• Published 9th Apr 2016
  • 490 Views, 0 Comments

Heir of the Moonlight - Skylas

When Luna has passed, a mare known as Stardust Nebula, Luna's own protégé had been tasked by her to take control of her duties, as the Heir of the Moonlight.

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Heir of the Moonlight

My name, is Stardust Nebula, Personal Protégé of Princess Luna. With the recent passing of my mentor, it had come down to me to raise and lower the moon at night. Sort of an, Heir of the Moonlight... And I have NO idea what I am doing.

Well, I guess saying I have NO idea is a bit of an overstatement, but, It’s only been a week since Luna has passed, with the rest of Equestria still mourning her as much as I am, I already have a major obligation to fulfil.

One that, I have been struggling to do, I mean, it’s an incredibly large job to take on! You don’t just slide into the position comfortably, I can’t exactly feel entirely mconfident as well. If the history of my mentor is anything to go off of, she didn’t exactly do well when she considered herself lesser of her sister.

Ever since I had been trusted with her powers, I felt a lot of weight on my shoulders to take over her duties, but, I haven’t been exactly able to control the powers given to me, the whole predicament had started last week, during Luna’s funeral.

The funeral had just come to an end, and as part of the funeral, Twilight had lowered the sun, as well as bringing up the moon, there was quite a lot of clamor about what happened, it was always assumed one of the current Princesses would take over the duty, but that wasn’t exactly what happened.

I stood next to Twilight as she gave the recession, I had hoped it would be enough to take eyes off of me, but it wasn’t. Twilight’s voice had turned into a blur as everypony stared at me, my mane and tail had flowed like Lunas, I wondered how many ponies that night had figured out who was taking her place.

I didn't stay for the gathering, despite my love for Luna, I didn't want to risk anypony asking me questions, so I had waited inside the castle until Twilight had joined me.


Twilight spoke quickly once she had entered, I looked over, seeing dried tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I understand that you don't wish to be bothered, but don't you wish to say goodbye to Luna?”

I shook my head, sighing and shutting my eyes tight as I spoke.

“I already said my goodbyes a few nights ago.”

At the time, I could still hear her voice echoing through my head, her last words to me.

“I understand.”

Twilight gave a quick nod, walking past me and wrapping her forehoof around me.

“I can tell you aren't comfortable with your role yet… It has been a hundred years since Celestia passed, and I still find myself doubting if I can fill her shoes.”

Twilight started leading me deeper into the castle, I kept my eyes shut and let her guide me, still feeling tears against my cheeks.

“However, you have to remember, no matter how big the job ahead of you seems, Luna chose you for a reason, she believed you could do what she could, and more.”

Twilight had lead me to Luna’s old room, I opened my eyes and stared up at her insignia upon the door, watching it creak open from Twilight’s magic.

“Get some rest, I'll have the night guard patrol for tonight. When it is time to lower the moon I will get you. I understand that you still do not have full control over your new magic.”

I couldn't help but feel like I had gained something I hadn't earned, it wasn't my magic, it was Luna’s. Twilight had given me a pat and I slowly walked into the room, glancing at the pieces of furniture.

Everything about the room had changed, the guards had replaced everything with items that matched my insignia instead of Luna’s, save for the door.

“I'll see you before sunrise Stardust.”

With that, Twilight had gone, and I had thrown myself onto the bed. I wasn't able to sleep at first, but exhaustion closed in as I prepared for my first real day, as Luna’s successor.

My mental preparation didn't last long, as the moment I felt sleep take over, I was laying in a rather soft bed of flowers, hearing a peaceful creek slowly flow beneath me. Becoming curious I had slowly stood, and walked to the edge, looking down towards the pond, seeing my own reflection, and my flowing mane.

My wonder had quickly turned to horror, watching shadows swirl around my reflection, and turning my reflection into a nightmarish looking form, sharp toothed and quite angry looking, I had stepped back, watching my reflection slowly exit the pool and stand before me, much taller and much more threatening.

"W-Who are you?"

I had asked quickly, feeling the other edge of the seemingly floating piece of earth beneath me.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm you. The you who will eventually shroud this wretched land in darkness!"