• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 5,447 Views, 47 Comments

Eternal Knight - Metroid Prime

A being straight out of a legend is proven to be all too real when it shows up at Canterlot Castle, and it's not here to make friends.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Battle is to the Strong

For Farseer Anrain, clairvoyance was a very powerful ability.

The knowledge that could change the outcome of the future is one that could be used to save the world, or also doom it. With every vision he got he would put them to good use, in most cases he was able to alter the timeline for the better, some cases not so much.

Right now he concentrating, his meditation would allow him to receive new strands of possible events that would transpire

"This requires, inner peace of mind, total silence aaannnnd"

Anrain's patience paid off as the clairvoyance began to take effect.

"Ah yes now lets just what's coming next.....wait what!?"

The images that flashed through his mind made his heart skip a beat, not to mention that it was all vague. Among the things he saw was images of a shadowy figure standing over a fallen Princess Celestia, a burning Cloudsdale, Chaos Cultists scheming, a large green and black titan standing with a lion and a bat, two humans with distinctive marks on their hands, and finally somewhere in Equestria the very ground was quaking and crumbling.

All the while, someone whispered something.

"A sunrise dark shall cast fall upon the kingdom, and time will rust. While the planet turns from gold to gray, and gray to black. And he shall stand alone while not alone. A dark star, unstopped and unstoppable. The sun herself shall scream, the child of the creator shall rise, his gaze revealing the legacy of her Majesty the Queen. Order shall take form and call its power. And once Vale stands above the rest, will Equestria know fear."

Once it was all over, Anrain had to collect himself.

"This, what did I just see?"

The deer was unsure of what to make of his vision, but one thing was clear, something was about to happen in Equestria and they needed to be warned immediately.

"Lets just hope I am not too late"

10 Minutes Earlier.

The Black Knight had not had this much of a good fight in a long time.

"Lifetimes to be more exact"

After taking out a few foes he found himself facing six ponies each wielding identical ranged weapons, what made them distinct was the fire burning at their ends.

"On three, one....three!"

The Bearers of Flames fired their Sun Spitters in scary simulation, each one hitting their mark.

The Corporal Firestorm, the commander of the six mentally smirked.

"No way he could have survived that"

However as the smoke cleared, his pride was quickly replaced with fear.

Standing there without so much as a scratch was the monster they had been sent to kill.

The armored creature then let out a roar before charging at them.

The Black Knight snatched the closest Bearer and leaped into the air ripped his Sun Spitter from him and then deposited him through the nearest window.

Once he landed back on the ground the other ponies were surprised to see what he held in his hand.

Before Firestorm could shout out any command the Black Knight in quick succession gunned the remaining five down with the stolen weapon, all the while reloading and chambering each shot in less that a second.

Taking a liking to the weapon he had acquired the Knight proceeded to enter the castle.

In his final moments Firestorm could only ponder just how that thing was able to use that weapon so quickly.

"And why did it look so different when it was holding it......."

Flash Sentry joined the guard for a reason.

To get close to Princess Sunset Shimmer.

Although, he did have other ones, but that was a main.

When he joined he knew just he was getting into, as a guard of the land he put his life on the line everyday to defend Equestria and his Princess from evil.

But even though he knew all this, he never expected to be in one of these situations.

"Sir Private First Class Flash Sentry reporting for duty!"

The corporal only needed to give him one look to see that the situation was serious.

"Private get to the back with the others and cover our rear!"

Looking around flash saw various armored ponies with spears and all aimed at a door leading into another hallway.

"Sir if I may ask what is going on? Who is attacking us"

"We don't know so just get back in line!"



Getting behind everyone, Flash held his spear as he began to hear something bang on the other side of the door.

A few Knights and an Inquisitor reinforced the doors with there magic, which helped greatly as the banging became less powerful to the point when it eventually stopped altogether.

At this point Flash was beginning to calm down and stopped sweating.

"It's all good, it would take something with an alicorns power to break through that barrier, no way that thing can get into this room!"

As if karma had something against Flash, the ground beneath him and few other guards gave way and he fell through to the lower floor.

Despite the pain, Flash managed to pull himself up just in time to see a humanoid metal figure jump through the newly made hole in the ceiling.

