• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 5,447 Views, 47 Comments

Eternal Knight - Metroid Prime

A being straight out of a legend is proven to be all too real when it shows up at Canterlot Castle, and it's not here to make friends.

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Rising

Equis, A long long time ago

Within the skies of Equestria, a portal appeared. Its appearance looked like a swirling hole of purple, pink, orange, and violet particles.

A large object came out of the portal and landed on the ground. As it rested its body, it looked over the area.

It had a smile crossed its face. It was satisfied with what he saw.

"Alright then, let's get to work."

Sunset sat next to her mother and Spike as she observed the sight before her. Her curious mind making sure it committed to memory what she saw.

After all, it's not everyday a group of gods got together.

Standing around the meeting table were 4 well known deities(excluding Celestia), from left to right they were: Amaterasu the Vulpan Sun goddess, Mahou Tanoshii a goddess of Magic(also the former's daughter), Bellona the Roman War goddess (and one of Celestia's generals), and surprisingly(or rather unsurprisingly) Cadence, the goddess of Love.

"Alright," Celestia began, "Now that everyone is here, I shall disclose the purpose of why I asked you all to come here."

"Oh, did you finally found a stallion. Is this about asking us what positions you want to know!?" Cadence asked hopefully.

Celestia unfortunately and unintentionally went red in the face. It didn't help that she became flabbergasted.


"Oh finally!" Amaterasu chimed in, "I was thinking about to back going to intimidate Daring Do, but now I can get more drama here."

"Whaaaaaa?" Sunset's mind derailed almost as fast as the meeting.

"NO! No," Celestia took a deep breath and composed herself, then put on her serious face. "This is the farthest thing from that. No, this is serious. Something that may concern the safety of the gods of this world."

"Oh calm down Tia," Amaterasu said "What could be so bad that it could pose a threat to us, aside from other malevolent gods?"


The entire room went silent. "Oh, I guess that is bad."

"As most of you all know, Eternium was a metal that was rumored to be able to kill or severely gods. Some of us can testify to that others have only heard the stories. But what that has to due with this meeting is that it appears some unknown force is working against me(as usual), and their endgame involves the collection of Eternium."

Bellona tapped her spear in agreement. "She's not lying. I had just come back from checking up on the Troodons when I learned that an attacker had broken into the castle and killed some of my best soldiers."

"Not to mention he put Shiny in the hospital. I wish I could have paid him back personally." Cadence added.

"Thank you, Bellona." Celestia said, "Now, I shall explain what I know so far."

Princess Celestia explained her story as the other gods listened with intent, even including Spike and Sunset's trip to Shion. Once she finished all of them had more or less concerned looks on their faces.

"Hmmm, this is quite the situation." Amaterasu stated.

"Question," Mahou said "Where is this Eternium sword that the Black Knight, this Lancelot as Sunset stated, being kept now?"

"It's in an impenetrable vault that can only be opened by my magic."

"So, what do you need us for?"

"Well, even though the Black Knight is dead, I am sure that their are more of these "Heroic Spirits" still lingering in Equestria. That they will all come for the sword." Celestia suspected the one called Gilgamesh would try to take the blade, as he seemed to backing whatever plan that was set in motion.

Before she could continue, a guard burst into the room.

"Your majesty, its an emergency!"

"What!? What is it?"

"Its some of the fire beasts your highness! They've gone mad and are tearing the castle apart!"

Celestia's eyes went wide as she got up from the table, "I'll be right back.”

The solar alicorn followed the guard as he lead her to the foyer. When she got there, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Several of Celestia's Xiulcoatl and Fire Lizards were fighting with a contingent of guards. A Xiulcoatl swung its tail as it sent several guards flying into a wall. A couple of fire lizards jumped on the back of a Knight and tried to bite through the armor around the neck.

Celestia then focused as her horn lit up, she was preparing a spell that would emanate a calming effect that would hopefully placate the creatures. She then cast the spell as a wave of energy washed over the creatures and she waited for it to take effect.

But it didn't. They continued to fight and tear the place apart.

Deciding to take a more direct approach, she confronted one of the fire lizards and looked it in the eye.

