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Chapter One-The Beginning

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes with a quick flutter and checked the calendar to make sure it was the day she was waiting for. She saw that it read "Today the Wonderbolts fly at the Canterlot Castle". Nearly exploding with excitement, she flew down the steps as fast as she could. Then opening the door she was stopped by the pink maned pony, Fluttershy.
"How are you doing, Rainbow Dash? I was wondering if you could help me with the animals?" Fluttershy questioned.
"Sorry, I can't, gotta hurry, the Wonderbolts are preforming at the Castle!" said Rainbow in a panic.

Rainbow Dash flew past her and went on her way. She flew thinking about what new flying tricks the Wonderbolts were going to show that day. As she got to Canterlot, it was silent. Everypony seemed to be missing, but Rainbow Dash knew they were all waiting at the Wonderbolt's performance, which was on the other side of Canterlot. Everypony loved the Wonderbolts, maybe not as much as her but still. About half way through flying toward the event one of her wings gave out and she hit the ground with a thud. Luckily no pony was around to see her embarrassment. Instead of flying she started to trot toward the event, worried that her wing might give out again. Walking was a pain in its self for Rainbow Dash, but after flying so much her wings were bound to give out eventually. After a bit of time she heard some talking and cheers and knew she might be late.

She ran and took off toward the screams and cheers heard near. Quickly she rushed into the crowd of ponys seemingly to look the other way of the Wonderbolts. Then she knew the Wonderbolts show has ended. She flew around sadly trying to see if the show has actually ended or it's having an intermission. In the crowd she saw a pink mane and was dumbfounded to see it was fluttershy!
"Fluttershy is that you?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"Um, yes it's me Fluttershy." she said shyly not knowing which pony asked her that question. "Who are you?"
"It's Rainbow Dash silly who else would it be?"
"Thanks Celestia its you. I was scared there."
"Fluttershy how are you here? And why are you here?!"
"Well, um, ii wanted to meet up here with you so maybe after the show over then you could help me. Also I used the train the led here after you rushed by me."

Rainbow Dash asked more and more questions until she was satisfied, or well when Fluttershy was on the verge of crying after getting questioned so much. Fluttershy wanted to go ask Princess Celestia if she wanted any more animals to be taken care of. While walking into the castle ,after getting permission, Rainbow Dash saw a rusty old door leading down into somewhere dark. She thought of just leaving Fluttershy to go check it out, but she did not want to leave her shy pony alone to talk to the princess. When the both of them got to Princess Celestia they bowed before her.
"Greetings Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy how are my subjects doing today." the Princess said.
"Great, thanks for asking." Both ponys said in perfect sync.
"Why are the friends of my student Twilight here, may I ask?"
"I wanted to see if you needed to give any more animals over to me for some taking care of."
"No thank you Fluttershy, none of my animals are sick right now so you can continue taking care of the other ones I asked for you to take care of, last week."
In Rainbow Dash's head she wanted to ask about what that rusty door led to, but she waited until Fluttershy was done with her conversation with the Celestia.
"Excuse me, Rainbow Dash do you have anything to say before I end this conversation?" Princess Celestia looked over to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash thought she would ask first but no matter.
"Yes Princess, I was wondering what that rusty door near the entrance led to?" After asking that question it seemed as chills went through the Alicorn's back.
"Well if you need to know Rainbow Dash it leads toward the dungeon. I haven't use that for a long time and there are a lot of dangerous things down there, so please don't go down there." Celestia voice was hollow as she said each word.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head in agreement, but she had other plans. As the two ponys left, Rainbow Dash already had a plan in her head. She asked Fluttershy if they can stay in Canterlot for a while and see all there is. It was a long while and it became dark. Fluttershy wanted to leave but Rainbow Dash wanted to stay a bit while longer. After When it seemed that the whole world was asleep Rainbow Dash made her move. She grabbed Fluttershy and took her to the dungeon. Fluttershy was scared at first when she saw the door, but then she became puzzled by the way it looked. Rainbow Dash tried to open the door without making much noise but it was useless. The door was rusted shut and the only way to open it was to slam it open. She gained momentum and kicked. At first it made a loud creaking noise, then stood quiet. At this time both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were hiding, both for different reasons. Rainbow Dash hid to not be seen by anyone who might of heard and well, Fluttershy by the iron door creaking open. After when the coast was clear they walked up towred the door looking in at the darkness before them. Again Fluttershy was hiding behind Rainbow Dash. She never liked the dark anyway so any idea of her going in there would become a nightmare.
"Um, Rainbow Dash we're not planing to go in there? Are we?" Fluttershy made a small yelp after the last word.
"Well I'm not going alone and you need to learn to take chances and not be afraid." Rainbow Dash said that like the other million times.
"Well being afraid is fine and I think taking chances means that you can get hurt."
"Come on i just want to check it out, only for five minutes ok?"
"I don't know, Princess Celestia said not to go in there." Fluttershy's eyes were dark and scared.
"Well I guess you want me to go alone in there then."
"Well, I-."She did not want her rainbow colored pony go alone so she just yelp.
Rainbow Dash walked up to the door looked in at the steps that led into the abyss, Fluttershy hiding right behind her. As ready as both ponys can be they went into the nightmare that awaits them.

Comments ( 1 )

Very decent, keep going:ajsmug:

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