• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 375 Views, 5 Comments


When Twilight hears news of changeling sightings, she and Spike spring into action to find them.

  • ...

Log One: The Search Begins

Morning began to raise in Ponyville, ponies waking up and getting ready to tackle the day, but not before smiling whenever the sun’s rays shined and reflected against the crystallized tree castle.

The ponies of ponyville were proud of their friend Twilight Sparkle, who half a year ago became the princess of friendship. She leads her group of friends- Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy, to keep ponyville and Equestria safe from harm as well as spreading the true meaning of friendship whenever the map called upon them.

The sunlight poured into the lovely castle halls, illuminating the main hall and library shelves. But as the room lit up books can be seen strewn across the floor, atop of tables, chairs, even the floor. It looked like a total pig stye.

A purple and green spiked dragon walked into the book pile, nearly tripping over a pile of books with a tray of freshly made toast with zap apple jam and a blueberry muffin.

“Agh! She left a mess in the library again!" A little dragon said with a frustrated tone. "I have enough to get done for today as is,” he complained.

The little dragon put down the breakfast tray and began to clean up the books off the floor when he heard from another room upstairs.

“Oh come on!” A voice shouted.

The dragon sighed. “Well this will be fun,” he said to himself before picking up the tray of food.

The he walked up a flight of stairs and onto the next floor, all the doors looked the same and the hallway curved to match the structure of the tree castle’s layout. When he got to the door he could hear sounds of rustling and scuffing.

He opened the door to find a disorganized mess in the study and a frantic Lavender alicorn pony looking for something. She had a neat and tidy violet mane with purple and pink stripes.

“Geuz, this is disaster even for you Twilight,” the dragon commented.

“Not now Spike, can’t you see I’m looking for something!” Twilight shouted back.

“More like causing a roomnado is more like it,” Spike snarked back.

Twilight ramiched through more books and scrolls when she found it, “Ah ha! Found it!” She exclaimed.

“Found what Twilight”? Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Cranky and Matilda's Wedding gift," Twilight said to Spike. "A copy of weathering hoof’s given to me by Fluttershy, it’s a very good read, so much so I decided to buy a new copy for both of them to enjoy together,” she said with a big smile.

“Well I’m sure they will Twilight," Spike began. "But may I remind you to pick up after yourself everytime you go through your bookshelves,” Spike pointed to the messy self, with books on their sides and a few hanging open.

“Sorry Spike, I guess I should organized this shelf before hoof," Twilight apologized. "It’s a shame I wasn’t able to give it to them before their honeymoon, they must think I’m such a terrible friend,” Twilight moaned.

“Are you kidding?" Spike shook his head and giggled. "You’re the princess of friendship! I’m sure they’ll forgive you, plus you had to deal with a bugbear of all things, anypony would have forgotten to give the happy couple their gift after dealing with that,” he reassured her.

“Thanks Spike, I needed to hear that," Twilight said. "It’s not usually like me to forget such things.”

“And?” Spike said, waiting for a response.

“And I shouldn’t beat myself up about not handing it to them on time,” Twilight nodded in response.

As the they picked up the books and tidied the shelves, Twilight’s stomach began to growl. “That’s right, I was so busy finding the book I didn’t eat breakfast,” she realized.

“I figured you would be, that’s why I made you a little something," Spike handed the tray to Twilight.
"I’m Sorry that I didn’t make more Twilight, we’re starting to run low on food in the castle fridge,” Spike explained.

“It’s okay Spike, we’ll just have to do some shopping after we finish cleaning this mess up,” Twilight said, levitating the piece of toast.

The morning seemed to breeze through so quickly with Spike and Twilight cleaning up the library. Twilight read the titles of the books and handed them to Spike, trusting her faithful assistant to put them back in the right order while she ate her breakfast, when she was finished she moved on to help him the task was finished in a blink of an eye.

“Thanks for helping out Twilight, even though this is my job and all,” Spike graciously said.

“Nonsense Spike, this was my mess to begin with, the least I can do is help you out. But better not have the Princess of friendship clean up when she has company over or when she’s busy doing her royal duties of course,” Twilight clarified.

"Oh yes of course," Spike began. "We can’t have the Princess of Friendship cleaning up her own messes with company around, we can’t have that now can we?” Spike said, Imitating Twilight’s voice in a prissy tone.

