• Published 19th Jun 2016
  • 450 Views, 0 Comments

Bucky's New Year - Yosh-E-O

The New Year rings in far more than Fall, Bucky, and Pint expect when a Foal Detective starts delving deeper into Fall's secret life

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Chapter 7 - Fall's Gift

*** 7 ***

Fall shied away from all the chaos that was going on within Bucky’s room as he opened his birthday presents.

“Let me see!” cried a young filly who had her wings as raised into the air as high as possible.

“Open mine next!” a lavender-colored colt insisted. “It goes perfect with that!”

Pint noticed that Fall had gotten out of the over-crowded room and was staying close to those parents who had gathered on the second floor hallway.

“Are you okay?” the little, brown-spotted Unicorn asked.

“Umm,” whimpered Fall. “It’s a bit…”

“Crowded?” added Pint.

Fall nodded her head slowly.

“I don’t blame you,” he said. “I don’t like being crowded in with a bunch of ponies who could step on me, either.”

Fall reached under her headband and produced a small, ball-shaped object that was wrapped in newspaper.

“Is that your present for Bucky?” Pint asked.

Fall nodded.

Pint looked into the room to see the chaos only increasing as fillies and colts begged to play with some of the toys Bucky had gotten for his birthday.

“Perhaps we should wait until things calm down a bit?” suggested the Pinto Unicorn with the dark mane.

“Hey!” cried a familiar voice. “There you are!”

Fall and Pint spotted Candy Cloud galloping out of Bucky’s room.

“Not a good place for us little fillies,” she stated while stretching out her wings. “Those older kids don’t look where they are going while swinging those toys about.”


A very young, grass-green colored Unicorn came running out with tears in his eyes.

“Mommy!” he sobbed. “My hoof! My hoof!”

“Just in time,” sighed Candy while watching the mother counsel her son. “That could’ve been us.”

“Hey!” shouted Touchdown, Bucky’s uncle. “Be careful in there!”

The kids all stopped, stared towards Touchdown and the gathering parents, and gradually resumed their playing.

“I don’t like when things get rowdy,” stated Candy Cloud. “Some pony always gets hurt.”

“Usually me,” shrugged Pint. “But, once I have my growth spurt things will be different.”

“You’re smaller than me,” giggled Candy. “But you are older than me.”

“Like I said,” insisted Pint with a hop. “I’m going to grow even bigger than Bucky any day now.”

“Do you drink your milk?” asked Candy. “Mom and dad say milk helps growing fillies and colts get big and strong.”

“You bet!” replied Pint with pride. “Chocolate milk.”

Fall was at a loss for words.

“Hey,” said candy as she spotted the ball wrapped up in the brown Pegasus’ hoof. “Is that your gift for Bucky?”

“Yes,” answered Fall.

“What is it?” asked Candy while moving towards Fall, wrapping a wing around her, and positioning herself so Fall’s mouth would be right by her ear. “I can keep a secret.”


A brother and sister dashed out of the bedroom towards their parents and started to complain about how no pony was sharing the toys.

“Okay!” boomed Touchdown as he moved into the room. “I think it’s time we took the party back downstairs!”

The guests all looked to see their parents giving them ‘The Look’ and moaned as they gradually made their way out of Bucky’s room. Some tried to take toys with them, but Touchdown, Bright Skies, and the other parents made sure all toys stayed up in Bucky’s room. Their reasoning being how they didn’t want any pony fighting over them while they played party games before the New Year.


Bucky was the last to emerge from his room. He wanted to make sure all his presents were accounted for along with some of his other, personal treasures he had in his room.

“Hey,” he said upon spotting Fall, Pint, and Candy Cloud. “Eager to play some games until the New Year?”

“You bet!” cheered Pint. “And I know I can beat you at ‘Go Fish’.”

“Oh, Pint,” grinned Bucky while rubbing his hoof through his friend’s dark mane. “I let you win.”

“No you don’t,” countered Pint. “You just don’t want to admit I can beat you at something.”

Bucky just smiled wider.

“Hey!” called Candy Cloud. “Fall has something for you, too!”

The yellow Pegasus looked towards Fall and watched her tremble nervously as she clutched onto the ball she had wrapped in newspaper.

“Ooh!” awed Bucky. “May I see it?”

Fall remembered how Bucky and Pint had told her that what makes a gift special is the meaning behind who and why it was given. This gave Fall confidence as she handed the wrapped object to Bucky.

“Hmm,” he thought while examining the ball. “I guess I’ll just have to open and see what it is.”



“Oh, wow!” marveled Bucky. “Did you make this?”

Fall nodded.

“I did,” she said with a smile. “Soft Steps helped me and we got it done just before her and her brother…uh…” she glanced at Candy “...left.”

Bucky eyed up the hoof-made Backyard Brawlers ball he now held in his hooves. It was very well done and consisted of well-folded pieces of construction paper and a small piece of clear tape.

“I love it!” he stated while giving the little, brown Pegasus a gentle hug. “Thank you, Fall.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied while leaning into Bucky’s hug and closing her eyes. The feeling of appreciation for her gift making her feel even better than she already did.

“Well,” said Candy Cloud while heading for the stairs. “I’m ready to play some party games.”

“Me, too!” cheered Pint.

“Let’s go have some fun!” exclaimed Bucky.

Fall wasn’t familiar with any games for New Year’s, but she was definitely interested in finding out and learning all about them.