"Char!" Calling it by the name she gave it, "That's enough! Bad boy!"

The lizard looked at her, and it didn't seem to recognize its master at all. It then began to crawl towards her as if she was prey.

"Char no!"

The lizard then leaped at her, only to be restrained by a magical binding that tied up its limbs together. She then fired several more spells that incapacitated the other creatures.

Sunset (who had followed her mother out of curiosity) came upon the scene just as the fight had seemingly ended.

"What happened here?" She said.

Celestia walked up to one of the Xiulcoatl as she looked it over, trying to diagnose what was wrong with it.

Amaterasu (who had also followed Celestia out of curiosity) appeared next to her. She then placed her hand(or paw) on its head and closed her eyes.

"Hmmm, so that's it." She then walked over to a fire lizard and did the same thing to it. "This one as well."

"What?" Celestia asked, "What is it?"

"These creatures have the same, or at least a similar magical aura that is normally found on familiars."

Celestia was surprised at this, "That can't be, I trained these beasts personally and did not use any magic at all to control them. Not to mention that no one can use them as familiars as they are completely loyal to me."

"That is true. However, the aura around these creatures and the way it's so ingrained into their minds....Celestia, these creatures have been the familiars to someone else long before you trained them."

Celestia was once again shock, but found herself doubting this claim.

"That can't be. I looked these creatures over before I trained them to see if they are someone else's familiars. I would have found that out a long time ago."

"Indeed, but one can suppress a familiars connection to its master so that it can't be detected during an initial scan. And the aura that is emanating from them shows that someone (their original master I assume) has taken direct control or as least given them an order that makes their connection more apparent now."

Celestia opened her mouth, but then closed it as the Vulpan deity made sense, but she had one more question, "How long? How long have they been familiars?"

"Judging by the residue left on them, I'd say somewhere close to a thousand years."

Celestia for the third time today was met with another surprised, so many in one hour.

"Wait a minute," Sunset said "You're telling me that someone has been spying on us through these things for the last thousand years? And even if that was the case, while Xiulcoatl are effectually ageless, Fire Lizards don't live for that long."

"Perhaps they have had some sort of longevity that their master gave them, or something else I don't know. But one thing is clear, this castle has been infiltrated and whoever put these spies here are now making their move."

"Okay, but one thing still eludes me. Why were they attacking the guard and going rampant? That's not an effective way to attack the capital of Equestria if you're making it so apparent. If they were trying to kill mom, it would be futile as it would take more than a few fire reptiles to do that. It's almost as if someone was just using them as a distractio-"

The three females at almost the same time put two and two together.

"Celestia, where is that vault you mentioned?"

The three of them all rushed down the hallways until they came to an open set of doors and two guards knocked out on the ground. Once inside the room, they found the doors to an impenetrable vault wide open for all to see.

"Impossible." Celestia said.

"Maybe, someone somehow teleported inside and walked out." Sunset theorized.

"No, I designed it so it can't be opened from inside or out without my magic. Which means someone or something unlocked it with my magic."

"Your Highness!" another guard walked in the room out of breath.


"We have spotted the assailant. He was making his way out of the castle!"

"Wait, where!?"

"He looked like he was heading towards the cliffs"

Immediately Celestia teleported herself, Sunset and Amaterasu outside to the western part of the castle, just in time to see a shadowy figure rush past them.


The group gave pursuit as the assailant jumped over walls and ran through bushes, all the while never shaking his pursuers as the finally came to the edge of Canterlot, overlooking a two mile tall drop.

"Spot right there!" Celestia said in a commanding voice. Whoever this was she needed him alive for questioning.

But when the figure turned around, the words were lost in her throat.


The Black Knight face her and her companions, holding the sword in hand as he gave his emotionless stare.

"Wait, so that's the Black Knight?" Sunset said. "I thought you said he was dead."

"That's what I was told, apparently Shining Armor was fooled."

"Fooled or not he is clearly cornered." Amaterasu said. "Put your hands in the air come peacefully, unless." Flames started to form around her mouth. "You have any objections."

