• Published 23rd Aug 2016
  • 337 Views, 13 Comments

Everfree Bliss' Sonata - Everfree Bliss

Everfree Bliss is all alone in the Everfree Forest and can't remember anything but learns the forests name and she is now is full of bliss

  • ...

He's back and Running away and Twilight finds out

Canterlot Hospital~Everfree Bliss' POV

"I-I want to b-be named Everfree B-Bliss!" I smiled happily
Celestia gave the doctor a nod and he wrote down my name. His stethoscope had been previously been run under warm water so it wouldn't feel cold on my fur. We were a third of the way through the check up and getting my medical records done when there was a lot Banging on the doors and saying "Let me in! I will find her and she will be removed from where she doesn't belong" I first just hated the yelling and the noise when I realized who's voice it was.

I started to whimper "N-No please not h-him again." Everypony looked at me with confused looks.

Soon he got to the room we were in "I know your in there why don't you come out and come with me!"

"N-No Never!" I whimpered out as a scream "I w-will never go w-with the likes of y-you!" I started to chew on my hair again as tears silently fell down my face.

"LEAVE NOW YOU ARE SCARING THY FRIEND!" Luna said in the Royal Canterlot Voice making Bliss even more scared.

"Sh Sh Sh Sh Bliss it's ok" AppleJack soothed

When he left the check up went well until he pulled out a needle for a flu shot that's when things went down hill. As soon a I saw the needle I teleported myself out of the hospital and back into the castle then I flew the direction I thought was towards home. I teleported a couple time she just so I wouldn't exhaust my wings to much. Soon I saw a castle and Sweet Apple Acres Twilight was approaching the farm to check if The Apple's were back. I entered the house accidentally slamming the door and Twilight entered thinking there was an intruder. She slowly approached as I backed away hiding my horn and my face with my wings. When I peaked through my feathers I saw her lighting up a spell.

"Who are you!" she asked in aloud stern tone

"I am B-Bliss E-Everfree Bliss." I barely squeaked out as she scared me.

"And what are YOU doing here!" She almost yelled still thinking I am an intruder

"W-Waiting for AppleJack a-and AppleBloom along with t-the other two. B-Because I don't want a needle!" I cried

All she could get out was 'Oh' and she got me to lower my wings as she wrapped hers around me to comfort me.
"Your an A-Alicorn!?!" She said getting excited and shouted I covered my ears and started to let out soft upset moans trying to show I didn't like her getting loud and excited.When she realized that I sounded upset she went back to just soothing me.
Canterlot~Luna's POV
The little one had left in a hurry when she saw the needle and we tried to stop her but it didn't work. The doctor left soon after to go submit the medical records that were finished and he kept the ones that weren't waiting for us to get Everfree Bliss back. "Where would Everfree go AppleJack?" I inquired wanting an answer to where the filly could have gone.
"A'h recon she went back to the farm" Applejack stated quickly as my sister teleported us to Sweet Apple Acres only to see the door to the house wide open. "Shoot! A'h asked Twiligh' to check on the animals while we were gone since Flutters was busy!"
We ran to the house only to see Twilight rocking Everfree Bliss in her lap with wings and hooves around her. Everfree Bliss was crying while being rocked.
"A-Applejack I...I am s-scared of him!" Bliss sobbed out which was a heart breaking sight for us to see
"Who was he Bliss?" We all asked worried about her.
She stayed quiet averting her eyes not daring to even look towards us. She flapped her wings and started to get agitated from something.
Sweet Apple Acres~ Everfree Bliss' POV
If they found out about HIM. They might be in trouble and without noticing I flapped my wings showing I was agitated.
"Bliss" Luna spoke sweetly to me "Please tell us who he is so we can help you."
"C-can we just g-get my check up d-done please?"
I asked to try and avoid answering all I got was a nod.
Canterlot after check up~Everfree Bliss' POV
"Well Miss Applejack she is perfectly healthy but she needs an operation." The doctor to explain
I wondered what for then as if reading my mind Applejack asked the exact question on my mind.
"Well Miss Applejack she has a deformity in her wing area that could cause problems if not removed."
Applejack just nodded and agreed to it and we were told to come back in a few hours for the operation.
~The magical time skip to after operation~Luna POV
"How is she Doctor?" I asked
"Well she may have a hurting wing for a while but it went well she is just resting for now." He answered

Author's Note:

I know what I am talking about when I said deformity kind of since I had one and this O.C. Is to represent me. When I was writing this it was 1:31 AM

Comments ( 2 )

Will she ever be abol to fly ?

7867432 yea she will she is not a strong flyer but she's not that weak.

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