"Unless they come through the first floor"

Upstairs the guards and knights had already began to engaged the intruder.

The Black Knight blocked and parried any swing that was aimed at him, a brave guard tried to charge at him from behind only to get a metal boot to the face and went flying through a wall. Two Pegasi charged at him from above, only for their wings to be grabbed out of the air and were slammed into each other.

Eventually all that remained where four Knights and an inquisitor who was already charging up a powerful spell.

Two knights immediately charged forward at the same time, spears leveled at their target. The Black Knight then nimbly slipped through the spears just as he grabbed one a discarded weapon and threw it at one of the Knights, only for it to not leave so much as a dent.

"Hmmm, it seems their armor is tougher than it appears, I will have to switch up my strategy"

Discarding his enchantment, the epic spirit summoned Arondight and readied himself for the two Knights to come charging at him again.

Sidestepping, he cleaved one of the knights in half lengthwise, and followed up by immediately beheading the other one as it made a charge to defend his fallen brother in arms.

The Inquisitor was partially stunned as he saw this beast kill two veteran hundred year old knights by easily cutting through their armor as if they were wood.

"Just what is this monster?! And what kind of sword does it wield?"

Regaining his composure and focus, the Inquisitor fired a fire spell that hit the beast head on.

"That was sunburst a spell created by Princess Celestia herself, it can melt even an immortals armor!"

However, the Inquisitors confidence faded away as he soon as he heard footsteps in the fire.

And the black beast slowly stepped out of the fire, slowly absorbing it as it seeped through the eyeholes in its helmet.

"W-what are you?"

The two remaining Knights charged only to be curb stomped as the monster grabbed the left one by the throat and ran his sword through him, the right one was slashed across the chest and had a spear thriven through the open wound, piercing vital organs.

"What are YOU!?"

The Black Knight then grabbed the Inquisitor by the scruff of his robe, and brought him to eye level.

"I am the bone of my sword"

Suddenly, the helmet of the beast was wearing began to crack down through the middle, both halves falling towards the ground.

And what laid beneath, made the Inquisitor utter a blood curdling scream.

Bloodletter was used to the smell of blood, usually a day didn't go by when its aroma hit his nostrils.

He had killed many in the name of Princess Celestia, and he would kill many more, spilling blood was his duty and hobby. He and his team were one of the best Equestria had to offer in terms of defense.

But right now the blood he saw was not that of his enemies, but it belonged to his fellow comrades guards and knights in arms. Bodies littered the courtyard and lead a trail deep into the castle.

"Whoever did this-"

The Captain of the Blood Knights drew his sword.

"You just incurred my wrath!"

Coming out into another open area the Black Knight was met with a blinding flash.

When it faded he could see dozens of guards and knights standing on various high places, from towers to walkways.

And in all cases, they each were manning launchers that were filled with spears, arrows, swords and anything else large and pointy.

Shining Armor, who oversaw the entire division wasted no time giving the order.


Two sets of launchers fired their contents with such a force they literally caused explosions on impact.

The forces of Celestia waited for the smoke to clear, only to see that the monster was still standing.

"Sweet Celestia! Just what is this thing!?" A knight exclaimed.

"How did dodge those weapons?" Another guard said.

*a few seconds ago*

Time seemed to slow down for Black Knight as he leaned his head to side as a sword flew right past it, in an instant he turned around and causally caught it before it hit the ground and used it to immediately deflect the second on coming spear, the force of which caused an explosion which knocked away the other projectiles.

Shining Armor overcame his shock and put on a scowl.

"Units 3 through 4 give it everything you've got!"

Almost at once several more launchers opened fired and rained metal upon their target.

This time the Knight caught two weapons in his hand the which caused him to be pushed back several feet, that fact that he dug his heels into the cement left two long indents in the ground.

Reacting again he used said weapons to deflect the three other spears before throwing them back at their owners, destroying the launchers and sending their operators flying against the walls.

Shining flinched as he saw three launcher positions go up in smoke, but never lost his focus he once again eyed the monster.

"All units, open fire! Do not let up until that thing is no longer standing!"

The launchers fired once again in a ferocity that could be compared to a mini gun.

