• Published 9th Jul 2016
  • 974 Views, 14 Comments

Princess of the Sky - Season 1 - Onyx Dash

Twilight and Spike go to the human world where they meet a girl who possesses a brash, yet loyal, attitude while being chased by the Changelings; Dash must use the Element of Loyalty to become the Princess of the Sky.

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It was a dark and starry night at Ponyville in the land of Equestria. Everypony was sound asleep in their houses and all was quiet. Only few were awake, but only if they were doing their nighttime reading or staying up late for their early jobs. But all of Ponyville was silent. In the center of the town, there was a castle. It had sort of a similar resemblance to a crystalized tree with a golden door serving as the entrance with two purple windows. But inside the tree above it was the part that looked like an actual castle that was purple with golden rooftops. Parts of the crystalized tree were stuck on the castle. The castle had golden balconies and what hung from them were diamond streamers that were in colors such as pink, orange, yellow, blue, and purple. Above one of the balconies, coming from one of the castle's walls was a purple flag that had a pink star design to it and was hung from a gold pole. And around the center top of the roof was a giant crystal that was in the shape as the design on the flag. This certain castle was known as The Castle of Friendship, and served as the home to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Inside of the castle, there was a certain library chamber because Twilight was one of the smartest of her class before becoming an alicorn and was even a student to Princess Celestia. This chamber was tons full of books from all different kinds of subjects. From history to literature to anything. Sitting around one of the tables was a young alicorn who had a coat of a light brilliant raspberry, along with moderate violet eyes and a mane of dark phthalo blue with moderate purple and brilliant rose streaks. This certain alicorn was Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight was sitting at one of the tables late at night who was trying to fix a necklace like amulet with a golden rim that covered a red lightning bolt shaped crystal. She was using her alicorn magic from her horn on it and concentrated on it real hard. Beside her was an open book that had words that said, "How to transfer magic into the Elements of Harmony". On the other side of the table was a candle to provide her light in the dark castle. Twilight kept focusing real hard on the crystal, but all of a sudden she heard some footsteps echoing through the hallways of the castle. Twilight gasped.

"Huh? What's Spike doing up so late?" Twilight asked to herself.

She then quickly took her magic off the amulet and hid it alongside with her book. Without any last minute thought, she decides to fake herself going to sleep. She quickly put her hooves on the table and put her head down and suddenly made fake snoring noises. The footsteps got louder as it got closer to the library. The footsteps turned out to be from a little baby dragon who had scales that was the color of a light mullberry, as well as light spring budish gray underbelly, and light lime green "ears". He had moderate harlequin scales that went from the top of his head, to his back, all the way down to his tail. This was Twilight's best friend and #1 assistant Spike. He had been with Twilight ever since she was a young filly and if it weren't for the birth of Spike, Twilight wouldn't have been Celestia's student.

Spike was walking slowly through the hallway with a weary look on his face. And halfway through he yawned. He said to himself, "Oh... so thirsty. I need to get a drink of water. I shouldn't of eaten those spicy hay fries today."

As he walked through the hallway, he passed through the library hall and happened to see Twilight in there asleep. (Or should I say, "asleep") Spike then decided to save his drink of water for later and decide to at least make sure Twilight was in bed. Since he was her #1 assistant and all. When he got to the table where Twilight was at, Spike noticed the poorly hidden book with the mysterious red amulet. Spike then woke up the fakely asleep Twilight by shaking her hoof. Twilight noticed this and decided to pretend that she was very sleepy. Twilight woke up with a fake yawn and said with a sleepy voice, "Oh, Spike... what're you doing up?"

"That's the same question I have for you Twilight," said Spike. "What're you doing up?"

Twilight then nervously said, "Uhh... you know, just doing some late-night reading. I really want to get to the next chapter of this exciting story!"
She nervously laughed.

Spike then asked her, "Really, what's the story about?" Twilight quickly got up on her hooves and tried to get Spike back to his room.

She then continued in her nervous voice, "Uhh, I'll tell you about it in the morning! Hehe. Why don't you go back to sleep, you really need your eight hours of it."

Spike noticing the poorly hid book with amulet, he then asked Twilight, "Um, Twilight? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Nope! And if I was, it's probably just something personal that I think you shouldn't see, so why don't you go back to bed and I can tell you that neat story in the morning, okay? Okay!" said Twilight as she kept trying to get Spike out of her room.

Spike then asked Twilight again, "Oh I get it, you are hiding something from me, are you?"

