• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 12th


Not much to say about myself -- I'm an Irish guy whose interests include MLP, video games, and occasionally writing fanfics.

Comments ( 74 )

Button should've mentioned his hometown being Ponyville. I'd think he'd be quite good friends with Star's cousin. Be warned though Star, i doubt a 270 growing fatso would be a good spotter. ;)

7211902 Funny you should say that, since I've seen some pretty heavyset guys acting as spotters at the gym I go to.

Dawn seems less of a sweetheart and more like that bitchy co-worker you get along with one minute and hate the next.

7212069 She may or may not be based on a girl I worked with at college.

7212100 Still, hearing you say how sweet she is and then having her act like this in this story, it's a bit disappointing.

7212126 Yeah, well, some mornings you just wake up and say, "I feel like writing a cunt of a character today!"

7212136 Though i bet she only acts like that because they're on a timeframe. Otherwise i bet she's a shining ray of sunshine from Celestia herself.

7212154 Put it this way: when she's in a good mood, she's as sweet as sugar. When she's in a bad mood, she's insufferable.

I feel there should be more o.o!

"Love yourself first and screw anypony else" Sounds kinda selfish. Unless it really means "Be confident in yourself and don't let other ponies' opinions get you down" and i'm just being dumb.....again.

7212174 Same here. ;)

7212326 Yeah, it means be confident in yourself. With the amount of assholes who treat fat people like they're subhuman because of their weight, I think it's a lesson a lot of people could stand to learn.

7212348 Worship me, for I have provided!

Lemme know what you think once you've read it kthnx

7212366 Well, there'll be some good, detailed feeding between two surprise ponies coming up in the future, don't you worry.

Again, Button should've mentioned he was originally from Ponyville. It could've given him and Star an additional thing to bond over, with Button being from the same town as Twilight and all.

7213201 True, that slipped my mind.

Idea: Dawn always immediately feels bad after snapping at Button. She apologizes by getting him extra doughnuts at breakfast the following day. Lots and lots of extra doughnuts.

7214777 Nah, when she feels bad, she self-medicates with Sno-Caps. Like, packets and packets of Sno-Caps.

Button shouldn't feel THAT small next to Star. He's only got 30 pounds over him, which i don't see that weight gap lasting for much longer.

How old is Star? I've always imagined him in his early 20s. Y'know, his enormous size making him look older than he really is, leading to a BIG surprise when ponies find out how young he really is.

7215393 He's 26, and Button is 25.

Hopefully if you ever make a third story to this, we can see Dawn's sweet side. And Button might as well become a full gainer. He's already on the edge of obesity, might as well just go for it right?

If Button's butt is that huge, i can only imagine how utterly immense Star's ass is.

7217259 Oh, Star's ass ain't big. It's tight.

As tight as Star's ass is, i can still see it straining his scrubs, bouncing noticeably with each step. He's got tons of fans in San Pal, not just for his growing muscles. He's just that Celestia-damn likable! Even if inmates had some reason to complain, they wouldn't dare do it. Star's dad happens to be the warden.e

It might be my weird obsessive side talking, but i'd love a reference for just how big Star is. And how fat Button is for that matter. :yay: :heart: :twilightblush:

7217841 Damn, Button's bucking HUGE~!

7217841 Wouldn't a 300 pound bodybuilder be more along the lines of Big Ramy's size?

After looking up what a 270 pound 5'10" guy looks like, "big stallion" indeed! Of course, all those guys in those pics had firmer guts, unlike Button who's considerably flabbier.

I suppose i can't blame Dawn for being a bit snippy. As i understand, gaming testing jobs can be strenuous and unrewarding at times.

7227827 That's putting it mildly!

7228657 But hey, if you're right, she's an utter delight most of the time, so it can't be too bad, right?

With the description of Star's glutes, does he compete, or is that ass of his strictly prison eyecandy?

7234257 Eye candy. He does have a few wrestling trophies to his name, including one where he crushed half of his opponent's ribs with a pile driver.

I can see Button attracting quite a bit of attention in Ponyville as he walks (or waddles, more likely, at this point) to his mother's house for a visit on a day off. "Oh.....my.....Celestia. Caramel, look at his butt. It.....is so....big."

7234769 "I wouldn't say he was fat, but Princess Luna complained about his gravity pulling the moon out of its orbit."

I can imagine Star talking to his cousins one Sunday during a workout and calling a now truly obese Button over to meet them as he arrives to help spot Star, only for Twilight to notice him and run over to hug him, finding out about Button's hometown that way.

7235031 Aww, sounds sweet.

So, if Star's a bodybuilder and former wrestler, how and why did he come to work as the head doctor in San Pal?

7235367 Not "former" wrestler -- he still competes in his spare time. He became a doctor because he had the brains and determination for it... and San Pal were the only ones hiring. :derpytongue2:

Knowing that Star is a wrestler in his spare time, that leads to the question: Is he a Face or a Heel? (And hey like all wrestlers, even Heels have been known to be the nicest guys ever outside the ring. Just look at the Undertaker.)

7235614 Oh, a Face, definitely. Keep in mind, though, this is proper wrestling -- none of that WWE stuff.

7236399 What do you mean by "proper" wrestling? As far as i know there's "real" wrestling, the kind practiced in high schools and colleges and in the Olympics, which focuses more on grappling, and "pro" wrestling like the kind shown in the WWF and WWE. Again, as far as i know, moves such as Piledrivers are in the latter category.

7237074 I mean wrestling like the kind you see in the Olympics. I wasn't aware that a piledriver was a WWE thing. Then again, I know pretty much nothing about wrestling, so... :twilightsheepish:

He's a towering mountain of muscle, a super nice guy, comes from a powerful family.....yowza, could Star GET any better~? :heart:

7240371 Oh, he could...

He makes the best chili this side of Mexicolt.

7240681 A great cook too? Mph, man. Palling around with him, Button's waistline won't know what hit it. If only he was still growing. I have a thing for BIG powerhouses.

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