But it still was not enough.

The Black Knight continually caught and block each spear and sword that was thrown at him, in a few cases discarding his weapons by impaling them into the ground whenever they became dull.

Growing impatient, he once again threw the next spear he caught at a launcher, destroying it. He repeated this several times until only the balcony which Shining Armor stood from remained.

But before he could attack again, he saw something fire from said balcony, this time a red lance etched with ancient writing that caused it to crackle with magic.

This time the Knight proceed to slam two spears into the lance just inches before it hit him.

Shining Armor held his breath as he waited for the smoke to clear, all the while worried like never before.

"That was a Gae bolg. a lance that is said to be enchanted to never miss its target. Their is no way that thing did not hit it and not leave a mark."

The Field Marshal soon got his answer.

Two spinning swords emerged from the smoke and struck the tower which Shining and his remaining guards stood in, he didn't even have to jump or teleport out as it crumbled to the ground taking him and everyone with it.

The Black Knight walked out of the smoke, the Gae Bolg lodged in his shoulder.

The spirit given form surveyed the destruction before then proceeding to rip out the lance from his body, the wound left by it already beginning to heal.

Princess Celestia looked through her mirror as she surveyed the destruction and death this monster left in its wake.

It pained badly to see her loyal Knights and Guards die, but she was even more concerned as to how this thing was able to single handedly defeat them. Granted many of them put up a good fight, but this beast still did not show signs of slowing down as it tore its way through the castle, its destination unclear.

"Just what are you looking for?"

Pulling up a holo 3D map of the castle, currently he was in the eastern wing, and seemed to have no interest in going to the throne room.

"The only things of worth in that area are the treasury and....wait...is it heading towards the-"

Celestia's eyes widened as she realized just what this thing wanted.

Outside the Energy Gem storage vaults

The Black Knight reeked the smell of blood, and given the last platoon of guards it had dealt with, plus the manner he dealt them with, it was understandable.

But at last he had reached his destination.

What laid on the other side of a large set of heavy metal doors was a great source of power, one that his master required for his plan. He had gone through much trouble just to get here.

But just as he was about to "open" it, a voice spoke out.

"If you think your going to get in there, you're wasting your time."

He turned around to see a large Earth pony with thick dark red armor covered a good part of him. He wore a helmet that sprouted metallic bull horns on either side, spikes ran down his armor’s middle while the fur on his skin was as red as the blood that stained the castle.

"That vault is sealed with Celestia's magic, only she can open it. So unless you go and ask her to open it(which I highly doubt given the fact you gave a good portion of her forces a trashing) you won't be getting inside."

The Black Knight then stepped away from the door and closed the gap between him and this pony, stopping only a few feet in front of him.

"I don't know who you are and I could care less, you have killed good ponies today, some of them being Blood Knights under my command!"

The Black Knight gave no response.

"Now given that fact you alone massacred the protectors of this castle you must think of me as a nuisance"

Bloodletter took out a bottle he had been saving for an occasion like this, tearing the cap of he drank the entire contents before smashing it on the ground.

"But you have never face someone like me!"

Bloodletter then charged at his foe, the sounds of his battle cry was heard throughout the castle.

"So you have an idea as to where this monster is heading?" Fervent asked.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, its destination appears to be the Energy Gem vaults."

Chief's eyes widened at this. "The Gem vaults, but won't it need your magic to unlock it?"

"Indeed, but I do not intend to take any chances with this creature, for all we know it may have a way of getting in there that does not require me"

The Energy Gem vaults stored energized stones that could be used to amplify a magic users power, the better the craftsman the better the gems. Even some gods had created gems for Princess Celestia as gifts, said gems were kept in that very vault.

So it was understandable why Celestia didn't think about what could happen it something evil got its hands on it.

"Well either way, despite how this thing infiltrated the castle, it won't be able to take on all three of us" Fervent said curtly.

"Fervent, you will go at help aid the wounded, Chief go gather the chaos magi. I will face this beast alone"

Both ponies stopped in their tracks and looked at each other, then back at Celestia.

"What!?" They both said.

"This creature came into my castle and hurt my little ponies. As such this is personal matter" The Princess turned to look at them. "Their are other matters need your attention"

Fervent just stood there in disbelief. "But Princess"

"That is an order!"