"Spike just go back to bed!" yelled Twilight as her nervousness turned into anger.

Spike then said back, "Twilight, I just want to see what you're doing!"

Twilight got angrier and yelled back at Spike, "Just get the hell back to bed Spike!"

Spike then got really frustrated and yelled in Twilight's face, "Twilight, you haven't been yourself lately! Everyone in Ponyville has been really worried about you! All of your friends have been wondering where you've been all this time! And when I try to check and see what you're doing, you just get really upset with me! Twilight, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"

Twilight quickly stopped, as well as her anger. She and Spike had a silent moment for a few seconds. Twilight then quickly started to tear up and started to sniffle. She then put her hoof on Spike's face gently and cried to him quietly, "Oh, Spike. I'm sorry if I've been acting like this to you and Ponyville. I've just been really busy lately and that hasn't given me much time to be with you guys."

Spike then started to tear up too.

Spike then gently said to the tearsome Twilight, "It's alright Twilight. We all go through this all the time. You told me that before. So can you please tell me what you're doing?"

Twilight replied to Spike saying, "I'm sorry Spike. This is something Princess Celestia told me to keep secret, even from you."

Spike then quickly cried out, "Twilight, I'm your #1 assistant, dammit! We've been through almost everything together ever since I was born, and I've helped you up all the way! So if there's at least one being you should exploit your secret to, it's me!"

Twilight sighed and then said gently, "Alright Spike. I'll let you know what I'm doing, but as long as you manage to keep this a secret between us. So don't tell anyone. Got it?"

Spike then comedically dropped his jaw and said, "Even Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight gently giggled and said, "Even Pinkie Pie."

"Okay, Twilight. I'll hold my truth to the very end." said a very bold Spike.

Twilight stopped tearing up, as well as Spike, and the two hugged each other, and she quietly said to Spike, "Thank you."

The two then went back to the table in the library and Twilight brought out the book with the amulet. She then relighted her candle, opened her book back to the page she was on, and put her magic right back on the amulet.

Spike then noticed and said, "Wait, isn't that the Element of Loyalty?"

"Yes Spike." replied Twilight as she continued to concentrate on the amulet.

Spike then asked her, "What are you doing with it?" She then showed Spike the page of her book which read "How to transfer magic into the Elements of Harmony".

Spike then curiously asked, "Why are you transferring magic into the Element of Loyalty?" Twilight then took a break from inserting magic into the amulet and turned to her dragon friend.

"Well Spike, it's a pretty long story. But since I have to hold up on my promise, I guess I have no choice anyhow." said Twilight.

Spike then replied, "Well Twi, whatever you have, I'm ready for it."

Twilight then smiled at her friend and said, "Hehe. Alright Spike, here's the main point: Queen Chrysalis is back."

"Wait, wasn't she that witch who tried to infiltrate your brother's wedding who had those things who transformed into you and the others?" asked Spike.

"Yep." replied Twilight.

Spike then asked, "Wasn't she and the other Changelings destroyed when your brother and Cadence blasted her and her minions away?"

Twilight then said, "Well, they weren't destroyed actually, but yes, they were blasted away. Recently, Celestia's guards noticed that some Changelings managed to sneak their way back into Equestria, either they have a secret hideout that nopony knows about or they've disguised themselves as one of Equestria's citizens."

Spike then got shocked and said, "Wait, that blast didn't destroy those things? How was that possible?"

Twilight then replied to her young dragon assistant, "Because the magic that was used to blast Chrysalis and the other Changelings away isn't that type of magic that's able to defeat her once and for all. The reason why, you may ask?"

"Pretty much, yeah." said Spike.

"The reason being is that Chrysalis can only be demolished with the spell of a pegasi." said Twilight.

Spike got really confused and said, "Pegasi? But Cadence is an alicorn right? She has wings, so why didn't she rid of Chrysalis?"

"It's not that complex Spike. What I meant by pegasi, I actually meant full-blooded pegasi. Alicorns are different. They're half-unicorn, half-pegasi, except really more powerful. The reason why alicorns can't destroy Changelings, while pegasi can is based on one heck of a huge story." said Twilight.

"Well, can't you tell me it?" asked Spike.

