• Published 21st Jun 2016
  • 391 Views, 2 Comments

Night Lights Evening - poptartpony

Night Light enjoying a cigar on his back porch reflecting on his life as a father.

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Happy Fathers day

The cigar in hoof was nothing short of a work of art. A cancerous art in excess but art non the less. The bright brown casing made a perfect spiral down to the end of the cigar. It had a submarine shape. The bow end was much fatter than the stern of the cigar. It’s a shame to ruin such a shape but a cigar is for smoking, not admiring.

Snip, snip.

That’s all it took to prepare for the experience. The once rounded heads now cut to be a nice flat surface for air to travel through. The insides of the cigar were in the shape of a vortex, similar to some of the galaxies in the sky.

In the beginning of Equestria, Faust said let there be light. The pony in turn breathed life into the cigar. Now burning from the bow, The smoke filled his mouth and he blew it all out. The cigar left a rich after taste.. Not rich in the smug arrogance that plagues the upper class of Canterlot But more like a rich dessert, A devils cake or a chocolate bar that’s 85 % cocoa

Night light took a sip of coffee to enhance the flavor. "I wonder why this is such a good combo."

A thought sounding a lot like her daughter answered. "Caffeine boosts your metabolism which increases the speed of the enzymes that break things down in your system...the same can basically be said about nicotine seeing as how it alone thins your blood which makes you more susceptible to other chemicals. It’s a complicated process."

That is exactly what she would say. His son would just complain about how smoking causes cancer. He chuckles taking another puff.

He sighs with content. He stared out on the back porch admiring the horseshoe shaped pond and garden in his back yard. The pond and garden were built by him and his beautiful wife, They spent hours and thousands of bits to mold it in the image they wanted. Some days there were weeds to nip. Other days all they had to do was give it a little water and everything would take care of its self. It was a long intensive labor of love. Just like his family




He’s been a father for 25 years. He chokes on his coffee at the thought. "Oh Tartarus." he coughs all the coffee out then sits there in silence for a while. They say time flies when your having fun, And the sun is now setting.

From the richness to the poor, to sickness and in health. From the children being born, to Velvet going to rehab for her alcohol addiction. Twilight was to young to remember but Shining crying his eyes out. his mother had to leave for a while. "Boys don’t cry. Boys shouldn’t cry." After Night put Twilight and Shining to bed He went to the basement locked the door and screamed into pillow.

But that’s all in the past. And all is good in the house of Sparkle. And right now He's smoking the celebratory cigar for his own sake. Not because of a relationship almost ruined.

Night light was an astronomer, always mapping the stars. It was his passion and his job. Twilight shared that passion until the entrance exam for Celestias school of gifted unicorns. She got her cutie mark and became Celestas personal student. an opportunity that fillies and colts dream about around the world . If that wasn’t enough she hatched a dragon named spike.

This was an unexpected twist in his life. Adopting another species? At first he was skeptical but one look from Velvet and he know this was part of his destiny and he wouldn’t have it any other way

Then why does it leave a bitter taste in his mouth, And it isn’t the cigar

He wipes the tears from his eyes. What did his son call it? Liquid pride, isn't this liquid pride. Men shouldn't cry but here he was,. Alone on the day that is suppose to celebrate him. But that’s OK. Fathers take the hardship and sacrifice so the rest of the family can be happy and thrive. He takes another puff and rubs his eyes. That's when he hears the back door open. He shakes his head to reapply his symbolic mask of maturity.

"Hey Velvet." She walks around and nuzzles him.

"Hello handsome." She hands him another cup of coffee. "Sorry work took so long, the publishing company had a random status report on my latest story." she sits down and sighs.

"That’s all right. It’s not like there’s anything important going on." He replies. They both sit there enjoying the comfortable silence and the serenity of the sunset. It's a important thing to have when you have a best friend or a lover, is that you enjoy each other’s silence.

"Velvet, What makes a good father?" Light ask

Then it dawns on Velvet what day it is. "Night Light. I'm so sorry ugh! My stupid work place i can’t..." He puts a hoof to her mouth.

"its OK Vel. Its a burden I bare. I'm a father after all."

Velvet smiles and nuzzles his hoof. "I would say you become a great father. Shining Armor is a Prince and Twilight is a Princess. And Spike is
becoming a fine young man. And He's not even your flesh and blood." Velvet replies.

"Is that what makes a good dad though? Legacy and Social status? Velvets smiles falters. "Honey...

"Is that what it is? Because I’m trying to figure it out? Is it providing for the family? Teaching my children the virtues of friendship and being a nice pony? Or the being the calm voice of reason when Tirek took everponies magic! Or is it giving Shiny and Twi a role model to aspire because Princess Celestia took that title along time ago!".

Velvet holds him as he cries into to her shoulder. After a minute he lets go of her. "Im sorry Vel, I dont know what came over me. I’ve just had a long day to think to myself and i feel like I've failed. Twilight lived with The Princess after becoming her apprentice and Shining Armor joined the guard as soon as he could? Did i do something wrong? I logically can say that it all worked out in the end but my heart still mourns. Can you give me some insight?"

"Your a wonderful father and a great husband. You can't compare yourself to a mare who has lived for more then 1000 years." Velvet reasons with him. "all ponies are emotional sweetheart. why do you think Princess Celestia is the leader, she can think logically all the time." Night light just sits there thinking about what she has said. When he doesn't reply she takes the initiative. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"You already did," he gives a small laugh. "Some days I get so flustered I could just scream… so thank you for listening to my whining."

"You shouldn’t feel you have to bottle your feelings based on some false ideal of masculinity Night Light. If your feeling bugged out or stressed about something, Just talk to me and I’ll listen. remember the preacher told us through better or worst right?" She grabs his hoof and pulls him towards the door. "Shiny and Cadence sent us letter, Lets read it."

"Sure. let me put out my cigar first." she goes inside and he sticks the cigar in the cup of old Luke warm coffee and heads inside.

Velvet is already reading the letter. Night light puts the cigar in the trash and dumps the coffee.

Velvet Gasps and He turns around to see her staring at the latter.

"What is it? Vel?" He looks at her excitement as she jumps screaming.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Cadance is pregnant! Cadance is pregnant!"

Night light just stares at her his lips slowly forming a grin

Night Lights son can celebrate fathers day next year.

That night they shared each other’s liquid pride

Author's Note:

constructive criticism would be great. thank you.

Comments ( 2 )

I liked this story. Overall pretty good.

Good story makes me crave a cigar

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