Celestia then continued down the hallway, leaving two very conflicted ponies.

The battle between Bloodletter and the Black Knight had only been going on for the span of a minute.

But in the short amount of time, both combatants had fought to the point that they were starting to show signs of fatigue.

Bloodletter was breathing heavily, while this beast was certainly able to dish out and take the punishment, it was clear that with every hit it took, it got a little slower.

"Must be from all the damage it took when it rampaged through the castle. Heh, guess those that fell did do a number on it"

If Bloodletter could read its mind, his assumption would have been partially verified.

"My mana reserves are low, and there aren't any weapons around for me to use. Their is always Arondight, but using it would sacrifice my enchantment."

The two knights faced each other, each one waiting for the other to make a move.

"But, if I can land a solid blow hard enough to destroy his heart, it will be enough to kill him"

Drawing in a large portion of his mana reserves, the Black Knight enabled his invisible air technique, sending him towards Bloodletter at blinding speed, almost appearing as it he was levitating.

Bloodletter almost had not time to react.

"Dear Celestia how fast is he!?"

The Black Knight delivered a swift kick to his front undercarriage, where a ponies heart was located.

The wind was literally knocked out of Bloodletter as he was sent flying into the wall, and creating a good size crater in it.

His body fell to the ground, still and unmoving.

The Knight waited a good few seconds before concluding that his foe was deceased.

Turning around in silence, he walked back towards the vault doors.

Only for a sword to erupt out of his right shoulder.


This pain was soon followed up by something pinning him down and further driving the sword through him.

Cranking his head as much as he could, the Knight turned to see Bloodletter, very much alive and moving.

"He has healing abilities that can repair a shattered heart?"

"Heh, you thought I was done monster, think again!"

It was at times like these that the Captain of the Blood Knights thanked Celestia for his ability to drink blood, which due to his status as a Blood Knight gave him increased strength and healing powers that would normally kill him.

However its was only because before the battle that he had drank dragon's blood that he survived his heart bursting, which in turn exhausted the blood he had drank.

"Which is why I need to finish this now"

Raising his hoof, Bloodletter called upon his super strength and prepare to smash the monsters skull flat.

"It's over beast"

But before he could perform the deed, he was caught off guard by a voice that came from it.

"You're right, it is"

In a miraculous display of strength, the Black Knight pushed Bloodletter off his back and immediately caught him in his neck in hands before he could recover.

"I do not have time to try and kill you again, I am taxed as it is"

If Bloodletter could make a response, it would have been obscured by his throat being squeezed.

"So I will just have to 'displace' you for now"

Once again calling upon his invisible air, the Black Knight drew his hand back, allowed to the wind in the room to circulate to a high pressure.

And promptly threw Bloodletter through the roof of the ceiling.

Twilight hummed in her room as she juggled a few objects with her magic, pondering what to do in order to kill her boardome.

"Huh, I wish Bloody was here, he knows how to show me a good time~"

As if on cue, a large and heavy object came crashing through her roof and making the chaos mage jump in surprise. Recovering from the shock, Twilight slowly walking over to the point of impact, curious as to what had landed in her room.

Her curiosity turned to glee as she saw a beaten and unconscious Bloodletter.

Looking through the hole in the ceiling, Twilight thanked whatever god that had answered prayers.

Finally alone, the Black Knight finally could get what he came for.

Standing in front of the vault doors, he sense the magical seal that the pony had told him.

However it didn't concern him at all.

The thing about being a epic spirit given from, was that he was still in a sense, not a completely solid being. As such, he could still take spirit form and phase through walls like a ghost.

"This Princess probably expected the kind of thief who would breach this vault to be solid and not spiritual. As spirits cannot carry anything through walls."

Dematerializing into particles, the Black Knight easily slipped through the doors and the magical barrier, and came out on the other side.

"And effect"


Princess Celestia looked around the room as she beheld clear signs of a battle that had taken place. But the strange thing was that while blood did stain the area, but no bodies could be seen, and the vault doors showed no signs of a breach.

That didn't mean that the magical sensor alarms were not going off inside of the vault.

