• Published 23rd Jun 2012
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Come and See - Altero

A conversation takes place between Princess Luna and Twilight in the interim of life and death.

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In Which There are Finally Names!

I looked up at my sister in amazement. She looked down at me and smiled before returning her gaze to our Father. "What if she were to come with me?" she said again.

Our Father shook his head and sighed. "I had worried that thou wouldst ask that."

He nuzzled our Mother and came to his hooves. He turned to a the nearby star and gazed into it. The solar winds billowed through his mane and beard as he stood there. Time seemed to drag on as I desperately awaited his answer. Finally he turned his gaze back at us and said, "If this is truly what thou wishes, I will allow it. However, know this: if she accompanies thee, it will bring great hardship and sorrow upon you both."

I glanced back at my sister, who met my gaze. Her brow was furrowed and her eyes were filled with uncertainty. Our Father was never wrong, and yet I found myself yearning to go with her nonetheless. I wanted nothing more than to be with my elder sister forever. In that moment I would have followed her into the mouth of Entropy itself.

What a foal I was.

My sister must have drawn resolve from my need, for her eyes hardened and she looked up at our Father. "It is my wish. I would rather face hardship and woe with her than joy and gladness alone."

Our Father nodded and looked at me. "And thou? Is this thy wish as well?"

Tears fell from my eyes as I nodded fiercely.

"Very well," he sighed. With that he turned and faced us and said in a booming voice, "Then come forth, and I will give unto you power and new names."

I pulled away from my sister and quickly dried my eyes on my wings once again. I sniffed, and we slowly approached our Father. He raised his wings, large enough to encompass a planet, high above his head and his eyes glowed with the fierceness of a thousand suns.

"Thou art Celestia," he said to my sister. "For thou shalt rule over the day. Thou shalt lead and teach thy charges with wisdom and kindness. Thou shalt teach them to love truth and joy. Under thy loving care they shall grow and learn that one day they might join the Eternal Herd."

As our Father spoke my sister changed. She grew taller and her coat shimmered and shone as if she herself had become a star. A sun appeared on her hindquarters and her horn became longer and sharper. Her main lost its tender pinkness and turned prismatic, billowing in the solar winds.

Our Father turned to me. "And thou art Luna, and thou shalt rule over the night. Thou shalt protect thy charges as they rest, and thou shalt inspire their minds and souls. With thy gifts and thy love, they will one day become fine members of the Eternal Herd."

At our Father's words, I felt myself changing as well. I felt my body become larger and stronger. I felt electrified, powerful. I looked at myself and saw a coat as dark as midnight with a crescent moon emblazoned on my own haunches. The stars themselves seemed to dance in my mane.

"Unto you both I give the Elements of Harmony. Unto thee, Celestia, I give the Elements of Truth, Joy, and Love." He turned to me once again and said, "Unto thee, Luna, I give the Elements of Magic, Loyalty, and Generosity. "

As he named each of the Elements, a bead of light appeared from the tip of his horn and came to circle about each of our heads. The miniature stars that came to rest upon my sister were yellow, pink, and green, while the ones that came to me were white, purple, and blue.

"I give unto you these names and Elements that thou might better protect and teach your charges. With them, you will have the power to keep them and guard them from all sides. Together you will ensure their safety and happiness, that they might grow and one day return to us."

With that, Father folded his magnificent wings back, and the fiery light faded from his eyes. He smiled, then nuzzled us both, pulling us close with his wings. "I am proud of you, my daughters."

He pulled his head back and looked us each in the eye, his wings still about our withers. "Celestia," he said, seriously, "This is thy charge, and thou shalt have the greater say. Thy sister will look to thee for guidance. Nevertheless, heed her council, for she is wise and thoughtful."

"Luna," he said, looking at me, "Heed thy sister. She will not lead thee astray. Thou wilt be a great help for thy sister and a balm and a light for your charges. However, be humble, or I fear a great evil will befall thee."

His wings fell from our shoulders and settled themselves once again on his back. He beamed at us and said, "I am proud of you, my daughters, and I love you more than you can imagine. Never forget this."

I thought I saw a tear glisten in his eye before he turned away, settling himself down once again with our Mother.