The spirit saw as various other guards started to form around the trio. Air infantry covered the skies in case her thought about jumping over them.

The Knight slowly raised his hands in the air.

Amaterasu smirked, "Heh, looks like this one knows when to give up.”

But the goddess soon found herself eating her words when the knight took a step back.

"No wait!"

The Knight fell of the edge before any of them could catch him in their magical grasp.

Sunset looked over the edge as the Knight plummeted to the ground, never trying to slow his descent or soften his landing in anyway.

Finally, she heard a soft thud and silence.

"Mom, can you-"

Celestia instantly teleported herself and the other two down to the bottom only to find a hole where the Knight had apparently landed. Sunset cast a wisp spell that went down said hole, which went down and down until she could not see it no more.

"Great, we will never find him down there!"

"We could send some scouts down there to try and pursue him," Amaterasu suggested "What do you think, Celestia?"

The fox deity turned to her friend only to find her with a grin on her face.

"What are you smiling about?"

Celestia let out a chuckle, "I knew someone would try and take the sword. It was only a matter of time. Which is why I cast a tracking spell on it to alert me to its whereabouts when it was stolen."

Now it was Sunset and Amaterasu's turn to be surprised.

"Wow, thats smart." Sunset spoke.

"Yes, now let us go and gather the guard as well as the others. It's time to put an end to this"

Daring Do, being who she was, had a way of getting into places that generally try to keep people out. However when it came to meeting Princess Celestia, the fact that they both knew each other means she didn't have to employ her usual methods of breaking and entering.

But after being refused entry to the castle due to a meeting of the gods,(which okay that was a good reason) she had to find other means of getting inside.

"The ventilation systems!?" Baron almost shouted saying. "You're making us go into through the most cliché way ever?"

"Well Insight, considering that your charming the female guards almost got us in a firing squad, I wouldn't trust any plan you have."

"Hey, I thought what was off the top of my head! Forgive a stallion for trying."

"Plus didn't you say that you were "already on it" when I said we needed to tell Princess Celestia about this?"

"That too was a heat of the moment thing. Sorry it's just I wish I could be heroic and important, like the central protagonist of a story."

"Baron, I write stories. And let me tell you, if this was a Daring Do book, it would be a spin-off or something written by another author, because its tone and writing style would not resemble my work!"


"Nothing, just spouting nonsense. Ignore me."

"Okay....so where are we going exactly?"

"The throne room, and if I remember correctly, it should be right through this vent!"

Daring and Baron tumbled out of the ventilation shaft, that bodies falling out in the most ungraceful fashion.

When Daring lifted her head up, she was facing the tip end of a spear.

"Ahh horseshoes."

Bellona inched her spear closer to the Pegasus's eye.

"Before I have a "word" with the guards who seem to be poor at security, allow my spear to have a "word" with you intruder!"

"Wait no!"

Daring looked to see a pink alicorn fly in between her and the Roman War Goddess.

"She's my mother."

Daring thanked her lucky stars that her daughter was a bonafide Princess and goddess of Equestria, which made her wonder why didn't use that card to get into the castle.

"Oh right, cause these guards don't bother to memorize or care for the names or appearances of the relatives of the gods."

Elsewhere, a certain Sunset Shimmer sneezed.

"She is your mother Cadence? You swear on this?"

"Swear on my father's head."

"Very well. But that does not explain why she broke in here like a thief in the night, or who is this stallion that is with her."

"I'm sure she has a good explanation, right mom?"

"As a matter of fact I do, but also need Princess Celestia to hear this. Where is she?"

"She went to go deal with a matter of beast control," Stated Bellona. "But I'm sure she'll be back any-"

One flash later, and one Celestia, Sunset and Amaterasu appeared in the room.

"Second now."

Celestia was the first to notice that new guests. "Miss Daring Do, what a surprise."

"Good afternoon Princess Celestia, Lady Amaterasu."

"Miss Daring."

However it was Sunsets reaction that caught everyone's attention.

D-d-d-d-d-d-daring Do? Daring Do is here!?"

"Oh, I forgot I never told you." Celestia said nervously "Well, surprise?"

