• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 523 Views, 5 Comments

Goddess Mares - MlpMelodySong

Life is hard enough when you're an all powerful teenage goddess, and when you throw a new school, new friends, an arch nemesis and a handsome stallion into the mix you know things are about to get complicated!!!

  • ...

A Warm Welcome

Twilight's jaw dropped as she looked up at her new surroundings in awe. The school was breath-taking! It was made entirely out of ice blue crystal and had a beautiful white marble floor. However her thoughts were interrupted by a pink alicorn mare with a pink, purple and yellow mane and tail.

"hello," the mare said, with a friendly smile on her face. "you must be Twilight Sparkle!"

"Yes," Twilight said, uncomfortably. "and who might you be?"

"Oh how rude of me," the pink alicorn said, with a smile. "I am Mi Amore Cadenza, the goddess of love and marriage, but everyone just calls me Cadence!"

Cadence held out her hoof, while Twilight was hesitant at first, there was something very friendly and trustworthy about this mare, so she took her hoof and shook it.

"Alright," Cadence said, smiling sweetly. "now that we have introductions out of the way I think its time that I show you around the school! Follow me!"

She began to start walking away from the front door until she realised that Twilight wasn't following her, this made her stop.

"Well," she said, whilst turning her head. "are you coming?"

Twilight took a deep breath.

"I'm coming" she stated, walking over to Cadence.

"Well then," Cadence said once Twilight had caught up to her. "let's get started!"

As Twilight was shown around the school, she couldn't help but gasp at the sight of it! Everything was so beautiful! The whole place just looked so eloquent and prestigious! She couldn't help but think about all the work that went into making this place, the craftmanship of the place was absolutely exquisite! Cadence noticed this and she gave a small smirk.

"So," she asked, looking to the side at Twilight slightly. "do you like the place so far?"

"Oh yes," Twilight stated, smiling brightly. "It's absolutely incredible!"

"It is really something, isn't it?" she chuckled. "after all, it did take a whole ten years to build!"

Twilights jaw dropped. "Ten years?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes," she said, smiling kindly. "it is quite a long time, isn't it? But I suppose in the end it was worth it."

"Absolutely!" she stated, gazing in awe at her surroundings.

Cadence smiled at this. "Well now that I've showed you most of the classrooms I think its time that we go find your locker." she said leading her down a staircase.

The hallway was extremely busy. It looked like the majority of students were there. They were all standing next to their lockers chattering amongst themselves. Cadence and Twilight made their way through the sea of people until they reached the end of the corridor where a group of mares stood in front of a row of lockers.

"Hi girls!" Cadence said with a smile.

"Hi Cadence!" the latter answered, smiling back.

"Oh and this must be the new mare!" an orange earth pony with a straw coloured mane and tale said in a strong country accent.

"Yes," Cadence stated, gesturing towards Twilight. "this is Twilight Sparkle!"

"Well howdy, Twilight," the earth pony said. "I'm Apple Jack, goddess of honesty and the harvest."

"I'm Rainbow Dash," said a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. "goddess of loyalty and the rainbow."

"I'm Rarity," a pretty white unicorn with a purple main and tail said. "goddess of generosity and beauty."

"And I...I'm Fluttershy," a buttercream Pegasus with a rosy mane and tail whispered softly. "the goddess of kindness and spring."

"Well," Twilight said, smiling kindly. "it's really great to meet you all!"

"And this," Cadence said, gesturing to the end locker on the left hand-side. "is your locker!"

"Thank you very mu-" Twilight started to say, but was interrupted when a pale blue alicorn with a lavender mane came flying in and landed next to Cadence.

"Have any of you seen Cheese Sandwich?" she asked, clearly out of breath.

"No, I cant say I have." Cadence said

"Dammit," she yelled, stomping her hoof in the ground in frustration. "that means I lost him!"

"Why are you looking for him anyway?" Cadence asked, looking concerned.

"Well," she began, finally catching her breath. "remember when Aunt Tia told me to keep the students in check for the new students welcome? Well I found out that Cheese has been using cider at his parties, and considering that we are all underage, I thought I should put a stop to it. So me and Nightshade have been chasing him all morning, but he keeps giving us the slip!"

"Wait, where is Nightshade now?" Cadence asked, trying to calm her down.

"We split up at the main stairwell, cause we never seen which way he went! Maybe Nightshade is having better luck!"

"Wait," Apple Jack said. "so this is all about the cider that Cheese uses at parties?"

"Yes!" the alicorn said, exasperated.

"Consarnit' Harmony, he uses the apple cider from my family's farm, there ain't nothin' alcoholic about it!" Apple Jack stated.

Harmony's jaw dropped. "You have got to be kidding me! I chased Cheese all around the school for apple cider! Uh, I need a break!"

"I was just so caught up trying to make sure that things went smoothly for Twilight's welcome!" she said, completely exhausted.

"And speaking of Twilight!" Cadence said gesturing her heads towards Twilight.

"Oh my, how rude of me," she said turning to face Twilight. "I'm Harmony, goddess of music and well...harmony."

"Nice to meet you!" Twilight said , smiling kindly.

