• Published 20th May 2016
  • 1,985 Views, 6 Comments

Best Friends for Life - XenoPony

One evening Scootaloo is reluctantly convinced to accompany Sweetie Belle to a party, only to realise how much she actually means to her friend.

  • ...

Best Friends for Life

The dry scent of dirt and dusty earth stuck to Scootaloo's nose as she ducked down beneath the cover of the bushes. Sharp twigs bit at her coat and leaves caught in her mane, the vegetation making the air thick with its lush smell. The young pegasus slowed her breath, scouring the area surrounding her hiding place with wary eyes though a small hole in the tangled branches.

She had a perfectly good reason for hiding here, anypony who was sane would do the same thing. Herself and the others had recently completed their last year of school, and tonight was the party to celebrate. Originally, it had been no more special than any other of its kind, yet this year Apple Bloom and her family had offered to host the event at their farm, escalating its potential greatly.

Scootaloo had never wanted to go from the beginning, the whole thing didn't suit her. Not when she could be out doing something awesome instead. Yet, none of those facts were the reason she was hiding. No, she was in fact hiding from one of her closest friends, and that friend made herself known moments later.

"Scootaloo, common Scootaloo, this isn't going to make the situation any easier" Called the familiar voice of Sweetie Belle, her tone unmistakable as Scootaloo sank deeper into the foliage.

There was no way she'd come looking in here, not after her trip to the spa early today. Scootaloo on the other hoof, shuddered at the idea, she'd never let anypony talk her into going to a place like that. Her thoughts were abruptly cut off however, as the sound of hoofsteps began to approach.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie called out again, the sound of her steps ceasing as she stopped.

Scootaloo went as silent as she could, cowering like some frightened animal would at first sight of a hungry predator. Through the branches she could she could see a unicorn shaped shadow quietly pass by. A few unbearably long seconds passed, yet she could hear nothing but her own racing heart. Then Sweetie Belle sighed, and seemed to move on. Scootaloo let out a breath of relief, then rose slightly to peer out.

"No sign of her" she thought to herself triumphantly.

Nevertheless, she wasn't that naive, she'd still wait a few minutes more before...

"Scootaloo I know you're in there" Came Sweetie's voice, sounding very unimpressed.

Scootaloo froze, half wishing to run as fast as she could and half trying to come up with a way she could sink back into the vegetation and vanish. Then another idea came to her and, stupid as it was, it was all she had. She took a loose stick from the ground and stood up quickly, her top half sending leaves flying as she suddenly emerged.

"No, get back Sweetie Belle, I've got something dirty!" She exclaimed, waving the stick at her friend like some kind of offensive weapon.

Sweetie's expression fell flat, then she rolled her eyes. She didn't even say a word as her horn glowed and the bushes parted about the pegasus in a magical aura.

"Oh' right" Scootaloo uttered in defeat, her eyes passing over the shifted vegetation sheepishly.

"Seriously Scootaloo, I'm not my sister" Sweetie stated with a small hint of amusement, before stepping forwards.

With another flash of magic, she took the improvised weapon from her friend’s hoof, casting it aside casually.

"Yeah, but you'll take me to her, then I'll have to wear all that girly junk again" Scootaloo retorted sourly.

"Don't let Rarity hear you say that, besides you promised you'd come with me, and you picked all of that girly junk out yourself" Sweetie Belle reminded her innocently.

"You know the whole cuteness thing doesn't work on me right?" Scootaloo grumbled back.

"Made you agree in the first place didn't it?" Sweetie joked.

Finally, Scootaloo shook herself free of the dirt and leaves, before stepping out of the bushes.

"Yeah right, maybe if I were some smitten colt.” She laughed, “I only agreed because you're my friend." She added, picking out some firmly lodged twigs from her tangled mane.

Even so, Sweetie's expression seemed to wilt slightly at her words, and the pegasus paused.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, you know, bring up the whole no date thing again" She assured her apologetically, recalling that the only reason the Sweetie had asked her was because everypony else she'd asked had either been busy, taken or simply said no.