"Daring. Here. This is. Oh My. Wow." Sunset then promptly fainted.

"Oh, Is she gonna be okay?"

Spike went up and took her pulse.

"Yeah, she's fine I'd give her a few minutes though."

"Okay, keep her safe Spike. Now Daring, what reasons do you have for sneaking into my castle? I am in the middle of something important."

"I'm sure you are Princess, but what we know concerns the Black Knight and what his true objectives are."

Celestia and almost everyone else reacted with surprise to this. After all, it was unexpected that Daring Do would come to them with vital information at this time. But then again Daring had a knack for uncovering secrets.

"Speak, and quickly."

"I think that the Black Knight is not just gathering random items, but that they are connected in a certain way."

"How, is Eternium, a wagon full of power gems, and an Olympian Crystal related to each other?" Bellona asked.

"It's not just those things. I was exploring some ruins and the I encountered the Knight there and he stole a relic from that place."

"What is so special about a dusty old relic? Other than the time they are?"

"That relic, along with the Olympian Crystal, both belonged to an ancient human colony that once existed in Equestria. And I'm not talking about the Romans"

"What?" Celestia said "What do you mean?"

"Your highness,” Daring spoke. “There was another colony of humans that came from another world, one which brought the Eternium to this universe in the first place."

The room went silent at this revelation, but then Celestia spoke up again.

"Wait, this wouldn't happen to be during the reign of Queen Majesty?"

"The very same one."

"But, I was told of how the old gods faced a giant that supposedly guarded Eternium brought here. I never heard of any human colony."

There was a gasp in the room, and all eyes followed its origin to a certain fox deity.


She was not listening, but instead whispering something to herself.

"A colony of humans, a towering giant, Eternium weapons...I think I know what's happening."

"What are you talking about?"

Amaterasu looked at Celestia with a grim expression. "I know what the Black Knights master is."

"Who is he?"

"Someone we cannot allow to rise again."

It's not everyday you see the armies of Equestria mobilize against a threat to their country...almost everyday. But after Amaterasu was done explaining just what they were up against, Celestia and Bellona wasted no expenses mobilizing the entire Equestrian army. It which now marched westward of Canterlot, to the valley beneath the skies of Cloudsdale.

The vanguard, lead by Celestia and the other gods, continued to march forward until they reached a certain spot in the field.

"Why have we stopped?" Bellona asked

"Cause this is where the tracker ends." Celestia said "But there appears to be nothing disturbed here."

"That thing has had a thousand years to stay concealed and undetected." Amaterasu stated "I find it surprising that no one started digging around here and came across it."

Celestia had to agree with her, after she told them just what was buried underneath her country for far longer than she ruled it almost baffled her. However now was not the time to be dumbfounded, they had a job to do.

"Whelp, I guess we should start digging then." Mahou said.

"Hmm, you're going to dig like dogs? You really are mongrels."

Everyone froze a an invisible voice met there ears, one which Celestia remembered vividly.

"But then again you are a fox, so that may already be a trait of your canine blood.

A golden shimmer of particles formed together to make a shape, and from that shape came a golden armored human with matching hair and ruby red eyes.

"Gilgamesh." Celestia said.

"As, Princess, I believe I warned you about interfering with events that you should not stick your muzzle in."

"And I believe I told you that this is my kingdom and that I will not allow anymore of my little ponies to come to harm. Plus now that I know who this Knight really serves, I must face it before it can rise again."

"Hmmm, so you would stand against me." Gilgamesh sighed. "Shame, would have preferred not to dirty my hands with your blood. The work of cleaning is reserved for a vassal."

"Silence you arrogant fool!" Bellona said staking her spear into the ground. "You ego will not save you when I kill you in such a glorious fashion!"

Celestia was a little stunned at Bellona's words, but she be used to her violent nature by now. After all she is a Goddess of War.

"While I wouldn't exactly use Bellona's words, she does have a point, you are outnumbered Gilgamesh. And also clearly out powered in this match. Surrender now I will grant you leniency."

Gilgamesh gave Celestia a dirty look as if he just insulted him.

"Mongrel, you would dare order a King to surrender. To throw away the fight before it begins. Either you are foolishly brave, or courageously stupid!"