Suddenly Harmony realised something and her eyes widened in horror! "Oh no! I've just realised that I've been so busy trying to catch Cheese that I hadn't even thought of all the trouble that Discord could be making!"

Fluttershy frowned. "Oh come on Harm, he's not that bad!"

"Look," Harmony said, turning to look at Fluttershy. "I know that you don't want to admit that your boyfriend still causes problems for me. but he does, he is literally my polar opposite! Which means we will clash a lot, whether he is good or not doesn't matter. He's always gonna be a prankster and that's never gonna change!"

"Speak of the devil!" Rainbow Dash scoffed.

The mares all turned around to see two stallions and a large snake like creature made up of mis-mached animal parts walking towards them!

"Oh look," Harmony said smirking. "It's the three amigos!"

When they finally reached the mares, Twilight could finally get a better look at them. One of the stallions was a white unicorn with a blue mane and tail, the other was a handsome orange Pegasus stallion with a bright blue mane and tail. Twilight almost jumped out of her skin when she saw the strange creature up close, he had the grey head of a pony, a long snake-like figure, a black mane, bushy white eyebrows, a deer antler and a rams antler on his head, yellow eyes with red pupils, a lions paw and eagles talon for hands, a dragons leg and a deer hoof for feet, a long red scaly tail with a tuft of white fur on the end and a large fang that hangs outside his mouth, he was a fright indeed!

Twilight turned and whispered to Rainbow Dash. "What kind of monster is that?"

Then all of a sudden Fluttershy jumped up in excitement and yelled. "Discord!" then she few over to him, wrapped her hooves around his neck and embraced him in an effectionate kiss!

Rainbow Dash gagged a little before she whispered back. "Her boyfriend!"

Cadence then followed Fluttershy's lead and yelled. "Shinning!" Cadence ran up to the white unicorn stallion and he pulled her into an effectionate embrace!

Harmony then flew over to them. "So how are the three amigos doing?" she mocked.

"Mock all you want," The orange Pegasus retorted. "you're just envious of our friendship!"

Harmony rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure," she said sarcastically. "whatever helps you sleep at night!"

The stallion smiled at his friend's antics.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there is somepony I want you to meet!" she said excitedly, dragging him by the foreleg over to Twilight. "Flash, this is Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight stared into the Stallions deep blue eyes and felt like she could lose herself in them, and Flash felt the same whay about her shimmering purple eyes, and for a moment they felt like they were the only two people there in a world of their own, until Harmony snapped them back into reality!

"Well," she said impatiently, elbowing Flash in the side. "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"

"Oh right, sorry, I'm Flash Sentry, the god of shivilry and knighthood! Pleasure to make your aquaintence!" he said, smiling warmly. He bowed then kissed her hoof, this made her blush!

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine!" she said as she curtsied to return his bow.

Harmony smiled at this, she knew that this was suppost to be Cadence's job but she just couldn't help herself! Her thoughts were soon interrupted but someone shouting her name.


She turned around to see a dark grey bat pony with a dark blue mane and tale flying her way.

"Nightshade?" she said, confused.

Once he reached her he landed next to her and smiled.

"Ah, there you are!" he said sighing in relief. "did you catch him?"

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Cheese Sandwich, did you catch him?" he asked, out of breath.

"Oh, no but we don't need to worry about that anymore! It turns out that the cider he uses is non alcoholic, Apple Jack told me!"

"Oh, alright." he said, a bit confused.

"Sorry for wasting your morning." She said, looking down at the ground.

"Oh, I don't know, I wouldn't say it was a total waste," he said smiling at her. She looked up at this.

"You don't?" she asked, confused.

"I got to spent it with you didn't I? And to me that's the perfect way to spend a morning!" he said smiling warmly at her, staring into her large doe-like blue eyes. This made her smile, as she stared back into his dark midnight blue eyes. The began to get lost in each other, and you could feel the love radiating off of them, it was a mystery to all why they weren't dating already!

Twilight and Flash were watching this scene from afar and were both thinking the exact same thing.

Why don't they hurry up and just kiss already

Flash had only just realised that they had been standing in silence for a while, so he decided to break the ice.

"So, how are you liking the school so far?" Flash asked, turning to face Twilight.

"Oh, um it's very interesting!" Twilight said, turning to Flash.

"Don't worry, I know its tough moving to a new school and all, but it will get easier." Flash said, smiling warmly at her.

"Thanks" she said smiling back.

Their touching moment was the interrupted by Cadence.

"Oh, Twilight I hadn't realised the time, we best be going now it's time to meet your roommate so that you can get settled into your dorm!"

"Oh, okay." Twilight said, a bit disappointed that her time with Flash was being cut short.

"Alright," Cadence said, checking her clipboard. "it says here that you are in the B dorms, hey that's where we all stay too, and you are in room fourteen!"

"Alright then," Harmony said walking over to the group. "let's go!"

So the mares all waved goodbye to the stallions and made their way to the dorms. All whilst Twilight was thinking.

I wonder who my roommate will be?

Author's Note:

Huzza! Chapter 3 :pinkiehappy: Hope you all enjoy!:derpytongue2:

p.s - Nightshade was inspired by the bat ponies from the first nightmare night episode of mlp