• Published 23rd Jun 2012
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Come and See - Altero

A conversation takes place between Princess Luna and Twilight in the interim of life and death.

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In Which Luna Begins Her Tail

I suppose it all began a long time ago, when the foundations of your world were being laid. My sister and I were a part of the Eternal Herd, then. We were as close as sisters could be; nothing could separate us. We played and danced among the stars themselves, watching the cosmos roll forward into eternity. I was happy then. We were happy.

It came as a surprise, then, when our Father summoned my sister. We often spent time with our Father. He was a very wise and noble stallion, kind, gentle, and powerful. He loved us very much, and we loved him. We did everything in our power to make him happy. I recall one time when I made him a flower out of stardust and moonlight. It was a lopsided little thing. A filly's work, really. Even so, He laughed and held me tight, and told me that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He wore it behind his ear, despite what Mother said, until the petals fell off and floated away in the void.

Despite this, neither of us had been formally summoned by him. "What do you suppose He wants, my sister?" I asked her, nervously.

"I do not know," she replied. "However I do not think it will be anything bad. I have done nothing to risk his ire."

"Even so..."

My sister laughed. "Come now, sister. Thou mustn't be frightened on my account. Unless thou hast done something that thou oughtn't have and laid the blame at mine hooves." She winked at me mischievously.

I smiled in return. "Come now. Thou knowest me better than that. I would never do such a thing to my beloved sister."

"Oh?" she said, eyes gleaming.

"Of course not," I said haughtily. "Somepony else, on the other hoof..."

My sister laughed, and a smile formed on my own lips. "Oh, my sister, what am I to do with thee?"

I responded immediately. "Allow me to accompany thee," I pleaded.

My sister shook her head, surprised. "But..."

"I beg thee. I do not wish to remain here alone. Please, let me come with thee. I promise I will not make a disturbance."

She looked at me intently for a time, lips pursed. "Well, I suppose the summons did not exclude thee specifically..."

I wrapped myself around her neck. She smiled and returned the embrace. "Come now. Let us go and see what our Father requires of us."

We found him with our Mother, his wing wrapped around her gently as they gazed out into the expanse. When he saw us he stood and embraced us warmly. I can still remember the smell of stardust in his mane.

"My lovely daughters. It fills my heart with joy to see you." He released us and glanced solemnly at me. "Though I wish that thou hadst not come. This will be most difficult for thee."

I felt my heart constrict as I looked into his eyes. He turned away and lowered himself beside our Mother once again.

"But why, my Father? What will be so difficult for my sister?"

Father took a deep breath, and sighed. "Because, my daughter, the time has come for thee to be given a place in the cosmos."

I felt as if my world came crashing down around me. I understood what Father referred to. My sister would leave. I would be alone. No more frolicking on solar winds, no more playing amongst the stellar clouds. She would have a domain of her own, responsibilities and mortal charges. And I would be alone.

So alone...

I glanced at my sister. She was overjoyed, elated. She had been yearning for this day for millennia. The opportunity to have a world of her own, as she had seen so many of our brothers and sisters enjoy. We'd often talked about what she would do, how she would care for her mortals, how she would protect them and ensure that their lives were filled with peace and harmony.

As it was, she could barely contain herself. She pranced from one hoof to the other, like a little filly. Her wings were flared, making her seem nearly as large as our Father himself, and her face was split in a disbelieving grin. She had fire in her eyes, then. Such fire.

But then she looked at me. I almost wish she hadn't.

I tried to be happy for her. I truly did. I forced myself to smile, to embrace her. Even as tears streamed down my muzzle onto her impeccable coat, I whispered, "I am so happy for thee."

My sister saw through my act, however. I could feel the elation drain from her as she returned my embrace. A part of me felt glad, hoping that she would turn down our Father's offer, hoping that she would remain with me. Another part felt guilty for destroying her joy, marring her dreams with my selfish desires.

What a foolish filly I was.

But then my sister spoke, "And what of my sister? What will become of her?"

"It is not yet her time, my daughter. She still has much to learn before mortal souls are given to her care."

I looked up into my sister's eyes. I could tell by the way she looked at me that she meant to give up her dream for her foolish little sister.

As much as I wanted her to stay with me, I could not bear the thought of her giving up what she wanted most for her foalish sister.

I smiled and wiped away my tears with a wingtip. "You should go, my sister. 'Tis the opportunity you've waited for."

She smiled as she looked down at me. She always was taller than I, even then. She nuzzled me and pulled me close. Then she said something I never expected.

"What if she came with me?"