• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 560 Views, 9 Comments

The Industrialist V2 - Woodrow Wilson

An industrialist goes on a trip, and hits a bump in the universe with a human he picked up from earth.

  • ...

what now?

Chapter 6
What now?

“The coalmen wish to raise their wages in order to be able to purchase more food , will you accept this?”

“Yes, I accept this suggestion.”

You know, without having to deal with a possible death threat against the colony from the locals, and the Industrialist, things have been going nicely around here in Vanaar.

The mines are doing better, since we can make wood supports, rather than carving decorative stone pieces, since the forest isn’t something like crystals this time.

I still hope the Industrialist burns in Hell for all of eternity, though. And now, he will need to begin all over again. With no one to help him out there, wherever those guys dumped the body, and that is assuming that he’s even alive. Which is unlikely, since if the bullet didn’t kill him, then the blood loss likely will, and if not the blood, then other things like infection and tainted water likely will. And given how long he has lived far removed from living in survival-type conditions, I am rather skeptical about his knowledge of survival knowledge in wilderness conditions.

And that’s only if he’s still alive.

“Sir, we can’t seem to find the body anywhere in the forest, but we did find blood stains on the side of a tree which led us toward the northwest.”

“Is he nearby?”

“No, sir, there is no trace of him after a certain part of the forest had been reached.”

I slammed my hand on the desk I was sitting at, causing some papers and a small statue of me made from carbon nanotubes to fall off the desk. “Find him!”

They flinched and left the room quickly. When I find him, I’m going to kill him with my bare hands. And there is no ‘if’ in this extreme scenario, he could be anywhere, he had two days to do anything. Two days, that could mean that he's on the other side of the mountain range in the dense forest on the north side of the entrance to the base. He could be waiting for someone to exit the base, so he could ambush them. Maybe even me. I need sleep. I need to get rested for tomorrow. I will rest … . I fell asleep on my desk.
The planet detonates and I laugh.

“We’ve done it, Andromeda, we’ve done it!”

I celebrated with my sister Andromeda.

“I congratulate you for your work. Now will you please focus? We need you.”

She looked sorrowful.

“What is wrong, sister?”

“I fear the Industrialist. He might come back again.”

“Don’t worry sister, I’ll take good care of him might he come back.”

The Industrialist appears and shoots my sister with a magam-ray, which caused her to convulse, and her back to arch backwards … .

I try to shoot him, but it just goes right through him. My sister's back snaps, as her muscles strain her spine to the breaking point, causing her to scream in pain as her body is disassembled at a molecular level.

She screams loudly, before it cuts off prematurely as I watch her violently disintegrated before my eyes! The stars begin to go out as her galaxy dies with her. It implodes before becoming a massive black hole as she dies.

The industrialist disappears into the light escaping from the massive gravity well, and melts into the behemoth of a star.


I wake with a start as my door creaks open and a coalman walks in.

“Sir, are you okay?”

It was Wrekkx.

He stood, holding onto the edge of the door and peering into the lamp lit room. A single desk-lamp was the only thing lighting the room.


“Oh! Yes. I am fine. Why do you ask?”

“It is because I heard yelling and heard you talking in your sleep, Sir.”

“I am fine. I cannot remember my dream right now, so I cannot tell you anything about my dream.”

He walks out and closes the door.

“My dearest family, I wish to avenge you, but I might have not completed my task of killing the Industrialist. Help me so that I might avenge you.”

A picture of Andromeda remained superimposed over my vision and the sound of her screaming echoed from the memories of my past, haunting mes for the rest of the day and likely will until I die.

Author's Note:

Nothing to worry about.