• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 888 Views, 7 Comments

A Broken Promise - gabs0095

Some love stories have good and pretty endings, while some ones don't

  • ...


A broken promise


Chapter N° 1. The Meeting

It was the afternoon of a snowy winter day in Pony Ville, time when the animals where hibernating, where the plains where pure white, and of course with very low degrees days, this day in particular had one of the strongest blizzards that Equestria have ever seen. A dirt brown colored earth pony was getting ready to go to bed after a hard day of work, his name was Brilliant Brawl, but because of his cutie mark, and his profession, his pony fellas called him “Hiker Steve”.

Steve, was wearing off his dirt-yellow work jacket, his heavy hoof-boots and his leg protection bands, that where all of the same color of his jacket, except for his green tight-suit, which was kinda like his usual pajamas(Because he wears that tight-suit almost every day and for everything), after brushing his teeth, he said:

“Pwheh, what a hard day, all this snow shoving is really starting to get me, well at least this day is over for me” and with an elegant pose he exclaimed: “This pony is off to bed”. But before Steve could even feel the comfy of his bed, the sound of the door knocking called his attention, after the knocking Steve exclaimed: “Darn it, I was so close to go to bed early for once (>.<)”.

He wore his silly duck slippers and headed for the door, where a really tiny, freezing yellow pegasus was standing, when Steve opened his door, and immediately felt the cold blowing of the raging blizzard, shocked for what he was observing, he said without delay:

“Hey! What are you doing out here in the middle of this blizzard!? Quickly get inside!”

After shutting the door with a slam, he looked at the yellow mare that was shaking because of the cold, the yellow mare said:

“I-Im sss-so terr-rribly sorryy-y misttt-er”.

“For what?” he answered,

“fff-oorrr ggg-eting inss-side—”. He quickly stopped the mare’s jabbering and said:

“Hold on a sec, I’m gonna get some blankets for you, meanwhile go stand near the fireplace to get some heat”, the mare agreed with a nod.

He ran to his room and opened his closet, in his hesitation he threw away anything in his way, digging in his closet he finally found some thick and warm blankets, he ran downstairs, and quickly handed over the blankets to the mare,

“Quick, put these on, they’ll keep you warm”, the mare didn’t hesitated to cover herself with blankets, “Better?” he asked worried,

“Thank you, I’m better”,

“I’m gonna make some hot chocolate for you, and maybe a cup for me too…” he said,

“N-no wait! You don’t need to--”, she tried to reply, but he was already on his way to the kitchen, -sigh-, she exhaled with a little bit of sadness.

Five minutes passed since Steve went to make some hot chocolate for her unexpected guess. In that time the mare stared at the raging blizzard through the window, that didn’t showed intentions to cease, Steve entered the living room,

“Okay, chocolate’s ready” he exclaimed happily,

“Oh, thank you, you didn’t have to tough…” she replied with shyness,

“Why do you mean? You’re freezing aren’t you?” he replied in a cocky tone,

“Umm…yes…” she was saying as she minimized even more,

“Here, be careful it’s still hot” he said as he was handing a plate with the cup filled with the hot beverage, she held the plate, and started to blow to the hot drink to cool it up a little, Steve drank his in a single sip, like if there was just a little left in the cup,

“Ahhh, good stuff” he said as he left the cup in the nearest table, he cleared his throat and asked: “So, why were you outside with that horrible blizzard? Is the worst I’ve seen in years!” the timid pegasus replied with a low voice tone:

“Um…I was heading home, when I saw in the snow a little crying baby bear, so I lifted him and searched for his home, I searched for almost an hour, after I found his cave and returned him to his mother, I took cover in that same cave, I stayed in the cave a while, but the cold was unbearable, so I ran as fast as I could, I thought could make it home, but--” before she kept talking, Steve interrupted,

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a sec, you stayed in a cave full of Bears?” he asked amazed, “Umm….yes” she replied a little less downsized this time,