But before the King of Heroes could do anything, Cadence put herself between him and her aunt.

"Wait! Please. Gilgamesh, that's your name right?"

"Yes, although I did not give you permission to speak to me."

"Sue me, look if you have any love or kindness in your heart at all, then I ask that part of you, don't unleash this force upon our world. If the gods fall then chaos will reign, wars will rage and the planet will be no more. So ask you with kindness and peace, don't do this."

"....I'm sorry, and who are you suppose to be?"

"I am Princess Cadence, Goddess of Love and Beauty."

Gilgamesh uttered a snicker.

"What, what's so funny?"

"Well, when you said Beauty, I scoffed at the notion. You look something humans would just turn into glue."


"On Earth, horse and ponies are nothing more than simple animals. Cattle with no will or life of their own. You are the creatures who pull our carriages, we ride on your backs when we see fit. But once you have serve your purpose, your dead bodies are nothing more than material to be used to make adhesive.

It then suddenly became so quiet that one would hear a pin drop, even in the soft grass.

“What's the matter, does our worlds circle of life offend you-”

The King of Heroes was cut of as an insanely deadly blast of energy came from Cadence's horn. Fortunately for Gilgamesh he summoned a dozen shields from his treasury that blocked the attack.

Cadence stood there, and she looked like she was very pissed off.

"You @&$*%L#! You humans think you're so high and mighty don't you!? I know the Romans are terrible people are best, but you look like you could use some Celestial Holy Enlightenment!"

Cadence summoned a stylized bow and a quiver full of arrows.

"Prepare yourself Gilgamesh, you are about to face the might of the Equestrian Empire!"

"Ah so you are and archer top. Good, it's been awhile since I've had some fun."

Gilgamesh waved his arm.

"Goddesses of this world. I thank you for the glorious fight you are about to provide me with. So in gratitude, please accept this gift from someone as glorious as me. King of Heroes: A.U.O. Cast off!"

A white flash of light shined forth off of Gilgamesh, so much that even the present sun goddess had to shield their eyes.

"Steel yourselves!" Bellona shouted. "This could be anything!"

When the light died down and the 5 female deities could look again, despite Bellona's warning, they were not ready or expecting what they saw.

Standing there, in public, in front of four females and an army, was Gilgamesh, butt nude.

A golden shining light radiated from his private parts, obscuring it to a point. But for some reason, when they all looked upon it they could not help but steam from the redness of their faces.

"GAAHAAAHHH!!" Their was a scream that came from Mahou, but the other goddesses were the one only ones who kept their mouth shut, but still found blood dripping from their noses, Even Celestia had to sprung a leak.

Cadence somehow found the will to speak clearly.

"Why!? Why are you naked, you pervert!"

"Don't be embarrassed, your reaction is only natural."


"My body is more glorious than even the most beautiful gems on this or any world. A sight of supreme beauty. If you're a virgin, then this must be all the more better for you."

At that point Mahou gushed out half a pint of blood from her noses, but still found the will to remain conscious. Celestia had thankfully stuffed her nostrils with tissue, but they turned red very quickly.

"Go ahead, stare all you want. Become entranced by my glory and surrender yourself. It is futile to resist."

Celestia switched out tissue and summoned the will to compose herself at a time like this.

"E-e-enough of this foolishness, Gilgamesh! You wanted to fight us and now you want us to make fools of ourselves! I will not stand for such immature behavior."

"You're correct, Princess. While that was for you it also serves another purpose."

"What?" Don't tell me he can get us pregnant by just having us looking!? Family reunions would be so awkward.

"A distraction."

Celestia gasped, but it was too late, by the time she saw the weapon shooting out of the Gate of Babylon, it had already connected with the ground, causing a massive explosion.

The weapon was Vajra, a divine symbol of Indra, a deity in Vedic mythology. And its effects were apparent.

After the ringing stopped, and thankfully the blood dripping from her nose, Celestia got up and faced Gilgamesh again. Who thankfully had his armor on again.

Mother I pray for any soul that has to see and be enchanted by such a dangerous weapon again.