“Hey, I don’t sound like that!” Twilight lightly chuckled. Soon the both of them started to get into a laughing fit, when Spike burped out a letter.

“Oh man, laughing and receiving a letter at the same time isn’t a good combo," Spike said, clearing his throat.

“I wonder what the princess wants from me? Probably to congrat my friend Pinkie for being such a gracious host to Prince Rutherford and his associates,” Twilight said with glee.

She began reading the letter, as she read on Twilight started to focus more intently on the content written on scroll. Spike started to wonder what the scroll contained to command such attention from her.

“So what’s it say?” Spike asked.

“Here,” Twilight said, galloping off into the hall taking a hard left.

“Hey wait a minute!” Spike yelled to Twilight.

“Gez where did that come from?" Spike sighed. "Ah well, since she’s given me the letter, might as well find out what Celestia has to say,” Spike said optimistically.

Dear Twilight Sparkle

There is something I should inform you of, earlier last week sightings of

two ponies being at the same place and time have been reported

around Cantorlot, however sightings have ceased all together before

me and my sister Luna, could investigate further.

In fact they stopped right around the time you and Spike visited Cantorlot,

to catch up with your old friends.

“Sightings of two ponies at the same time?” Spike said to himself. He continued reading.

I’m sorry I didn’t bring this to your attention sooner Twilight, I thought it was

best not to tell you, since you already forward me a letter detailing that you’d

be busy dealing with a friendship problem of repairing your broken friendship

with Moon Dancer.

Good thing Twilight sent that letter too, or else she wouldn’t have been able to help Moon Dancer with that information looming over her head,” Spike noted to himself.

However two reports have surfaced recently in Ponyville about the same

phenomenon, and since you finally have some time on your hoof’s, I’ve given

you the task of tracking down our Changeling, before everypony catches wind of

It in Ponyville. It will not be long before it becomes common knowledge in Canterlot,

thus why there will be an increased presence of guards at the Wonderbolts

airshow today to be on the safe side.

Holy guacamoly!? No wonder Twilight ran off in such a hurry,” Spike said to himself. Oh wait there’s more.

Only the ponies who've witnessed these occurrences are the only ones, who are aware

that changelings are hiding in Ponyville. Luna has instructed the witnesses to wait for your

arrival, to give their statements in full of what has occurred or happened.

So whatever you do Twilight, try to be discreet when you investigate the locations

the changeling has been spotted in Ponyville, we don’t want to start a panic after all,

we were lucky one didn’t happen in Canterlot.

The locations will be disclosed in another letter which I’ll be sending very shortly,

my 'Sister' sometimes has a knack for misplacing things. I look forward in hearing

what you have uncovered through your investigation Twilight, your faithful mentor

and friend Princess Celestia.

Spike rolled up the scroll. So that’s that, Twilight and I will head into town and find out where the changeling is and as to why it was in Canterlot and Ponyville,” Spike stated out loud.

“My thoughts exactly,” Twilight agreed with Spike.

Twilight had her saddle bag on, filled with things she might need for the investigation.

“So when do you think we’ll be getting the second letter Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Depending where Luna misplaced it, it could be a while," Twilight responded. "So I suggest gathering some scrolls and quills in the meanwhile.”

Burppp! Just then if by command, Spike let a huge belch revealing a scroll within the flames.

"Awe, there go, Twilight perked up. That was sure faster than the last time Luna misplaced an important document,” Twilight giggled to herself.

Then she noticed Spike sitting down, going over his throat.

“Are you okay Spike?" Twilight asked concerningly.

“Yeah, yeah," Spike said, getting off the floor. "I’m fine, it’s just my that my throat was itchy for a minute there, nothing to worry about,” he assured Twilight.

"Alright then Spike," Twilight began. "Then let’s get to work!” She said, with the sun’s rays beaming across the room.


Twilight waited for Spike to round up some of his things- he grab a dozen quills, a couple of scrolls, and a few muffins for the road. When Spike finished up gathering everything he needed, he headed out the front doors towards Twilight, reading the second scroll Celestia sent them while she waited for Spike.

"All set and ready yo go Twilight," Spike said. Whipping out a quill and scroll. "I’ll take notes, while you question the witnesses."

