• Published 30th Mar 2016
  • 559 Views, 17 Comments

All I Ever Knew - Starlight_Glimmer1267

Murticuto. A master wizard who is immortal. He knows what he has to do. After a grout that call themselves Wolf Pack try to 'Save' the earth they realize what they were doing would destroy it. Murticuto finds himself in the magical land of Equestria.

  • ...

First Contact

The figure turned and looked in disbelief.

"Do you know him?" Rarity asked.

"Murticuto!" Starlight yelled.

"Starlight, I had no idea you were back from the crystal empire!" Twilight yelled. "How do you know him?"

"Well.... You know when I said I wrote that time spell." She said.

"Yea." Twilight said.

"Well that was half the truth. It didn't go through time. It went through dimensions. It brought me to his world. I found him. He perfected the spell for me." She said.

"Oh! That explains it. I was wondering how you tampered with Star Swirls spell like that. But it doesn't matter, all this means is that I don't have too introduce you two." She said happily. "How are you guys enjoying the market?"

"It's been nice, we just got here but were about to go for some lunch. Rarity made some of those delicious banana muffins." Fluttershy said.

"Oh, Fluttershy their not that good." Rarity said blushing.

"No! Really, their amazing." Starlight said.

"That sounds nice. The market doesn't end until sundown. What do you say Murticuto?" Twilight asked.

"No, I think I will just look around some. You enjoy yourselves. Save me a muffin though." He said walking off and waving.

"Ok, have fun." She said following her friends.

Murticuto walked for at least forty five minutes and saw nothing that caught his eye. But then he got to a stall that looked amazing. On the top it read "Strange Magical Items". He couldn't help but go see what it was.

He walked over to the stand. And this stand had a strange, feeling about it. He walked over and leaned over the counter. What he saw surprised him.

There was a bipedal creature standing there. The figure stood up and it was about a foot higher than him.

"Can I help you?" It asked.

"Yes, I saw the name of your stand and I'm wondering what kind of items are you selling?" He asked.

"Ah, fancy us a wizard." He said. "Lets see, everything from magic rings to staffs to spell books." He said.

"Can I see some of those magic rings." Murticuto asked.

"I don't know if I can part with my precious." He said taking out a ring, slouching over, and rubbing it. "Ah, I'm just messing with you. That was a reference nobody in this world would understand." He said winking toward the audience.

"What are you winking at?" Murticuto asked.

"You know what, I like you. Names Discord." He said. "Whats your name?" Discord asked.

"Murticuto, pleasure to meet you." Murticuto told him.

"Now back to that business transaction. You wanted to see those magic rings?" He asked.

"Yes, I would li-" He was cut off by a huge explosion from the courtyard.

"CHANGELINGS HAVE BREACHED THE CITY!" A random stallion yelled as he bolted through the streets.

"Oh no, Fluttershy and the others were picking in the courtyard!" Discord yelled.

"Well we would hate to leave them waiting." Murticuto said.

Discord teleported to the courtyard leaving Murticuto standing there. He slowly walked and took his time getting there. When he got close to the outer wall he heard a female voice yelling.

"I've waited far to long to take Canterlot. With that pesky Princess Cadance gone I can finally take over. My hive will own Canterlot." It yelled.

"Quick Twilight use the elements of harmony!" I heard Celestia yell.

"We can't, I left them at the castle!" Twilight yelled back. "Discord, do something!"

"What do you want me to do, shes more powerful than I am!" He yelled.

"Am I interrupting something?" Murticuto said walking into the courtyard.

"Who is this. Another bug to smash under my hoof!" She exclaimed toward him.

"I think you have that the wrong way around." He said walking to her.

"Murticuto don't are you crazy!" Twilight yelled.

"Probably." He said laughing.

"Don't you dare take another step toward your new queen! Bow down to me!" She yelled.

"I bow to no one!" He boomed, and as he said it the ground shook. "You are no ones queen, if anything you are a worthless little pathetic worm!" As he finished that line the ground started to radiate with heat as cracks in the surface started to open up.

"Die! Now!" She yelled as she fired a continuing energy beam from her horn. Murticuto just held his hand out as the blast hit it and absorbed all the magical energy.

"I-Impossible." She said in disbelief. "This is a trick!" She yelled at him.

"The only joke I see here is you! If you don't leave I will be forced to take action." He said in a now demonic voice.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" She said walking towards him.

"Have it your way! Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed as pure energy radiated off in all directions. Pushing everyone and everything in that courtyard back against a wall.

"Where is this power coming from!" She said barely as the force of the energy was to much.

He started channeling magic into his palm as a bright ball of light appeared. It wasn't a white light. It was black and red, born from something evil.

His eyes turned completely black and he had red lightning pulsing around his body.

He started to chant. "Ka luk bra dou ca limbre." He started to get louder. "I BANISH THE!" He shouted as a continuous energy blast came from his hands and completely engulfed her.

The beam stayed there for a second and then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The body of the changeling queen taken with it.

His body slowly change back to normal. His eyes changed back to white with light blue irises. And the lightning around his body faded. The blast knocked everyone out except Discord who was staring with wide eyes.

"I did warn her." He said laughing, and walking over to Spike and Twilights body picking them up. "Well we can't just leave them here. You gonna help."

That seemed to snap discord out of his trance, he used his magic and picked up the rest of them and they walked to the castle.

The market was ruined, most of the stalls were destroyed with the initial blast from Queen Chrysalis, and the rest destroyed from Murticutos energy. "There's always next year, if I'm still here." He thought to himself.

They walked into the castle and the guards immediately took the body of princess Celestia and brought her to the medic. Some other doctors came out to tend to the rest of them. Luna followed behind.

"Did Queen Chrysalis do this to my sister?" She asked.

"Well I guess you can say I did it, but she is perfectly fine. And you don't have to worry about that Queen whoever because I banished her to another dimension."

"You did what!" Luna yelled.

"I banished her." He said simply.

"How! With my sister and I combined we couldn't manage to do that!" She yelled.

"Lets just say, I have someone on the inside." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I mean I have an evil demon lord trapped inside of me and I sometimes steal his magic, nothing to panic about." He told her.

Author's Note:

Thanks for all your support, I will try to release new chapter weekly but some go behind schedule. Thanks again.