Sweetie Belle sighed, then shook her head.

"It's fine, I'm glad to be going with you instead of somepony I hardly know anyway" She admitted.

"Well, what are friends for?" Scootaloo asked, kicking the last of the dirt from her rear hooves.

"Friends, yeah" Sweetie murmured quietly, seeming lost in thought for a moment.

The pegasus looked at her friend suspiciously, then with a hint of concern.

"You okay?" She asked, and the unicorn looked up sharply.

"Yeah I'm fine" She responded quickly, before adding, "besides, all my friends seemed to be for hiding in bushes."

They both laughed a little at that. Nevertheless, Scootaloo did feel a slight hint of embarrassment, even if she didn't allow it to show.

"Well not anymore, so are we going to head over to your sister's place or what?" She asked, visibility shivering at the idea.

"Yeah, but I think she’s gonna need a lot longer with you now" Sweetie observed, pulling a twig from her friend’s mane with her magic.

Scootaloo winced at the thought, but it wasn't like she had much of a choice anymore, and as Sweetie Belle began to leave she reluctantly followed. .


"I still don't see why you couldn't have just asked Apple Bloom instead, she'll still be there you know?" Scootaloo groaned, as the pair of them moved up to the front door of Carousel Boutique.

"You've got nopony other than yourself to blame Scootaloo. Besides, Apple Bloom is going to be working, and she's already got somepony to go with her remember?" Sweetie said, as if her friend should know.

"Oh' that colt from the dance, class, thing, right?" The pegasus recalled. "By Celestia, she can get a date and we can't, what's Equestria come to?" She joked, and Sweetie frowned slightly. "Well, it's not like I want a special somepony anyway, that kinda life looks way to slow for me, know what I mean?" She rambled on obliviously, nudging Sweetie's side.

The unicorn smiled weakly at the gesture, blushing a little. Scootaloo rolled her eyes, glad she wasn't stuck thinking about other ponies and how they looked all the time. A few steps later, Sweetie pressed a hoof to the door, and finally spoke.

"Not everything's about going fast Scootaloo" She said.

All Scootaloo picked up on was sensible sophistication in her friend's words. By Celestia, Sweetie almost sounded like her mother or something sometimes. Regardless, the pegasus huffed.

"Yeah, well I suppose I'll find somepony as awesome as me someday" She stated with a dismissive wave.

Sweetie's nervous look surfaced again for a second, yet she did her best to hide it behind her mane as she pushed the door open.

"You're sounding more and more like Rainbow Dash everyday you know?" The unicorn teased, in an effort to shift the topic.

Scootaloo paused, not sure whether to be insulted or flattered by those words.

"Well, what do you expect? I have to get awesome lessons from somepony" She stated proudly.

Sweetie shook her head again, mouthing the words 'awesome lesions' with a light giggle. Scootaloo's eyes narrowed, and she grumbled to herself quietly as she followed.

What did Sweetie Belle know about awesomeness? She was a fancy unicorn, and while she was one of her best friends, a word as electrifying as awesome, was not one the pegasus would use to describe her. She only had about five seconds to dwell on those thoughts however, as the moment the bell above the front door rang, the pair of them were set upon by another pair of eyes.

"Oh' hello Sweetie Belle, I'm so glad you're finally here, and you to Scootaloo dear" Rarity greeted from across the room, as she finished tidying away some of her sewing supplies.

"Hi, Rarity, we're just here to get ready, then we'll have to be going" Sweetie responded, trotting over to her sister and leaving Scootaloo to follow tentatively.

"Oh' why of course darling, I have everything prepared for you in the back" The white mare told them.

"Thanks, oh' and thanks for the spa suggestion, it was really wonderful" Sweetie told her sister appreciatively.

"Oh' think nothing of it Sweetie dear" Rarity responded, seeming somewhat humbled.

Then she looked her younger sister head to tail, practically beaming with excitement.

