• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2012


Master flutterblogger, Full time pony musician, Part time pony artist, and writer.


The Cutlass series follows the adventures of a young starship officer, Minerva Heartway as she serves onboard her own ship, and all the challenges that flying in the black comes with. Minerva and the crew of the Cutlass are ordered to investigate a mysterious signal emanating from the borders of explored space. Can the friendship teams and the officers unravel the mystery?

279 years after Luna's return, Equestria has taken to space. Princess Luna, now the grand admiral of the Equestrian Roayl Navy, has taken to advancing technology and implementing magic to develop advanced space flight. With over 15 large flagships under her command, she orders them to explore the reaches of space. Using the magic of friendship for vital ship systems such as FTL (faster then light), Sensors, and weapons systems, these ships are able to fly deep into the black in the name of exploration.

So far, only the nearest five star systems have been explored.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 42 )

Now its story's like this that I don't really like at all. Stories that happen in the distant future, I hate them because its all false all of it and Minerva heart way in my opinion has the personality of a rock. And only 279 years after her return that is a load of crap based on the ponies technology it would take them at the least another 1,500 years after comparing them with human technology.

Actually, I think the timeframe is pretty accurate. Assuming Equestrian tech level at 1750 CE Earth, 250 years is enough time to get a space program up. Without the money-drain that wars are, and with a leader that doesn't pander, it's possible.

While I have yet to give this a read one way or the other, I would like to state that Pony technology is something up for debate. They have things from the early industrial age, and yet they also have thing from modern day, or at the very least the 1950' onward. Quite honestly, we can't really say for sure what level of technology they're really at.

1463864 I say that they are in around the age of medieval knights but they have stereos and things like that but no TV's or anything else like that. Strange

Looks like a decent idea, could use a proofreader...

*offers the editing machete*

I'd take off the first half of the description, and just leave the second half, telling us about the story. Oh, and make the main character's name consistent, Heartfelt or Heartway, whichever.

Chapter 2... Hmm. Depends on the feel you want for your story, but in serious military undercutting the chain of command (even in a sim) even if the one in the command chair is an idiot, is kinda a bad thing, and not smiled on. Doing your best to make him not look like an idiot is the preferred choice. Being a good officer of your nation requires both the ability to follow commands as well as leading, and this is as true for an ensign as for a ship's captain.

1463948 I'm never enthusiastic when an author doesn't even bother properly proof-reading their description.

1463850 it's possible just not in that amount of time and a ship powered by friendship absolutely preposterous friendship is not something that can be seen, heard, smelt, or felt. Then my question is how would they be able to power the ship. It's impossible since friendship is a word and cannot be truly made of anything therefor making it impossible to run on that power source.

This is a fanfic of a tv show with talking ponies... I think that it is possible.

1464005 wrong it can't happen didn't you read my comment I just stated that it can't happen because it doesn't take up space therefor it can't happen. I don't care what kind of physics ponies have they have to be similar to ours.

Tell that to Pinkie Pie.

Or a bit more seriously... Any sort of Faster Than Light travel in fiction carries with it the unstated premise that physics, as we know it, can be broken, by some method. If you can't suspend your disbelief that far, why are you even looking at this story?

1464062 pinkie pie is pinkie pie and I don't see her in this story anywhere and going the speed of light is impossible with the resources humans and equines posses and why am I looking at this story to be quite honest I don't even know.

They also have an arcade machine, and what looks like primitive computers. Plus modern looking construction equipment, not to mention theoretically the possibility of them having Tanks.

Friendship is Magic in the world of Equestria. The Elements of Harmony are nothing more than friendship weaponized. Why else would it have such a powerful effect against of being of disharmony and Discord.


Bro, considering there's MAGIC and TALKING TECHNICOLOR HORSES, I'd think that friendship-powered systems would be a viable thing.

1. Being all chummy-like would
-Raise crew morale
-Power the ship sufficiently
-Having magic would be able to make the very emotion of friendship into matter that takes up space. [i.e; Season 2 Finale; using Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's love as a form of matter, the two were able to defeat Chrysalis. The scene shows Chrysalis disintegrating, clearly a sign of matter decomposing the changeling queen]

2. I emphasize, I EMPHASIZE:
-They're talking horses. Anything is possible.
-Besides, what do you know about quantum mechanics and physics?

