Bucky's New Year

by Yosh-E-O

First published

The New Year rings in far more than Fall, Bucky, and Pint expect when a Foal Detective starts delving deeper into Fall's secret life

Pegasus Pony, Bucky, celebrates his birthday with Princess Luna's midnight heralding of the New Year!

Pint and Bucky have made sure Fall could escape the orphanage to enjoy the fun activities that have all been planned for the occassion. However, things get tense when it is learned that Fall's friend, Candy Cloud, has a father who takes a very deep interest in the well-being of foals.

Moon Cloud, Foal Detective and Pegasus, begins to question why he's never heard anything from, or about, Fall's parents. Will his questioning bring out the little brown Pegasus' secret of being an orphan? Will friendships collapse? Or perhaps he can be a part of finally getting Fall into better living conditions?

This is the 9th story in Ari Kunofsky's "Fallen Angel" series. It is illustrated, developed, and edited by Ari Kunofsky. The story itself is written, updated, and posted by myself.

Chapter 1 - Catching Up and Heading Out

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*** 1 ***

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day were occasions when the Weather Pegasi made sure to avoid putting up any clouds in any town in Equestria. Especially since the ending of the current year and beginning of a brand new one was a pretty big deal to every pony. None so much as Princess Luna who, for the most part, had the majority of the night off to celebrate with all the ponies who stayed up long into the night to celebrate all that was and all that would be.

New Year’s Eve was also a super special time since it was when Fall and Pint’s Pegasus pal, Bucky, was born. This year, the yellow-colored prankster who had a heart even more golden than his mane and tail would be joining his Pinto Unicorn friend, Pint, in turning seven years old.

As Pint had done, Bucky invited the whole class from Ms. Star’s schoolhouse to attend his birthday celebration. Although a number of the kids had other plans with their families, a fair number would be attending with their mother’s and/or father’s. In particular would be Fall’s filly friend, Candy Cloud.

What made ‘Bucky’s New Year’, as it had become to be known, was the tradition of getting together to party through the night until the moon princess officially declared the old year had passed with the new one just beginning. They would all then drink sparkling cider, share their resolutions for the new year, and go to sleep knowing they’d wake up the next day to Pint’s father, Blissy, baking up the best New Year’s Day breakfast ever.


“Hey, Fall!” beamed Bucky as he jovially stomped his hooves in the snow. “Are you ready to come to my party?”

“Very,” she replied with a nod. “I’ve even gotten every possible chore they could force on me done, too.”

“Do you still get help?” asked Pint. “You did say every pony was really being super helpful and nice around Hearths warming.”

Fall sighed as her pig tails bobbed along the sides of her head.

“Not so much,” she replied. “Some ponies read in the newspaper about how Gallant and Softy had lost their parents just before Hearths Warming. So, just yesterday, their adoption papers were finalized and now they’re gone.”

There was a pause as neither Pint nor Bucky knew what to say.

“I’m happy for them,” said Fall. “They deserved a good family.”

“So do you,” added Pint.

“I have you two,” Fall said with a smile. “And Softy told me her and Gallant would be living around town. So, maybe, they’ll be able to help find me a way out of here, too.”

Pint and Bucky looked at each other. They knew Fall was being very optimistic, which was good, but they knew it would take a lot more to get her away from the toxic environment that orphanage had within it.

“Do you know if either of them will be in Ms. Star’s class?” asked Pint.

Fall shook her head.

“I’m not sure,” she replied. “All I know is that Softy promised she’d find a way to see me as soon as she found a way to do so with her brother.”

“Well,” grinned Bucky while preparing to jump over the fence. “You’ll always have us!”



Bucky landed quite gracefully over on Fall’s side of the fence.

“Wow!” awed Fall. “That had to be your best leap ever!”

“Well,” grinned Bucky. “You’ve given me a lot of opportunities to practice.”

Fall tucked a small object under her headband, hopped onto Bucky’s back, and held on tight as he reared back, scraped his hoof in the snow, and leapt proudly over to the other side of the fence.

“Freedom!” cried the yellow Pegasus as he landed upon the other side.

“You really are getting better,” complimented Pint. “I’m so used to you fumbling about as a Pegasus, but I really think your becoming less of a klutz.”

Bucky snorted towards his undersized, Pinto friend.

“And how is that magic coming along?” he asked.

“F-fine,” stammered Pint. “I can almost lift a book off the coffee table in our living room.”

“You know I’m just messing with you?” asked Bucky while positioning himself so Pint could climb up alongside Fall.

“When aren’t you messing with me?” asked Pint as he hopped aboard and snuggled against Fall.

“Good point,” giggled the proud, yellow Pegasus. “I don’t see me stopping anytime soon.”

Pint smiled as he looked into Fall’s blue eyes. He truly was happy to see her and know that he, his family, Bucky’s family, and their other friends would be all together to celebrate the New Year.

“Ready to head off for the most awesome time of your lives?” asked Bucky.

“Yeah,” said Pint. “Let’s get away from this place.”
“Oh! ” gasped Fall. “Do you know if River Runner is coming to the party?”

Bucky thought for a moment.

“Not sure,” he said. “I just invited the whole class and thought whoever could make it would make it to my party.”

“Okay,” said Fall while jumping down from the yellow Pegasus’ back. “I just want to get something real quick.”

Pint and Bucky watched as fall dug out her school bag from underneath the snow. She then opened it and pulled out a collection of Backyard Brawlers cards.

“Is that it?” asked Bucky.

“Yes,” she replied while handing the cards to Pint before Bucky knelt down for her to get back on his back.

“And we’re off!” proclaimed the proud Pegasus as he galloped off towards his house.

Chapter 2 - The Cloud Family

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*** 2 ***

On the way to Bucky’s house, the trio took a small detour towards the park. It was here that the two colts had stashed a bag of clothes and pajamas that were for Fall to put on and bring to the party.

“What’s all this?” wondered Fall while feeling the soft, baby-blue colored pajamas that were inside the bag.

“Those are for you to sleep in tonight,” stated Pint.

“It’s Pint’s fault if they don’t fit,” remarked Bucky. “He insisted he knew your size.”

“Hey!” whined Pint. “Fall and I are about the same size. It only makes sense we’d both wear the same-sized clothes.”

“Good point,” chuckled Bucky. “A pipsqueak would certainly know what another pipsqueak would wear.”

“Ooh!” growled Pint. “You tease me about my size now, but that growth spurt is coming and I’m so going to tower over you!”

