• Published 22nd Jun 2016
  • 397 Views, 8 Comments

Wish Upon a Star - The Daughter of the Moon

When ten-year-old Tia falls from the sky into a world she doesn't remember, she must use the help of the ponies she meets to protect her much sought-after Wish, the only thing keeping the world of Rainum from averting its destruction.

  • ...

Chapter Two - Wishful Dreaming

About a decade ago...

"My… my Wish?"

"Yeah. Your Wish is kinda like your soul. It's what drives you to live, and it keeps you alive. Your Wish takes the form of something that represents you. Me and Aurora's Wishes take the form of blue-ish flames."

"'Cause your names have to do with fire?"


"How do you know what you and your sister's Wishes look like? I thought you couldn't see them."

"Well, you can see your Wish if you're on the brink of death and you're looking at a mirror."


"Yeah, no kiddin'."

"Okay... So, can you decide your Wish or does "destiny" or something control it?"

"There's a lot of questions and answers that kids like you shouldn't worry about, but from what I've seen, I think that everypony has like a "default Wish," a Wish that they are born with, like destiny, but they have the power to change their Wish."

"What if you don't change your Wish?"

"Well, it'll all work out in the end, I think. Emerald and Winter didn't really have any big dreams to pursue, they just wanted to keep the ponies of Rainum safe and prosperous because of their compassionate hearts. That's what became their Wish, so that's why they were chosen to be the rulers of Rainum."

"How did they find out what their Wishes were?"

"Well, Rainum is a very young dimen- I mean, kingdom. In the center of where Castle Regalious was to be built, there was this giant rock in the ground. It said that the master of its Treasure would be somepony whose Wish was to protect the peace and prosperity of Rainum, and would become Rainum's first ruler."

"What's a Treasure?"

"A Treasure is an object or tool that corresponds with your Wish. Every Wish is unique, and so is every Treasure. Like if somepony's Wish was to make delicious foods for everypony to enjoy, then their Treaure might be a frying pan."

"That's a lame Treasure."

"Well it'd be a magical frying pan."

"That's still lame."

"Anyway, everypony was called to Woodbridge and gathered around the stone. Emerald and Winter's Wishes reacted to the stone. They reached into the stone and pulled out a claymore and a bow. The claymore became Emerald's Treasure and the bow became Winter's treasure. And that's how they became the two princesses of Rainum."

"But that was pretty lucky that they found their Treasure. I don't wanna travel all over Rainum to find my Treasure."

"Actually, most ponies don't find their Treasures. Most ponies are able to summon their Treasures as soon as they find out what their Wish is. Emerald and Winter just got their Treasures a little later."

"Where do Treasures come from? Does somepony make them?"

"Jeez, you got a lot of questions, Caeda."

"Those who ask questions are the epitome of intelligence."

"Heh heh, yeah. No... pony knows who makes Treasures."

"You hesitated saying that."

"No... I'm just *yawn* tired."

"You're tired all the time!"



"You can also name your Treasure. Emerald's claymore is named Mighty Gale, Winter's bow is named Snowfall, Aurora's is named Luminescence, and mine is named Inkandescence. It's spelled with a "k." 'Cause it's a paintbrush."

"Really? The name of your Treasure is a pun?"



"I know, right? I'm so clever."

"Wow... Well, can I see your Treasure?"

"Um... you can see Aurora's Treasure, since we kinda have the same Treasure. I don't really have it in me to summon my Treasure right now."

"Tch... Aurora was right. You do have zero stamina."

"Did she say that, now?"

"I heard my name. What are you guys talking about now?"

"Oh, hey sis. Caeda wants to see your Treasure."

"Actually, I wanted to see Blue Fire's Treasure, but apparently, "he doesn't have it in him right now.""

"Really bro? *sigh* Fine. Mmm... Here it is!"

"Wow! So cool! You summoned it so easily! So is your Wish like to make paintings or stuff?"

"...Yeah, but I haven't really painted that much recently."

"Well, as long as you're living, you're doing a good job!"

"Ha... yeah."

"I want my Wish to be for everypony to be feel like they are a part of a family and for them to be confident in who they are and their Wish!"

"...That'd be a nice Wish to have."

"Wake up, you lazy lumpsack!"

Blue Fire groaned, opening his eyes. He was laying in the field in front of his house. Aurora and Tia were sitting beside him. Aurora gave an exasperated sigh.

"I can't believe you! You conked out again! You can't even watch Tia without falling asleep!" Aurora complained.

"Hey, babysitting is hard work." Blue Fire replied. He put his hoof over his chest. It was throbbing.

"Well, you can take a break from your "hard work" for now. I'm done with arranging Tia's room and I made snacks." Aurora declared proudly. "You're welcome."

"Heh, thanks sis."

Aurora picked up Tia and Blue Fire followed her back to the house.

Blue Fire collapsed on his bed after closing his bedroom door behind him.

"I'm dead tired... What? Yes, I know you told me so! I did it on purpose, you know." Blue Fire said in his mind. He sat up, thinking about the past events. "Why do I keep getting flashbacks from ten years ago? Why did Caeda and Tia appear in Rainum in the first place? Why do Caeda and Tia's Wishes combined looked almost exactly like Clementia's Wish? Except that one missing piece in the middle... What does this all mean? What's happening to Clementia..?"

Blue Fire gripped his chest.

"What's happening to my best friend?"

Comments ( 2 )

Me is confused as hell.:applejackconfused:

7389033 Don't worry; I got it all planned out :trollestia:

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