"It is clearly inside the vault, and if I'm correct it must be stealing the gems for whatever purpose it intends to use them for."

However, despite the circumstances, Celestia knew whatever ability it used it get in, for it to leave the vault with the gems it would have to go through the doors, and face her.

"And since the magical seal is still in effect, that option is not available to him." Celestia smirked at this.

Witch melted away when the vault doors exploded outwards.

The Princess shielded her eyes from the debris.

"Unless he uses one of the gems to blow away both the seal and the door"

When the smoke cleared Princess Celestia locked eyes on the one who had caused so much destruction today.

Wheeling out at cart, Celestia could see that inside were several pillow sized gems, some of which were created by Hephaestus himself.

"Those gems were a gift. He is NOT leaving with them."

Eyes glowing, and the temperature in the room rising to a melting point, Celestia rose into the air as she prepared to deal with this monster.

"You! Who have caused so much death and destruction on this night, I give you one last chance to stand down and turn yourself in. Non compliance will result in your complete and utter annihilation"

The Black Knight could only stare as stared down the Goddess of the Sun, his body never showing any signs of worry or fear.

Celestia looked as this beast mealy walked in front of the cart, and continued to stare at her.

"So that is your choice then, very well"

The solar alicorn charged at her foe.


At near light speed, the Princess of Equestria was a microsecond from impaling her target.

Only for something to stop her in her tracks and hold her still.

Immediately feeling her powers shut down almost at once, the alicorn found that she could not move at all. Craning her neck as much as she could, she saw that several golden chains where restraining her, preventing her from escaping or attacking in any way. And whenever she tried to move, the chains only grew tighter.

"How is this possible!?"


"In the event that you encounter Princess Celestia or any other god or goddess in your endeavours, make use of these"

The Entity then manifested a golden ball of light which traveled into the Black Knights body.

"What I just gave you were the Enkidu Chains of Heaven. These golden links will are enchanted to restrain and nullify the powers of any divine or godly being, the more divine they are, the harder the chains will hold. They will hold them for as long as you want, but be aware that the only limit is that they will not work well on mortals"

Celestia could only look as this black abomination walked towards her, stopping only a few inches from her face.

The solar alicorn glared at him as she was at his complete mercy.

"Will this thing kill me like the others, just so I won't be a problem? It would be the most logical solution, and given what is has displayed I would not be surprised if it did have something that could kill a god"

A sword manifested in its hand, and then slowly raised it over her head.

Some few deathy seconds passed, and then it spoke.

"Know this Princess, on this day, you were beaten. And everyone of you subjects shall know that"

The Black Knight then swung the butt of his sword down on her forehead, knocking the lights out of her.

Much Later...

The Entity took the gems his servant had brought into himself, his body feeding off of their energy as they began to replenish his health and power.

"You have done well for you first task"

"It was not to much trouble, most of the time"

"I thought so, you may rest, there are still many more challenges ahead. While these gems have restored a portion of my power, it is not nearly enough to free me"

"Then I shall continue to serve you master, until you are able to walk again."

And with that the Black Knight returned to spirit form.

Once again alone with his thoughts, the Entity once again let out a mental sigh.

"I wonder what I have started"

Canterlot Royal hospital wing.

Fervent could still not believe what he was seeing, it defied all logic, it surpassed all reason, it was something that shouldn't happen. That couldn't happen!

But here he was, in a hospital room.

Standing at the bedside of an injured and unresponsive Princess Celestia.

The doctors had told him that she only received a blow to the head, and that is was nothing that wouldn't heal over time.

But that didn't matter to him, nothing mattered to him at the moment.

What mattered to him was the the hertic monster that had put his goddess in such a sorry state.

"I will avenge you my Princess" He said outloud. "No matter how long it takes or what I have to do I will make the beast who did this to you not only pay, but also suffer."

Fervent then walked to the door and continued speaking his thoughts.

"Hear me monster, I will find you , if I have to waddle through Tartarus itself, that I would travel the the ends of the multiverse and back I will find you and I will make you suffer. I will execute you even if it's the last thing I do."

Author's Note:

Thank you all for sticking around for the second chapter!

Trust me this story will have some interesting turns, and all its mysteries will be revealed in time.

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