Fall didn’t know what to say about Pint and Bucky’s bickering. The orphanage always made things like that very hurtful. Especially to her. However, as she recalled from Pint’s birthday, Candy Cloud said boys just do that for ‘fun’ sometimes.

“Thanks,” she said while the brown-spotted Unicorn exchanged wisecracks with his notably taller, Pegasus friend.

“Uh…?” both boys wondered in unison.

“Thank you,” fall repeated.

“You’re welcome!” cheered both Pint and Bucky.


Fall put on the blue sweater, blue boots, and green scarf that were in the bag while making sure to tuck the pajamas, blanket, and tiny pillow back into the bag. She also placed the Backyard Brawlers cards into the bag along with the mystery object she had cleverly hidden under her headband.

“I bet that feels better,” stated Pint.

Fall nuzzled against Pint.

“It does,” she smiled.

“Okay!” proclaimed Bucky. “It’s my birthday and I’m ready to par-tay!”


There was a massive gathering of ponies outside of Bucky’s house.

“Just in time!” exclaimed Bucky. “HEY, EVERY PONY! THE BIRTHDAY BOY IS HERE!”

All the ponies and their parents turned to face the super-excited, yellow Pegasus.

“Yay!” cheered one of the younger children. “We go bowling now?”

Bucky fluttered his wings and stomped his hooves.

“That’s right!” he replied. “We’ve got a whole side of the alley just for us and it’s going to have ‘Magic Lanes’!”

The children all ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ at the birthday boy’s statement.

“Pint…?” asked Fall in a whisper. “What’s ‘bowling’?”

“Well, it’s-“ he started to say.

“-FALL!” squealed a lively, pink Pegasus as she ran alongside Bucky. “I knew you’d come!”

Fall couldn’t help but smile.

“Hi, Candy,” she greeted. “I’m happy to see you, too.”

“Do you like my pigtails?” asked Candy while moving her head so her white pigtails could move about. “My mommy helped me do them just like yours!”

“They look great,” replied Fall. “Just like mine.”

As Candy Cloud whinnied with delight from the compliment, her father, Moon Cloud, and mother, Strawberry Cloud, walked over.

“So this is Fall?” asked Moon Cloud as he looked over the tiny, brown Pegasus who was riding upon Bucky’s back. “Candy’s told me a lot about you.”

“She sure has,” added Strawberry Cloud. Unlike her husband, who was a deep-grey color with a white mane, she was colored a vibrant red and had forest-green colored hair on her mane and tail.

“That’s my mom and dad!” announced Candy. “Mom and dad, meet fall. Fall, meet mom and dad!”

Fall had become used to extending her hoof to new ponies she was introduced to outside of the orphanage. So, she gently put her hoof out to greet Candy’s parents.

“How cute!” cooed Strawberry.

“Nice to meet you, little lady,” added Moon while taking her hoof and giving it a kiss. “I do say my little Candy has made a very good friend.”

“Thank you?” wondered Fall upon trying to understand why Candy’s dad kissed her hoof. Normally it was shook, or bumped. Not kissed. Perhaps this was another greeting she had yet to learn about until today?

“Are your mommy and daddy here, sweetie?” asked Strawberry.

Fall panicked.

“She’s…,” rushed Pint while fumbling for what to say.

“Her parents couldn’t make it,” stated Bucky. “They said they didn’t want their daughter missing the party so they were okay with us picking her up and bringing her over.”

“You know…,” Moon Cloud thought aloud while putting a hoof to his chin. “I’ve asked around the precinct if anyone knew of any ponies who had a daughter named ‘Fall’ and no pony seemed familiar with the name.

“Oh, stop it!” nudged Strawberry towards her husband. “You don’t have to play detective every hour of every day.”

Moon cleared his throat and smiled.

“Sorry about that,” he apologized. “Force of habit.”

Fall, Pint, and Bucky were all glad Candy’s dad didn’t push the issue on the whereabouts of Fall’s parents. They were able to easily convince their parents why they never saw the little, brown Pegasus’ mom, or dad. However, Moon Cloud was one of the best detectives in town and he could tell a lie from just how you spoke, looked, or moved. That’s at least what he said during ‘Bring Your Parent to School Day’.

“Okay!” exclaimed Bucky’s Uncle, Touchdown. “Let’s hoof it on over to the bowling alley!”

There was a lot of cheering as all the children and parents playfully trotted as a group over to where Bucky’s party was to begin.

Chapter 3 - Bowling with a Best Friend

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*** 3 ****

“Woo-hoo!” cried Bucky upon rocketing a bowling ball down the lane so hard that the pins made an almost explosive sound as they flew towards the back. “Beat that!”

“You missed one,” stated an Earth Pony while gesturing towards the back of the lane.

“Ha, ha,” teased Pint.

Bucky snorted, narrowed his eyes, and rolled the ball from the ball return.

“A spare is just as good,” he stated.


Fall watched Pint, Bucky, and the older children laugh and taunt each other from the neighboring pair of lanes. Since every pony believed Fall to be younger than Candy Cloud, who had just started at Ms. Star’s Schoolhouse, they had her with the younger party guests with lanes that had these things called ‘bumpers’ so nobody got what was called a ‘gutter ball’.

“He-he-he,” Candy Cloud whinnied as she playfully clapped her hooves and flapped her wings. “Those boys are always so silly!”

“Yeah,” stated Fall simply.

“Candy!” cried her mother. “Your turn!”

“Be right back, best friend!” the young, pink Pegasus with the white mane proclaimed while galloping to the lane and rolling off a powder-blue colored ball. “Watch me, Fall! Watch me!”

The little, brown Pegasus looked toward Candy and watched as a bunch of magical lights shined all about her from the ceiling. She then saw her friend trot closer-and-closer to the part where the lane started before tripping, falling on her stomach, and pushing the ball haphazardly down the shimmering lane.




Candy stood up just in time to see her ball finish rebounding off the bumpers and gently press against the pins. Her smile widened as her wings flapped over how excited she was to have knocked over more than half the pins.

“Good job, Candy!” cheered a colt that Fall didn’t quite remember. “You did good!”

“Yes, dear!” cheered her mom, Strawberry Cloud while clapping her front hooves. “Now get the rest of them.”


It wasn’t long before it became Fall’s turn to bowl.

“Remember!” cried Candy from her seat. “We’re sharing the blue ball that looks like our headband and pigtails!”

Fall nervously looked at the line of bowling balls that were being lit various colors by the multi-colored, shaped lights from the ceiling.

“You can do it, Fall!” Strawberry Cloud cheered.

