• Published 9th Apr 2016
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Heir of the Moonlight - Skylas

When Luna has passed, a mare known as Stardust Nebula, Luna's own protégé had been tasked by her to take control of her duties, as the Heir of the Moonlight.

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Draped in Starlight

I hadn’t understood what I had done at first. Absolutely terrified of the feeling of total weightlessness, the lack of a body wasn’t exactly normal to me. I found that even though I couldn’t feel myself, I could still see, and I had finally taken a breath to take in what I could see.

Stars, as far as the eye could see, I could see stars, glimmering and shining so incredibly brightly. I had slowly adjusted to the feeling as it quickly felt natural, and I had gazed over the massive expanse of space for a very, very long time. It was odd, feeling comfortable and at peace for once after the massive week of trauma and panic, the dull lull of the stars and the absolute silence had become peaceful. Goodness knows how much time had passed before I realized I was capable of moving, at an alarmingly fast rate as well, feeling myself drift through was seemed like an endless expanse had become incredibly addicting.

It was at that moment I realized I could stay here, forever. No worries, no problems, only peace, for as long as I wanted I could be happy. The thought had lingered for longer than anything I had ever thought about, out here, I was safe from my own nightmares, I did not have to burden the task given to me as Twilight could easily take care of it, Celestia had done it for a thousand years.

Yet, at my most comfortable moment in an incredibly long time, I felt a soft nudge in me, reminding me of everything my mentor had taught me. Luna, she had always been persistent at me to observe everything. Her words had gently drifted through my head, I slowly observed every individual star in my sight, and felt a slow realization creep through me, they weren’t stars.

They were dreams.

I let out a soft gasp as my body returned to me, floating about gently among the dreams, I felt a peculiar attraction to the ones that seemed, troubled. Shaking my head and looking above me, letting myself float as I looked in the direction I assumed was up.

“Well, here I am Luna, your realm is now mine, and I have no idea what to do. For that matter I do not understand how I even get out of here.” No answer had come to me, but I had persisted in the rant to myself.

“Nor do I understand why you chose me, I had never desired such a thing, and while I understand you felt I could do this, that does not change my own doubts.” I had clutched my own head in my hooves, I couldn’t stop myself at this point.

“Why? How could you leave me?! You were ALL I had in this world! When I had NO ONE else you had taken me in! A being so much better than me had taken pity on me! Why?! You were a goddess, I was NOTHING! You meant so much more than I had ever gotten to tell you.” I had felt myself take in a deep gasp of breath and sob, “But, you’re gone now, and now I will never be able to tell you what you’ve done for me.”

The silence had returned once my cried had subsided, I felt the world around me shift ever so slowly, the dreams had slowly drifted away from me, and everything became dark.

“I loved you Luna. You were absolutely everything to me. I… I will never forget you.”

I took a deep breath, my horn gently conjuring a memory of mine, at the time I had wanted to see her again, even if it wasn’t real.

Slowly watching the cloudy memory formulate in front of me, It was of my filly self, sitting next to Luna, I couldn’t help but tear up just looking at her again, letting the scene play out in front of me.

“Luna?” My rather tiny self had had gently asked. I laughed softly, remembering how intimidated I was of her at the time.

“Yes little one?~” Luna had spoken softly. I couldn’t tell at the time, but her voice had always emulated how much she had cared for me.

“Do you know what happened to my parents?” I watched myself blankly, remembering the question so burning as it was back then. The feeling has never changed.

I watched Luna sigh and frown, looking down at my little self before she spoke again, “No, I do not Stardust.” I watched myself slowly look away.

“Oh. I was just curious because, uhm… I had been wondering and was… Curious.” I stared still, remembering how alone I had felt, of course Luna could tell. I watched her slowly push me close.

“Stardust, I want you to look up at the stars.” She spoke again, with more force. My little self had looked up slowly and stared up at them. “I want you to remember that I will always be here for you, no matter what happens to me, even if I seem like I am gone. If you ever feel alone, look up at the stars. I will never leave you.”

Her words rang through my head, I would never forget those words, watching the memory fade away. Silence had returned, but only momentarily. The words I heard next, had nearly broken me completely.

“And I would never break that promise.”