"My, I can see it really did the trick. Rest assured when I'm finished you’ll both look positively magnificent..." Rarity began, then her word were cut off as she looked towards Scootaloo. "Oh' my" She gasped in shock, half looking as if she were about to faint.

Sweetie Belle looked at the two ponies unsurely, then stepped between them.

"I tried to convince her to come with me but... You know." She improvised quickly.

"Sorry" Scootaloo confessed sheepishly, as Rarity's sharp eyes scoured her appearance far more cautiously.

After a long moment however, the mare seemed to regain her composure, swallowing her shock.

"Well, it's nothing I can fix, may just take a little longer" She said warily, then disappeared into one of the back rooms in search of a solution.

Sweetie turned to her less glamorous friend with a somewhat apologetic look. But despite everything her mind was telling her, Scootaloo felt a little sad at the sight of her friend's expression. That, coupled with how the unicorn had been acting by the door and earlier this afternoon made her think to herself.

Sweetie had tried to ask other ponies to go with her to the party, and they'd been unavailable. Nopony had asked either of them out either, but like she'd said, she didn't care too much. To her friend it seemed like a really big deal however, bigger than she was letting show. She thought about that for a long moment, then mentally sighed as an idea came to her.

"Guess it's still my fault" She declared, then puffed up proudly. "But anypony as awesome as me should have no problem with any of this" She declared, hoping she wouldn't come to regret those words later.

Sweetie seemed more than a little surprised by the abrupt change in her friend’s attitude.

"I'll hold you to that" She teased, her initial confusion fading with a light giggle.

"By Celestia, it's Rainbow Dash, she's such a bad influence" Came Rarity's disgruntled voice, as the mare returned moments later, levitating a whole toolbox full of heavy grooming supplies at her side.

She set it down before the pair with a loud thud, then turned to Scootaloo with a smile that the pegasus had to assure herself didn't look creepy. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but laugh slightly at her friends worried expression as her sister levitated up several large combs.

"Alright Scootaloo, you just try and relax, I'll have you looking magnificent soon enough" Rarity declared, yet all Scootaloo could think was how much she was regretting her words already.


"Oh' don't be such a drama queen." Rarity snapped as Scootaloo flinched.

The young mare simply looked back at the white unicorn with a knowingly, tired expression.

"What?" Rarity asked bashfully, then she pulled another strap on Scootaloo's dress tight, forcing the pegasus to wince.

"This thing's so tight, I can barely even move my wings" She groaned, stomping a shoe adorned hoof.

The dress was a neatly woven mesh of amethyst purple and sunset orange to match her coat and mane. Several bright red gemstones sat in a brace about her neck and a somewhat long tail trailed behind her. The shoes she wore were golden, more like something from a fairytale she'd heard as a filly, then something awesome. There was a golden tiara to, but she'd refused to wear it until she at least got to the party, not that she was planning to put it on then either.

"Now don't squirm, and don't stomp your hooves, those shoes are worth a fortune." Rarity instructed, finally finishing. "I swear, I and Rainbow Dash are going to have some strong words someday" She added, before stepping back and admiring her work.

The same could not be said for Scootaloo, all she could do was regard the frazzled unicorn skeptically, then shook herself, much to Rarity's disapproval.

"Well, I suppose it will have to do. That's not to say you don't look stunning darling, you really do." Rarity assured her, then looked towards one of her dressing rooms. "Sweetie Belle, are you ready dear?" She called.

"Just a few more minutes, I'm almost done." Came her sister's response.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo navigated her way down from the podium Rarity had insisted she stand upon, the tight dress making it less than straightforward. Rarity glanced at her with uncertainty, seemingly unable not to judge her work even if she'd already called it perfect more than once. Moments later however, both their eyes were stolen as the door before them opened and Sweetie Belle finally stepped out.