“As in “Bear, I will eat you” Bear?” he asked again,

“Yes” she replied, “Wow! That’s amazing, you are so brave!” he said, amazed for the fact the a downsized little mare could stand some bears,

“Well…that’s nothing, really” she responded getting downsized by the minute,

“Oh sorry I interrupted your story, sorry about that (U^^)”, he said apologizing, he cleared his throat again, “You were saying…?” he stopped a sec to think while the mare took a sip of chocolate, “Oh yeah! You tried to ran home” he remembered,

“Yeah as I was saying, I tried to make it home, but I could see much, because the blizzard started to get worst and worst, I was freezing, and I couldn’t see much, but in the middle of the storm I saw a light, that was the light outside your door” she said finishing her story, and getting downsized again she said “And that’s how I got here…. I’m really sorry mister” she tried to apologize,

“Mister? Heh, my dad is a mister, I’m not old enough to be called mister you—ehh… what was your name again?”,

“I’m Fluttershy” she responded with a little grin on her face,

“Nice to meet you, I’m Brilliant Brawl, but people call me Hiker Steve, or just Steve” he said while shrugging,

“Nice to meet you Brilliant”, the minutes passed, there was an awkward silence, Fluttershy drank her chocolate slowly, sip by sip, she was sitting next to the fireplace in the living room, while Steve was laying on the sofa {Like Rainbow Dash in the clouds….but in a sofa}, watching the fire burn, and the charcoal cracking, the storm didn’t seemed to cease.

The sound of the cold wind blowing outside the windows of the house, could be herd in any part of the house, in that moment Fluttershy said with a little voice:

“I’m sorry”, Steve that had his eyes closed while resting on the sofa, he opened his right eye and looked at the shy pony, that was trying to apologize,

“For what?” he replied, then she said in the same voice tone:

“I’m sorry, I just knocked at your door and getting inside like that, and drinking your chocolate, I’m ever so sorry” she looked like she was about to cry, then Steve opened both eyes wide, realizing that the little mare was in the edge of crying, in that moment he stood off the sofa and sated next to the sad mare, after that he patted her head, and with a smile in his face he said:

“Hey, It’s ok, you’re safe and warm now, that’s all that matters, no need to apologize”,

“B-but, I..” she started to reply, then Steve immediately interrupted her,

“Hey come on! Look at the bright side, this is like…a slumber party, don’t you think?” the shy pegasus replaced her sad face with a smile and with a shine in her eyes,

“Yay” she squealed with happiness, “I’ve never had a slumber party before”.

“Well, if you don’t mind, the sofa is more comfortable, I’m gonna go sit there again.” She nodded, still smiling about the slumber party idea.

The little happy mare took another sip of chocolate,

“You still drinking that?” he asked laughing,

“I’m sorry, I can drink it faster if you like…” she said, downsizing herself again,

“-sigh- This is gonna be a looong night” said Steve while doing a face like this ->( ̄□ ̄;).

Then Steve, after getting on the sofa, asked:

“So, what do you do?” Fluttershy, which was lost in the sky, because of the slumber party thing, turned to him and said:

“Huh? What do you mean?”,

“I mean what do you do, what’s your special talent, what does your cutie marks stands for?” he asked while getting in a better position to listen to her story,

“Oh, that? It’s a really long story, do you really want to hear it….I mean, I’ll hate to bother you with that boring story”. Steve facehoofed and said,

“Are you always like that?”,

“Like…what?” she answered,

“……never mind that”, he said

Then the yellow mare began to tell Steve about the story of how she got her own mark. She talked about Cloudsdale, she talked about the pricks that bullied her at flying school, about her flying difficulties, about the blue Pegasus with rainbow-colored hair that tried to protect her feelings, and when she told Steve that she fell from Cloudsdale, he was shocked,

“Wow!” he exclaimed, “What happened next?” he asked exalted,

“Um…. I-” and then she kept going with her story, she said how the butterflies saved her from the fall, about the little forest animals, and that when the explosive sound scared all the little animals that were near her, and how she calmed down the animals with her voice and kindness.

