• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 1,201 Views, 7 Comments

The Demon Within - DOOT_Slayer

To save Equis from immanent destruction, the main six must harness an unknown power, and break through their new limits.

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Chapter 12: Immovable Object

The omnipresent light subsided, as did the ringing in Rainbow Dash's ears. She was still alive, and mostly ok, but the planet wasn't; it had a gigantic hole in the ground and had started to turn volcanic, it looked like the pits of hell itself. Hills became cliffs as they crumbled into the magma below. Omega was staring down angrily into the hole below them.

"What? I know I hit the core... I must not have used enough power. Damn it!" Rainbow Dash thought of something else to irk her opponent.

"Or... you just couldn't go through with killing us both. You don't have the guts." Omega looked up at Rainbow Dash, scorn and hatred burning in her eyes.

"That isn't the problem you fool. I copied your body, remember? I can leave it whenever the hell I want, and copy someone else's."

'Shit, that makes this a bit harder.' Rainbow Dash would never have guessed.

"Honestly, I'd say you've got five... yeah, five minutes until this planet explodes." Rainbow Dash knew she couldn't hold back anymore.

"Then I'll have to kill you before then." Her intense yellow aura flared to life again, and she got into the firing position for the kamehameha.

"It's over, Omega. You’re finished." Omega panicked now as she thought of a way out.

"Ka...me..." Omega moved backwards, fear plaguing her face.

"Hold on. I'm only at half my full power, but I can bring out the rest now. All of my power." Whatever she was playing at, it wasn't working yet.

"HA...ME!!" Omega had an idea now.

"Wait!!" The sudden shout froze Rainbow Dash momentarily, giving Omega just enough time to start her explanation.

"If you kill me now, you'll never face the challenge you desire..." Rainbow Dash's curiosity had grabbed hold of her mind. Against her better judgement, she let Omega continue.

"...Go on." A devilish smile grew on Omega's face.

"As I said, I'm only at half of my full power. If you let me power up to one-hundred percent, I'll give you the fight of your life. Think about it; in this new form of yours, who can even hope to challenge you?" Rainbow Dash said nothing for a few seconds. The kamehameha shrunk a bit, then dissipated completely. She stared at her opponent.

"Fine. But no holding back from now on, from either of us." Omega smiled in relief and anticipation.

"You won't regret this..." She raised her hooves to her sides and began screaming through her teeth. Her aura crackled and flared viciously as it expanded, and her muscles bulked up. Her mane and tail became more jagged and grew slightly. She continued to power up.

'Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash?' It was the voice of Princess Celestia. Rainbow Dash was confused until she realised she was using a telepathy spell.

'Princess Celestia? What is it?!' She was aware of the proper way to address royalty, but formalities were hardly important given the situation.

'Zecora informed us that you were battling Omega. My sister and I are observing your battle right now, and I must say, I am very impressed with your skill level of fighting.'

Thanks.' Rainbow Dash replied simply.

'We were scared that Omega really had destroyed that planet with all of you on it, and I think you should know that neither of us approve of your choice to let Omega fight at full power. We're aware that Rarity is injured and... Twilight and Pinkie Pie have perished. You have no way to return home safely.'

'True, but why did you need to contact me then Princess?' That was still a mystery to her. Celestia began once more.

'Even over the drastically long distance, providing you with the ability to teleport shouldn't be very hard.' Omega looked up viciously, and her aura dispersed.

'Hold on a bit.' Rainbow Dash instructed the Princesses. She focused again on her opponent, now at her full power. This fight had better be worth it now, Rainbow Dash thought.

"So, you done? When ca-"

The punch to the stomach came out of nowhere and its strength surprised Rainbow Dash. As soon as Omega pulled away Rainbow Dash retaliated with a knee to the stomach, followed by an elbow straight to Omega's cheek. Omega wasted no time and after steadying herself, flew straight back at Rainbow Dash. The two fighters traded a blurred frenzy of attacks for a few seconds, until Omega dodged to the outside of a punch, and successfully hit Rainbow Dash downwards. Right after landing, Rainbow Dash threw a ki blast through the dust cloud. She could feel Omega’s ki, but neither of them could see the other, so it was a guessing game as to whether or not the blasts would hit. Omega threw a single ki blast back through the cloud, which Rainbow Dash dodged easily. The rain of ki blasts that followed was a different matter. She braced herself and began either dodging or swatting away as many as she could. A few did hit her directly, causing rage to swell within her again. Rainbow Dash threw two ki blasts of her own, pausing before the third, and listened carefully. She heard the first two connect, probably blocked. Then silence. Omega must have dodged. Rainbow Dash bolted up through the dust cloud, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake, and kicked Omega hard in the chest. The shockwave from the hit dispersed a lighting bolt as it came down from the clouds. A pained scream escaped Omega’s lips, along with saliva and blood. She looked at Rainbow Dash’s hoof, still pushing into her chest, with bloodshot eyes and gritted teeth. She grabbed Rainbow Dash's leg firmly, and spun her around rapidly. After a few seconds Omega tossed her down into the magma, then fired a Nova Strike after her. Rainbow Dash quickly charged a kamehameha, and fired it immediately. The two beams met and struggled, parting the lava around them. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, then let out a loud scream as her kamehameha shot upwards. Omega felt the Nova Strike compress under the pressure, and braced herself for the impact. Rainbow Dash let the beam subside after a while. The magma flowed back around her, hardly a nuisance to her anymore. Then she heard it.