Twilight replied with, "Well I do need to hold on my promise. Hehe. Okay, long ago after Luna's banishment, the mysterious creatures called Changelings, led by Chrysalis, emerged from the depths of the planet. Chrysalis had only one thing in mind: to steal all of the Elements of Harmony to control all of Equestria because with them, she'd be more powerful than Celestia herself. Each Element was scattered across Equestria so they can be protected, and during her time in Equestria, she managed to disguise herself as one of each Element's bases' citizens and managed to steal each one. She already got four and there was one more she needed to get: the Element of Loyalty. Celestia was infuriated when she heard of the other four elements disappearances, and feared that if she managed to get the Element of Loyalty and then the Element of Magic, Celestia would be weak."

"Oh man! I didn't know that Chrysalis could be that much powerful!" said Spike.

"So anyways, going back to the story, Chrysalis managed to make her way to Cloudsdale and get almost close to the Element, only to be stopped by Celestia. The two would fight it out, and since Chrysalis had four elements at the time, she gained a distinct advantage over Celestia. The princess of Equestria couldn't even touch her because if any hoof touched Changeling skin, it would burn a lot. The battle between Celestia and Chrysalis was intense, and around the end, Chrysalis gained the upper hoof. Before the final blow was struck, the Element of Loyalty started to glow and out from it, emerged a warrior pegasi of immense power, strength, speed, and other attributes." said Twilight as she continued her story.

Spike replied with, "What?! A warrior pegasi?!"

Twilight replied with, "Yes. A warrior that was able to match with Chrysalis' power, she was known by legend as The Princess of the Sky. This being had a little rivalry with Chrysalis in the past, and even banished Chrysalis and the Changelings into the grounds of Equestria. The reason why The Princess of the Sky was able to match with Chrysalis was because her hooves were immune to Changeling skin. She managed to give Chrysalis what she deserved for only a little while."

"Damn! Another being that's stronger than Celestia?!" asked Spike.

"Language Spike, please. But, yes. Yet another being that even surpasses Celestia. But she was only there for a little while and then, like a whisper, she was gone. Fortunately, Chrysalis was weakened enough for Celestia to take down, and with a mighty alicorn blast, she managed to defeat Chrysalis and banish her and her Changelings back to the Badlands, retaining the other Elements of Harmony in the progress. Shortly after, Celestia decided that scattering the Elements is too dangerous, so she decided to gather them at their old castle and encase them stone so they won't be used again, until today." as Twilight finished her story.

"And that's when you and your friends used the Elements to take down Nightmare Moon, correct?" asked Spike. Twilight nodded her head.

She then said, "But now that Celestia fears that Chrysalis has returned once again, she believes that she also gotten more powerful during her time in the Badlands. And she decided that the only way to destroy Chrysalis once and for all, is to reawaken the Princess of the Sky with the Element of Loyalty. So she told me to make the Element of Loyalty more powerful enough for the Princess of the Sky to reawaken."

Spike then asked Twilight eagerly, "Then you're saying we could see the Princess of the Sky here tonight?"

Twilight replied, "It may not look that simple. But to me, it is. Celestia told me that the only way to reawaken the Princess of the Sky is to emerge the power of the Element of Loyalty into someone who's loyal enough to defend all of Equestria. And she thought that the perfect choice for the bearer of that power would be none other than the current bearer of the Element of Loyalty, one Rainbow Dash."

"Oh. I get it, but isn't there some other reason why, I'm just curious." said Spike.

"Another reason why is that both the Princess of the Sky and Rainbow shared a similar history. Both were named the best flyer of Equestria once, they both did have a pretty brash attitude, they did, obviously, bear the Element of Loyalty, and on the tip of the iceberg, both are somehow blood-related." said Twilight. Spike then got a shocked look on his face.

"You're saying that Rainbow could actually become a Princess like you?" asked Spike.

"Quite possibly, Spike. But for now, I just need to get back to filling this thing up with magic." said Twilight as she put her magic back on the Element of Loyalty.

Spike then asked Twilight one more question, "Hey Twi, I'm curious but how did the Princess of the Sky get incased in the Element of Loyalty?"

Twilight shrugged and said, "I don't know. Celestia didn't tell me anything else."

So Twilight got back to the Element of Loyalty and then the purple magic aura from Twilight's horn surrounding it changed to a cyan-like color. Twilight then got a big grin on her face and started to laugh.

She then happily said to Spike as she let go of it, "It's done Spike. The new Element of Loyalty is finally completed! Once we give this to Rainbow, there's no way Chrysalis can take over Equestria now!" Spike got all excited too as he hugged Twilight all happy for her.