“And you said it was boring!” said Steve while chuckling, “It’s an amazing story!” he exclaimed trying to lift the mood the little pegasus,

“Um…You really think so?...” she asked while blushing,

“Of course!” he replied with a big smile on his face.

All she did was smile and blush to Steve’s compliment, she stayed like that for a few minutes while Steve was watching her with an eyebrow lifted and asked,

“You okay?”. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts

“Oh!...Yes I’m alright” she answered with a smile on her face, she stopped to watch Brilliant’s flank that was covered by his green tight-suit and asked,

“What about you? What does your cutie mark looks like?”. Steve said,

“Oh mine? It’s a-” he tried to say while pointing at his covered flank. “Riiiight, I forgot that I have this suit on”

“Why not take it off then?” she asked

“….Um…I don’t really don’t like take off my tight-suit” (O Δ OU) he said while blushing,

“Why?” she asked confused,

“Um…because I wear this suit every day and anywhere, I wear this all day long, I even sleep with this, except for high class events, that I hate, but my dad keeps insisting to take me to them”,

“Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want”,

“…….I’m going back to the kitchen for more chocolate, want more?” he asked while getting off the couch and trying to change the subject,

“No thanks, I still have some left” (◠‿◠).

“(ಠ_ಠ) Ok…” he said while getting on his way to the kitchen,

“Dammit Brilliant! Be nice to your guest!” he thought as he was making another cup of hot chocolate, he popped his eye through the keyhole of the kitchen door to see what her unexpected company was doing, she was there sitting happily near the fireplace contemplating at his house, also she saw in a corner some plants, little trees, that looked like if some really big trees had been reduced with some poison joke, she remembered that incident with the poison joke, where her Friend Applejack was reduced too, after that memory went through her mind, she giggled.

“Do you like them?” he asked while entering the living room again with another cup of the hot beverage, she turned to him and said

“Yes, they look really beautiful…” she said while turning back at the tiny trees,

“My mom bought them for me when she was in a busses trip in Japony {See what I did there? I mixed japan and pony へ(°ω°)ノ Hatters gonna hate} they’re called “Bonsais” they look really funny, if you ask me” he said while drinking his chocolate in one sip.

As she was staring at the tini-tiny trees, while she wasn’t looking, Steve took of his tight-suit and said, “Hey look!” she turned back at him and looked at his rum,

“A pick-axe and a rope?” she asked while looking at his cutie mark,

“Yeah (^ー^)” he said with a smile on his face, I earned this a long time ago, when I was still a little colt,

“How did you earned it?” she asked,

“I’m getting to it!” said Steve while smiling, “I’m actually from New Colt {New York of ponies, anyone? :D} I had to go with my mom to a business trip she had in Pony Ville, I was like “Oh this is gonna be so boring” in that time I didn’t knew a lot about nature, because in my city there are a lot of buildings, after we arrived I had to stay with an aunt of mine, she was married with some colt from the Apple family, ever heard of them?”,

“Yes! My friend Applejack is from that family” she responded surprised,

“Really? That’s awesome! Maybe we’ll get the chance to meet each other someday, anways, I was supposed to stay with them until my mom got back, but I got bored, the only thing I was doing was to watch them work, bucking apples, and baking some pies, or any other thing, i was standing near the exit, waiting for the perfect chance to escape, when I had my opportunity I ran as fast as I could, I got to the village, after that I saw a lot of happy ponies, without the noise from the city, or the clumsy multitudes screaming, I was surprised by the quietness of that place, after a while of walking I ended up in the skirt of a big mountain, I’ve never seen such perfect mix between nature, quietness and greatness, after observing it’s greatness for a while, I decided to climb to the top, I pulled all my strength and courage to climb the great mountain, after I reached the top, I was engulfed by the light of the plain fields that surrounded Pony Ville, I could see every part of the town, and the forests, the Sweet Apple Acres farm and it’s apple fields, the lake near the town, I felt so happy, but what I didn’t saw was that I was standing on the ledge of the mountain, and then “BOOM” I heard an explosion noise, and fell down”, Fluttershy that was hearing at the story carefully gasped and covered her mouth with her hooves,

