• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,480 Views, 76 Comments

Sisterhood - Mitslits

Unknown to most people, Rainbow Dash did have sisters. In fact, she had two of them...

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Rainbow Flash dragged herself into her room, collapsing onto her bed. In a sudden fit of anger, she screamed and flung herself at the cloud furniture, dissipating it with a few swift kicks. Her hooves connected with a small nightstand and as the cloud disappeared a solid journal fell to the floor with a soft thump. That turned Flash’s head. She picked up the journal, flipping it open with her hoof.

Free Fall and I are both pregnant. Free Fall is Cloud Lightning’s sister, as you might recall. She’s two months farther along then I am. Cloud Lightning was so excited when he found out! He insisted that we go visit her as soon as we could, so we’re going to visit them a week from now. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want anyone to see me like this, I’m already so big! But Cloud wants to go, and to tell the truth, I do want to see her. She’s been such a good sister to me, despite our lack of blood relation. Oh, well, that’s sisterhood for you. Now I am getting awfully tired. Being pregnant is a lot of work, especially with triplets. Good Day.

Our trip to Free Fall’s has gone on longer then we thought it would. But that’s okay. The hospital near here is better anyways, and Cloud and I have decided to just stay here until the triplets are born. Free Fall is due any day now and has already been admitted to the hospital. We’ve been visiting her everyday. Cloud and I are staying in the guest room at their house. By ‘their’ I mean Free Fall’s and her husbands house. He stays with her at the hospital most of the time and only comes home to check up on us and sleep. I have to go now, journal. Good Day.

Free Fall gave birth yesterday. Her daughter looks a lot like me! She decided to name her Spectrum and hopes to be back home in two or three days. Meanwhile, I am bigger than ever, and I am yearning for the triplets to be born. Cloud and I were there for the birth. We had decided to give her a quick visit before lunch and, while we were there, she went into labor. Free Fall didn’t stay that way for long. Within two hours, she brought a happy, healthy baby into the world. Cloud and I didn’t stay too long after that, because Free was so tired. I’m getting a craving for hay fries. Good Day.

My babies have been born. I went into labor two weeks ago, and I gave birth to two fillies and a colt. Both daughters look like me, but my son favors his father. I have decided to name my more active filly Rainbow Dash, for she reminds me of myself when I was younger. The other filly is practically a carbon copy of me, but she is very inactive and the loveliest angel ever. I have decided to name her Daydream. Cloud Lightning likes Dash because she looks a bit like him and a bit like me too, but I can tell he likes my son best. He even wanted to name him, so of course, I let him. He named him Blazing Glory. Typical of my husband to expect so much from a tiny little colt who can barely roll over onto his stomach. But I love him anyway. I have to go now, journal. Good Day.

He’s gone. Gone forever. I can’t believe it. I don’t know what to do. I just don’t know. Cloud is extremely upset and so am I. I haven’t left my room for three days. I don’t know how to go on. Maybe I should explain. I’ll do the best I can. It’s been two months since the last time I wrote in here. And in those two months…Blazing Glory died. He got sick. So, so sick. There was nothing anypony could do. We tried everything. He had to stay in the hospital for a week, but they could do nothing. Absolutely nothing. And now he is gone. Forever. Free Fall is watching Dash and Daydream for me, as I find it hard to focus on even the simplest task at the moment. Cloud left a few days ago; I don’t know where. I can only hope that he comes back. Oh Dear Celestia, why does this happen? He was so young, so innocent. He had just said his first word. “Cloud”, he said, staring straight at his father. I will never, can never forget him. Dear Journal, I cannot possibly leave you with my usual farewell, as I can no longer see any good days in my future. Goodbye.

There is no rest for the weary. Cloud returned, because he heard a piece of bad news. His sister, Free Fall had fallen ill. I feared for my daughters, so I immediately went to her house. Cloud, her husband, and I did everything we could, but she was struck with the same disease that claimed my son. We were devastated when she passed on. Her husband was especially distraught, as he had every right to be. He killed himself a day or two later, leaving Spectrum an orphan. Cloud and I discussed it, though there was not much to discuss. We couldn’t leave her there with no one to care for her, so we adopted her and decided to raise her as our own. She’ll be a good sister to the trip- twins. Goodbye.

Rainbow Flash sighed, tears dripping onto the pages to join the old stains. She could recall all the grief she had felt and a fresh wave surged over her as she remembered how estranged Spectrum was now. Flash felt even worse when she thought of how Cloud was gone. This time, he was unlikely to come back. The pegasus mare melted into tears, trying to drown her sorrow in the tears that flowed freely.