Her dress was long, silky white and seemed to glisten like star light. It was lined with a fluffy maroon rim and a long, flowing tail of fabric covered her posterior. Several light blue gems adorned her silver necklace, while her hooves boasted shimmering, silver shoes. Finally, a beautiful tiara sat atop her finely crafted mane, its peaks beset by more gleaming gemstones.

Scootaloo felt the concern regarding her own dress leave her the moment she laid eyes upon her friend. Sweetie Belle looked so stunning she practically glowed. What Scootaloo imagined she looked like in compassion was almost shameful, and that fact prevented her from taking her eyes off the unicorn. Beside her, Rarity sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Oh' Sweetie, you're growing up so fast" She stated with tear filled pride.

Sweetie Belle looked slightly embarrassed by her sister’s response, rubbing her forehooves together bashfully as she blushed. She then looked at Scootaloo, and the pegasus almost choked as she tried to offer her own observations. Sweetie's look turned to concern at that, and she rushed over. Scootaloo forced herself to recover quickly however, and collected herself.

"You look totally amazing Sweetie Belle." She assured her, battling not to cough again.

"You really think so?" The unicorn asked.

"Absolutely, I bet every colt at this party is gonna be pretty sorry they didn't say yes now." She added kindly, and Sweetie shied away, reddening further.

"She's right Sweetie Belle, you do look quite amazing." Rarity added, putting a hoof on her sister's shoulder, all the while trying not to mess up her magnificent mane.

"Thanks Rarity" Sweetie told her sister appreciatively, then the sound of something outside caught everypony’s attention.

Free of any mobility restricting dress, Rarity was first to rush over to the window and investigate.

"Come along girls, your carriage is here." She told them, moving over to the door and opening it to reveal a two pony carriage outside.

Scootaloo glanced about unsurely as Sweetie moved towards the exit, then she recalled exactly what she’d told herself and stiffened, before following her friend.

"Now, you two make sure to have fun" Rarity instructed.

"Don't worry Rarity, we will." Sweetie Belle called back from the carriage.

Scootaloo just nodded, her mind racing again. One thing still persisted in the slew of thoughts however, no matter how much she didn't want to go to this party, she was still going to make sure her friend had the most awesome time possible.


The ride to Sweet Apple Acres was a short one. A distance Scootaloo could have easily walked, yet as much as she disapproved of being carted around, she supposed getting their dresses dirty before the party wasn't in their best interests. Along the road ahead was the barn, the likes of which radiated with thumping music, flickered with flashing lights and was swarmed by a crowd of ponies.

It looked kinda like a giant ant hill from this far away and, being slightly bored, the pegasus attempted to squash the tiny figures with her hoof playfully. Beside her, Sweetie looked ahead with a firm, almost empty stare.

"Hey, you alright?" Scootaloo asked, stopping her foolish antics.

Sweetie glanced at her sharply, seeming slightly startled.

"Yeah, just a little nervous" She stuttered, brushing her mane with a hoof.

Scootaloo smiled, puffing up confidently.

"Don't worry, you're with the second, most awesome pony in Ponyville, besides nopony's bothered us at school since we got a our cutie marks remember?" She reassured her.

The unicorn smiled, seemingly fond of the memory.

"And I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some other ponies there without dates, nothing said you had to ask before the part right?" She went on, slightly satisfied with her own quick thinking.

Sweetie nodded nervously, then looked right at the pegasus.

"What about you?" She asked.

For a tiny moment Scootaloo felt something shift in her mind, yet it vanished into confusion almost as quickly as it had appeared, and she was forced to think fast once more.

"I'll be fine, like I said, I'm not looking for anypony to date" She said, dismissing the idea with a wave of her hoof.

Sweetie's eyes sank again, then her gaze turned forwards as the carriage pulled to a stop. The pair thanked the driver as they jumped down, before heading towards the farm's main entrance.

"Well, howdy y'all" Came a familiar voice, and they both looked ahead to see Applejack standing by the entrance.

"Mah, mah, y'all are both lookin' mighty fine tonight. Rarity's really gone an' outdone herself this time." The farm pony observed, and both young mares blushed slightly at the complement.