'Well, you're doing better than I'd have expected.' The voice sounded familiar, but Rainbow Dash was still confused and couldn't quite put her finger on it.

'Hey, dumbass, get yourself together!' Rainbow Dash briefly snapped out of her angry and confused state.

'What? What the hell is going on?!' She still couldn't tell who she was talking with. She heard a light chuckle.

'Seriously, get up there and beat her or you're gonna die just like Pinkie and I!' Rainbow Dash's stomach dropped, and her next words faltered.

'T-Twilight? Is- is that... is that really you??' She couldnt believe it, let alone understand it. Her friend, her dead and buried friend, was really communicating with her.

'Yup. Unfortunately I have to bare your stupidity for a bit longer.' Rainbow Dash almost laughed, forgetting momentarily she was submerged in molten lava. Externally she may be unharmed by it, but her insides would be a different and very painful story.

'I have to say, I've got a lot of catching up to do if I get back, you've reached a completely new level of strength from any of us.'

'I suppose. What's it like? You know, being dead, what's it like?'

'It was odd at first. Everything's black for a few seconds, its a bit scary, then you're in the Otherworld; apparently that's what it's really called. Those who are good or brave in their lives get to keep their bodies, and thankfully I got to keep mine.'

'Ok, but what about -'

'Oh right, I have an idea.' Rainbow Dash remembered that Twilight often went off on tangents during conversations. 'I'm gonna give you enough of my magic for you to teleport. Don't use it for anything else, I mean it, otherwise you really will have no way to get back home. If you use ki with the magic as well, you should be able to go much further with it.'


'Don't worry, you won't have to go through learning it like I did, just feel for the Princesses magic, then use the magic, it should be... instinctual almost; it’ll only work for the teleportation, I don't think it's enough for much else.' Rainbow Dash took all this in, and realised there was no point arguing anymore.

'Ok, go on.' She waited for a few seconds, during which everything was normal, then a purple magic aura surrounded her.

'There you go, all done.' Twilight confirmed. Rainbow Dash was reluctant to part ways with her friend, possibly for the last time, and Twilight could tell.

'Hey, don't worry about me, honestly. I'm already dead, what more can happen? Now go kill this psycho.' Rainbow Dash was motivated by her friend's last words to her, and reignited her golden aura. The telepathic link was gone for good. She shot out of the magma and threw a hard punch at Omega. Her fist glanced off of Omega's block and she came back with a kick. Rainbow Dash grabbed her leg and spun Omega around before throwing her into a cliffside. She flew straight at Omega, giving her no chance to recover and kicked her further into the stone, then fired an overcharged kamehameha into the hole.

"That one's for Twilight." She said to herself. Omega flew out of the hole at full speed, and grabbed Rainbow Dash by the mouth with one hand, then charged a Nova Strike in the other. Rainbow Dash, acting instinctively, opened her mouth wide and bit Omega's hand. The initial shock caused Omega to pull her hand away, and the Nova Strike to disappear; she refused to let up and threw a punch aimed at Rainbow Dash’s body. Her opponent sidestepped the attack and slammed her elbow into the top of her head. The ground cracked under Omega's feet when she landed, and Rainbow Dash flew straight down at her. Omega realised an opportunity, and quickly charged and fired a Nova Strike at her opponent. Rainbow Dash knew there was no chance of dodging, so she prepared herself and flew straight down through it. She landed in front of Omega, with just the top half of her inner gi remaining, and threw an elbow strike which connected with her jaw; she continued with a volley of various punches, ending her assault with a uppercut. Omega felt each of the hits significantly, and wanted to cause the same amount of pain. She started with a headbutt, a stomach punch, then a kick to the face, and fired a ki blast at point blank, sending Rainbow Dash into the air. Omega flew up ahead of her and smashed her hands down onto her back. Rainbow Dash vanished and reappeared behind Omega. They began trading blows once more, none connecting with significant force. Whilst they had been fighting, the sky had turned black, and the entire planet had become a volcanic hellhole.

'Rainbow Dash, I must tell you something important.' It was Princess Celestia again.