"You did a great job on it Twilight! Thanks to you, Equestria will be saved once again!" Spike said with glee. The two just stared at the Element of Loyalty for a little while. Admiring the fact that Chrysalis will stopped once and for with ease.

As they kept admiring the Element, something crashed in the castle. Twilight quickly jumped and turned her eyes off of the Element.

She then asked, "Spike, did you hear that?"

Spike was just continuously admiring the amulet and said mindlessly, "Sorry, can't hear you. This moment is just too beautiful right now." Twilight then shook Spike's head, breaking him out of his trance.

"Twi, what was that for?" whined Spike.

Twilight then notified, "There's something going on by the entrance to the castle, I need you to go and make sure if anything is there."

The baby dragon whined once more, "Why can't you do it?"

"Well, someone has to make sure this thing doesn't get stolen," said Twilight. "And besides, I think you admired this thing for a good amount of time."

"Alright, fine." said Spike as he lazily started walking to the castle entrance. The young alicorn princess just sat there and looked at the Element of Loyalty.

A little while later, Twilight said to herself, "Where's Spike? He's been gone for a little while. Hope he didn't fall asleep while he made his way to the entrance." All of a sudden, she heard footsteps coming from the hallways again. "Ooh, Spike's back." Twilight said to herself.

Spike came back to the library and said to Twilight, "I checked by the entrance, but nothing seemed broken. Also, there was nopony outside of the castle either."

Twilight then said to herself, "Huh. That's weird." The two then went back to the Element. Spike then started to really look at the Element like he was staring lifelessly into it.

Twilight then got suspicious and asked her dragon friend, "Uhh, Spike? Are you okay, you've been really looking into that Element for quite sometime now."

"Oh, Twilight, it's nothing." Spike said casually.

Twilight then said, "Hey Spike, remember about those eight hours of sleep you need, well I think you should go back to bed now."

Spike then whined, "Come on, just 5 more minutes!"

"Spike, get to bed now." said Twilight as she grew more serious.

Spike then angrily said to her, "NO!" He then quickly grabbed the Element and tried to run away with it. Twilight quickly used a spell that caused the library door to close. She then started to chase Spike around the library. She tried using her wings to get to Spike's position, but he would quickly evade it. Luckily, Twilight managed to get Spike enclosed in a corner.

She angrily said to Spike, "Spike, give it back to me now!" Spike hissed at her. Twilight's rage increased as she said to the baby dragon, "That's it! If you won't give me the Element, I'll just have to take it from you on the count of 3." She then slowly started to count to 3 as she got closer to him.
"1..." Twilight said as she started the count. Spike kept it out of a position where Twilight would grab it. She then continued with, "2...". And then, one second before she got to three, she noticed Spike's eyes were changing. They changed from a moderate pistachio to a blank moderate arctic blue. Twilight then got a shocked face then and then said, "You're not Spike!" She then charged her horn and blasted at the Spike impostor. When it hit the impostor, it quickly disappeared from existence, leaving only the Element of Loyalty. She went over there and picked up the Element.
"Was that... a Changeling," she asked herself. "If that was a Changeling, then where's Spike?" She then suddenly heard a scream in the hallway.

"TWILIGHT!!! HELP!!!" screamed Spike in the hallway.

"Spike?" said Twilight as she quickly got herself out of the library with the Element in hand.

When she got out of the library, she quickly ran through the hallways only to find Spike surrounded by many Changelings.

She then yelled, "Spike!"

The baby dragon saw Twilight and yelled back, "Twilight! Save me!" Twilight nodded quickly and blasted at some of the Changelings, making her way through to her assistant. When she got to her friend, he quickly hopped onto Twilight's back and the two tried to run for the entrance. Twilight pulled the handle on the door hard but couldn't get it open.

"How's the door locked?!" said Twilight scared for her life. Spike tried breaking through the windows but wasn't able to do it.

He then said, "The windows aren't breaking either, it's like they're made of metal or something!" The two then noticed that the windows were slowly changing into a metal substance. Spike then quickly got back on Twilight's back. The young alicorn then ran through the hallways again, trying to look for an open exit while shooting down Changelings along the way. As Twilight kept running down the hallway with Spike on her back, they kept noticing that more windows were becoming metalized. The Changelings got closer and closer, until Twilight found an open room. The two quickly went in there and Twilight locked the door.

The two were in the throne room, where 6 chairs surrounded a table which had a crystalized diagram of Equestria. And in the back of the room was a mirror. Twilight got Spike off her back and the two panted.