"Now don't ya' both go in there lookin' all embraced. Y'all are here to have fun remember." Applejack stated, ushering them inside.

"Thanks Applejack." Sweetie responded, and Scootaloo nodded in agreement, before asking.

"You know where Apple Bloom is?"

Applejack chuckled.

"Sure do, she's up in the barn, by the stage last I saw. Can't imagine she'll be there long when her new coltfriend shows up though." She told them.

Once again both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed slightly embarrassed. While the former showed it more, Scootaloo made sure to tell herself it was not because one of her best friend had a special somepony and she still didn't.

To hide her thoughts, the pegasus spat out her tongue in playful disgust. Applejack laughed again, and at that, the pair moved on as the farm pony greeted the next set of guest.

"By Celestia, part of me thinks Apple Bloom only convinced her to set this up because of him" Scootaloo muttered, shaking the pesky thoughts from her mind.

Sweetie seemed to think about that for a moment, then laughed.

"That, and the end of school Scootaloo" She responded, once again as if her friend should know. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with it if she did, I think it's really nice that ponies will do allot for somepony they love" Sweetie added respectively.

Scootaloo stifled a laugh, barely audible over the sound of the party.

"Never thought it would be Apple Bloom thought" She responded jokily, and the unicorn shook her head before moving on.

"What?" The pegasus asked, then raced after her friend before she could vanish into the crowd.


As they moved on, it became clear to Scootaloo that the party outside was nothing compared to that inside of the barn. The large, wooden building had been completely transformed into something that bore vague resemblance to the nightclubs Rainbow Dash always told her about. Coloured spotlights hung across the roof and along both the vertical and horizontal supports beams. A large area had been cleared in the centre to make space for a dance floor, at the far end of which were a set of monstrous speakers and a mixing table.

"Gees, I can barely hear myself think in here" Scootaloo protested, raising her hooves to her ears. Sweetie looked at her with a slight hit of concern, yet before she could respond another voice called out to them.

"There ya' are, I was wonderin' when y'all were gonna show up" Apple Bloom called, before appearing in front of them.

The yellow earth pony wore her signature ribbon as well as her own fancy dress, even if it was all a little impacted by her work at the party.

"We got a little delayed when Scootaloo tried to hide in a bush" Sweetie informed their friend.

"What the hay were ya' hiding' in a bush for?" The earth pony asked in confusion.

Scootaloo shook her head.

"Long story" She said dismissively.

Apple Bloom didn't look convinced however, and Sweetie Belle's laugh only seemed to heighten her suspicions. Scootaloo huffed, then in an effort to change the subject, she dove right to the question that was nagging her.

"So Apple Bloom, where's this special somepony of yours? Didn't see him on the way in." She asked, relaxing her eyelids playfully.

Apple Bloom blushed slightly, stepping back.

"He's gonna be here soon, besides he ain't to good round this many ponies yet" She explained.

"I thought we'd fixed that?" Sweetie inquired, drawing the earth ponies attention.

"Yeah, but ya' can't just go fixin' somepony’s nerves over night Sweetie Belle, it can take a long time" Apple Bloom responded reasonably.

For some reason the unicorn looked slightly put off by that, and her gaze fell slightly and she turned away to look out over the crowd. Apple Bloom's look turned sceptical, then she glanced at Scootaloo.

"Hey, she alright?” She asked quietly.

Scootaloo looked at the unicorn closely, making an effort to note all the things that were wrong, even if she already knew what many of them were.

"She's been acting like this all evening, think it's something to with the whole no colt said yes thing" She whispered.

Apple Bloom frowned.

"Then we gotta find her somepony" She declared abruptly, and the pegasus's expression dropped.

"No, she should find herself somepony. You know those kinda things never go well when we interfere, remember the last time we tried?" She retorted.

Apple Bloom considered that for a moment, shivering slightly at the recollection.

"Yeah I know, but just look at her" She pressed, shaking the previous idea from her mind best she could.

