• Published 3rd Apr 2016
  • 848 Views, 38 Comments

Talking Is Hard - Leoshi

Short, practice snippets of dialogue between characters. Absolutely nothing else.

  • ...


"Fancy seeing you here."

"Oh! Hello. Care to join me?"

"Only if you pour me a glass of whatever you've got there."

"Certainly. Tell me when."

"Is that a joke?"

"Fair point. Here you are."

"Thanks. So, to cut to the chase, why are you out here? The celebration is inside, you know."

"Yes, darling, I know. I fear I had a little too much to drink a moment ago, and I felt that the fresh air might do me good."

"Pfft, lightweight."

"Hardly! I fully intend to head back inside and show everypony how a Canterlot Elite handles her spirits."

"You're really from Ponyville. You know that, right?"

"And you're really from Cloudsdale. Why be festive with us?"

"Ah-heh, I'll be visiting family back in Clousdale next week. They know that. This week is all about my friends and how we got through another year together."

"'Got through?' Darling, it's not like it was a struggle."

"I dunno, there were a plenty of goals that I wasn't able to meet this year. Hey, got any more of this stuff?"

"Why don't you just take the bottle?"


"So what do you mean? About goals."

"Mm. Well, I don't wanna sell short all the things I have gotten to do. It's been a good year, really, but there were plenty of small things that I wanted to do but never did. Things like changing up the house, trying out a new weather schedule, and bringing all of you girls along for a trip to nowhere."

"That last one sounds like something we do all the time."

"Sure, but the one I wanted to do would be my treat. It's not the same if we all chip in, or if we travel on the Princess' budget."

"Aw! How thoughtful of you!"

"Psh, it's not like you girls don't deserve it. I mean, we do travel a lot, but it's always for some summit, or a function, or...or a world-ending mission, or to get crystal groceries! It's never really just to have a vacation, you know?"

"Indeed. Though I do seem to recall allowing all of you girls a chance to see a Bridleway show on my budget."

"Heh! Yeah, things like that! Except, you know how that trip turned out."

"Nonetheless, it was a good trip!"

"Yeah! I wanted to give you all a good trip where we could do anything we wanted! Or, hay, do nothing if we wanted. I even had a short list of locations and dates for when I saved up enough."

"You have savings?"

"Why so surprised?"

"It just doesn't seem like you, darling."

"C'mon, my dad didn't raise me to be a featherbrain!"

"Oh, dear. I meant no offense..."

"Pfft, puh-leese, Rarity. You should know when I'm pulling your leg!"

"Ahem. Yes, well, I suppose I was simply trying to begin what I want to do for this next year."

"Heh...what? Not offend your friends?"

"No. Well, not really. It's more accurate to say that I want to be more mindful of what my friends are thinking and feeling before I say what I say, or do what I would do."

"Huh. That's an awfully specific resolution."

"Perhaps, but I fear it may be appropriate."

"How so?"

"Well...going back to the trip we took to Manehatten and the Bridleway show? You remember how that trip turned out."


"I let myself become a horrid mess because of what I wanted. That let me justify my inconsiderate attitude toward you and the girls."

"And Spike."

"And...Spike! Goodness, there I go again! I've been far too dismissive of him altogether."

"Heheh. Okay, I think I get it. Your resolution is the self-improvement shtick."

"Yes, I suppose that's one way to put it."

"Any other things you want to try?"

"Mmm, I think it may be time to re-style my mane."

"You're kidding."


"That's not... Okay, first off, that's not even a resolution, Rare. That's a wardrobe change, and you go through, like, twelve of those in a week. You're covered. Second, you've gotten this curl-loop thing down to a science! I bet it takes a super long time to get it right in the morning, so why throw all of that away for some new style?"

"Why not? I mean, there's that phrase of 'New year, new me' after all."

"Okay, but who would it be for?"

"Why, for myself, of course. I'd like to get a feel for it, once I decide what style to employ."

"Hm. All right. Well, if you change your style, then you're out of the road trip."

"Hmph! And ponies say I have high standards!"


"Hehe. Alas, that's a decision that I can make in the morning, because I'm sure that my mane will be a frightful mess after tonight."

"We could always give you a buzz cut."

"And cease to be the envy of manestylists across the realm? Perish the thought!"

"So, anything else? Any more resolutions that would change the group dynamic?"

"Oh, hardly. The rest that I have in mind are more business-oriented, and I doubt you want to hear about those."

"You'd be right!"

"What about you? I heard you mention a change to your house?"

"Oh, yeah! Come on, let's head back inside and I'll tell you and our friends at the same time. I think you all will love it!"

"Goodness, such excitement! Is that the drink talking?"

"Trust me, even a night of drinking wouldn't make this idea any less awesome."

"Very well! After you."

Author's Note:

This entry is not inspired by any one event, but rather on the idea of the New Year's Resolution. I personally don't believe in resolutions, but I admire how they can inspire conversation.