“And then what, happened?” she asked with excitement and worry, “In the middle of the fall, I managed to grab another ledge, then I said to myself “I’m not giving up right now!” and then I climbed back to the top, after that, I was again in the top, I felt like I was the king of the world, after almost an hour of contemplating the nature and stuff, I remembered that I had to be back at the farm, I ran as fast as I could, but I got late, my mom, that was making an uproar because no one knew where I was, almost got a heart attack when she saw me, covered in dirt and scratches, when she snapped out of her surprise, she yelled at me so hard, that I thought that I was gonna go flying just from the force of her voice, {FUS RO DAH!!! >:3 Or maybe the Royal Canterlot Voice?} She stopped, when she realized, as well as me, that I had my cutie mark!”

“What happened after that?” she asked with curiosity.

“Well, my mom was about to puke rainbows from happiness, but then she remembered that I ran away from the farm, I got grounded for 3 week, but still worth it” he said while shrugging.

“Okay, talk about ourselves, check!” he said, “What now?” he asked, waiting for the mare to come up with something to do to kill the time,

{Open this link, and listen to the music, cuz it’s the bgm for this scene >> http://www.repeatmyvids.com/watch?v=bt0a8g81JUo&feature=relmfu&kmdom=youtube<<}

“Uh….we can…play the quiet game?”

“Heh, what’s that?” he asked chuckling

“Um…the pony that stays quiet the more time wins…” she said with shyness, again

“Uh, that’s cool…I guess”


“Sure why not?” he said with a smile in his face, “Ok, at the count of three,”

“One, Two--” he stopped to think.

“What is it?” she asked

“Can we play this…game, with our eyes closed?” he asked

“Um…I don’t see why not” she said

“Orright!” he said with enthusiasm.

“Let the game begin!, One, Two, Three!” he said while closing his eyes

The minutes passed by, so did the silence in the whole house, Steve loved that, the quietness and the silence, where just the sounds of nature can be heard, in this case, the blowing of the cold wind outside his house, his eyes were closed, he was almost asleep, more minutes passed in quiet silence, he felt that nothing could go wrong in that moment, but then he remembered that little yellow pegasus pony with butterflies in her rum, that he convinced to play a little game, he opened his eyes and saw her, laying down next to the fireplace, sleeping, Steve wasn’t surprised that she felt asleep, all this excitement must get everyone tired.

Steve smiled a little, he stood up the sofa, and walked towards the sleeping pony, he stared at her for a few seconds, she was deeply asleep, with a smile on her face, he lifted her, and took her upstairs, he left her in his bed, and covered her with a blanket, then leaving the room with a smile on his face, he said: “Good night”, after that he blowed out the only candle that illuminated his room.

With a smile on his face, he walked to the fireplace, where the used blankets where laying on the floor, he took one and covered himself with it, then he jumped on the sofa, and knowing that her guest was finally asleep, so could he, so he closed his eyes, and fall into a deep slumber.

The last thing he remembered before falling into the world of dreams was the smile on the face of a sleeping little yellow Pegasus.

{You can now stop playing the music :3}

The night passed, quietly, the two ponies where both sleeping with smiles and good memories.

At the next morning, the blizzard have stopped, there was still a little cold weather though.

Steve woke up, with the smell of a toasted sunflower sandwich in front of him,

“Hum?, wuzzat?” he asked while scratching his eyes,

“Breakfast” said the yellow Pegasus, that was kind enough to make breakfast to Steve,

“Why did you- when did you woke up?” he tried to ask confused,

“Oh, I woke up almost an hour ago, in your bed” she said while pointing at Steve

“Oh…that (U^^)” he said while scratching his head trying to hide his blushing, “I didn’t do anything wrong I swear! ∑(O_O;)” he said in a high tone

“I know you silly filly” she said while giggling, anyways thanks what you did last night, she said