"I can see Apple Bloom, but what can we do? You're gonna have to go be with your coltfriend soon anyway, can't be playing matchmaker at the same time" Scootaloo told her reasonably.

"Yeah, but y’all ain’t got nopony to be with, ya' can help find her somepony" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Way to but be blunt about it Apple Bloom" Scootaloo groaned tiredly.

"Y’all saying ya' care about not havin' nopony?" Apple Bloom asked smugly.

At that, the pegasus realised her mistake and swiftly rectified it.

"No way, I just care about my friend" She assured her firmly.

Apple Bloom nodded slowly.

"Look" Scootaloo finally stated. "You go spend time with that Tender guy, or whatever his name is, I'll take care of Sweetie Belle" She suggested reluctantly.

Apple Bloom looked as if she were about to respond when something cut them both off.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Sweetie Belle asked, looking back at them.

"Nothin'" Apple Bloom said sharply, her head swiftly darting away from Scootaloo's ear.

All Scootaloo's mind told her to do was improvise again, and that's exactly what she did.

"Oh' Apple Bloom was just telling me how much she loves her new coltfriend. You know, all that kinda sick, mushy stuff" She stated, garnering a dangerous look from the earth pony.

"Ow' that's so sweet" Sweetie said weakly.

"Yeah, sure is... Now, Apple Bloom didn't you say you had to go find him or something?" Scootaloo went on, not taking her eyes of the unicorn as she nudged Apple Bloom with a hind hoof.

The young earth pony grumbled something to herself, before finally jumping onto the pegasus's act.

"Yeah right, I gotta go find him. See ya' later I suppose" She muttered, then gave Scootaloo a nudge back, before moving back into the crowd.

"Well, guess it's just you and me for now hur?" Scootaloo said, moving over to the unicorn.

Sweetie Belle looked about, then her eyes settled upon the pegasus and she blushed slightly.

"Sounds fun, so what do you want to do?" She asked.

At the words Scootaloo looked over the party, searching not for an activity, but for the perfect partner for her friend. Much to her frustration however, she found nothing and her gaze eventually settled upon a long buffet table on the left side of the barn.

"I think we should go get something to drink first" She suggested, and when Sweetie nodded in agreement the pair began towards the table.

As she moved through the sea of equine bodies, Scootaloo's eyes were cast like some great net hoping to catch a glimpse of the perfect colt. Yet for all of her efforts, she found nopony suitable and as she grumbled to herself in frustration, her eyes came to rest upon the unicorn beside her. Strangely, she found that Sweetie Belle was seemingly unable to avert her gaze, that was until she saw Scootaloo was looking at her. The pegasus felt another stab of confusion stick into her thoughts, but she once again tried to brush it off for her friends sake. As far as she was concerned she had only one thing to do, and that was make Sweetie Belle happy again.


As the night drew on, the dancing lights about the barn dazzled Scootaloo more and more. All the while her eyes strived to pick out anypony that might suit her friend from amidst the bustling crowd. Sweetie Belle sat quietly on a stool at her side her, shifting with the music as she sipped a glass of punch. Scootaloo could almost hear a song they'd once sung together playing out in her head as she identified the positives and negatives of each colt she saw. She also made a great effort to avoid a certain large, red stallion who was standing by the mixing table.

Beside him, she could see Apple Bloom with a recognisable, and finely dressed, orange colt. She leaned back on her stool, regarding the pair as she thought about exactly what it was she was doing, then she looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Some party hur?" She asked, taking a sip from her own glass of punch.

Sweetie nodded, glancing down at her forehooves. Scootaloo frowned at that, and looked about for something to spark a conversation. Yet there was nothing but gloom, bright, flashing lights and a whole slew of ponies she'd been looking at for the past hour and in the end her thoughts returned to Apple Bloom.

"Least she's happy" She pointed out, motioning towards the pair with her glass as Apple Bloom nervously planted a small kiss on her partners cheek, forcing him to blush furiously.

