• Published 9th Jul 2016
  • 973 Views, 14 Comments

Princess of the Sky - Season 1 - Onyx Dash

Twilight and Spike go to the human world where they meet a girl who possesses a brash, yet loyal, attitude while being chased by the Changelings; Dash must use the Element of Loyalty to become the Princess of the Sky.

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Episode 1: Chapter 4 - The Bully

So after English class, Rainbow and Fluttershy were heading off to their US History class. On their way there, Rainbow said something to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I have something to ask you."

"What is it Rainbow? Does it have anything to do with the new student by any chance?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, sort of. Remember when I said that I think that every new student that we get is supposed to be weird?" Dashie asked her shy friend.

Fluttershy sighed and replied, "Rainbow. Just because we've been best friends doesn't mean that I also think the new student is weird. All she did was accidentally call herself an alicorn. That's all."

Rainbow then said, "I know, I know. I'm not stupid."

"I didn't call you stupid, but if I did mean to, I'm very, very sorry." said Fluttershy in her overprotective ways.

"It's nothing. I know you'd never call me that. You're like the most awesomely nicest person I've ever met," said Dash. Fluttershy blushed and smiled a bit at Dash. "But seriously. At that certain part that you mention back about Twilight accidentally called herself an alicorn and everybody laughed at her, this weird thought rushed through my head. Like, she was a close friend of mine or something and I wanted to violently hurt all of the students who were laughing at her."

"Oooh. So I take it that you really like her, right?" Fluttershy asked in a happy tone.

"Look, just because I get the feeling of defending for her, doesn't mean I like her. It's just that the thought kept rushing through me especially when Twilight talked to me. She acted like that she knew me like the back of her hand. She was even looking back at me during other times at class after that." Dash told Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then told her rainbow-haired friend, "Well maybe that making new friends easily is another special talent of hers apart from her smarts."

Rainbow replied with, "You know. Maybe I should be friends with her sometime." Fluttershy nodded her head with a sweet smile.

"Rainbow, I never seen act like this before. A new student shows up and instead of considering him or her weird, you decide to be friends anyway. I think that's the right thing to do." Fluttershy kindly said.

Rainbow said, "Uhh, yeah. What you said." Fluttershy and Dashie just smiled at each other for a bit while heading to class.

As they headed down to their next class, they heard a clash on the lockers. Rainbow turned her head to see her friend, Bulk Biceps being held against a wall against a slightly shorter guy with light grayish brown skin, with light amberish gray hair, and moderate azure eyes.

"Hey man! What's this all about?!" asked Bulk Biceps scared for his life.

The bully then said to him, "C'mon big guy, fight me! Use your muscles! That's the reason why you always worked out in the gym right?"

Bulk Biceps then nervously, "Uhhh, no. I was just really fat and I needed to lose weight." The bully then busted out of laughter.

"Oh, man! You must be the strongest wimp I ever met!" the bully said as he continued to laugh. A serious Rainbow Dash with a nervous looking Flutter got his attention.

"Hey!" yelled Rainbow. The bully heard Rainbow and turned to the cyan-skinned teenager.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Rainbow Dash... or should I say, Rainbow CRASH!" the bully said with laughter.

Rainbow comically mocked him, "Well, well, well. If it isn't Dumb-Bell.. or should I say, Dumb-ASS!" Bulk Biceps chuckled at Dumb-Bell for a little bit until Dumb-Bell looked back at him, with Bulk continuing his scared look. He quickly escaped Dumb-Bell's grab and got beside Fluttershy, who comforted him.

"Oooh! I'm so scared of such cruel language! I hope my mommy didn't hear that! HAHAHA!" Dumb-Bell said with a sarcastic tone.

Fluttershy then shyly asked, "Uh, excuse me? But, um, why were you being mean to Bulk Biceps?"

Dumb-Bell then got in Fluttershy's face, "NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS! Don't make me put you as my next patient! Or maybe your animals could be better substitutes...hehe." Fluttershy gasped and then started to cry quietly. Rainbow quickly came to comfort her.

Dash angirly yelled, "That's it! You crossed the line..." Shen then took off her outer shirt and skirt and threw them to the side. She then cracked her knuckles as one of the hands got into the "come here" movement. As he saw this, Dumb-Bell got an evil grin on his face and took of his black sweatshirt.

As he cracked his knuckles, he said, "Oh I'm going to enjoy kicking your butt first. OOPS! Sorry, shouldn't say that in front of a girl, they always get offended. Oh, I almost forgot! And one more thing, if I injure you, I'll send you flowers. Poisonous flowers to be exact."