“Go, Fall!” shouted Bucky from the other set of lanes. “Pint and I are watching you!”

The brown Pegasus blushed nervously as she felt all eyes upon her. She had never gone bowling before. Pint and Bucky told her to watch all the other ponies to see how it was done. They also said the goal was to roll the ball as fast as you could down the lane to knock down all the pins. Still, it didn’t feel as simple as they made it sound.

“First time?” asked Candy as she galloped up onto the lane. “Want help?”

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Fall replied.

“Let’s do it together,” grinned Candy.

Candy helped Fall roll the ball off the ball return and onto the lane. They then ran together up to the lane and pushed the ball down towards the pins.

“Now watch!” beamed Candy Cloud. “I think you may get a strike!”

“A what?” asked Fall with widened eyes.

“A strike,” replied Candy. “It’s when you get all the pins in your first try.”

Fall felt a sense of relief as, at the orphanage, strikes were often what she’d get for not doing her chores on time. She’d also get them for being accused of things she didn’t do, too. These were, of course, figurative and not physical. However, the more she’d get the less she’d be allowed to do. Since she was often kept from doing much of anything by the other kids such punishments often didn’t really phase her. However, it did keep her getting yelled at by the caretakers and she never liked the nasty things they’d say. Especially when they’d throw in that horrible nickname they had for her, ‘The False Foal’.


“Whee!” cried Candy. “You got more than I did on my first try!”

“Great job, Fall!” Pint exclaimed. “You can get those last two real easy!”

Fall felt a smile form on her face upon hearing the praise. She also liked how all the pretty, magic lights made it look like they were in some sort of magical world that was far, far away from the orphanage.

“Here it comes!” announced Candy as she retrieved the ball from the return and rolled it up towards her friend. “Let’s get those pins!”


As the older kids and younger kids bowled, their parents talked.

“Have any of you ever met Fall’s parents?” asked Moon Cloud curiously. “My daughter says she is new and will be coming to Ms. Star’s class next year. However, I can’t find out anything about her parents and there’s no record of a matching family moving into the area in the past year.”

“Really, Moon?” asked Bucky’s uncle, Touchdown. “Can you ever get your head out of your work?”

“I just want to know who my daughter is playing with,” the Detective replied. “I don’t want my sweet Candy being soured by bad influences.”

An Earth Pony mother looked out as Fall and Candy finished Fall’s turn up at the lane.

“She seems fine to me,” she stated.

“I don’t know…?” questioned Moon Cloud as he looked towards his daughter and the toddler-like Pegasus. “Something just isn’t right about her…

“Hey!” a Unicorn stallion growled. “That is not appropriate at all, Moon!”

“We’ve never met her parents,” stated Pint’s dad, Blissy. “But that doesn’t really matter, I trust my son to make the right choices.”

“Leave the poor filly alone,” grumbled Bucky’s mom, Bright Skies. “Tonight is a night for celebrating. Not worrying.”

“Except for me beating you and your team when league starts back up!” announced Pint’s mom, Patches. “If anyone should be watching themselves, it’s you and your talent for throwing gutter balls.”

“Patch has a point,” stated Touchdown. “Our team is undefeated and, well, we can hear you get a gutter ball from across the entire alley.”

The grown-ups chuckled as Patches and Touchdown teased Moon Cloud.

“I’m just perfecting my hoof hook,” he stated proudly. “The New Year will ring in my name being put on that wall over there for the ‘300 Club’.”

Strawberry Cloud had been listening in on the conversation and was glad Touchdown and Patches managed to distract her sleuthing husband.

“Thank goodness,” she said after telling another of the foals that it was their turn to bowl. “That poor girl seems to have enough going on with those itty-bitty wings to have my husband doubting her ability to be a good friend to our precious Candy.”

Candy’s mom looked over to where her daughter and Fall were sitting. The pair were smiling and looking so adorable with their matching headbands and pig tails.

“It’s every mother’s dream to see their foal happy,” she thought. “And I’ve never seen our Candy happier than when she’s with Fall.”

Chapter 4 - The Great and Powerful... Bucky?

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*** 4 ***

After all the fun of ‘Magic Lanes Bowling’, some of the families and their children had to say their goodbyes so they could attend to other obligations they had for celebrating New Years.

“Hey!” glowed an eager, blue-colored earth Pony as he noticed Fall approaching him with Backyard Brawlers cards in her hoof. “Are you playing now?”

“No,” Fall said while shaking her head and handing the cards to the colt. “These are the cards you asked to have back at Pint’s party.”

The colt grinned upon taking the slightly-weathered cards from the little, brown Pegasus.

“Awesome!” he cried. “Now tell me what they do?”


Bucky finished thanking all those guests who had to leave for other obligations until he came across River Runner happily listening to Fall describe the Backyard Brawlers cards she had planned to return to him.

“I see you got your cards back?” he asked.

“Yeah!” exclaimed the Earth Pony colt. “Fall even told me what they all do, too!”

“She’s one smart foal,” remarked River Runner’s mother. “Thank you so much for such a wonderful time, Bucky.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “Thanks for coming.”

“Okay, my little run-run,” stated his teal-colored mother. “Time to go play with your cousins over at grandma’s house.”

“Okay!” he cheered while galloping off towards his mom.

“He didn’t say thank you,” grumbled Candy as she, Pint, Fall, and Bucky watched the young, blue Earth Pony head off into the distance with his mother and father.

“That’s okay,” stated Fall. “He looked happy and that’s what matters.”


“Did every pony have fun?” asked Bucky’s mom, Bright Skies once all those who were staying all had made their way back to Bucky’s home.

There was a loud roar of cheering from all the fillies and colts in attendance.

“Wonderful!” cheered the motherly mare. “We have even more fun planned before Princess Luna helps us celebrate the New Year!”


For the next ten, or so, minutes, the children all tried to get Bucky to share what fun thing was going to be happening next. The birthday boy had an idea what it could be, but he didn’t want to give anything away.


The house grew silent as all the youngsters looked with anticipation towards the door.

“Coming!” announced Bucky’s mom as she merrily trotted towards the door.


“Ah!” beamed Bright Skies. “You must be-”

“-The Great and Powerful, Trixie!” exclaimed the blue Unicorn mare from the other side of the door. “I am here to put on a great and powerful magic show for your son!”

Bright Skies allowed the caped Unicorn to enter into the house. The children all marveled at the various tricks she was doing, such as causing magical, colored sparkles to rise from the ground with each of her hoof steps.