"They're nice together" Sweetie Belle observed, and Scootaloo reluctantly agreed.

"Yeah, but what do you think she sees in him, you know?" She asked, almost throwing up at her own question, it was bordering on the philosophical and that wasn't awesome.

"Guess she's the only one who knows that Scoots" Sweetie sighed, somewhat lost again.

Scootaloo's ears perked up sharply.

"Did she just call me Scoots?" She mentally asked herself.

Regardless, she tried to shake the thought of, just as she'd done the rest of Sweetie's somewhat awkward behaviour.

"I know that, But what is it about two ponies that makes them, you know?" She asked, making an awkward gesture with her hooves, and at Sweetie's shocked expression she blushed hard. "Not, you know, you know" She swiftly corrected, "what I meant was what makes two ponies right for each other?"

Sweetie Belle took a long moment to think about that, before finally answering.

"I don't know, guess there's just things to look for in somepony" She stated softly.

Scootaloo glanced away for a moment, looking into her half empty glass.

"What about you?" She asked nonchalantly.

Sweetie Belle seemed to know exactly what it was she was asking however, and smiled timidly.

"Well, what do you look from in somepony?" Scootaloo pressed, then paused at her friend’s nervous look, "Sorry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just curious" She sighed apologetically.

Sweetie Belle looked fine with leaving it at that, yet after only a moment of quiet thought she appeared willing to talk further.

"I... I guess I've never really thought about it, although I do know" She began, and Scootaloo's attention peaked. "I know he'd be brave and bold, but still kind and gentle when he should be. He'd have to be his own pony, somepony who wouldn't just trail around with me for looks and he'd be loyal and love me for who I was." She went on passionately, and Scootaloo rotated on her stool to face her completely, only slightly put off by the fairytale like clichés.

As she glanced down at the captivated pegasus however, Sweetie Belle trailed off. All Scootaloo could do was smile respectfully.

"Sounds like the perfect guy" She assured her, with a forward motion of her glass.

Sweetie's nervous look was broken by a small smile.

"Yeah, but above all else he'd have to be more then my special somepony, he'd have to be my friend, my best friend." She added, looking right at the pegasus.

Scootaloo moved to take a sip of punch.

"Yeah right, that's my job and I..." She froze mid sentence, eyes wide and glass inches from her muzzle.

Slowly, she looked back towards the unicorn, and at the sight of Sweetie's blush she cocked head skeptically.

"Wait, what colours would he be?" She asked, but Sweetie Belle only seemed able to stutter.

There was no doubt in her mind at that moment, and those small pieces of information that had been gathering in her thoughts ever since this afternoon finally fit together, as well as other small things she'd observed recently.

"It's me isn't it?" She asked simply, almost instinctively.

She didn't care if she was wrong and may have just made a complete fool of herself. Nor did she care that she had no idea what to say or do if she were right, all she knew was that something inside her was sure she was.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle looked at her in still silence, part terrified, part relived and part prepared to run as fast as her hooves could carry her.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm, I'm..." The pegasus stuttered weakly, then paused.

What had she told herself to do? What would an extremely awesome pony, not only that, but an incredibly awesome friend do?

"Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked timidly, and the pegasus looked towards the mention of her name in confusion.

"Sorry" Was all she could manage to say, and only after she'd done so did she realise how stupid it was.

Sweetie Belle shivered, then without warning she stood up and turned away.

"Sweetie Belle wait!" Scootaloo called out, racing after her friend as she took off into the crowd.

The best she could do was follow her, and after a few moments of panic she finally found the unicorn outside, looking out over the dark orchard and the starry night sky above. Ideas rushed through Scootaloo's mind, as more things began to fit together. Sweetie Belle liked fillies? Was most prominent of those new revelations, and at that thought she wondered if the unicorn had even asked any colts out at all. It certainly seemed more believable then every one of them saying no to such a pretty, young mare. Then she even began to consider the fact that the unicorn had engineered this whole situation just to be with her, and it all made sense. Yet as she realised that, she couldn't quite understand why it made her feel so guilty. Finally, she slowly moved up to her friend's side.