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Dash said while mocking Dumb-Bell once again. "I'm not a girl. I'm just someone who's gonna make you pay for being a jerk." said Dash. A bunch of students then noticed what was supposed to be a fight between Rainbow Dash and Dumb-Bell. They all started surrounding the two as Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps went into the crowd. Fluttershy got extremely worried, thinking that Rainbow might get hurt badly in this fight. Dumb-Bell quickly threw a punch at Dash, but the second before the punch hit Dash's face, she quickly dodged it. This surprised the crowd since they never saw Dash in a one-on-one fight with a bully before. Dumb-Bell tried punching her again, but dodged once again. Dumb-Bell quickly got frustrated and he kept trying to punch her, but Dash would dodge. As he kept trying hardly to hurt his opponent, Dash said in her cocky tone, "C'mon! I thought you were gonna hurt me!" The crowd would slowly start cheering for Dash.

One of the students, Micro Chips, would say to his friend, Sandalwood, "Dang! No wonder she won the game so quickly last night! Those reflexes are magnificent!"

"Uh-huh!" said Sandalwood as the two kept cheering to Dash. Rainbow kept dodging Dumb-Bell's punches and shortly get distracted by the crowd's cheering as Dumb-Bell took a short breather. As Dash kept admiring her "adoring fans", Dumb-Bell would prepare a powered-up punch. This punch was quickly coming and was noticed by a still-worried Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then yelled, "DASH! LOOK OUT!" Dash got Fluttershy's message and managed to catch Dumb-Bell's punch. Dumb-Bell was shocked, as Dash would use a feat of strength and turn Dumb-Bell's punch back to him.

Dash then said to her pink-haired friend, "You might want to step away." Dash would then perform an Irish Whip to Dumb-Bell and as the bully came running through, the students that was in his incoming way, including Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps, stepped out of his way. Dumb-Bell managed to stop himself from crashing into more lockers. Dumb-Bell quickly turned back to Dash, scared for his life and saw Dash doing the "come here" hand signal to him. He quickly ran off away from Dash and the students. The students applauded with glee.

"And your winner, RAINBOW DASH!!!" said Snips with a wrestling announcer tone. The students cheered for Dash as she kept admiring them.

Bulk Biceps would stretch out his biceps and scream in a manly tone, "YEEEAAAHH!" He tried to fist bump a close-by friend by he was too scared of what his strength would be like. Bulk smiled embarrassingly and gave his friend a gently handshake instead. Fluttershy quickly ran to Rainbow and hugged her with tears in her eyes.


"Pfft. Relax Fluttershy! What could possibly go wrong?" Dash said with tons of confidence. As she looked at her fans, her confidence all of sudden stopped when she saw two people standing at the end of a hallway. The students suddenly stopped cheering and turned to utter silence when they saw the two also. The people were Dumb-Bell with an angry look on his face pointing at Rainbow Dash, and the other was Principal Celestia who had a serious look on her face, with her arms crossed and one of her feet tapping on the floor.

Celestia then said to all the students in the hallway, "I'm very disappointed with all of you. First, some of you laugh at our new student, and now, one of you gets into a fight? Unacceptable." She then looked at Rainbow who had an extremely worried look on her face. "Miss Dash. I'm sure you'd like to come with me to my office with Dumb-Bell here. While all of you head straight back to class." The students all awed knowing the fact that the fun was over and started heading straight back to class.

Fluttershy came back to Dash with her skirt and outer shirt and gently said to her, "I'm sorry, Dash. I just wanted to help."

"It's not your fault, it's that bully's fault." Dash said as she angirly looked at Dumb-Bell.

"Let's go Miss Dash." Celestia said more seriously. Dash then started walking with Celestia and Dumb-Bell with tears in her eyes, knowing that her punishment could be the worst one of her life.

Celestia sighed as she sat at her desk with Rainbow and Dumb-Bell standing in front of her. She sighed and said to them, "I can't believe this. You're treating your relationship as if it were a rivalry in the WWF."

Dash said, "Uh, it's now called WWE, Principal Celest-"

"Quiet please, Ms. Dash." said Celestia as she interrupted Dash. "This is the third fight you've had between each other this year so far. You've had one in the first and second, so this is the third strike."

"But Principal Celestia! Dumb-Bell was being mean to Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy!" whined Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, last time I checked you almost Irish Whipped me into the lockers and that could've ruined my beautiful mug!' said Dumb-Bell.