“It’s ok” he said, he couldn’t cover the blushing this time, he stood of the sofa, and took the plate with the sandwich, placed it on the table and turned back to Fluttershy, “I should thank you ( ̄▽ ̄)” he said

“For what?” she asked surprised,

“Well, you made me breakfast, you made last night an interesting thing” he said

“You think so?” she asked while covering her face with her long pink hair, covering her blushing,

“Yeah, I don’t get too many visitors around here, my cottage, is mostly a shelter for travelers, and always stay quiet”

“What do you mean?” she asked with curiosity

“Well, since my house is in the road between Pony Ville and Canterlot, I get a lot of tired travelers or when there’s a bad weather outside they stay here until the weather gets better” he said while eating his sandwich.

“Oh, that’s a very nice gest from you!” she said with a smile on her face

“You think?” he said, “I think it’s part of my duty, specially these days”

“….hmm…” she stayed thoughtful for a while

“Is everything okay?” he asked while cleaning the bread scrambles from his hooves

“You never told me what you do Brilliant” she said

“Neither did you” he answered with a cocky smile

“….Right” she answered

“Ok! Time to go!” he said after getting his breakfast done

“Go where?” she asked

“Back to Pony Ville, you live there right?” he said while putting on his green tight-suit again

“Right” she said with a smile

“It’s still cold outside, we should wear something warmer” he said

“I don’t have any clothes on me…” she said with a sad face

“No problem, I always keep extra sweaters and scarfs for this kind of cases, “Wait for me, I’ll be right back” he said while going to his room, the mare nodded in a way of agreement

Steve opened his drawers and took a fuzzy coat and a green turtle-neck sweater, a couple of scarfs, a brown one and a green one; he also took from his closet a 4 pairs of green hiking boots

He went downstairs with the clothing in his back and said “Ok this is for you” he handed the green sweater the green scarf and the green hiking boots to her, “They’ll keep you warm”

“Thanks…” she said with a smile on her face

Steve wore his usual work clothes, his dirt-yellow jacket, his heavy hoof-boots, and his leg protection bands; he also wore the brown scarf.

As the mare was getting on her clothes, Steve opened the door; a bright light went through the whole room, he stepped outside just to smell the fresh and cold air of winter season, from his house he could see the whole valley between Pony Ville and Canterlot, it was all covered in snow, the mountains in the back where like giant snow pillars, to his left there was the way to Pony Ville, and to his right the upper path to Canterlot, he stood there for a moment to observe the nature and contemplate the plain white fields.

The mare, already wearing the greenish clothing that Brilliant lend her, stepped out the house, and saw that beautiful view that can be observed from that spot in that mountain

“Wow” she exclaimed, “This view is so beautiful

“It is” he said with a deep tone “You should see it when its spring, it’s way more beautiful”

The Pegasus stared at that view for a while, but the she turned her view to the brown colt that was deeply focused on the nature, she stared at his eyes, she saw his green eyes, and got lost in them, without noticing the mare started to blush.

The colt turned quickly, just for a sec, to see what the mare was doing, he quickly saw that the yellow Pegasus was staring directly at his eyes, and blushing, he started to do the same.

The stared at each other, with red faces, until Steve quickly broke the eye connection, and scratching his head he said: “Umm…er…A-are you ready?”

The Pegasus quickly snapped of her trance and said “Oh!....Yes I am” she said while covering her face with her hair again.

“Orrright then, Pony Ville is 15 minutes from here” he said, trying to avoid the sight of the yellow blushing Pegasus “Err….make it 20…I forgot about the snow”

“It’s okay, I’m in no hurry” she said with a smile

Then Fluttershy looked back at the house, and said “What happens if someone needs a resting place and you are not here?” she asked a little bit worried

“Hmm? Oh that, well, the door is always open and since there’s nothing to take from the house, I don’t get too worried, also I always leave a note in the door, it says “Please if you used this house for resting, clean it, thank you very much” he responded while they were on their way to Pony Ville.