"You know some weather ponies not doing their job right, there should be at least one cloud in this sky" She observed, looking up at the glistening sea of stars with a slight laugh.

Sweetie Belle sniffed as she glanced up at her friend, and Scootaloo noticed she was crying. The pegasus felt another wave of cold guilt run through her, the likes of which she still didn't quite understand, but she was sure she knew how to fix it.

"Hey, I didn't say no" She admitted, with a slight chuckle.

"And would you? Scootaloo I don't even know if you're a filly fooler, let alone like me" Sweetie Belle finally confessed, all of her concealed emotions braking free, not in a torrent, but in a faint, empty whisper.

Despite her elusive remorse, Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"Fillies, colts, they're both the same, it's about what two ponies see in one another that matters remember?" She stated, waving a hoof through the air as if there were some kind of invisible chalk board there she could draw an explanation on.

Sweetie Belle finally looked up at her, a spark of hope in her shimmering eyes.

"Besides, none of that matters either, because no matter what we'll still be best friends" Scootaloo assured her with a kind smile.

The pair looked at each other for a long moment, then something unexpected stole both their attentions. There was a slight shuffling of hooves and a small cough behind them and they both looked back to see a brown coated colt with lighter brown mane, looking rather uncomfortable in his smart tuxedo and bow tie.

"Hi there" He stammered nervously, then corrected himself. "May I... May I ask either of you two fine fillies to a dance?" He finally blurted.

The pair regarded him for a few seconds, and Sweetie tidied herself up a little. For some reason Scootaloo wanted the unicorn to go with him more than ever, especially as parts of her own mind told her there was no way she could compare. Sweetie didn't move an inch however, instead she motioned towards the him with a nod.

"Go ahead" She suggested kindly.

Scootaloo looked at her sad friend for a long moment, then moved towards the new pony slightly. He smiled nervously, clearly not expecting to have been so successful. That observation made Scootaloo fell a little bad, especially considering what she was planning to do next.

“Look, you seem like a really nice guy and all but..." She raised a hoof between herself and him, "I'm sorry, I've already got somepony with me."

The colt's head drooped a little, then he nodded before respectfully retreating back into the crowd. At that moment, Scootaloo turned back to Sweetie Belle to find the unicorn looking at her with utter disbelief.

"What can I say, I'm a real sucker for awesome ponies" She admitted, and in an instant Sweetie Belle leapt forwards, wrapping her forehooves about the pegasus.

"I can't believe you actually did that!" She expressed happily.

"Well, it wasn’t just for me" Scootaloo said, and Sweetie stepped back, blushing furiously.

"Thanks you Scootaloo, I... I don't know what to say" She stuttered.

"Well, I did say I wasn't in the market for a coltfriend, nor a filly but..." She trailed off, wrapping a forehoof over Sweetie Belle's back. "You're neither of those to me Sweetie Belle" She assured her, and at the unicorns slightly puzzled glance she smiled, before finally adding. "You're my best friend, best friend for life."

Author's Note:

For anyone who is wondering this story takes place a few years after the current show time, meaning the CMC are only slightly aged up, hence the graduation party.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 6 )

Adorable. Just adorable. Have a Fluttershy.:yay:

Awww! That was sweet! :twilightsmile:

I agree, although why are there so many dislikes on the comments here?

7754786 Probably because they wanted wither Sweetie or Scootaloo with somepony else. I swear, people and their favorite shippings at times...

Scootaloo went as silent as she could, cowering like some frightened animal would at first sight of a hungry predator. Through the branches she could she could see a unicorn shaped shadow quietly pass by. A few unbearably long seconds passed, yet she could hear nothing but her own racing heart. Then Sweetie Belle sighed, and seemed to move on. Scootaloo let out a breath of relief, then rose slightly to peer out.

Did I just read a double "she could" on it?

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