“Greetings, fillies and colts!” boomed Trixie. “I, The Great and Powerful, Trixie, will amuse you this New Year with magic that you have never seen before nor will ever see again from any other pony in Equestria!”


As Trixie showed off for the children, the parents talked.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you found a charismatic magician,” commented Bucky’s uncle, Touchdown.

“I’m surprised she was willing to work on such short notice,” added Bright Skies. “She was in the hospital around Hearths warming entertaining some of the patients and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

“She seems a bit obnoxious to me,” stated Pint’s mom, Patches. “A little too much ego.”

“Nah,” grinned Touchdown. “Kids love these sort of performers.”

“Does she live around here?” asked Moon Cloud.

“I don’t think so,” replied Bright skies. “She said she’s a traveling magician on a sort of redemption tour.”

“Redemption tour?” asked one of the other parents.

Bright Skies nodded.

“Something about being able to return to Ponyville someday,” she said. “I guess she was booed out of town and wants to work on her performance before making a comeback.”

“Ponyville?” asked another parent. “That’s miles from here.”

“She must’ve taken the harsh criticism from the citizens there pretty hard,” a mother stated sympathetically.

“I know I would,” added Touchdown. “The ‘Elements’ all live there, which makes it a pretty important town with a lot of influential citizens.”

“That’s right!” proclaimed a snow-white colored Pegasus stallion. “It’s also the home of our newest princess! Princess Twilight Sparkle!”


Trixie had finished setting up for her show in front of the children as her ear caught wind of the name ‘Twilight Sparkle’. There was an urge to growl and make a scene, but that would go against what she was aspiring to do.

“Okay,” she said. “Would the birthday colt please come to the front with me!”

Bucky grinned from ear-to-ear as he pranced to where the Unicorn magician was standing.

“Tonight!” she announced while levitating her magical hat on top of Bucky’s head. “The Great and Powerful, Trixie will have a great and powerful assistant!”

The children all cheered for Bucky who was in disbelief over how happy he felt to not only be seeing a magic show, but now an active part of it.

“Hey, kid?” whispered Trixie. “What’s your name?”

“Bucky!” he answered proudly.

“Well, then!” exclaimed Trixie. “Every pony give a hoof to my assistant, Bravo Bucky!”


After the cheering had come to an end, Trixie and Bucky went about performing a number of amazing feats of prestigious prestige. Most of which didn’t go quite as well as Trixie had hoped as Bucky’s eagerness to perform caused many of the acts to either backfire, or go wrong from him not making his cues on time.

Despite all the times Trixie was brought to a blush from the laughter of children from things like having magical flowers fly into her face, Bucky exiting the trick box too early, and a magical dove making a not-so-magical dropping upon her head, Trixie maintained her cool and finished the show with her trademark, ethereal fireworks.




“Thank you! Thank you!” bowed Trixie upon her act coming to an end. “The Great and Powerful, Trixie is most humbled by your praise!”

“Here,” said Bucky as he handed the magical mare back her hat that he had accidentally used to blast ethereal fire, flowers, and sparks into the magician’s face.
“Keep it,” she replied with a bit of a scowl. “I think you were meant to have it.”

“Really?” gasped Bucky. “I can keep it?”

“Think of it as a reminder of when you got to assist the Great and Powerful, Trixie before she became the greatest and most powerful magician in all Equestria,” she smiled. “Now, please excuse me as I go and talk to that mother of yours.”

The children all rushed towards Bucky.

“She’s letting you keep that really cool hat?” asked Pint.

“Sure is!” he beamed. “Feel it!”

The kids all took turns feeling the hat. Each amazed that it didn’t feel like one of those cheap things they’d usually get at parties.

“I bet you could do some real magic with that hat!” fluttered a Pegasus who was a year older than Bucky.

“Don’t get better at magic before I can learn it,” whined a Unicorn colt who was about five years old.

“I can’t make any promises,” grinned Bucky. “After all, did you see how I got the magic to happen even before she said the magic words?”


“Time for dinner!” cried Pint’s father, Blissy.

The children all galloped to the dining area to be served their meals with their parents.

“Come with me, Fall,” giggled Candy Cloud while reaching a hoof out towards the little, brown Pegasus. “You can sit with me.”

Chapter 5 - Moon Cloud's Mystery Dinner

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*** 5 ***

“So where are all the presents?” asked one of the children. “I can’t wait to see what you got, Bucky!”

“My mom and uncle tuck them away in my room,” he replied. “They say, ‘Since all my toys get all over the floor, I might as well open my gifts in there.’.”

“So we’re going to open presents up in your room?” asked another guest. “That’s new.”

“It’s great!” exclaimed a younger party-goer. “We can see all of Bucky’s cool Backyard Brawlers stuff!”

The yellow-colored, birthday boy beamed.

“That’s right!” he proclaimed. “You’ll all get to see where the master prepares himself for backyard brawling.”


Fall was speechless as everything Pint’s dad, Blissy, had put on her plate was better than anything she had since Pint’s birthday party.

“Well…?” asked Blissy with anticipation while hovering over Fall with a tray of seasoned hay fries. “I see you gobbled up all my hay fries and thought you may like some more?”

“Yes, please,” replied Fall while gazing her sky-blue eyes up towards Blissy.

“You are just such a cutie!” he cooed while gently placing a hoof full of fries onto Fall’s plate.

“Can I have more, too!” another filly asked while holding out her plate.

“Me, too!” yet another asked.

Patches, Pint’s mom, nudged Touchdown, Pint’s uncle.

“Look at him eating this all up?” she asked. “I’ll be hearing about this for weeks.”

“He has every reason to,” stated the dark-blue stallion. “He ‘is’ the best cook in town.”

“That’s why I keep telling him to open his own restaurant,” stated Patches. “He just keeps telling me he prefers cooking for friends than worrying about managing an operation like some sort of boss pony.”

“What if you were his ‘Boss Pony’?” asked Touchdown.

“Hmm,” thought the white-spotted, black Earth Pony. “I’ll have to think about that.”


“Blissy?” asked Moon Cloud as the Pinto Unicorn entered into the kitchen. “May I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he replied while straightening out the frilly apron he was wearing. “If you’re wondering about the cake, I can ensure you it is beyond delicious.”

“No,” said Moon. “Has Pint ever told you where he met Fall? Where she lives?”

“This again,” sighed Blissy. “You’re such a party pooper.”

“Just humor me,” persisted the Pegasus.

“Like I said before,” replied Blissy while preparing the cake to be served. “Pint met Fall at the park. She lives near the outskirts of town with her family who both work opposite shifts as Weather Pegasi.”

“That’s what Bucky and his family told me, too,” stated Moon Cloud.

“So…,” sighed Blissy while using his magic to carve the cake. “I’m waiting for that ‘But…’ I know is coming.”

Moon Cloud scraped his hoof upon the floor.

“I just don’t understand what sort of parents would let their daughter just play with other children without ever taking any initiative to get to know either the kids she is playing with, or the parents of said children,” he stated. “As they should have tonight off, being Weather Pegasi, I can’t help but wonder if they’re off being irresponsible while their foal is entrusted to, for all they know, complete strangers.”

“Pint’s never given me, nor Patches, any reason to think anything is wrong with Fall,” stated Blissy while levitating the cake in preparation to take it out for the Happy Birthday portion of the evening. “My Pint is a good boy and a good judge of character. If he isn’t worried, I’m not worried.”

“Maybe…,” said Moon under his breath while Blissy got every pony ready for cake and ice cream. “But this doesn’t mean I can’t start doing some hard investigating myself.”

Chapter 6 - Bright Sky's Birthday Surprise

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*** 6 ***

“Hey, kids!” cheered Blissy as he levitated the large cake towards the center of the expanded dining room’s tables.




Pint’s father wasn’t just a great cook, but also an expert homemaker. He was able to clear off the table of all the dinner dishes and tableware while finding the perfect spot for the cake to sit right in front of the birthday colt himself.

“Ooh…,” awed the children as the Pinto Unicorn seamlessly multitasked between getting the dirty dishes stacked neatly in the kitchen as he perfectly positioned the cake he had just finished cutting into perfect portions for all the children. He then used his magic to bring a gathering of tiny plates out in front of each party-goer, add a clean spoon and fork beside it, and drop each guest a Backyard Brawlers themed napkin.

“Wow, dad!” Pint said with a glow. “You’re getting even better at that trick!”

“Thank you, son,” grinned the proud father. “Now, if only I could manage to sweep the floor and dust at the same time, I’d be set!”

“Nice job, Blissy,” complimented his wife, Patches. “You show them how it is done.”

Blissy blushed from the praise his spouse had given him. He lived to hear her compliment his hard work.


Once everyone was ready, and Blissy had brought out the tubs of vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate ice cream, the time had come to sing the happy birthday song to Bucky.

“Ready?” asked Pint to Fall.

“I think so,” she replied. “Thank you for teaching me it after your party.”

Pint blushed.

“What are friends for?” he asked bashfully.

Unlike the last time, Fall was able to sing right along with the other children as Blissy used his magic to place seven, magical candles onto the cake that lit with ethereal flames colored like Bucky, Touchdown, and Bright skies coat, mane, and tail colors.

“Hmm-hmm-hmmm,” hummed Fall during a part of the song she wasn’t sure of. Pint and Bucky advised her to hum along to the tune if she forgot any of the words. This way she could still sing without any pony seeing she was having a hard time with the lyrics.

“Okay!” announced Bright Skies as she and Bucky’s uncle, Touchdown, stood behind the birthday colt. “Make a wish!”

Bucky closed his eyes and flapped his wings as he let out a mighty gust of wind that quickly extinguished the magical candles.

“Yay!” cheered all the children.

“What’d you wish for?” asked a red Pegasus who was sitting near Bucky.

“You know I can’t tell you that,” replied Bucky while bumping his hoof gently against the red pony. “My wish won’t come true if I share it with any pony before it happens.”

Candy Cloud nuzzled against Fall.

“I’d wish we were sisters,” she whispered with a wink.

“Me, too,” added Pint as his ears caught what the pink, filly Pegasus had said.

“Wonderful,” grinned Candy while wiggling her hooves and fluttering her wings. “We could all be one super happy family!”

Fall grinned while taking in such warm remarks from her two pals. Perhaps Bucky had wished the same thing and, if so, they’d all soon be living together far, far away from that terrible orphanage.

“I’ll start serving the cake!” announced Blissy while levitating Bucky’s plate up to receive the first slice.

“Wait!” cried Bright Skies. “I have just one more thing before we all start having cake.”

Every pony watched as the light-blue Pegasus with the sun-orange mane dashed into the other room. When she emerged, she was wearing a Backyard Brawlers hat and shirt.

“Mom…?” wondered Bucky with widening eyes.

“This one’s for you, my precious Buckwing!” she exclaimed while galloping in place.

All the guests watched with eager anticipation as Bucky’s mom started into a very unique dance as she sang.

“We gallop brave and strong

On this journey far from home

However, we’re not alone

We are Backyard Brawlers

Together we can make a difference

We are Backyard Brawlers.”

There was a chorus of screams, cheers, and applause as Bright Skies finished her special routine for her son’s extra special day.

“Wow, mom!” he complimented. “You were amazing!”

“No,” she replied while kissing her son. “You are amazing.”

“That was definitely worth the wait!” proclaimed Blissy while serving Bucky his piece of Backyard Brawlers designed cake. “Now let us all be heroes and eat up this delicious cake!”

“That was so cool!” fluttered Candy with a whinny. “Bucky’s lucky to have a mommy like her!”

“He sure is,” smiled Fall while deeply hoping that wish he made was for her to live with him, Pint, and Candy Cloud for the rest of their lives. Nothing would give her more joy than to enjoy days like this forever-and-ever.

Chapter 7 - Fall's Gift

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*** 7 ***

Fall shied away from all the chaos that was going on within Bucky’s room as he opened his birthday presents.

“Let me see!” cried a young filly who had her wings as raised into the air as high as possible.

“Open mine next!” a lavender-colored colt insisted. “It goes perfect with that!”

Pint noticed that Fall had gotten out of the over-crowded room and was staying close to those parents who had gathered on the second floor hallway.

“Are you okay?” the little, brown-spotted Unicorn asked.

“Umm,” whimpered Fall. “It’s a bit…”

“Crowded?” added Pint.

Fall nodded her head slowly.

“I don’t blame you,” he said. “I don’t like being crowded in with a bunch of ponies who could step on me, either.”

Fall reached under her headband and produced a small, ball-shaped object that was wrapped in newspaper.

“Is that your present for Bucky?” Pint asked.

Fall nodded.

Pint looked into the room to see the chaos only increasing as fillies and colts begged to play with some of the toys Bucky had gotten for his birthday.

“Perhaps we should wait until things calm down a bit?” suggested the Pinto Unicorn with the dark mane.

“Hey!” cried a familiar voice. “There you are!”

Fall and Pint spotted Candy Cloud galloping out of Bucky’s room.

“Not a good place for us little fillies,” she stated while stretching out her wings. “Those older kids don’t look where they are going while swinging those toys about.”


A very young, grass-green colored Unicorn came running out with tears in his eyes.

“Mommy!” he sobbed. “My hoof! My hoof!”

“Just in time,” sighed Candy while watching the mother counsel her son. “That could’ve been us.”

“Hey!” shouted Touchdown, Bucky’s uncle. “Be careful in there!”

The kids all stopped, stared towards Touchdown and the gathering parents, and gradually resumed their playing.

“I don’t like when things get rowdy,” stated Candy Cloud. “Some pony always gets hurt.”

“Usually me,” shrugged Pint. “But, once I have my growth spurt things will be different.”

“You’re smaller than me,” giggled Candy. “But you are older than me.”

“Like I said,” insisted Pint with a hop. “I’m going to grow even bigger than Bucky any day now.”

“Do you drink your milk?” asked Candy. “Mom and dad say milk helps growing fillies and colts get big and strong.”

“You bet!” replied Pint with pride. “Chocolate milk.”

Fall was at a loss for words.

“Hey,” said candy as she spotted the ball wrapped up in the brown Pegasus’ hoof. “Is that your gift for Bucky?”

“Yes,” answered Fall.

“What is it?” asked Candy while moving towards Fall, wrapping a wing around her, and positioning herself so Fall’s mouth would be right by her ear. “I can keep a secret.”


A brother and sister dashed out of the bedroom towards their parents and started to complain about how no pony was sharing the toys.

“Okay!” boomed Touchdown as he moved into the room. “I think it’s time we took the party back downstairs!”

The guests all looked to see their parents giving them ‘The Look’ and moaned as they gradually made their way out of Bucky’s room. Some tried to take toys with them, but Touchdown, Bright Skies, and the other parents made sure all toys stayed up in Bucky’s room. Their reasoning being how they didn’t want any pony fighting over them while they played party games before the New Year.


Bucky was the last to emerge from his room. He wanted to make sure all his presents were accounted for along with some of his other, personal treasures he had in his room.

“Hey,” he said upon spotting Fall, Pint, and Candy Cloud. “Eager to play some games until the New Year?”

“You bet!” cheered Pint. “And I know I can beat you at ‘Go Fish’.”

“Oh, Pint,” grinned Bucky while rubbing his hoof through his friend’s dark mane. “I let you win.”

“No you don’t,” countered Pint. “You just don’t want to admit I can beat you at something.”

Bucky just smiled wider.

“Hey!” called Candy Cloud. “Fall has something for you, too!”

The yellow Pegasus looked towards Fall and watched her tremble nervously as she clutched onto the ball she had wrapped in newspaper.

“Ooh!” awed Bucky. “May I see it?”

Fall remembered how Bucky and Pint had told her that what makes a gift special is the meaning behind who and why it was given. This gave Fall confidence as she handed the wrapped object to Bucky.

“Hmm,” he thought while examining the ball. “I guess I’ll just have to open and see what it is.”



“Oh, wow!” marveled Bucky. “Did you make this?”

Fall nodded.

“I did,” she said with a smile. “Soft Steps helped me and we got it done just before her and her brother…uh…” she glanced at Candy “...left.”

Bucky eyed up the hoof-made Backyard Brawlers ball he now held in his hooves. It was very well done and consisted of well-folded pieces of construction paper and a small piece of clear tape.

“I love it!” he stated while giving the little, brown Pegasus a gentle hug. “Thank you, Fall.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied while leaning into Bucky’s hug and closing her eyes. The feeling of appreciation for her gift making her feel even better than she already did.

“Well,” said Candy Cloud while heading for the stairs. “I’m ready to play some party games.”

“Me, too!” cheered Pint.

“Let’s go have some fun!” exclaimed Bucky.

Fall wasn’t familiar with any games for New Year’s, but she was definitely interested in finding out and learning all about them.

Chapter 8 - The Detective Goes Too Far

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*** 8 ***

The time was now 10:00 PM. Some more families and their children had to head on their way home, or to other New Year’s events they had promised to be a part of.

“Thanks for coming!” waved Bucky as the final bunch of departing parents left with his fellow classmates.

“You’re welcome,” a mother Earth Pony smiled as her Unicorn husband levitated their sleeping colt onto her back. “I know Skippy would say the same, but this is way past his bedtime.”

“I’m not tired”, pouted the butterscotch-colored Earth Pony foal, waking up just long enough to argue.

“We’ll see you soon,” Skippy’s father said with a grin as he and his wife left the house.


“Okay,” said Bucky while turning to face those guests who were still around. “Let’s crack out the board games!”


The children all delighted in getting out the many board and card games that Bucky had. They then all got together and began playing their favorites with their friends.


As Bucky and Pint got themselves into a heated game of ‘Field Goal Kicker’, Candy Cloud managed to get Fall to join her in a game of ‘Line Em’ Up’.

“This game’s fun!” flapped Candy while setting up the board that had a series of circular holes in it. “Have you played it before?”

Fall thought for a moment on how every game the kids were playing was entirely new to her. However, she knew no pony would think twice about her asking how to play one of them. Especially since she could hear a number of the children asking questions, or getting into squabbles over the rules of a particular game.

“First time,” she said.

“Ooh!” beamed the pink Pegasus. “So your first game of ‘Line Em’ Up’ is with me!”

“Yep,” replied Fall as she lifted one of the wooden discs.

“Okay!” grinned Candy. “You’re holding white so I’ll be black.”


Candy explained the rules of the game being how each player took turns dropping their colored circle down into the columns. You won if you could get four in-a-row up, across, or diagonally.


After a few games, which Fall was successful in winning a few, the little, brown Pegasus had to use the little filly’s room.

“Is everything okay?” asked Candy as she noticed her blue-eyed friend looking a bit uncomfortable.

“I just need to use the restroom,” replied Fall.

“I know where it is,” she said. “Is it okay if I walk you there?”

“Uh…,” thought Fall upon being asked such an odd question. “Sure?”


Candy stood guard at the door after offering Fall, who she still thought was younger than her, to let her know if she needed any help washing her hooves, or anything like that.

“Hey, sweetie,” greeted her father, Moon Cloud, as he approached the restroom. “Is it occupied?”

“Yeah,” she said. “My best friend is in there being a big filly!”

“Fall?” he asked.

Candy nodded.

“Yep!”” she smiled. “She’s my best friend!”

“I know,” he replied while rubbing a hoof through her white mane.

There was a flushing sound followed by the sound of water running.


“Hey, Fall,” greeted Moon Cloud seeming to come out of nowhere behind the door.

“Eep!” she shrieked with surprise upon seeing a dark-grey form right outside of the restroom. She had expected to see Candy Cloud’s friendly face greeting her to walk back to the living room. However, seeing Candy’s father, who was much taller and had a far deeper voice, definitely was far from her expectations.

“Dad!” scolded Candy. “You know I don’t like when you play that trick on me after using the filly’s room.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“It’s…,” stumbled Fall. “Okay.”

Fall wanted to get back to the living room where all the kids were at, but Moon Cloud seemed to be blocking the way.

“Fall,” he said. “What are your parents’ names?”

“…,” Fall panicked as her blue eyes widened.

“He means your mommy and daddy,” added Candy with a giggle. “Daddy uses lots of ‘big words’.”

“Ma…, mommy?” questioned Fall.

“Yeah,” said Moon Cloud with a calm and warm voice. “I’d really like to get to meet them.”

“Meet… them?” Fall wondered as she couldn’t do much more than keep her eyes facing towards the questioning grown-up.

“Candy told me they are Weather Pegasi,” he continued. “I’d really like to thank them for helping to make this New Year clear enough for us to see Luna’s Moon tonight.”

“They’re…,” trailed Fall. “They’re…”

“Yes?” Moon Cloud encouraged.

Fall felt trapped. Something about this Pegasus made him very intimidating. It was as if he knew she was holding something back and wouldn’t leave her alone until she told him what it was. In this case, she didn’t want to answer as she knew it would mean a one-way trip right back to the orphanage with Ms. Powder Puff giving her so many punishments for escaping, getting caught, and having questions asked that would do nothing more than make Fall’s already miserable life at the orphanage even more miserable.

“Are you okay?” asked the dark-grey stallion while picking up on the fear in Fall’s eyes.


With tears streaming from her eyes, Fall bolted under Candy’s father towards the living room.

“Dad!” cried Candy. “You scared her!”

“I wasn’t trying to,” he replied. “I just was trying to…,umm…, figure out how we could get you two a playdate.”

“Well,” scoffed Candy. “You scared her.”

Worried about her friend, Candy galloped for the living room while desperately calling out for Fall.

“Something’s amiss,” Moon Cloud assured himself. “Now to figure out what.”

Chapter 9 - Jam-Jamming with Candy Cloud

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*** 9 ***

Fall bolted towards where Bucky and Pint were still playing ‘Field Goal Kicker’ and hid herself as much as she could against Bucky’s side.

“Whoa!” cried the yellow Pegasus. “What’s wrong?”

Fall kept trying to press herself more-and-more into Bucky’s barrel. She wanted to be out-of-sight from Candy Cloud’s father, but she didn’t know how to say that to her friends who had long protected her from the sort of questions that he was asking.

Bucky took the hint that Fall was distressed and quickly lowered his wing to cover what he could of her while Pint positioned himself to provide additional coverage.

“What’s wrong, Fall?” the little Pinto Unicorn asked with panic.

“Candy’s…, dad…,” she shivered.

“What about him?” pursued Pint.

“FALL!” called Candy Cloud as she galloped into the living room. “Where are you?”

“Wait!” cried Candy’s father. “I didn’t mean to-”

“-Mean to do what?” growled Candy’s mom, Strawberry Cloud as she walked into the living room.

Moon Cloud felt himself break into a sweat as his wife glared at him.

“I, uh…,” he stammered.

“He hurt my best friend’s feelings!” whined Candy. “And now I can’t find her!”

“What did you do?” scowled Strawberry.

“I…,” he said.

“Never mind,” grumbled the deep-red colored Pegasus. “I ‘know’ what you did and I thought you heard us telling you to leave her alone.”

“…,” Moon Cloud could not think of anything to say.

“Candy,” said her mother while gesturing for her daughter to come closer. “Your father has something to say.”

Candy had such a look of sadness in her eyes as she looked up towards her father.

“Sweetie,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

Candy shook her head.

“You need to tell that to Fall!” she yelled.


“I think you should come out,” said Pint. “I know it would mean a lot for Candy to see you and have her father apologize for what he did.”

Ever-so-slowly, Fall nervously made her way out from her hiding place between Bucky and Pint. She could see all eyes were upon her. However, of all of them, none appeared more happy than Candy who had truly worried she had lost her best friend.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” assured Candy’s mom. “My husband has something to say.”

The little, brown Pegasus shivered and shook as she grew closer to the dark-grey, Pegasus stallion. Her mind going through a number of horrific possibilities that she had become accustomed to at the orphanage. Most of which all ended with her being immediately sent back to that awful place after being told what a terrible foal she was.

“Fall,” he said with a sigh. “I’m sorry.”

“…,” Fall froze upon hearing what sounded like an apology from the stallion.

“I…,” he continued. “I had no right asking you those questions.”

Fall watched as Moon Cloud laid himself down on the floor and faced her.

“Can you forgive me?” he asked with sincerity.

“For, give?” wondered Fall. He wasn’t going to yell at her, punish her, and expose her secret?

“You mean a lot to my daughter,” he stated. “You’re her best friend and I have no right to hurt your feelings like I did.”

Moon Cloud slowly extended his hoof out towards Fall.

“Friends?” he asked.

“Uh…,” she replied while slowly moving her tiny hoof to touch Moon Cloud’s.

“Yay!” cheered Candy. “Everything is all better!”


Everything returned to normal in the living room after Strawberry Cloud got her husband to join her and some of the other grown-ups in the kitchen.

“Oh, my,” yawned Candy Cloud. “I’m getting sleepy.”

“Well,” stated Bucky. “It is 11:30.”

Candy and Fall looked to see how some of the other fillies and colts were beginning to give into their body’s need for rest. As they did, mothers and fathers came out, helped their foals into their pajamas, kissed them good night, hugged them, said ‘I love you’, and did a whole bunch of very kind things while helping their children to get comfortable within the sleeping bags, cushions, and beanbags they had brought, or had gotten from Bucky’s parents, to sleep on.

“You’re going to love my jam-jams,” grinned Candy as she walked towards the kitchen and asked for her mom.

“Want to put your pajamas on?” asked Pint.

“You’re not going to fall asleep on me,” panicked Bucky. “Are you?”

“Of course not,” assured Pint. “Being awake for when Princess Luna welcomes in the New Year for your birthday is something I look forward to all year.”

“Me, too,” yawned Bucky. “There’s nothing like having no bedtime.”

Candy’s mom emerged from the kitchen with a bag in her mouth. She then went about getting out a pair of baby-blue colored hoofie pajamas.

“See!” Candy announced proudly with a grin. “They match our headbands and pig tails!”

Fall grinned. Never had she known any ponies, aside for Bucky and Pint, who had taken such a liking to her. Candy never judged her, asked her scary questions, nor cared about her broken wings. Candy, like her other friends, just liked her for being herself.

“Ooh!” beamed Bucky. “Fall has a surprise for you, too!”

Pint brought out Fall’s bag and laid it in front of the little, brown Pegasus.

“Go for it!” he cheered. “This is going to be awesome!”

Fall pulled out the baby-blue colored, hoofie pajamas that her friends had bought for her.

“Oh, wow!” whinnied Candy. “You have the same jam-jams!”


Fall was not used to pajamas, so Pint and Bucky helped her into them. They were so comfortable and warm. It felt like her body was covered in a cloud, if her understanding of clouds was correct.

“Yay!” cheered Candy as she nuzzled against Fall. “Do you want to sleep with me?”

“There’s definitely room in the sleeping bag for two,” assured Candy’s mom.

Fall looked towards Pint and Bucky.

“Can Bucky and Pint sleep with us, too?” she asked.

“You bet!” glowed Pint. “I have a super cozy cushion to rest on that would go great beside your shared, sleeping bag.”

“And I have my Backyard Brawlers sleeping bag,” added Bucky. “So, we can all sleep together.

Fall smiled upon feeling so comforted and close to her friends. All the fright she had from her encounter with Moon Cloud had completely been replaced with how she couldn’t wait to see what Princess Luna and New Year’s was all about.

Chapter 10 - Happy New Year!

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*** 10 ***

“Okay, every pony!” announced Pint’s mother, Patches, as she turned on the radio. “Just five more minutes until Princess Luna gives her New Year’s welcoming!”

‘Hey, Every Pony! This is Silver Screen live in Manehattan where Princess Luna, our beloved mare of the night, will be heralding in the New Year!’

‘That’s right, Silver! I know every pony who could make it here is really enjoying all the festivities that Manehattan has put together for this evening.’

‘Most definitely, Gabby Anchor. There’s rumor that the one, and only, Rainbow Dash will perform the legendary Sonic Rainboom soon after the princess’ New Year’s announcement.’
‘And then we’ll have a lively performance by Equestrian pop star, Sapphire Shores!’


“Hey, Blissy!” exclaimed Patches. “That pop pony who wears those dolphin outfits you like is going to perform after Luna does her New Year’s thing!”
“Really?” Blissy, Pint’s father, exclaimed. “I can’t miss that!”


All the fillies and colts who were still awake were teetering and nodding as they struggled to stay awake until the New Year was officially announced.

“Mind if I lay against you?” asked Candy Cloud towards Fall as her eyes began to droop.

“Sure,” replied the little, brown Pegasus.

“Me, too…,” mumbled Pint as he found his way to Fall’s other side.

Bucky noticed how Pint and Candy were starting to drift off into sleep as they rested on each side of Fall.

“Come on, guys!” he bellowed. “It’s only two more minutes!”

“We’re with you, Bucky!” announced an older Unicorn. “I slept in today just so I could make it to midnight.”

“Me, to!” added a rather tall filly. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything!”

:Who wants hot cider?” asked Blissy as he came out into the living room.

“Me!” cried Bucky. “Hot cider with the New Year is the best!”

Blissy scanned the room to see how barely a handful of fillies and colts were still awake. So, he went about distributing warm drinks to those he knew wouldn’t spill them as they fell asleep. Fall and Bucky being two of them.


Fall was mesmerized by all she heard on the radio as the one known as Princess Luna gave a very inspirational speech about how a New Year meant many more suns and moons of opportunity for all the ponies in Equestria. There was then a loud ‘BOOM’ that the announcers said was Rainbow Dash doing the ‘Sonic Rainboom’ followed by a really catchy song starting as Blissy broke out into some sort of dance that made all the grown-ups laugh.

“Seems it’s just you and me,” stated Bucky as he noticed both Pint and Candy had fallen asleep against Fall. “What did you think?”

“It was great,” replied Fall with a smile. The warmth of her pajamas coupled with the added warmth of Pint and Candy laying upon her made for one of the most comforting sensations she had ever experienced.

“I should wake Pint up,” stated Bucky as he stared at his spotted friend who was curled up against Fall. “But…, I think I’ll start the New Year by letting him rest until I tell him tomorrow he missed the New Year by two minutes.”

“Okay,” said Blissy as he came out to collect the cups. “It’s bedtime.”

Bucky yawned while handing his empty glass to Blissy. “I did what I wanted to do.”

“Does that mean my little Buckwing had a very happy birthday?” asked his mother, Bright Skies.

“Most definitely,” he nodded while letting out a big yawn.

“Looks like Pint didn’t make it,” sighed Touchdown.

“Maybe next year,” Patches added encouragingly.

“Wow, Fall,” grinned Strawberry Cloud. “Do you mind if I get my camera to take a picture of my little Candy looking so sweet on you?”

“Go ahead,” smiled the tiny Pegasus. She liked the way Candy let out little whinnies as she breathed. It was very soothing.


As to not bother the children who had fallen asleep, the Unicorn parents used their magic to gently levitate the fillies and colts to their beds.

“Are you comfortable, Fall?” asked Strawberry Cloud as she allowed the little filly to crawl into the sleeping bag with her snoozing daughter.
“I’m wonderful,” grinned Fall. “Never better.”
“Well, then,” said Strawberry Cloud as she pulled the sleeping bag over Fall and her daughter. “You have a great night’s rest.”


Fall blushed as Strawberry Cloud kissed her gently on the cheek after kissing the snoozing Candy.

“Sweet dreams,” she whispered while heading back towards the kitchen.


As the lights were gradually turned off, Fall felt herself drifting off to sleep. However, before she did, she allowed herself the opportunity to observe how all the parents came by, wished their children a good night’s rest, and would do some sort of affectionate act before making sure they were comfortable before heading back to where all the other adults were gathering.


Fall felt Candy roll over and hug her as if she was a plush toy.

“Good night,” she said softly in her sleep. “Sister.”

Fall felt a rush of joy that told her that she was where she was supposed to be. Where she belonged. So, without any hesitation, she rolled herself into her friend’s hug, snuggled against Candy’s barrel, and allowed herself the opportunity to listen to Candy’s soft whinnies to ease herself into the most restful sleep she had ever had.