• Published 23rd Aug 2016
  • 694 Views, 1 Comments

The Rising Sun - Strongraider101

What happens when a Katana gets into the hands of Princess Celestia?

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This thing is SHARP!


Just like that there is a new addition to Equestria, not a new foal, nor new rock being solidified from magma but instead a sword. Not just any sword however, A Katana, the most impressive sword ever to be crafted, and the deadliest ever to be wielded by a trained swordsman. Sure the English long swords are fierce, and the middle eastern scimitars a force to be reckoned with, but neither compare to the elegant, balanced, and ancient Katana. This particular one was just in the middle of battle with a total of 4 human beings having been vanquished by this sword alone, but unfortunately for the swords previous, and now dead, owner, an archer got a lucky shot to his jugular. After that though, the sword disappeared from the battlefield and was now falling and spinning through the air downwards toward the Canterlot royal castle gardens.

Seconds later it landed, and the blood from battle mostly gone from the blade due to its speed and its spinning through the air. The blade landed , and imbedded itself in the ground, only centimeters away from the stone pathway, which caused all the creatures in the immediate area to run for their lives fearing more swords would fall from the skies. The sword was now still, the only sound being the wind rustling the nearby bushes and trees. Unfortunately no soul was around, unless there was a private party of some kind, or the Grand Galloping Gala was taking place, the Royal Gardens rarely had ponies in them. The acceptation is obviously the grounds keeping ponies, but at the moment the gardens were spick and spam. So the blade sat there for a few days waiting for someone to find it.

The wait ended when Princess Celestia decided to take a stroll in the neatly trimmed gardens, as was her normal pastime when the nobles were being obnoxious and needy. She strode on in silence taking in the beauty of the gardens. Something, however, caught her eye. Immediately she recognized it as a sword, only the blade was curved, and most guards used spears since unicorns were the only ponies that could wield swords. She didn't think there would be a random sword in the middle of the gardens. So with her magic she lifted it up with ease, and noticed just how light it was. It was very well designed, but she wondered, why any pony would want a curved blade?

"Hmm" Celestia Said to herself "Why don't I bring you inside and see just what you are?"

With that she brought the sword inside the castle. Winding through the castle walls she took a closer look at the blade, and realized just how fine the cutting edge was. Celestia nonchalantly teleported a piece of paper from a room nearby, turned the blade so the cutting edge was facing the ceiling and dropped the paper over the blade. To say she was impressed was a slight understatement, she expected some form of resistance when it his the blade, but it cut through the paper like it was water. Soon though she was near her bedroom. The guards barely glanced at the sword as Celestia passed by and into her chambers. Now with a little more privacy she looked at the handle of the blade. The Princess could not make out what the symbols mean, first she thought they were runes, but she detected no magic at play here, just pure craftsmanship. Then she thought it was a code, to no such luck, and Finally she figured it was a language of some kind. If it was that meant this was not made in Equestria, or anywhere on Equus.

Celestia added the fact that it was sharp, unknown, and mysterious to come up with a perfect plan for a prank on her sister.

Luna was sleeping in her bedroom, as she would at this hour. All was quiet, no sunlight, no out of the ordinary sights, and the only sound being Luna's soft breath. Her bedroom was beautifully decorated, but at the same time practical. There was a desk with several stacks of paper, a quill, a jar of ink, and a few books to act as her workplace. The workplace was on the left side of her room next to the now closed curtains of a glass door that led to her balcony. On the right side was a packed up Telescope, and a bookcase filled with history textbooks, mathematics, and spells all written after her banishment one thousand years ago. She had read all of them by now, but she never bothered to remove them, closing to keep them as a reference in case she forgot something. Thankfully she didn't need to get any star charts, as the stars haven't changed since her banishment. Luna was currently dreaming of how life used to be before the events of nightmare moon, which was good considering there was nopony to free her from a nightmare if she ever had one. Celestia was often to busy with the nobles and the court to find time, and even when she did she never had quite the skill of entering dreams as Luna did. Often times making the nightmare worse for Luna or Accidentally waking her up. For now at least Luna could sleep in peace not having to worry about anypony else's dream.

Unfortunately this peace would not last for her sister had other plans.

Outside of Luna's chambers Celestia sat with a mischievous grin. The Katana currently in a golden grasp in front of her. With a small flash the Katana turned invisible along with Celestia's magical magical grasp. She still held in a levitation spell, but both the spell and the sword were now invisible to everypony but her. Now Celestia carefully maneuvered the sword through the small crack in the door. Luna didn't move. SWOOSH Celestia took the sword and with the speed of a bullet, and the accuracy of hawkeye she cut the curtains to where only one quarter of the curtains remained attached to the rod, while the rest fell to the floor causing light from the sun to burst into her room. Only a second passed before Luna awoke. Sitting up she looked around, confused.

"Why are my curtains open?" She asked to nopony in particular. Still having a great portion of sleep in her eyes she did not notice that the curtains had been cut. Out of reflex she attempted to close the curtains with her magic, but could only feel some of the curtains. Thats when she realized her sleep had been purposely interrupted. Her eyes went wide with realization, and Celestia seeing this wasted no time in performing the second act of her sabotage. SWOOSH After the heinous act with a she ran away from her sister's chambers with the invisible sword in tow.

