• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 1,199 Views, 7 Comments

The Demon Within - DOOT_Slayer

To save Equis from immanent destruction, the main six must harness an unknown power, and break through their new limits.

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Chapter 9: The Will to Live

Shockwaves filled the sky. Craters formed from nothing. Rainbow Dash was holding nothing back, she had been in kaioken for the past two minutes, but she still wasn't letting up. Omega was stronger than she had previously given her credit for; she was actually finding it difficult. The rest of the Main 6 watched attentively, after all, they knew there was really nothing they could do now; On top of that, Rainbow Dash wanted to fight Omega alone unless she asked, and they were willing to honour that request. The two combatants came back into everypony's view, but they did not stop fighting; they were still trading hits, most of which were dodged or blocked. Suddenly, they both stopped fighting and backed away from each other.

"Is that really the best you can do?! I’m kinda disappointed." Omega taunted. She had a few cuts, but she looked much less damaged than her opponent. Rainbow Dash had many cuts all over her top half, her outer gi was gone from her left shoulder down to her right side and there were holes and rips on her gi trousers.

"You talk a lotta crap for somepony in punching distance," She retorted. As she was speaking, Rainbow Dash removed her outer gi - what was left weighed about 30kg - as well as her wristbands, which were 10kg each.

"Besides, don’t you worry. I'm just getting started." Rainbow Dash immediately powered up to kaioken X2 and resumed her attack. She rushed at Omega with a blitz of kicks, some of which made their mark, then smashed her downwards with such great strength, she went underground! Rainbow Dash flew down through the tunnel, and emerged in a cavern half full of water. Above ground, the rest of the Main 6 were confused.

"They've stopped fighting again." Fluttershy commented.

"I wonder, what could they possibly be talking about?" Rarity added.

"Beats me." Applejack added simply.

In the cavern, both Rainbow Dash and Omega stood on the surface of the water.

"It's a shame, you'd have made a great sparring partner." Omega smiled.

"What are you on about? We're fighting right now!"

"It's not the same, I'm fighting to win now, not for fun. You went too far when you killed those ponies in Canterlot and Manehattan. And when you killed Twilight. That was unforgivable; you're a monster, you're evil..." An idea came to her in that moment.

"And I’ll stop you myself!" With that, she vanished behind Omega.

'Let’s see how you like it!' She placed one hand in front of each temple.

"Solar Flare!!" A flash of blinding light filled the cavern, and Rainbow Dash fired a volley of ki blasts at various supporting pillars in the cave, bringing it down around Omega. She flew out the same tunnel they made before, as a plume of dust and water shot up after her.

"That won't hold her off for long." Rainbow Dash shouted to her friends as she made her way over to them. "I have an idea!"

"Shoot." Applejack and Pinkie Pie said simultaneously.

"The Spirit Bomb. I can use the Spirit Bomb!"

"Are you sure it’ll kill her though?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Definitely. It's effectiveness depends on the intentions and morals of the target. But I don't have enough ki left to charge it myself, so I should be able to use dormant ki from surrounding life forms; not to mention, it could destroy the entire planet if I miss." Rarity chipped in now.

"I believe I can fix that. Before I left Zecora's plateau, I learnt two new spells. The zenkai spell, which heals you whilst boosting your power, and the long range teleportation spell. Considering Princess Celestia got us up to the second moon using just the normal teleporting spell and no ki, I reckon I could get us to another planet altogether!" Rainbow Dash was elated to hear the news.

"How about it, Rainbow Dash? Let's go!" Omega burst from the ground, breathing heavily from both anger and lack of air.

"ARE YOU DONE RUNNING?!!" The Main 6 all faced her.

"We're not done fighting yet." She vanished in front of Rainbow Dash and kicked her in the stomach, sending her across Equestria, then chased after her. Omega didn't realise how hard she'd hit her opponent; by the time she had caught up, they were surrounded by waterfalls and rivers. Omega punched Rainbow Dash across the jaw; she flew through one of the waterfalls and impacted the cave floor hard, making a crater. She laid on her back, staring up at the cave ceiling while catching her breath.