Gilgamesh waved his hand as the Gate of Babylon open a dozen holes, weapons at the ready to be fired.

"Now Princess Celestia, shall we begin?"

The Solar Alicorn, no longer in the mood for any more games, drew Night Slayer are raised it high into the air.

"Equestria. CHARGE!"

Lancelot walked into the room as the battle raged above him. The shaking of earth had loosened some dirt off the ceiling that dropped down on his armor.

He did not even seem to notice the shaking and rumblings, for his mind was focused on completing his final task, and once that was done...

"Master, I have returned."

The Entity looked upon his servant with content.

"Good, you have done well Berserker."

Lancelot held up the blade as his master took it. At the same time, he manifested that band that belonged to the Olympian Crystal.

"Now, let us make whole the past."

The Entity took the band, reshaping it into somebody sort of key, he then put said key into the open hilt of the Infinity Blade. The sword glowed with a blue light that gave it a kind of futuristic look, it shined for a second before dimming down.

"We now have everything. We can leave now."

"But what about the army above? I count 5 gods who stand in our way, and I believe you need little disturbance to create the spatial portal."

"Do not concern yourself. Gilgamesh will deal with them soon enough, hopefully."

At first when the battle started, Celestia while not underestimating Gilgamesh. She and her friends had clearly underestimated the depth of his treasury. The battle had been going on for 5 minutes now, and neither side was gaining ground. At first Gilgamesh's kept raining down his weapons on her army which had put them on the defensive. After she ordered the army to stand back for now, the five of them took him on personally. That went as well as expected.

Celestia and the other gods were currently engaged in an aerial dogfight. The King of Heroes had summoned some kind of flying ship that was clearly more than a match for the five of them, it was as if this thing seemed to fly at the speed of light. Every time one of them would get close, a weapon from his treasury would persuade them to linger back. Cadence and Mahou used their bows to fight vollies arrows which were also countered by anything that came out of the gate. It was frustrating, while the three of them were all archers, only one used “abnormal ammo”.

"Hah! Is this the best you got? I have had more intense fights with fakers!" Gilgamesh looked behind him to see the foxes and Bellona who had turned into alicorns to keep up with him. Why they chose to become horses, lesser beings was beyond him, but he did acknowledge the flight power the it lent them.

Why can they not just fly in their human forms? Does that power elude the so called gods?

But then the King of Heroes noticed something missing.

Wait, were is Celestia?


The golden king, looked in shock to see that Celestia had teleported onto his craft.

"Allow me to show you just what a lower lifeform can do!" She fired a blast so powerful that the explosion not only destroyed the ship, but also sent her flying back. When she opened her eyes, she saw something that looked like the king fall from the sky only to slow down until it looked like he was levitating in mid air.

Getting to his level, she stared right at him.

"You can fly, or is this just another one of your "treasures" that grants you levitation?"

The King smiled which seem to be in response towards her second guess.


"What now? You are vulnerable."

"A king is never vulnerable, nor is he without arms."

Another weapon was pulled out of his gate, it looked like a red spear with veins running up it as well as some sort of writing.

"Tell me Celestia, can you survive something that aims for the heart."

Celestia gasped, What, don't tell me that's!-

"Behold the Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death! Gae Bolg!"

The spear flew from his hands and flew at lighting speed at her. Celestia had to teleport herself, but still had to keep moving as the spear followed her. Always aiming for her heart.

How can this be!? Gae Bolg was a spear forge from the skull of Curruid, gifted to us by Odin! How does he have it? Did he steal it? Or, does his world posses the same characteristics as ours?

Celestia stopped as the spear still came for her.

Is his Earth, some sort of alternate Equss, or....the reverse?

The solar alicorn summon all her power to form a shield that met the Gae Bolg with its own might.

From what Odin told me, the only way to defeat this weapon is to meet it head on, and I know only one person who has that defense.


The war goddess appeared behind her.

"I am here Princess!"

"Shiten Ou Nanatsu no Enkan, now!"

"Yes your highness!"

Bellona placed her own have on Celestia's shied as soon as it began to break.

"I call upon the shield that deflected the great heroes of war! Rho Aias!"