"CELESTIA!" Luna exclaimed realizing only one pony would dare intrude on her slumber. Immediately afterward she looked on in horror as half of her mane fell onto the bed, no longer moving in invisible wind, and seemingly flawlessly cut as the diagonal line that would have connected to the rest of the hair on her mane looked back at her in mockery.

Blueblood was talking with some nobles trying his best to earn some friendships, even if it did require some bribery. This was a tactic he did often in order to keep the little power he had in his hoof. He was trying to strike a deal with said nobles when Celestia entered the room.The nobles and himself immediately bowed their respects, and in response Celestia gave a small nod. Afterwards she was on her way again to a different part of the room, but as Blueblood turned back to the nobles there was a sudden SWOOSH that seemed a little too close to comfort. That swoosh was accompanied by the feeling of rushing wind as if something invisible had just passed right in front of his face.

Then disaster happened.

The prince looked on in horror as a single lock of his golden blonde hair slowly fell to the floor. It was perfectly cut, as if it was a lock of his hair that fell when he got a haircut. But he had gotten a haircut just yesterday, and so the realization hit him. Somepony, or something just swiped at him, and ruined his perfect hair! How could anypony be so heartless! To mess with his mane that took hours of styling and careful attention to detail. Of coarse he had the royal stylists do it, but it was still his mane, apart of him, apart of his heart, apart of his soul! To ruin such a thing on purpose would result in immediate consequences! However he could not think about the perpetrator right now, because the trauma caused by the fallen lock of hair also caused the Prince to fall to the floor unconscious.

As the nobles looked on in horror at the unconscious prince, fearing they would be blamed, Celestia walked up from the other side of the room with the same smile she wore almost every day. However behind her eyes, if you were observant enough, was a midget of her amusement seeping through.

"Calm yourselves" Celestia said to the shaking nobles "He will be fine, you may take your leave." With that the nobles forgot all about posture, and bolted for the door. "Guards please take the Prince to his quarters for some rest." Two guards immediately appeared at Celestia's orders, interrupting the guard's game of chess in the other room. As they carried Blueblood away, Celestia let out a small giggle. Blue blood was always so easy to prank.

Twilight sparkle was now entering her second day in re-ordreing the castle's library, and was letting spike sleep while she continued to work during the night. The castle was very quiet this time of night, and really any time, considering the castle's walls are actually considerably thick. The only sound that Twilight could hear was the sound of her books as she sorted them onto their appropriate shelves. This was what Twilight loved about the castle, even though it was intimidating at first, her new home provided plenty of space to work, sort, and read. Unfortunately though since most of the books from the Golden Oaks library were destroyed Twilight actually had more bookshelf space than books. Hopefully though this would open up new opportunities for newer books, and new ways to tackle certain spells, sciences, and other fields of study. As she continued there was suddenly a SWOOSH above her in the air. She stopped, looked around, and when she saw nothing else, continued to sort only to realize one of the books she was currently levitating separated in half. She didn't even realize that there were two objects in that certain levitation field before she started moving them agin.

"What the?" Twilight asked herself looking at the halved book. It was split down the middle, cutting the title page in half. She wasn't really too mad, it was one of the daring do books she had re-ordered after her old ones were destroyed. She had read the book many times over, but what had caused the book to be damaged. Once again she looked around, this time for a source of potential damage to her books. Nothing, there was nothing in the room that could have caused this damage. SWOOSH There it was again this had to correlated to the book's damage. This time the sound was much closer, and she could feel the air being displaced slightly around her, as if she had expertly dodged a thrown projectile. She looked at the book again, this time realizing the new damage. Twilight looked and saw that the book was now into four almost perfectly cut pieces, forming four small squares. Now twilight was thoroughly confused and unnerved, and after that she threw the ruined book into the nearest bin and ran to her chambers.

Outside of the doorway to the castle's library Celestia slowly appeared as she deactivated her invisibility spell on herself. She let out a small giggle, and deactivated the katana's spell as well. Well that was fun, but I think I've had enough fun for now. Celestia's thoughts were overcome by how fun this pranking had been. She teleported back to her chambers, being there so much she was able to teleport easily. She found little strain in completing the teleportation, and soon she had put the katana in a black case with letters that read "DO NOT OPEN". Celestia then put away her regalia, and crawled her way to bed. She knew that her sister would be waiting in the dreamscape, but she didn't care it was all too much fun. Celestia just had to remind herself to do this again after these pranks were all but forgotten by those she had pranked.

Much to Celestia's soon displeasure however Luna was waiting for her, not in the dreamscape however, but instead for Celestia to go to sleep so she herself could get ahold of the katana, and have sweet revenge on her sister.

Author's Note:

When Gravity falls and earth become sky fear the beast with just one eye

Thank you so much for reading constructive criticism welcome

Comments ( 1 )

Chuckle worthy

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