• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 4,316 Views, 64 Comments

Belly Rubs - Damaged

The pony curse is spreading on earth, but for one household things seem to be at least reasonably under control... or are they?

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1 - The problem with belly rubs

"Paula, you know I can't!" Stephanie sat on the couch, crossing her arms and tucking her hands in at her sides and under her armpits. "For the last time no."

"Aww, but it itches so much! Please…" The little pegasus beside her was on her back, one hoof rubbing her own belly distractedly. "It won't be so bad as a pony, besides, Mike can rub both our bellies then!"

"You are impossible Paula, you know Mike is immune and I am not, he can rub your damn belly all through the full moon and not get changed but," one hand pulled free and she poked the aqua mare on the nose, "I am not!"

The mare looked cross-eyed at the finger poking her nose and she giggled, kicking her back legs and almost, almost getting that finger to make contact with her belly.

"Hey!" Steph pulled her hand back and tucked it back under her arms. "No fair, all it takes is one rub and then… I don't even know if I would end up female." She shivered. "I mean, come on, you used to be 'Paul'."

"It's not fair!" Paula flopped on her belly, rubbing it against the couch and squirming more. "You could just let me out, I promise I won't bug you anymore." She looked up at the human woman, her eyes huge and puppy-like.

"And risk you getting rounded up as a stray? Come on Paula, he is only a little late, you know he is the main income now." Stephanie reached over and rubbed the pony's neck, getting an excited little sound of delight from her. "You roll over and the petting stops." The sound changed to a whine but Paula stayed on her belly.

The front door opened and closed and a male voice called out. "Darlings, I am h-" Mike didn't get any further, there was a little aqua blur that flew at him and landed in his arms. "Aww, you missed me Paula?" One arm cradled the little pony while the other reached down for the offered belly. A pony tongue started to loll from one side of Paula's mouth and she closed her eyes in bliss.

"Oh thank all that's holy. She was getting so whiny." Steph finally let her arms free of their special prison. Her boyfriend landed on the couch beside her, smelling of not just the mare in his arms but other ponies. The effect was strangely comforting and the woman leaned over and against his side. "I know it's good money, but can't you be home a little more?"

"You know how it is, not many of us immune. All those poor ponies at the shelters, someone needs to take care of them and you should see the poor things." Mike changed his spot, his carefully manicured fingernails finding the soft flesh of Paula's belly and all the good places.

"They don't even pay that well for that…" Stephanie reached up carefully, setting her hand under the mare's back, rubbing the bases of her wings. It was almost as good for a pegasus as their belly, but one hundred percent less contagious.

"Right, but it is the right thing to do. Besides, the pay for the rest of the month, from the spa, more than makes up for it." Mike changed hands, putting the arm he had been using around his girlfriend and using the other to work the little mare's neck. "Rich people become rich ponies. Who am I to tell them that getting their bellies rubbed when it isn't strictly needed isn't worth a hundred an hour?"

Stephanie was in bed with her boyfriend, things were all nicely relaxed. Even Paula was coming down from her full-moon neediness. She reached over and cuddled in tighter against her lover. Her hand felt a soft patch of fur. "Paula, that better not be your belly…"

"Hrmm? Oh, no, that is my tush." The pegasus squirmed and Steph was about to pull her hand back but stopped. With an evil grin, she drew it back slowly, then brought it down with a hard smack.

Mike jumped a mile when four pony hooves connected with him, two found a place no pony hooves should ever be shoved and particularly not at the speed these had been. Paula was bolting out from under the covers, out the door and back to her own room.

Steph pulled all the covers of the big queen-size bed over and around herself, snuggling in them and even relaxing despite the scent of pony that seemed to pervade everything in the house. "Mmm, sleep in!"

"So why do I have to wear the collar and leash?" Paula was jerking at the restraint, tugging and even trying to fly away from Stephanie at one point.

