• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 294 Views, 9 Comments

Characters - ookacha

As an all-powerful being, seeing this account of Human-Equine interactions left me with a few questions.

  • ...

And here I am... Talking

Author's Note:

Just a heads up, theres a line that's reference to Crimmar's, 'The Lunar Guardsman', but is not essential to know within this story. Although, I guess now that you know the reference, you don't really need to know its... unnesentialness? Idk, English.

Oh, theres a thousand word limit? Ok, lets make this longer.
It originally ended after the first bit.

Though, now that Ive written so much, I feel like I could continue and make a whole lot of new questions and answers in the story...

Oh well, thats it for now. I might make another chapter later of people are interested.
Rephrase that, I will MOST LIKELY make another chapter if people are interested.

Hear that, proof-reader? I think my first novella will succeed!
Oh how much I will be proved wrong...

Yep, I was proved wrong. Didn't even get past the Short Description.

Anyway, no more commenting.
Happy Reading!!



She pulls up another paper.



The final piece is laid heavy in her hoof. If he gets this right, she knows what will happen.

She pulls it up.

"Twilight Sparkle!"

She lays down a heavy hoof.

"By your own definition, you are now officially declared as insane."

He beams with pride.

"How did you find out so much already?" She inquires.

"Ive already told you! Ive known for ages!" He retorts. "For the thousandth time, your books had to tell you something about me! At least Pinkie knows what Im on about."

"Yes but," She hesitates. "I always thought she was playing pretend like usual, fantasising the legends she knows, but now that I know she's serious..." Her voice trails off

"You of all people should know to trust her pinkie sense."

"Yes well, we've been over this discussion many times. Im ready to beleive you now."

His face beams with pride for a second time. He has left one of the smartest ponies he knows, dumbfounded, sharing the honour with his idol, the pink fuzzy one.

"You know what this means right?" He asks.

She replies, "Yeah, I know. You can come in now Pinkie, Ill never question your pinkie sense ever again."

Pinkie bounds in ungracefully. "Good, because the next time this happens, I wanna meet him first, not second!"

"Well, I best be heading off." He retorts. "The scientists will want to know whats happened. Glad to find some familiar faces, sorry if my presence startled you."

She steps back, Pinkie by her side. "No, its quite all right. Ive learnt a valuable lesson to trust Pinkie so much more now."

"Well I best be off. Have a good day!" He walks a distance, and then presses a magic little button on the side of his machine, and steps in. He turns to face the two. "Ill see you soon, Im glad to know this place really exists."

And with that, he closes the door and the whole thing disappears.

"Okay Pinkie, what was it this time."

Pinkie chuckles. "A Human! Come on Twilight, Raegdan must have at least told you the name of his species!"

"Who's Raegdan?"

"Oops! Wrong fanfic!"


"So there I was! Just standing there, and all of a sudden she screams at th-"

"She? How do you know its a she?"

"Trust me, I just know. Anyway, I was just standing there and she starts screaming her head off, yelling things about... Another one of them,... And how their predictions were right!"

"So, we become psychics?"

"Well, kind of I guess, all it really depends on is whether or not the other pony really knows her hist-"

"Wait... Pony?.. PONY? There are TALKING, PONIES?"

"Well, I dont know if they'd be ponies anymore, but hey! Who knows! Maybe we end in radiation and it affects the ones we already know?"

"Somehow, I dont think molecules work like that James..."

"Well anyway, as I was saying before I was interrupted for the ten thousa-"

"Just get on with it."

"Ok, anyway, uuh, oh thats right! She was just screaming her head off, and then she just, stops! As if she was only startled, but was actually expecting me."

"So, this... 'Equine' shall we say, just started screaming and then just freakishly stopped, as if having you appear in front of... 'Her'... Was completely normal?"

"Yeah! Even though she couldn't have ANY idea we built this, it was as if she expected me."

"So what happened next?"

"Well, she said hello, and-"

"Wait, you could understand them?"

"Well duh, how do you think I knew who she was talking about the first time?"

Septe paused for a moment.

"Wait, so you knew what... it, was rambling about when you heard a Name? How did you know it was a name?"

"Well... heh, I guess I gotta come forward on that..."

"Wait, Youre holding BACK? THE MOST IMPORTANT THING DISCOVERED IN HISTORY, AND YOU'RE NOT EVEN TELLING US THE WHOLE TRUTH? Oh man, time really messed you up this time now didn't it..."

"Well, actually, if you put it that way... I think time was already messed up in the first place..."

"Explain. I want answers, NOW."

James took a deep breath.

"... I watched TV when I was younger."

Septe listened closely. Waiting for James to continue.

10 seconds passed.

"Thats it?" Inquired Septe. "Thats the only explanation youll give me?"

"Yep, youll figure it out in a moment."

"What, that you watch-"

"Here it comes" muttered James.

"You know, I think I just figured out something even more important today than our future."