“Isn’t it a little early to be bringing those out Spike? Princess Celestia said to be discreet, not stand out” Twilight giggled.

“Sorry about that Twilight, I guess I’m just a little excited," Spike bashfully said. "We’re going on a mission to catch a changeling spy, what could be more exciting than that." Spike exclaimed.

Once Spike said it, Twilight’s face changed demeanor. Her eager expression changed to worry.
When Spike noticed that she wasn’t right beside him, and that she was four feet away, he started to become concerned himself.

“What’s wrong Twilight?" Spike asked her. "Is it something I’ve said?”

"It’s just," Twilight paused for a moment and began again. "It’s just that the last time the Changelings invaded we nearly lost Canterlot and we could have lost a lot more," raising her fore leg and grabbing onto the other. "If it wasn’t for Cadence and Shining Armor, I shudder to think what Equestria could have become,” she finished.

“Hey," Spike walked over to Twilight. "It’s going to be okay." Twilight lifted her gaze from the ground and looked at Spike. "We’ve had close calls before and we’ve always come out on top. You, me and our friends can accomplish anything if we put our minds to it. Not to mention you all saved Equestria time and time again." Spike Stated. "Also you’re an alicorn, I’m sure you can handle whatever comes your way,” Spike added.

"Thank you Spike," Twilight said. "I feel much better after hearing that, I was just overthinking things too much and scaring myself." Twilight lightly chuckled.

"Ha, I wouldn’t blame you," Spike replied. "With what happened at the wedding even I was terrified, and that Changeling Queen, ugly!" Spike sticking out his tongue.

“Yeah," Twilight chimed in. "She sure was bugly!” Making a face even Rarity would crack a grin at.

Hahaha, the both of them began laughing.

“That is a joke only Discord would make,” Spike said giggling.

“Alright, alright let’s stop goofing around," Twilight said. "We’re in town now, so it’s better to stop talking about Changelings.” She reminded him.

The town was bustling with market ponies selling their goods and making a living. There were flowers wagons, art supply wagons and fruit wagons, all line up and spread out. Everypony stopped to say hello to Twilight Sparkle, which she’d gotten used to by now.

"Where are we heading to first Twilight?" Spike asked.

Twilight carefully scanned the crowd, being careful of other ponies around them.

"Our first stop is at sugarcube corner, where our most recent sighting took place,"
she said in a quiet tone.

When they arrived at “Sugarcube Corner”, the pastry shop had a closed sign on the door and a broken window out front.
Twilight knocked on the door three times, in consent rhythm and speed.

“Who are these witnesses?" "And are the Cakes okay?” Spike asked Twilight.

“I don’t know Spike, but Celestia’s letter said they were alright," Twilight responded. "Mrs.Cake heard the commotion from upstairs and made sure the ponies involved were okay, so we’ll be speaking to her first,” she told him.

The door opened, revealing a light blue-coated pony.She had a french rose and carnation pink mane, with an upright swirl and three cupcakes for her cutie mark.

"Awe good, you’re here Twilight, Princess Luna said you would be right over," the blue mare said.

"Don’t worry Mrs.Cake, me and Spike are going to get to the bottom of this," Twilight reassured her. "Now please would let us in to see the scene of the encounter.”

"Of course," Mrs Cake replied, opening the door and closing it behind them.

Twilight and Spike walked into quite a scene, chair’s knocked over, glass spurned across the floor from the broken chandler and window, along with couple of spilled milkshakes lying on the floor.

"Woah, this place is totaled," Spike said in disbelief. "One Changeling did all of this?"

"It wouldn’t surprise me," Twilight said. "They caused an awful lot of property damage during their invasion of Canterlot. How are the twins holding up?" She asked Mrs.Cake.

“Quite better than I am deary," Mrs.Cake said. "Thankfully my husband Mr.Cake, took the little darlings on a nighttime stroll through the neighborhood, sometimes the starry sky helps them relax when they're having a rough time getting to sleep."

“That’s a relief,” Twilight said. "Mrs.Cake, has anypony asked as to why your window's broken?" She asked her.

"A few of them did, but I just told them Pound Cake finally broke the window, after months of abuse of flinging his toys at it," she said.