Spike then said, "I think we lost them." Silence rung around the room until a certain knocking came brewing from the door.

"Any other statements, Captain Obvious?" asked Twilight.

Spike then said to her, "Well, excuuuuse me, Princess!" The door kept banging. Twilight made sure that she had the Element of Loyalty in her hand. She then went to the map to make sure that no other location has no other sign of Changeling life. Luckily, most of the Changeling population was mostly in Ponyville, notifying the Changelings that were in the castle. Twilight then got to her chair and got a sad look on her face. Spike then went to comfort her.

"Twilight, are you okay?" asked Spike all worried for her.

Twilight gently replied with, "Yeah." The two had another moment of silence. "I just can't believe that there are more Changelings." said Twilight.

But Spike then tried to lighten things up, "But Twi, you got the Element of Loyalty completed, all we have to do is give this thing to Rainbow Dash, she becomes the Princess of the Sky, and we'll be unstoppable."

Twilight then replied, "How? We can't even get out of our own castle, and their magic is stronger than regular alicorn magic."

Spike then said back, "Then what can we do then? There should at least be something?" The two then just sat down and thought of it as the door's banging got louder. Twilight then noticed the giant mirror in the back of the room and then she got an idea.

"Spike! I just thought of something! Remember that mirror Celestia gave to me as a gift for the castle?" she asked her companion.

Spike then replied, "Yeah."

Twilight then said, "She said that it was some sort of portal to another world, that was just like Equestria, but different."

Spike then scratched his head and asked, "Where are you going with this?" Twilight then quickly went to the back of her chair and got out her bag where she would put the Element of Loyalty in there.

"What I meant by that world being like Equestria, but different, it could be like some sort of dimension or something." said Twilight as she kept packing her bag.

Spike then said, "So that means there could be another Rainbow Dash?"

Twilight then said, "There could be other versions of all of our friends, especially Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. This could be the only chance we ever get!" The banging on the door got louder as it managed to slightly open, revealing a Changeling eye.

Spike then looked back at Twilight and grinned, "Twi. I'm your #1 assistant, dammit. I'm with you to the very end." He would then hug Twilight and the two would then enter the mirror and prepared themselves for the other world. Meanwhile, the door to the throne room would finally break down with the Changelings looking around for the Element of Loyalty.

One of the Changelings would then say, "Hey! Where are those Equestrian scums?!"

The leader followed and said, "Shut up! Chrysalis doesn't care if those two are down, we just need to find that Element of Harmony!" They kept looking around until they came upon the mirror portal that Twilight and Spike went through. One of them noticed it when it saw the ridges in the mirror moving.

"Hey you buffons! Come over here!" said the Changeling.

The leader Changeling came and said, "Never call the leader a buffon! What is it?" The Changeling showed them the portal in which the leader would poke its hoof into the portal. All of the other Changelings were amazed as the lead Changeling got an evil grin on its face and started chuckling.

It then went to the Changeling that found the mirror and said to it, "Pupa, you actually did a good job this time! Sorry if I was ever mean to you."

"Really?" asked Pupa.

The leader then replied, "No, not really. Larvae!"

The Changeling known as Larvae came to the leader's side and said, "What is it boss?"

The leader then told Larvae, "Notify Queen Chrysalis immediately! Those two Equestriassholes went through this portal to another world, and I think we should go through it!"

"That does sound like an interesting idea, Widow." said an eerie voice echoing through the throne room. From the shadows emerged a Changeling that was just like the others but was taller and had moderate harlequin eyes with dark grayish opal pupils. Along with a dark, wicked cerulean mane, and entered the Changeling's appearance with a brilliant green aura. The leader Widow, Larvae, and Pupa, as well as the other Changelings, bowed toward the being.

"Ooh, Queen Chrysalis! You like that idea?!" said Pupa in a very excited voice.

Chrysalis would then reply in a very satisfied voice, "I don't like it... I love it..." She would start to laugh evily and say, "Once that Element of Harmony is in my hooves, along with the others, I will finally rule Equestria, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" She would laugh hysterically along with the other Changelings.

This is just the beginning of the story about a girl who became.. THE PRINCESS OF THE SKY...


Author's Note:

Finally, the prologue is completed! And I think this is a very chilling introduction to the series. If there's any grammar errors that you see, inform me in the comments and I might fix it. Apart from that, I hope guys enjoyed this intro very much and lemme know what you guys thought of this by commenting and liking it. Thanks!