A shield with several layers in the form of petals appeared to reinforce Celestia's shield. For a second it seemed to work, but one by one, the layers began to break and crack under the power of the spear.

"Impossible!" Bellona exclaimed "This spear is capable of piercing the shield of Aias himself!?"

Finally it reach the last barrier, which was the size of a dish plate and still cracking.

Their was a scream of determination that came from the mouths of the goddess, a final push, then a massive bright explosion of energy.

Gilgamesh floated down as the dust began to settle. Once it did, the 5 deities stood together once again.

"Impressive, you almost got us there boy." Bellona said.

"I'm not surprised, even a faker who could summon the Aias shield would be able to block that spear. It would be a shameful if a god could not suppose such replication."

"Like I said before,” Celestia spoke. “You are out powered here Gilgamesh. I will fight to the death for my little ponies. If your battle with me means the I have to die saving my kingdom so be it."

"I see, then allow me to grant you that request."

Celestia looked as Gilgamesh pulled another item from the gate. It looked like some kind of key, but what it opened she could only guess.

"I praise your efforts Celestia. You follow the path you believe in and stick to it."

He raised the key up as he turned it, as if he was unlocking something. Then all of a sudden, it released a large, labyrinth-like red pattern, seemingly crimson cuneiform lettering. It would probably be seen covering the sky from a great distance away. It then receded into a glowing small orb in his hand.

"You are a god, but I bet you have never seen the creation of the universe. Allow me to show you just what that looks like."

What Gilgamesh pulled out the orb looked something between a drill and a spear, an odd looking weapon indeed. But their was something about it that worried Celestia just by looking at it.

The elements amalgamate, coalesce, and bring forth the stars that weave all of creation."

Gilgamesh plunged the weapon into the ground, which began spinning and churning up a whirlwind of red energy.

"Awaken Ea! A stage worthy of your power has been made!"

A sudden blackness covered the area, no one could see or do anything.

But when the dark lifted, and looked upon what they saw, some of them wished that it hadn't.

Sunset groaned as she started to wake up.

"Hey there sleepy head." Spike said.

"Ugh Spike, what happened?"

"Oh uh, well you see were about to walk out the room when a guard opened the door so hard it knocked you out!"

"What! Where is he? He will burn for treason!"

"Um, I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Cause... Fervent already shot him."

"Hmm, are you sure?"

More or less," Spike said. “Chief talked him out of a killing blow, but he still got it in the hoof.”

"Wait, where is mom and the others?"

"Oh, they went to go find the Black Knight."

"What?! Without me?!"

"Hey, it's fine they don't need us."

"I know that, but I still wanted to help."

"Oh come on Sunset, this is mom we are talking about. What's the worst that could happen?"

As if on cue a rumbling was felt throughout the area. It lasted for a few seconds, but was still concerning.

"What was that?" Sunset went to the balcony to look outside. That was when Spike heard her gasp.

"What, what is it?"

Spike walked outside to join his sister, and once he did, once he saw what he saw, his jaw dropped as well.

In the skies around Cloudsdale, above the valley that it overlooked, were three miniature spiral galaxies.

Each "galaxy" was stacked on top of the other, each one was twice as large as the galaxy above it. They swirled in opposite directions, beautiful yet terrifying at the same time.

"I hate Tuesdays."

Gilgamesh laughed at Celestia and the army stood in awe and terror at what they saw. They knew that what ever this was, it was meant not to kill them, but destroy them entirely.

Celestia could feel the awesome power of this thing. She guessed that if used properly, who knows what it could do.

"By the stars." she said.

The King of Heroes took Ea and lifted it above her head. The galaxies followed the weapon as they moved with its direction.

"My sword of Rupture is the Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth. Take this! Enuma Elish!"

A blast of whirling energy erupted from the "sword", its attack seemed unavoidable. Its power unrivaled. It had its target and there was no way to escape or way to block it.

Celestia in that moment, made one of the most important decisions of her life.

"Everyone to me!"

The four other goddess huddled together to her.

"We have one chance to pull this off. Do you trust me?"

The other goddess nodded.