“Aren’t you worried that they might take something?” she asked again

“Nah, there’s nothing valuable in the house….plus…the cookies and the marshmallows are well hidden” he said to her

Fluttershy giggled at the fact that Brilliant hided cookies and marshmallows in the house

“Who made this sweater? I can tell that is a hoofmade” she asked, trying to make a conversation

“That? It was made by my little cousin, Julie Ann, she is really good with a pair of nails and a ball of yarn” he said {I wonder what her cutie mark will look like :3}

“That is so sweet” she said with a smile “And why don’t you wear it?” she asked

“Because, a) It’s not of my size, the fact that you are wearing it is the proof to that b) I hat*throat clearing*—dislike turtle necks, they make me feel like I’m being choked, and c) It’s too thick for a sunny day, It’ll make me sweat like a pig”

“By the way! The little filly that sewed that sweater is the daughter of my aunt Mary Ann, the one that is married to the colt from the apple family!” he said

“Oh really? She must really like you (^^)”

“What was his name again….Oh right! The colt name is Buck Barnes!” he remembered “Quite the nice fella”

A couple of minutes passed, Fluttershy began to shiver because of the cold, and even though she had those clothes on, she still was freezing.

“I guess you’re not used to the cold are you?” Steve asked sarcastically

“N-nnnot s-so muc-ch….” She said with a sad face

Steve thought in that moment “Do something you nut head! Get closer to her; tell her that it’ll keep her warm”

Then Steve said murmuring “Would you like to walk together?”

“W-wwhhat?” she asked

Steve cleared his throat, and with a firmly tone, but shaking knees, said: “Would you like…to…you know…walk together? You know, to keep ourselves warm!” he said with an awkward poker face.

Fluttershy didn’t hesitate to bump into Steve. They both got red faces again and suddenly a little voice said: “Thanks you” it was Fluttershy that was walking cuddled next to Steve, with her eyes closed, and with a red face.

“Um…You’re welcome” Steve said, but what he was really thinking was “You better don’t mess up this time knuckle head, stay cool, stayyy cool, STAY COOL!”

The silence of the mountain path, the brightness of the white snow, made Steve go in a peaceful trance, Fluttershy was the only one that was trying to cuddle, she started to stick to him more and more, to the point that she could hear his heartbeat, she noticed that it was beating a little fast, she thought in that moment “Oh my…he’s excited about something…or worried….perhaps you smell bad, or maybe he doesn’t like you, what did you do know Fluttershy!?”

Then Fluttershy felt that Steve also started to cuddle with her as they were walking, they were getting closer, Fluttershy couldn’t do anything but smile, and Steve was trying to focus his look on the path, but he couldn’t het out of his mind the feeling that the cuddling mare was looking at him, so he took a quick peek at the mare, and effectively she was, Steve got caught in her cyan eyes, as she did the same in his brown eyes, the kept walking, as they were staring at each other, the blushing faded away, as they both smiled to each other, Steve managed to lift his eyes and kept the eye on the path, as Fluttershy just cuddled more with, closing her eyes, hearing the beats of Steve's heart, she felt that she was just walking alone with Brilliant, she forgot everything, about her friends, about Pony Ville, everything, everything but the fact that she was feeling the warm cuddle of a kind colt, she also forget where she was going, she forgot her destination in his brown eyes.

As the time kept passing by, the colt and the mare were still in a cuddle for getting “warmer”, they forgot about everything, the forgot that their destination was Pony Ville, they just felt that they were alone in the world, and they wanted to stay that way.

{ Lolol, you can stop the song now}

Their deepl focus on their little world make them loose perception of the outer world. They didn’t notice that they already had reached Pony Ville, or the fact that there was a crowd in the middle of the town, in the middle of the group there was a purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.

“We have to look for Fluttershy; she’s been missing since almost 2 days”

Steve noticed that the unicorn talked about Fluttershy, he quickly broke the cuddling stance, and quickly made his way to the center, while Fluttershy waited on the side of the group of ponies.