"Oh? And whats that?" James sighed.

"I can finally laugh at you about something for the next millenium."

James croaked, "And whats that?"

"That you watched a pony show with great interest."

"Yes, yes I did." Muttered James. "Brony and proud."


"Nothing! Nothing."

"No its something. You said 'Brony'. What is that, a mix between 'Bro' and 'Pony'?"

This concept suddenly fascinated Septe more than the Equine adventure.

James gulped, for the third time. Then all of a sudden, he sat up, with a glint of humility, and dismissed all feelings of Nausea.


"Well, finally! Something of interest!"

"Oh? How so?"

"I can laugh at you even harder now!"

"Oh Shut up."

- Well, that's pretty much All I stayed around to find out. I couldn't be bothered watching this dull conversation continue. Quite the encounter I must say! It's one of the most Unique among my travels. Anyway, so what exactly is going on here? I know names and some dates but why did this happen in the first place? I still can't figure that out...

So can you help?

Comments ( 9 )

Oh man! You're work is so incredibly awesome and ... WHAT?
38 views ALREADY?

Oh wait... This is MY story...


But on a more serious note, Is there anything I really missed that could do with a crap ton more explaining?
I like Feedback.

Hey man, some friendly advice... Add this to some groups! You can't get readers without posting in a group, if you want I can recommend some for you. Anyway, you seem to use Im instead of I'm and a few others, but nothing major.

Seriously, add this to some groups and consider continuing. I liked it, shortness and all.


Oh thanks!

2 things though.

First, How did you come to read this if it wasnt in any 'groups' huh?
OOOOOOH, BUUUURN. (But seriously, thanks, and I would like some reccomendations if youd be so kind... Ehe.)

Second, I write on an iPad so I blame Apple Inc. and/or general incompetence with touchscreen keyboards. But thanks for the stuffs!

It actually makes me SERIOUSLY happy to know someone actually likes this... Thing...

Not that I wasnt happy before but, you know what I mean.

But yeah, THANKS BOIII! (I use that gender neutrally, its a habitual happiness expression.)

PLUS, a final thing, I did say if 'People' like this thing then Ill write another.
Technically, one person is a 'people', so in respect of logic, I shall write a continuation.

Expect it, ... Sometime this year. (Hopefully within the week, likely the month, definately the year. (Unless I forget about it, which is probable too...))

Plus, Final thing 2.0, my show continuity may not be uptodate, so sorry if I miss like some big thing that happens in S6 or whatever. I just received S5 yesterday, long story short, I wait for DVD for the seasons so Ill be pretty Tardy when it comes to recent events.

I think thats it, if not, too bad. This comment is pretty darn long already.

7547777 I was on browse and saw this, added it to my read-it-later shelf and forgot about it for about two months. As for the groups, HiE, Unusual Humans in Equestria. Some keywords that you can search to find some compatible groups would be; One shot, Comments, Human, Funny, Pinkie and so forth.

Good luck and try to cover at least ten different groups for this story so you can get the most views.


WOAH That Was fast... Unlike MY response ehe...

Thanks again!

(P.S. Where does everyone pull all those ponymotes from... :D)

Also, ehe...
How do you add the groups and tags?

Hello, my name is dumb ehe...

Ugh, too many 'ehe'...

7547846 Okay, let's see if I can do a halfway decent info dump...

Pony faces can be added by tapping on the smiley face icon above the typing box (Like the author note or the reply box you'll use to reply to this). :twilightsmile:

You can add this to groups by joining a group (three vertical lines in the top left, groups, search, join), going to their stories, going to a relevant folder and/or sub-folder and selecting add story and picking the story to add. Make sure you read the group summary as well as any group rules in the forum.

The icons above the typing box are kinda self explanatory, the two squares that have a line connecting them that look like a chain is the add link button for adding a link to something, the picture of a mountain and sun are for adding an image, YouTube is YouTube.

The colour wheel lets you change the colour for a section of words (useful for several things, a note written in blood can be blood red for example. Pinkie breaking the forth wall can be pink. "You know it!")

The black box with SP on it if for spoilers, simply tap it to see what someone hid behind it and its useful for whatever you can think of; Black Ops paperwork for example.

The quotation mark is for having something appear

like this, I like using it for Letters between Princess Celestia and others.

The U is for underline. The I is for italics. The B is for bold. The S is for scratching things out like this. The T can change Size for various reasons, like a greeting from Fluttershy.

Now play around with those for your reply, get a feel for things.


Very decent

"Your examples made him laugh"
:pinkiegasp: That's a whole lot O emotes!

Oh and for my next Fic im gonna Do something that may or may not be relevant to the previous Fic.

I just gotta say, thanks for the help N stuff! :twilightsmile:
Its really useful!

(I never actually noticed those little icons before, heh.)


I couldnt be bothered writing the stuffs with the Italics n stuff. So thisll havetodook?

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