"Good, now together!"

The five deities poured magic together, and a flash engulfed them and the entire army, just as the blast from Ea hit them.

And the explosion that followed looked like a hydrogen bomb going off, it was spectacular and terrifying. Something that this world had never seen before, and would never see again.

Gilgamesh tapped his foot as he waited for the dust to settle. His patience was thin as grew more irritated at the dirt still hanging in the air.

When he could see clearly, he was almost stunned to see what he saw.

Standing there, although with a few scratches, was Princess Celestia, as if that attack had only put a dent in her.

"Hmph, I admit, I expected some parlor trick to get you and your fellow gods out of Ea's Enuma Elish. But to use to teleport the entire army away. You truly do put your subjects first."

The alicorn still stared at him with a determined face, but said nothing.

“Not to mention that survive a blast from Ea is a feat of its own. I mean I was holding back, but that was enough to blow away an entire city."

"Gilgamesh, I’ll have you know I could blow away a city in a heartbeat."

“Hm, Fuhahahahahahaha! I see, you truly are a worthy opponent. Your were almost as fun to fight with as Enkidu, and he was the only other person I considered a friend and equal.”

Celestia was about to say something but stopped when she heard the word “friend”.

“Wait who?”

Gil put on a stern face.

Hmmm, did I strike a nerve?

“Who is Enkidu?”

“Hmmm. Very well, since you survived Ea, I shall grant you this one answer. But it is all you will get.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Enkidu was made by the so called “gods” of my world. Mind you it was only a title, the Original One did not want anyone passing her up so they were simply called “Divine Spirits”. But in a sense of irony instead of being the link to put me in line he became my one and only companion. But then one day the so called “gods” did not like that their creation defied them, and so did away with him as punishment for him and me.”

“So, is that why you don’t like me? Do I remind you of the ones who took away your only friend?”

If she had struck another nerve, then the King of Heroes did his best to not show it. He then turned his back on her and spoke.

"Feel free to fight me as many times as you please Princess of Equestria. In fact I invite you to come to my world whenever you please, as King of Heroes, I assure you that it will never be a boring place to visit."

The heroic spirit grinned then uttered one last laugh before he disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Celestia was almost at a lost for words. Then was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice.


The alicorn turned to see her fellow gods touch down next to her. All of them looking slightly better than her, slightly.

“What happened?” Amaterasu said “Where is the human?”

“Oh, he’s gone.”

“Wait, did you beat him,” Bellona said hopefully “Did you send that little $h@# into the sun for all eternity?”

“No, he just left. Said I was a worthy opponent and just vanished.”

Bellona had a blank face, then immediately became pissed.

“D-Doggone it! I would have castrated him before he would get away with any of this!”

“Ugh, just who did that guy think he was?” Cadence spat. “He is a good example of just why Kings are a bad idea. They care about no one but themselves.”

“I wouldn't say that Cadence.”

The pink alicorn of love looked at her aunt in confusion.

“What are you saying? He was a selfish self centered jerk! I bet he never even had any friends!”


A sound reverberated throughout the surrounding area, almost something like a quake or thunder.

“Uh girls, what was that?” Mahou said.

Celestia was a bit concerned too, had the weapon done more damage than it appeared? Or was it something else….

“Oh no.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, the other goddess soon got on the same page. They then remembered why they all came here in the first place.

The ground began to shake. From Ponyville to Canterlot, Equestrians felt the very earth move on some level of vibration, even some of the citizens of Cloudsdale looked down to see what was making that noise.

From the north, east and south the ground began to rise as if trying to reach the sky. Power surged through long disused veins as organs and vital systems began to work again. Energy pulses coursed through stone and dirt as the entire surrounding area from the Everfree to Canterlot felt something shift the ground.

The earth opened up as something gargantuan in size pushed up from below. Slowly a titanic form rose from underneath the dirt, rock and soil as they all fell of its form. It went higher into the sky as it got to its feet and stood up straight. Once all was said and done, a near two mile tall being stood in the middle of Equestria. Its orange eyes gazing at the horizon.

Vale, the Goliath of the Earth Element, had risen.