“What’s happening?” he asked to Twilight

“A yellow Pegasus that lives here, has been lost since almost 2 days, I managed to form this group so we can find her,”

“A yellow Pegasus?” he responded

“Yes, her name is Fluttershy, have you ever heard of her? She has butterflies in her cutie mark”

And then Steve thought “Should I tell her that she’s with me?.... Or should I troll them a bit? Come to think I haven’t had any fun lately……yup, trolling it is!” “Well, no, if I seed her I’ll tell you”

“Thank you” said the unicorn

No problem! Said Steve with a smile on his face, and while walking out the group

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy to Steve

“The purple unicorn is looking for somepony that went missing” he said

“Purple unicorn?” she gasped, “That must be my friend, Twilight Sparkle!”

Then Steve had a “brilliant” idea. {got it? Brilliant….ppffftt XD}

“You should help her” he said with an evil grin on his face

“I will” she said

Then Fluttershy walked towards Twilight, “Hey…um…Twilight, I heard someone went missing, can I help?”

“Good Fluttershy you are here, we need your help, try to talk to the animals and see what can they tell you about Fluttershy, we have to find her befo---”

Then the confused unicorn quickly turned her head to Fluttershy

“FLUTTERSHY!?” she screamed

“Um…yes?” she said with fear

“Where were you!? We’ve been looking for you!!! You’ve been missing since almost 2 days!!!” she said while squeezing her with a hug

While the two mares were arguing about Fluttershy’s whereabouts, and all the rescue group noticed that she had been found, they started to cheer and celebrate. While Brilliant was laughing his ass off.



Brilliant Brawl, “Hiker Steve”: http://gabs0095.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d524oyl


Twilight Sparkle: http://images.wikia.com/twitterponies/images/4/47/TwilightSparkle.jpg

Comments ( 7 )

Im sorry if my grammar is bad :applecry: my english is not perfect yet:fluttercry:

Nicely done,
I thought it was well done,the grammer was a bit off but nothing to go to war about, I think there are some things that could help the story though:
1.Don't use the emoticons,They are just distracting and silly.
2.The songs are a nice touch but you should extend those part, It's get annoying for the reader (or maybe just me) to go and put the videos on every 2 minutes.
3.You seem to be rushing this a bit quick,It almost could fit into a one-shot,You need to remember that this dosn't just need to be about the romance,Have fun with it,put them in ridiculous situations,Make them need to go on a adventure to the mountain where steve needs to be the guide,Make them fight dragons, I don't know your the good writer here.
4.You should find yourself a pre-reader to fix there grammical issues.

All in All though,I thought this was a good chapter to the story,the characters are a bit shallow but that can change easily and emotions of the scenes are protrayed really well.

If I had to rate it (I don't but Im going to anyway),I would give it a:
+Lovely scenes.
+Nice set up.
+Emotions protraded nicely.
+(-)OC's bit dull but can change within another chapter without chaging anything.
-Annoying emoticons.
-Rather rushed plot.
-Seems to want to play it safe.
I hope to see more of this story soon.

(On a side note:Don't take this the wrong way,I am not a writer,In any sence of the word, I just want to give a helping hand in anyway I can and Hope I didn't offend you and thanks for the songs in the story, Really amazing songs I never heard and now wonder why I never heard of them!)

(This comment is SO egotistical, It's not even funny...Its hilarous!)

It looked mostly fine to me, I think you should write another! (I liked the faces :D)

i dont usualy care for canon oc relationships(jealousy) but i like this story its one of those ones i can feel..:applecry:

754423um....thankyou, about the loveley scenes and the speed....it's just the first cap of 10, the speeding at the end is because i wated to finish the 1st episode that day...im sorry, i can do better, is just that i relly wanted to update my first cap:fluttercry: the songs are just to put you in the mood for the scene....actually when i post the links for the bgm im gonna have to make the scene longer :/ thanks for the advice ^^754642 im gonna try to make it as touchy as i can thank you for the support :twilightsheepish:

754543 uh....thank you :twilightsmile: ....i dont know about making another story....when this one is done, i'll consider it...

I think this was awesome, and the grammer was good. you should really write another, you know after your finished with this one like you said :derpytongue2:

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