So to finish off,

1464110 unfortunately I am neither trolling or stupid I'm just throwing my opinions out there to see if anyone can come up with a better one. Trolling my friend is a completely different act of what I am doing.

1464093 true but what use would a tank be to magical talking ponies in the first place? A war is definitely out of the question since you know the royal sisters control the sun and the moon, and without those I'm pretty sure they would all die.


Exactly my point. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, it's just that it seems irrational and out of place in a land where there's legitimate magic, talking horses, and such.

1464168 fair enough it is a little irrational. To be honest I'm not in the greatest mood today so yes I do believe I was being a bit irrational, can you guys forgive me for my blindness in thought.


Of course. We're all friends here :rainbowkiss:


and btw, their physics are a whole lot different if their "gods" can say: Screw you Law of Gravity, we're moving the sun and moon AROUND our planet and when we want it.... and god help us if Pinkie ever gets unicorn magic.....

then, just like other repliers said: in this series, they actually use Friendship as a way to catalyze magic and focus it, this friendshipped magic can then be used in a number of ways.

and like someone else said. FTL is ALL about saying "Buck you, relativistic speed, we're just gonna cheat"
after all.... NO actual FTL engines in ANY media is actually FTL, they always involve wormholes/alternate dimensions/warping space in front of the ship
it NEVER is said that they actually reach 310 000 km/s or higher

*hugs* Yeah, I can forgive you for that.

Read the prologue; figuring out how to handle the powers of the Royal Pony Sisters work is something every 'ponies in space' fic has to confront, in their own ways.

I restate my earlier comment, magical talking ponies that can use friendship as a weapon to defeat an alicorn and a spirit of chaos... also is their physics are the same or near same to ours, how does pinkie pie be pinkie pie?

"Witch is?"

Should be Which.


I would say this is going a little too fast.
I love spaceships so I am going to stick with this though.


NO actual FTL engines in ANY media is actually FTL, they always involve wormholes/alternate dimensions/warping space in front of the ship

There are few actual descriptions that actually explain actual FTL travel. For example, http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/FTL

1464664 Perfect colour scheme for space exploration //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Trixie_lolface_1.png

I built that. I just figured it would be relevant to the story's theme, so here it is.


And now I miss my giant tub of lego's. :fluttercry:

1465177 I used Lego Digital Designer. It's free and there are guides around to show you how to enable LDD Extended on it. After that, it's like having an even bigger tub of Legos, including parts you may have never even imagined. I've got more things I made there on my dA page.


oh yeah, I didn't think about that one BUT, then Ill rephrase it to MOST FTL drives do not actually go faster than light at all

So flame war on pony engineering/FTL drives? oh wait too late

1464506 tis because she is pinkie pie.

woah there
woah there everyone
woah there

this makes me want to write this even more:yay:

this is my new head cannon ship design

1463850 the technology in Twilight's lab during 'feeling pinkie keen' kind of indicated to me that those with the means to make discoveries, and not the general public, have acsess to technology from the 1960s. my headcannon for this story pretty much places all computer technologies around the late 1990s, with magic doing alot of the legwork for networking and advanced starship systems. Freindship teams and magical ponies help to actually provide power and the desired effects of what needs to get done. since it's magic, there are many schools of 'thought' that can be applied to specific actions, like sensors and weapons.

do you have any suggestions on alternate names? I would welcome them and implement them if I really like them. :yay:

So equestria follows a similar set of laws of physics, yet pinkie pie is pinkie pie, applejack and fall many times form a high point and not be hurt, and love is also a magical anti evil weapon, and i cant even remember why we started arguing... so love and tolerate?

1469348 Head cannon? That must be one big hat. (The proper term is Canon. There is a difference)

That aside, are there any other things from this story you'd like designed? (you can either reply via the comments or a PM)

1469693 sorry i come from the world of fandoms on tumblr. Headcannnon seems apppriate because this entire story is headcannon of the MLP universe's future. I'll PM you with ideas, if you'd like to help :D

1469772 I'd be glad to help. Just catapult a PM in my general direction whenever you need something built (my current project is a giant robot).

Comment posted by YellowStripedBat deleted Oct 11th, 2016
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