• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 523 Views, 5 Comments

Goddess Mares - MlpMelodySong

Life is hard enough when you're an all powerful teenage goddess, and when you throw a new school, new friends, an arch nemesis and a handsome stallion into the mix you know things are about to get complicated!!!

  • ...


Long ago when the world was new there lived two alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna. These two sisters were the most powerful beings that existed and had the power to raise the sun and the moon.

The ponies of the land were in awe of them and worshiped the sisters like royalty. They would bring them offerings of their finest foods and wine and would build them fountains and statues in their honour and in return the sisters swore an oath to protect the mortal ponies from danger and harm, and so they did. They protected the citizens from dangerous beasts and creatures that resided in a place the mortals called The Ever free Forest, the forest was a very dangerous place filled with evil creatures with powerful abilities, but that didn't matter to the sisters for no matter the power the beast possessed their power was far greater.

However, unbeknownst to them someone with immense magical abilities was watching the sisters with a close eye from high up in the clouds.

High up in the clouds sat a dark grey unicorn stallion with a fluffy white beard, completely lost in thought as he stared down at the two sisters. He wore a midnight blue cloak with a star pattern and golden bells attached to the hem he also had a matching wizard hat which , just like the cloak, had bells attached all around the rim and one at the tip of the hats point. His train of thought was interrupted by a mares voice.


The stallion turned his head slightly to see a unicorn mare with a ragged brown cloak on. He smiled then turned around so he could face her.

"Ah, Clover," he said smiling at her warmly "what can I help you with?"

"Well, master, I was just wondering if you have made your decision yet?" she asked

The stallion looked at her and smiled. The young mare was his apprentice, Clover the clever, and she was very impatient. She liked to be punctual and not waste time, which was very amusing to him as sometimes she let her hyper-organising get the better of her and she becomes a lit bit crazy if things aren't done quick and easy. He on the other hand believed that things shouldn't be rushed and that everything should be done with time and care, so it was quite fun to see them when their opinions differed.

"Master," she said, looking a bit confused as to why she hadn't been given an answer. "have you decided if you are going to meet with the mares or not?"

The stallion again said nothing but just stood there and sighed.

Clover stared at her master and tried to figure out what was going on in his mind, but all he did was smile even more at his young apprentices reaction.

Then the stallion rolled his eyes playfully and finally spoke. "Clover," he said chuckling a bit. "don't you remember what we said about being patient"

Clover frowned slightly "I am patient," she stated, a hint of annoyance in her voice "I've waited a whole four hours since last asked you"

This statement made him chuckle even more. "Oh Clover," he said, smiling in amusement. "you really are a piece of work, aren't you?"

"Hey!" Clover whined

"Oh come now," The stallion said with a smirk. "you know I'm only teasing"

Clover frowned, crossed her forelegs and turned in the other direction so that she was facing away from him..

The stallion noticed this and then moved closer to the mare. He placed his hooves on her shoulders and gently squeezed them. Then he rested his head on her left shoulder.

"Aw come on," he said smugly "you know you love me!"

reluctantly, she turned her head to look at him and raised an eyebrow. He looked up at her innocently with pleading eyes. Eventually she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine" she said, giving in to his childish pleads.

The stallion then removed his head and hooves from her shoulders and she turned back around to face him.

He smiled smugly then said "So, when do you want to go and talk to the sisters?"

Clover's face lit up. "You mean you really think that they could be the ones we've been looking for?" she asked excitedly

"They certainly show promise" he said, smiling warmly at the mare, amused by her reaction.

"Can we go now?" she asked brightly, jumping up and down like a school-filly.

The stallion chuckled slightly, knowing that she would not stop asking until she got to go. "I don't see why not" he said still smiling.

The two sisters were sitting under a tree relaxing in the shade, just chattering amongst themselves.

"Sister," the smaller pale blue alicorn with flowing midnight blue mane, Luna, exclaimed. "You have truly outdone yourself, today is simply glorious"

The taller white alicorn with the flowing pink, blue, green and purple mane, Celestia, chuckled at her younger sister's remark. "Thank you, dear sister, but I can't take all the credit my day wouldn't be nearly as good if it didn't come from your night" she said, pulling her younger in for a hug.

The two sisters continued to sit under the tree to bask in the daylight when two unicorns teleported right in front of them, one was a stallion and one was a mare.

"Well done Clover!" the stallion said to the mare as he patted her back proudly "I knew you could teleport us if you really concentrated!"

The two sisters were confused about what they just witnessed but also cautious as they had never seen these ponies before.

"Ahem," Luna said as she stared at the ponies.

The two unicorns turned round to face the sisters and remembered what they came here to do.

"Hello," the stallion said, holding out a hoof to the princesses. "My companion and I have been searching for along time for the perfect ponies to carry out a very important task, and we think that you are the mares for the job!"

The sisters didn't say anything they just stood there staring at the stallion.

Clover noticed this and decided to step in. "You see," Clover began "we have been watching you both recently and studying your power and we have been tasked with the important mission of finding ponies powerful enough to find and train other people with immense power to use that power to help the world to thrive and all the ponies in it"

The sisters still looked very confused, but then Celestia spoke up. "Who...who are you ponies?"

"Oh how rude of me," the stallion said as he pulled his hoof away. "I'm Star swirl the bearded and this is my associate Clover the clever!"

"We're Gods!" Clover finished for him

The sisters were stunned.

"And we want to make you gods too!" Star swirl said with a smile. "So, what do you say?"

So the sisters were asked to be the goddesses of the sun and moon and were asked to set up a school for gifted young gods and goddesses and so over the following twenty years that's they did and that is were our story really begins!

Author's Note:

Yay! My first chapter! Hope you all like it :twilightsmile: this is my first story so I am open to helpful critiques but can we keep it friendly thanks!:heart: