• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,477 Views, 76 Comments

Sisterhood - Mitslits

Unknown to most people, Rainbow Dash did have sisters. In fact, she had two of them...

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Dash settled deep down into the clouds, unable to lie still. Tonight was the night they would make their escape. She was, by now, a decent flier, and even Daydream was able to hold her own.

Her mother eased open the door, coming in and checking on them, kissing their forelocks. When she got to Spectrum, however, she just gazed down at her. Then she left the room, softly closing the door behind her.

As soon as she did, Spectrum was up and moving. She planted her hooves next to the wall leading to the night sky outside. She bucked backwards, creating a hole big enough for them to fly through. “Are you two ready?” she whispered.

Daydream and Rainbow Dash nodded. Spectrum went first, leaping out and opening her wings, flapping them lightly as she hovered just outside. “Come on.”

Rainbow Dash steadied herself, perching right on the edge of the cloud. She gulped. The filly had never flown in open space before and she was getting increasingly nervous. Closing her eyes, Dash allowed herself to tumble out of the hole, flipping over a couple of times before she got her wings open. Then she was flying, flapping her wings and soaring up to join her sister. And it was incredible. Rainbow Dash felt a rush of pure adrenaline surge through her as she felt the crisp night air stir each individual feather on her wing. She felt as if she was practically floating and the air was the perfect cushion. Dash knew instinctively that this was what she was meant to do. Fly.

“Come on, Dream! This is absolutely incredible!” she exclaimed, watching her sister hesitate. With a squeak, she joined her twin in the air and the three fillies took a moment to enjoy their small victory.

Then they were off, knowing they had to move or risk getting caught. Spectrum led them in the direction of the Flight Camp. It was half a night’s flight and would be deserted for the rest of the year until summer came again.

Gasping for breath, Dash and Daydream alighted in the arena of the flight camp. They had not expected the flight to take so much out of them and they sank gratefully into the puffy softness of the wide expanse of cloud.

“You two get some sleep. I’m gonna watch for Mo- Rainbow Flash and make sure she doesn’t come after us”, Spectrum told them. “I’ll wake you if she comes.”

The twins snuggled into each other, the last thing they saw the silhouette of their sister, wings spread, standing in front of them, gazing out over the night sky.

The dawn came bright and rosy illuminating three gently snoring fillies all cuddled up together.

Rainbow Flash blinked as the sunlight streamed into her window and she turned over groggily, struggling to get out of her bed. Her mane and tail hung lank and lifeless as she tiptoed to the fillies’ room. She opened the door quietly. Then she gasped. Flash ran to the hole in the wall, peering out of it frantically. “Dashie! Dream! Spectrum!” she shrieked. Terrified, she raced out of the front door, leaping off the cloud, wings striking out. She fled to the hole, looking around for any trace of them, but the air held no clues for her. “NO!”

“What are you doing?” a voice called out.

The frantic mare whipped around. “Cloud? What are you doing here?”

Cloud Lightning hovered just over the roof of the house, staring down at the disheveled pegasus below him. “I just came to collect my things. Why are you screaming at a wall?”

“The children are missing”, Rainbow Flash sobbed, tears coming thick and fast.

Cloud sighed, landing lightly on the top of the house. “I knew this was going to happen. I’m sorry, but you brought this on yourself. I can’t do anything to help you”, he said softly.

The mare glared up at him, fiery rage burning in her eyes. “You’re their FATHER! You have to help me!” she shrieked.

“No, I don’t”, the stallion said firmly shaking his head.

“Fine”, Flash spat, voice low and menacing. “I’m going to look for MY kids. You stay here and rot for all I care!” With that, she was off like a shot, cloud shooting up in her wake.

Cloud Lightning shook his head wearily. He flapped his wings, lifting off of the roof. He headed the opposite way from his former mate, scanning the clouds, looking for any sign of the fillies despite himself. With a sudden flash of inspiration, he changed direction and headed for the Junior Speedsters Flight Camp.

Spectrum’s eyes shot open. A nagging feeling in the back of her mind woke her and she scanned the skies around her. Fear caught in her throat as she saw a small speck rapidly closing the distance between them. “Wake up!” she said urgently, prodding the twins with her hoof. “Wake up!”

The two awoke slowly until they too saw the approaching danger. The three fillies raced across the clouds, pitching themselves off the opposite side of the cloud. They pushed themselves to go even faster, occasionally glancing back over their shoulders. It was obvious that the pegasus had spotted them; he was rapidly coming into focus.

“Move!” Spectrum shouted, close to panic. She got behind Daydream, pushing her along as fast as she could.

Dash flapped her wings faster, taking a moment to appreciate the shot of adrenaline that came with the speed. Eventually, it became evident that they could not out-fly the much more experienced pegasus.

The three fillies looked around desperately for a hiding place, but they could find nothing. That’s when Dash spotted it. Only a few feet ahead, a massive gray cloudbank loomed over them.

“In there! We can hide in the clouds!” Dash shouted as the wind picked up.

Spectrum nodded, steering the reluctant Daydream forwards. The three sisters sped up a little and soon they were flying straight into the heart of the cloudbank.