• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I got lured into MLP by characters like Discord & Pinkie Pie. Now I can't get enough of all these enjoyable fanfics.

Comments ( 34 )

9/10 for original opening sequence, and mostly impeccable writing.

Only one point off for writing "*Drool*" instead of something along the lines of "The very thought drove me into a short, drooling stupor."

Final Verdict: "Hey, that's pretty good."

7460709 Thanks! Best review I've ever had. :trollestia:

"Sitting there in the dark, I had the chance to think about a lot of things, including the nature of the world itself. And after lengthy consideration, I realized something; when all is said and done, this world is an unknowable place. On the surface, all appears rational, orderly. But what lies beyond that thin veneer of reason? Stability and reality? Or chaos and madness? What are we really made of in the end? Is there truly any meaning to the lives we lead? Or are we nothing more than hollow vessels? These are questions we can never answer, because we cannot hope to see beyond the world's fragile layer of skin. So we live our lives filled with uncertainty, never knowing who or what we truly are, or what the future will bring. All we can do is imagine. Life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twists and turns awaiting us. And that's enough to fill any soul with terror."
- Asura Kishin

I feel there a lot of Asura's quotes that could fit Kor right about now :pinkiecrazy:

7460829 Valid point. Then again, who wouldn't wax poetically about the bleakness of life when imprisoned/isolated for centuries? :pinkiecrazy:
And thanks for the Favorite.:moustache:

7460758 That is either really heartwarming or really heartbreaking. You've got talent, boyo.

7461378 It's my first story on FiMfic and so it's my first review, hence the :trollestia: at the end of the statement.
Still, comments like yours let me know I'm on the right path.

The chapter was good, but I like your profile name even more.

Discount Discord: All the Chaos, Half the cost!*
*No Refunds. Offer void in Equestria, Tartarus, Tantabus, Zebraka, and honestly, most other countries. Discount Discord may cause Hilarity, Nausea, Vomiting, Spontaneous Laughter, Loss of Mouth, Inversion of Personality, Perversion of Personality, Giggling, Chocolate Milk, The Taste of Rainbow, Friendship Problems, And Confusing Zany Adventures. Please do not feed after 11:39 PM until the following day. Eating discount Discord will cause you to become a horrible, horrible person. You monster. Any complaints with the Reality Warping effects of Discount Discord can be sent to Time Turner, Main-street Ponyville. Any complaints about this disclaimer, or the companies customer service policy can be sent to Tantabus, to the care of Grogar. We feel the old goat could use either the fiber for his obvious case of constipation, or the extra tissues. Even the Overgoat himself needs a good cry now and then.

7462509 Well dang. :rainbowderp: I think I'm going to need to steal that disclaimer for my profile. It's perfect. :pinkiehappy:

Interesting start, seems quite well written, involves Chryssie and her changelings, SOLD!

7479901 Fair warning: it might be a few chapters before the changelings appear.

7480451 Ej, as long as they play an important role later and aren't the bad guys, I'm fine with waiting.

7480561 They'll be the lesser of two evils. At best. :pinkiecrazy:

Interestin' so far.^^ I've also got a Jak Displaced concept among my many concepts, but haven't gotten around to my displaced ideas yet due to focusing on another project. Though, in the meantime, been gradually typing my many ideas into a gdoc to organize them, and flesh them out a bit as a go. ...I'm not even halfway through, and already have 38 pages. XD

7599538 You're farther along than me! I've got several ideas for stories and very little to show for it. :derpytongue2:

7599894 I know how that is. XD

Interestin' chapter. Well done.^^ And understandable that he dislikes Light Eco, considering metal heads specialized in eating dark eco.

Hmm, welp, ponies go squish.

the "human" disguise of Kor

Can I please get a picture of that costume?

Love this. Well done on this update.:D

Good update there.
Keep it up :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Guess next for him then is getting enough Eco to make a hive. Lucky him, he's already in the middle of the Everfree, and I'm guessing there's plenty there.

Oh, and couldn't he have customized his disguised form as a pony? Just a thought.

7914139 He likes having hands. Plus, bicycles and all that, so he prefers something more familiar for a compact form.

7914290 Not very inconspicuous, but alright.^^

Yep, he has some problems. Poor Flanker.

Ah, so that's this story's place in the timeline. I hope it doesn't take too long for him to meet the other tagged characters.

Found only two errors:

'with a patting' - either 'with patting' or 'with a patdown of'.

'with hood' - 'with a hood'

7917251 I do want him to meet the tagged characters soon... but the story seems to be getting away from me. It feels very weird to be impatient for a story I'm writing myself. :derpyderp2:

Fixed the "patting" error. I think the "hood" can work though.
Thanks for the proof read. :twilightsmile:

7917393 Your call and you're welcome.

Heh, take your time, really. I'm only impatient 'cause I'm a huge Chryssie fan and I'm constantly running out of good fics with her where she doesn't die. And this one seems rather interesting so far.

(Insert borderline insanity laugh track here)

This is beautiful. I need more and I will wait if I have to!

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