Dash came back with, "You almost punched me in the face, meaning that you could've also ruined MY beautiful mug! Besides you could've deserved it anyway!"

Dumb-Bell came back with, "If you didn't interfere with my business, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"If you weren't such a jerk, THEN we wouldn't be in this mess!" yelled Dash.

"QUIET. BOTH OF YOU." said Celestia. The two immediately became quiet. She then facepalmed herself and said, "I don't care, what you two did today was just unacceptable like all the others. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call both your parents and give you after-school detentions on Monday."

Both Dash and Dumb-Bell's jaws dropped and Dash said, "But I have this huge basketball game on that day after school and my dad's gonna get really pissed at me if I don't show up for that!"

"And I don't appreciate your use of language there Ms. Dash. I'm sorry, really I am. But the way you've been acting this year with your constant arguing and fights in hallways, I just can't accept that any longer." replied Celestia as she picked up her phone. She would then hear a knock on her door. "Please, come in."

Fluttershy came in saying, "Um, hi Principal Celestia."

"Ms. Fluttershy. What are you doing out of class. Were you at least excused?" asked Celestia.

"Yes. I just came to tell you that Rainbow was telling the truth." said Fluttershy desperately. "Me and her were heading to History class until we found that bully being mean to Bulk Biceps. Dash tried to make him stop by just barging in." she said as she looked at Dash in a serious look. Dash got an embarrassed look on her face. "I tried to help out the nice way by just asking why he was doing that, but he yelled at me and even threatened to hurt my animals."

Celestia then got suspicious and asked Dumb-Bell, "Is that true?"

Dumb-Bell sighed and said, "Alright, you got me," He then got to Celestia's desk and said, "Please, Principal Celestia! Don't do this to me, things have been really hard for me since my parents started fighting. It caused me to unleash my pain on others, including Dash. And if you call them, they might start fighting again! Just don't do this to me!"

Celestia looked at both Dash and Dumb-Bell for a moment and said to the latter, "Alright. This is your last chance Mr. Bell. I know you don't want this, but life's not fair for all of us. Just don't argue with Dash again alright?" Dumb-Bell nodded his head. "And you Ms. Dash, I believe from a student's eye. You were able to stand up for your friends, and that's what makes me happy for you. Plus, I do have to give you credit for an excellent basketball game last night." said Celestia. Dash blushed. "Alright, both of you, I won't call your parents and I won't give you detentions."

Dash sighed with relief and said, "Oh, thank you Principal Celestia."

"However, I'm still going to have to give you two a punishment whatsoever." said Celestia. Dash and Dumb-Bell's stress refilled. Celestia then picked up her phone and called the cooking classroom. "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Smith. Can I borrow Twilight for a moment?... Okay. Thank you." she said as she hung up her phone.

"Uh, why did you call the cooking classroom?" asked Dash.

"Dash, as your punishment, you and Fluttershy will give a tour of the school to our new student, Twilight Sparkle." replied Celestia. Dash immediately sighed in a bored tone, while Fluttershy got all happy.

"Whoop-de-freakin-doo." said Dash sarcastically.

"Rainbow! This could be your chance of making Twilight your new friend!" Fluttershy whispered to her excitedly.

Rainbow replied, "Fluttershy, just because we're gonna give the new kid a tour of the school, doesn't mean I'm gonna make her my new friend." Fluttershy then gave Dash the cutest sad puppy-dog eyes she could ever think of. Dash saw them for a moment and felt a little bad for Fluttershy. She sighed and then said, "Fine...I'll try and make friends with her..."

Fluttershy happily yelled, "YAY! Whoops!" She would get a little bit embarrassed because of her breaking character and then say in her shy and timid way, "Yay." She would then hug Dash as the rainbow-head got an unamused look on her face.


Author's Note:

Finally Chapter 4 is complete! I'm sorry if this chapter is longer than the other chapters, but everybody loved the Prologue, so give me your opinion. So anyways, we get a closer dive into Rainbow's character, and we finally get to know when Twi and Dashie get to know each other. Plus, Twilight might finally learn if Rainbow is worthy of being the Princess of the Sky or not. And when the hell are we going to see Chrysalis and her Changelings again?! Find out in the next chapter of the first episode of "Princess of the Sky - Season 1". If there's any grammar errors I made this chapter, be sure to let me know in the comments below and I might fix them. Besides that, lemme know how I did this chapter by commenting, favoriting, and liking it. Thanks!