'Sorry, I’m a little busy, can it wait!?' Rainbow Dash only wanted to focus on the fight.

'Not really, no. We have discovered a way to bring you all back to Equis. We can teleport you all back, and leave Omega there.'

'No.' Princess Celestia was taken aback by this response.

'Wait, what? I don't understand.' Rainbow Dash dodged a kick and grabbed Omega's leg, then threw her a great distance away to buy some time.

'Teleport everypony back home except for me and Omega. I have to finish this myself. She can't be allowed to hurt anypony else, and we can't risk her coming back eventually!' There was silence for a moment.

'Are you sure, Rainbow Dash? The spell will take a lot of magic as neither my sister nor I can use ki, we will likely only be able to perform it once.'

'Well then don't waste your energy on me! What are you waiting for?!! Sorry, I'm still pretty angry.'

'Do not worry about it. I will honour your request. Thank you, for everything you've done Rainbow Dash. Goodbye.' Celestia talked as if Rainbow Dash was already dead, but she understood why; there was quite a large possibility she wouldn't make it off this doomed planet, and that conversation was the last contact she'd have with anyone on Equis. She knew she wouldn't be speaking with anyone friendly again whilst she was on this planet. Omega finally returned with a wild punch thrown at Rainbow Dash's face. The attack was dodged, and Omega felt a knee connect with her stomach. She doubled over for a few seconds, then straighten herself again. Rainbow Dash dropped her stance, feeling much of her rage leave her, replaced with boredom.

"I'm done fighting now." Her opponent visibly felt a mix of emotions at that statement.

"W-what?" Rainbow Dash decided to elaborate.

"I'm done, I'm bored. You're boring me." Omega couldn't believe what she was hearing. She attempted to goad Rainbow Dash into continuing their battle.

"Oh, I get it. You're afraid; afraid knowing this planet has so little time left, aren't you?!" Rainbow Dash saw right through the attempt at an insult.

"No, I just don't wanna fight you anymore. Imma go now." She took a deep breath and returned to her normal state as she exhaled.

"Try not to murder any more ponies, or else I’ll have to kill you," She prepared to fly away.

"Later." A translucent grey aura emanated from Rainbow Dash as she flew from her battle leaving her opponent behind. Omega struggled to comprehend what had just transpired. She had lost, no doubt about it. But she wasn't about to accept the defeat she had been handed, not by a longshot. Tremors rang out across the planet now; it really was going to explode soon. Omega held a hand above her head, and a magenta ki disc formed above it.

'Damn you, how dare you mock me like that? I won’t stand for it. I will not be belittled like some... some meaningless thing!' She found Rainbow Dash quickly, and launched the disc towards her. Rainbow Dash heard a faint buzzing coming from behind her. And it was getting louder. She turned around to see the disc zooming toward her. It was slightly off target and zipped past her, without contact. Anger swelled within her once more. She clenched both fists at her sides, and the golden aura surrounded her again. She re-entered the Super Pony form with a burst of energy, and flew back down at her target. The disc flew in front of her face, missing by around a foot, and continued on. She realised Omega's hand was still outstretched, and figured that she could still control the path of the disc. Rainbow Dash flipped over the disc and saw it begin to circle back again. She vanished, just as the disc would have hit her, and appeared next to Omega.

"So, you really done now?" Omega allowed the disc to return to above her palm. She smiled wickedly.

"Oh, far from it; I've got two hands, haven't I?!!" Another disc formed above Omega's right hand, and she threw them consecutively. They kicked up trails of dust as they flew towards Rainbow Dash. She jumped over them, and was surprised to see Omega's fist hurtling at her head. She dodged the punch and threw one of her own into Omega's kidney, sending her flying. The discs were on a converging path back to her, and she thought of something. She flew towards Omega, and a look of smugness came across her face.

"Really? You seriously think that age-old trick is going to work agai-" Rainbow Dash threw a ki blast into the ground at Omega's feet, creating a smokescreen.

'You clever bitch!' She thought to herself as she jumped. The discs whizzed under her feet as Rainbow Dash hit her with a two handed smash on the head; she was sent down into the ground a couple metres, but she jumped out immediately. The discs were heading back their way. Rainbow Dash could see them, but they were to Omega's back. She tried to warn her.

"Quick Omega, behind you!" Omega smirked at that.

"I already told you, idiot, those dumb trick won't work!!" the discs drew closer.

"Seriously, get down!!" Omega mockingly laughed in response.

"Oh, very funny. Now stop playing games so that I can kill you, you stupid, inbred basta-" Omega's insults were cut short, as one of the discs sawed straight through her torso and one of her arms. Her body parts fell to the ground in a growing pool of blood.

Author's Note:

Finally figured out how to properly embed a video link, only took me three years!