"Because it is the full moon tonight and if you get free you will be in trouble. Twice as bad if you infect someone." Steph grinned and tugged on the leash.

"Hey! No need to be rough!" Paula, however, had been trying to tug the thing from the woman's hand. She flicked her lilac mane and changed direction suddenly, managing to get the leather strap from around Steph's wrist. "FREEDOM!"

Stephanie took a moment to take a deep breath. At least her friend couldn't fly that well, except when she wanted a belly-rub. "Paula get back here…" All she could see was the lilac tail flailing as the mare was galloping off into the park.

Stomping off, her eyes narrow, Steph felt eyes of people around her focusing on her irresponsible act. "Paula! Get back here!"

"Nooooo I am free!" The sound came from one side, near the deeper part of the park where the old trees were.

Finally, coming to the old-growth trees, Steph looked around. "Where are you, dammit, it's going to get dark soon!" There was soft sounds all around her, the woman really hoping they were just regular animals.

"Attack snuggle!" An aqua-colored blur pounced out of the low branches of a nearby tree and landed in the middle of Stephanie's face. She pinwheeled her arms a few times but the weight of Paula on her upper body had her falling backwards and landing on her back in the soft leaf-litter. "Just rub it, just rub it!"

"Paula!" Steph had the mare rubbing her belly all over her face and she coughed and spluttered trying to get her off. In the end, she grabbed her up and held her away from her. "Ugh, why did you do that?"

"It was fun! Oh, you have a cute face!" Paula was beaming at Steph, giggling. It was then, in the darkening light, that Stephanie noticed that something chocolate brown had pushed out from between her eyes. A pony snout had grown in. She looked up, seeing only the slightest red on the horizon. "Paula!" She ran, ran hard. Home was only two blocks away but she got there as quick as if it were only half of one. Banging on the front door, she could feel her ears trailing up the sides of her head, forming into cute pony ones atop her likely now furred head.

"What's… oh shit Steph!" Mike had opened the door at her pounding and took Paula from her arms. "What happened?"

"Her fault!" Steph and Paula both said at once, one pointing a finger, the other a hoof.

"No, it was hers." Stephanie glared at the pony. "She pounced on my head and rubbed herself all over me, I didn't even notice the sun had gone down!"

"Aww, but you look cute and, besides, it isn't spreading!" Paula pointed more and was set down by Mike.

"Shirt off, now." His words had his girlfriend blushing but complying. "Ah, we have heard of a few cases of this. Partial immunity. Basically, the curse only travels small distances in you. So she rubbed on your face, so your head changed. If she got your hand, your whole arm might be next. How do you feel?"

Standing there in her jeans and bra, the girl grumped a bit. "My belly itches." Her hand lifted and began to rub her belly, then harder.

"Stop that, you know what it does to a pony when they do that." Mike's hand found her bare belly and as he started to rub and work at her, Steph practically melted against him. "There, see?"

"We can be rubbing buddies!" Paula was bouncing up and down on the couch, looking at the two.

"If this didn't feel so damn good you would be getting a kick out the door." Stephanie tried to rouse more anger but it was rubbed away by Mike's touch. "Mmm, no rubs for her tonight, she was bad."

"Aww, but I need belly rubs! Your face was terrible at it!" Paula was on her back, squirming around. Mike guided Steph over to the couch and, with one hand working the little pony's belly, he continued to rub his girlfriend's.

"Am I hideous?" Stephanie looked up, seeing a shadow cast by what she knew was a horn in the middle of her forehead. "A unicorn? Huh, not all bad then."

"Hideous? No way, you are still sexy as all get out and, those ears are adorable." Mike leaned down and kissed her on the lips, without hesitation. Steph smiled a little, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Author's Note:

How would you survive the plague? Do you know someone who would give you belly rubs while you squirm on your back in delight?

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Re-imagining of an idea from one of the talented writer, Lab's, works and with ideas from ValenceBond.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the coal mine (provided the spark for this idea, big thanks!)