent her sister and after a long while of letting these feelings grow inside the her heart; it blossomed into full grown hatred and not even Celestia’s power over sun fire could protect the younger sister from the darkness that overtook her. Soon after, Equestria would fall into more hardship and the two sisters, once revered; now locked in battle. Luna, who once wore dark blue dresses and who’s blue eyes were entrancing now wore jagged armor and helmet, and her eyes were now full of rage and hate.

The sister’s would fight for what seemed like a millennia, both showing their fierce magic and prowess in battle. The battle would soon end with Celestia using old magic to entrap Luna in the moon that she loved. Celestia would then rule alone, with a pain in her heart from having to do such a horrid thing to her beloved sister.

A hand would gently close a book and sigh; the girl who owned said hand rubbed the bridge of her nose and pushed her glasses up; a look of annoyance displayed on her face; a young eleven year boy looked over at her from across the room.
“Spike, I already read this one…” the girl let out a small and quiet sigh and lazily pushed the book to the side, looking out the window. Spike looked over at the girl and noticed her bored expression; he pouted and shifted through the stack of books that rested next to him “I thought you liked the Tale Of The Two Princesses Twilight…” he mused as he pulled three books off the stack and handed them over to Twilight, not caring which ones they were. Twilight chuckled lightly, her head rested on her hand “Yes, I do, but I also read it a dozen times, I want to read something new right now…” she turned her attention to the books on the table; she took one of the books and thumbed through it. Spike raised an eyebrow “You practically read every book, like, ever…” he sighed as he rolled his eyes at Twilight; he sat down and leaned against the wall of the train car.

Twilight was engrossed in her book and paid no attention to Spike’s complaining until Spike made a very loud and theatrical sigh; she gave Spike a side glance “We’re almost there Spike; we’ll be there in another thirty minutes.” she looked back at her book to try to avoid having to see his reaction. Spike gave an exasperated moan and fell back into a chair, grimacing all the while. Defeated, Twilight looked over at Spike from her position at the small coffee table, her hands on the page of the book she was currently reading “Spike, surely there something you can do besides make grunts of disapproval..” she watched Spike pout and kick the air a few times “I’m boooored…” he moaned as he looked at Twilight with puppy dog eyes. Twilight gently closed her book and adjusted her glasses again “Alright, what do you propose we do on a train?” she challenged as she watched Spike look over at her with a grin “I want to go to the Dinning cart, I want rock candy!” he looked at Twilight hopefully. Twilight rolled her eyes as she got up and grabbed her money pouch “I swear, I have no idea how you can eat so much rock candy and not have rot out your teeth yet..” she started down the corridor with Spike in toe, happy he was getting what he wanted.
Twilight and Spike sat down at a small table in the dining cart as Spike happily ate his rock candy; Twilight watched him in horror as he gobbled it down and made a mess, some rock candy stuck to his chin and some fell on his lap “Slow down before you choke and stop making a mess..” she sighed as she grabbed a napkin and handed it to him. Twilight looked out the window as Spike ate and watched as the scenery passed with her head resting on her hand again; she recalled the reason for even being on the stupid train to begin with heading to god knows where.

Twilight walked down the hall of the grand castle with a book in hand; she was lost in thought thinking about how she would present herself, after all, it was a big deal for Queen Celestia to summon anyone like this without warning. She adjusted her purple tie with a pin on it through her purple sweater vest and adjusted what people called her granny shoes which were just brown loafer with knee high socks; she cleared her throat and straitened her posture. As she did that, she approached two large decorated doors. Twilight didn’t bother paying attention to the two soldiers at each side of the door and flipped her blue hair with pink and purple streaks behind her shoulder; the two soldiers looked at her briefly before stepping to the side and opening the doors for her. She wasted no time in walking through and walking down the grand throne room. Twilight stopped when she was in front of Celestia; she bowed her head and tried mask any emotion she was feeling. “You wished to see me Princess Celestia?” she said that almost robotically; she knew she was still a little nervous around her, even though Celestia was her magic teacher but she had to always present herself as a professional. Celestia with all the grace in the world stood up and walked over, placing a hand gently on Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight immediately felt a gentle and calming warmth wash over her.

Celestia gave a small smile and spoke with great eloquence “It’s alright Twilight, you’re not in any kind trouble, you may relax” she took her hand off of Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight felt all of her muscles finally relax and she lifted her head, taking a deep breath “Oh thank goodness…” she quickly pushed up her glasses which was a nervous habit of hers “I was worried for a moment, after all I didn’t know if I forgot to submit my work or something, or I got a failed grade, or if I forgot a report..” she watched as Celestia’s hand went up and immediately went quiet. Celestia spoke again “I do, however, have an assignment for you of the upmost importance.” she watched as Twilight beamed with pride; Twilight loved being given important work because it meant that Celestia trusted her abilities.
Celestia took Twilight’s silence as a sign to continue and used her magic staff adorned with a sun on top to point to a small town on a large map hanging off to the side on a wall “There is a small village named Oaktown about three hours away from here; I would like you to relocate there for a little bit, all expenses will be covered, I need you to oversee the sun festival…” this caused Twilight to freak out. Twilight looked at Celestia in disbelief for a moment and asked one question right after the other “Wait, what? But, you’re highness, am I being relieved of my studies? I’m sorry if I did something wrong! Am I being banished?” she went quiet as Celestia’s hand went up again.

Celestia shook her head and gave Twilight a reassuring smile “On the contrary, I want you to report to me once a week on your findings; you’re a very promising student but you keep to yourself to much Twilight, I want you to go to this village to learn more about people and friendships and I think you will also find many promising ways to advance your studies there as well while you're there…” she smiled at Twilight who stood there dumbfounded, still trying to take it all in. Twilight came to and shook her head, putting a hands on her hips “I don’t have time for all of that, I want to stay here and study with you, I want to stay here in Canterlot..” she had no desire to go to some irrelevant small town and leave the splendor of such an amazing city. Celestia sighed “Twilight, this is an assignment, I’m doing this for your own benefit. Spike, your young assistant will accompany you to help you in your findings of magic and keep me updated. Use this Opportunity to broaden your horizons as well.” She smiled and Twilight let her shoulders drop, knowing she was going to give in and do what Celestia says.

Twilight came to when she heard a piercing bell go off; it was the signal that the train was reaching its destination. Twilight looked out the window, spotting some people who were no doubt waiting for the train to stop to see their loved ones. Not much of the town could be seen right now but it looked small and some of the people didn’t look like the type of people Twilight cared to associate with. Twilight huffed and looked over at Spike who had finished his rock candy “Alright little glutton, we’re almost there..” she watched as Spike perked up “Finally, let’s go Twilight!” he happily got out of the seat and rushed to their room down the corridor. Twilight raced after him “Slow down, you’re going to crash into someone if you run like that!”

The train came to a stop and Twilight with Spike in toe stepped off the train; Twilight straitened her posture and looked on in discontent as she started to walk past a sign that said Welcome To Oakville; Twilight looked over at Spike who observed everything with childlike excitement "Well Spike, I might as well do what I need to and present myself an a student of Celestia." and with new enthusiasm she walked on into the town.