"'I can fix that, dahling' She said, 'let's go' She said. What happened to that Rarity, huh?!" Rainbow Dash ranted to nopony but herself, before she mustered the strength to get up. The cool water left her partly refreshed and she was grateful for that, but she still didn't have much ki left.

"You alive in there?" Omega taunted from outside.

"No way I killed you with that... unless you truly are that weak." Rainbow Dash rose off the ground slowly, and crossed through the waterfall once more. She realised that her gi were soaked, which would impair her mobility. She powered up to kaioken, and the dense aura evaporated the liquid in her clothes.

"Sorry to disappoint you, not dead yet." The rest of the Main 6 caught up with them.

"How 'bout now Rarity? Can we go now?!"

"I believe so; Fluttershy helped me to find a suitable..." She glanced quickly at Omega.

"Location." She resumed as her horn began to glow.

"It should do just fine." Omega reacted now, confused.

"Wait, what's happening? WHAT ARE YOU UP TO!!?" Rainbow Dash smiled smugly as Rarity's magic enveloped everypony, including Omega.

"You'll see, Omega. Who knows where we end up; only time will tell." There was a silent flash of azure light as the Main 6 and Omega were teleported across space.

Planet: Marinus Beta - Star System: Exodus I

The light faded away, leaving the Main 6's new surroundings. The landscape was odd to say the least, though it was beautiful and well maintained. The vegetation was blue in colour, and the water was green. Omega wasn't pleased by the change of scenery.


"You think we should leave her alone for a bit or..." Pinkie enquired. While Omega was still trying to come to terms with what had happened, Rarity began examine the planet and its neighouring celestial bodies in detail.

"Ok, one habitable moon, two... no, three suns and two neighbouring planets. From the look of the land and lack of noise or structures... no intelligent lifeforms."

'Probably for the best,' Rarity thought. 'This planet is much too beautiful to be disturbed.'

"That's more than enough." Rainbow Dash confirmed. She addressed her friends now.

"Girls, I need you all to help hold off Omega while I charge the Spirit Bomb."

"No problem." Fluttershy replied.

"Sure!" Pinkie yelled.

"You didn’t have to ask." Applejack said.

"Of course dear." Rarity replied, but she was cut short.

"No, not you Rarity."

"What? But I-"

"If you get hurt, or die, I'm pretty sure we have no way of getting back home. You don't need to fight anymore; besides, you deserve a break after what you accomplished today."

Rarity considered protesting, but remembered her friend's tenacity, and gave up on the idea.

"Aight, everypony ready?" Applejack asked. She received a collection of nods in response. "Well then, LET'S GO!" Rainbow Dash raised her hands above her head. The rest of the Main 6 flew towards Omega, except Rarity.

'Alright then. I’m pretty sure I need to ask the life forms to give me their energy, but does that mean like, saying please? Let’s try that first.' She had originally planned to use the energy from the planet they were on, but it didn't have much - it must have been near the end of its 'lifespan'. She decided to instead draw the ki from the surrounding planets, the star and the Royal Sisters back on Equis - she could still feel their energy from the next star system over!

'Come on, concentrate Dashie!' Rainbow Dash regained her focus, closed her eyes, and started the process.

'I call upon the sun and the stars, the moon and the trees, all living things; on this planet, there is a pony, an evil one, who desires nothing more than death and destruction. If you give me your energy, I'll be able to defeat her for good. If you all have the will to live, well, this is probably the only way we survive. So please, let me share your power!' Rainbow Dash felt the Spirit Bomb begin to charge, but didn’t want to look at the risk of breaking her concentration; she reckoned it would take about five minutes to fully charge.

'We're finishing this now.'

Author's Note:

Man, I didn’t realise how much shorter this chapter is than the rest. Sorry about that. :twilightsheepish: Hope you enjoyed regardless of the length. Cya bois!