Fetching a magnifying glass from her saddle bag, Twilight examined the scene very carefully and came upon a tinge of blue, stained on a tip of broken glass on the window. She took out a Que tip and swabbed the window, while Spike took notes of everything that was being said and found.

"This is where the Changeling must have escaped from, Mrs.Cake who was here when this down?" Twilight asked.

"It was Mis. Cheerilee and Big Macintosh," Mrs.Cake answered. "I do believe they’re still up stairs, after what happened Mis. Cheerilee was too frightened and shaken up to walk home, and Big Macintosh offered to stay up, to see if our intruder ever returned again. So we set them up in our room and Pinkie’s, while me and my husband slept in sleeping bags next to the Pound and Pumpkin’s crib."

"Where are Mr.Cake, and the Twins now?" Spike chimed in.

"My husband Mr.Cake, brought them to the park and is arranging a play date with another family, so they would be out of our manes, while you’re here to investigate." Mrs.Cake explained.

“Perfect," Twilight said, while ascending the stairs. "Come’on Spike, lets interview Mrs. Cheerilee first. Mrs.Cake, has she said anything since last night?" She inquired.

“No, in fact she’s hardly spoken a word since the ordeal,” Mrs.Cake looked upstairs with a dreary expression on her face.

“Thank you for your help Mrs.Cake, we’ll try to go through as quickly as possible,” Twilight assured her.

"Thank you Twilight, I hope you can apprehend this creature as soon as possible," Mis. Cake pleaded.

"Ahem," Spike coughed.

"Oh and you too Spike," Mrs.Cake quickly corrected herself.

"Don’t worry Mrs.Cake," Twilight said. "We’re on top of it."


Twilight waited for Spike to climb up the stairway to join her and the both of them ascended up to the second floor. They walked down the hallway past the twins bedroom and came to a stop in front of Pinkie's, Twilight knocked on door and waited for Cheerilee to answer.

“Wait a minute," Spike said. "I just realized something, where’s Pinkie Pie? Shouldn’t she be here, especially with what’s been going on?” He asked Twilight.

“Don’t you remember Spike, Pinkie told us that she'll be gone she'd be gone for the rest of the week, visiting her parents and sisters until Saturday,” Twilight reminded him.

“Oh right, I must have been busy that day,” he said scratching his head.

Just when Spike finished his sentence, the door creaked open, revealing a towering stallion.
He had a red coat and a blonde mane and tail, his cutie mark was of an apple cut in half. The stallion looked mighty tired from staying up all night, keeping watch over Sugarcube Corner, the dark circles underneath his eyes were quite revealing.

“Big Macintosh?” Twilight said in confusion.

“Yep.” He answered her.

“Let me guess, Pinkie’s bed was more structurally secure and comfy than the Cakes, wasn’t it?” Spike asked him.

“Yep.” Big Macintosh replied yet again.

"Alright then, you can go right back to bed, sorry for waking you up Big Macintosh,” Twilight apologized.

“Yep.” He responded back, closing the door behind him.

"Well that was awkward," Twilight sighed, walking towards the Cake’s bedroom.

"At least we know Big Mac is alright, but man did you see his eyes? Poor guy must be tuckered out." Spike pointed out.

“Let’s get Cheerilee’s take on last night’s events, I’m sure she’ll tell us what happened now that she’s had some time to calm down and relax," Twilight said optimistically.

They arrived at the Cake’s bedroom door and Twilight began knocking, when the door opened.
The mare had a Mulberry-colored coat, she had a pink mane and tail with a light pink sterk in the middle, her cutie mark had three smiling daisies.

"Cheerilee? Are you alright?" Spike asked her.

"Yes Spike," Cheerilee said. "I think I’m alright now."

"That’s good to hear," Twilight chimed in. "We need you to tell us what exactly happened to you and Big Macintosh last night."

Cheerilee looked down onto the floor for about 30 seconds, then said.

“Come on in you two, I’ll tell you everything.”

Comments ( 5 )

Apart from needing a editor to go over it I quiet like this story I do hope to see more of it

7461234 Thank you ChakaRedstripe and thanks for the feed back. Since my friend who usually helps me edit my stories will be very busy for a long time, do you know anyone in particular or any groups on Fimfiction that can help me edit my current and future stories?

Unfortunately not though I do believe that you can request help in the chat. I've seen people ask before not sure how well it went though

Lol my avatar

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