> All I Ever Knew > by Starlight_Glimmer1267 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Happy Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All I Ever Knew "Hahahahahah!" He laughed in a cackle. "I'm more powerful than you can ever hope to be!" He yelled over the raging wind coming into the spire window. "You may be more powerful. But we have something you don't." The other figure in the room said. "Don't tell me each other. This is not a fairy tale. There are no happy endings. Just wrongs that haven't pulled you down! I'm trying to save this world. What you are doing will destroy it. And you failing to see that will be your downfall. If you activate this device it will destroy this world and every dimension in between." Murticuto yelled. "You think you are trying to save this world. If you don't let us do this the world will destroy itself anyway. So tell us your decision, master wizard." Tybalt told him. "I would rather DIE than give you this device." Murticuto told him. "so be it, old man." Magic sparked from his hands. Murticuto quickly dispelled it and threw back a fireball that hit the wall behind him and exploded. He turned around and saw someone uncloaking and activating the device. A giant portal appeared above the device and he used his levitation magic to throw the person by it into the wall. "You have no idea what you have just done!" He yelled at them. Only one thought raced through his head. He has to do it. He raced toward it, his cloak and beard flowing. In his old age he was still pretty fast. He picked up the relatively small device, It was kinda the size of an Ipad, and tried to shut it down. He knew the only way to stop it was from the inside. "Goodbye, Tybalt." He said. "MURTICUTO!" Tybalt yelled as he realized what he had done and the outcome that he was foretold being played out right before his eyes. Murticuto jumped through the portal and found himself in some sort of throne room. He was quickly having second thoughts about sealing himself in that world. But he knew it could spit him out in any dimension and he couldn't go back or it was a very slim chance he would anyway. He closed the portal with the device and smashed it on the ground so it can never be used again. He broke down and started to cry. But then he remembered what he had told his wife. "I will be strong. And I will come back, I promise." A promise he couldn't keep. He was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice the black horse standing directly across from him. "What are you and how did you get in the royal palace." Luna asked when she noticed he was crying. He stopped crying, picked up his staff that was sitting next to him and began to speak. "My name is Murticuto. And I have no idea how I got here, This is just where I went." He told her. "Wait, that cloak, that beard. Do you happen to be a wizard by any chance?" She asked. "Well you still seem to have stereotypes here, but as a matter of fact, I am a master wizard." He said puffing out his chest feeling proud. "Well what types of spells can you do?" Luna asked curiosity getting the best of her. "Lets see, anything from levitation to, yea like I said anything." He told her as they started walking. "Where are we going?" Murticuto asked. "Well, if you said you can do anything, we have a nasty storm coming through that the weather ponies can't seem to hold off. Do you think you can help us." Luna asked smiling at him. "Weather spells are in my index. Why not, Where is the storm coming from?" When he finished Luna jumped up and flew around happily. "I told Celestia I could find a way to take care of it!" She landed and started to lead him to a balcony where her sister was standing looking over the horizon. "Sister, I told you I would take care of it." Luna said walking up next to her. "What do you me-. What is that?" She said looking at Murticuto. "The solution to our problem." She said. "This is no normal storm. This storm came from dark magic. Are you sure he's capable of handling it?" She asked Luna. "I'm sure as long as he is." She said patting him on the back. "I sense great magic in this storm. But it's nothing I haven't dealt with before." He said as he motioned for them to stand back. Within seconds a blue aura started to come out of his hands. It rushed up to the cloud and started to rap around it. While the magic was doing its work he pulled a small crystal ball out of his satchel. A green aura started to flow out of the cloud and get tangled in his magic. The clouds then returned to normal and floated off. The magic floated back down to him as he held up the crystal ball it got absorbed in it. "I thought you knew weather spells. That wasn't a weather spell." Luna said. "Well, I do. But a weather spell wouldn't have worked." He said putting the ball up. "Those clouds had dark magic inside of them, it needed to be extracted." He said latching his bag back. "What did you do with the magic?" Celestia asked. "I trapped it inside that ball you saw me get out. And I still haven't heard your names." He said looking at them. "I am princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria and regent of the moon, This is my sister, Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria and regent of the sun." Luna told him. "What are you doing here?" Celestia asked. He sighed and said "I guess this is my new home now." "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "I mean I'm trapped here." He said. "How are you trapped?" Luna asked. "I saved my world but in doing so sacrificed myself." He told them. They were all silent for a minute or so until a guard ran in and said "Princess, Twilight Sparkle is here to see you." "Excellent." Celestia said. "Why is Twilight here sister?" Luna asked. "Can't a mare get a casual visit from time to time. She wrote ahead she was coming." She said walking into the room off the balcony. The other two soon followed. "So what kind of magic do you have in your world?" Luna asked. "Like I said, I know all magic. So pretty much anything you can think of." He said. "Do you have any spell books you can show me?" She asked him. "Well I do have a few in my bag. Do you have somewhere we can sit and read them?" He asked. "Certainly, right over here." She said walking over to a small table in the middle of the room. "So how many books do you have?" She asked him. "I do always being at least half my collection, but I happened to have all of them in here when I went through the portal." He said opening his bag. He reached in and pulled a few books out. The he put his entire arm down into that small bag and pulled out another two stacks. Then he dove into the bag with only his shoes sticking out. He pulled out another three stacks and there were so many they had to put some on the floor. "Where would you like to start" He asked looking at her. Her mouth was open and she was wide eyed staring at the bag. "How can you fit all those books in that bag?" She asked him her head turned sideways. "It has an enchantment on it. I can fit anything I want in it." He told her. "Lets start with your favorite book." She said looking at all the books on the table wondering which one would be his favorite. She saw everything from transmutation to materialization. He pulled out one if the book and laid it down. The title read "Conjuration Magic: Masters Edition". "Ah. I see your a fan of conjuration magic." Luna said. "Celestia! It's so nice to see you!" A voice came from across the room. "Are all these books yours?" She asked trotting over to the stacks of books. They were just high enough you couldn't see Murticuto. "No, they aren't Twilight." She told her. "Well I'm sure the owner won't mind me looking through a few of them." She said picking one up and started to read one. "I most certainly don't mind." He said over the mountain of books. It startled Twilight and she stumbled back and lost her concentration which caused her to drop the book. "Just please don't drop them. It took a long time to write them." He told her. She rounded the corner and started to speak. "I'm sorry. You just startled me. I had no idea any pony was behind here." She got to where she could see him and was stopped in her tracks. "Yes, I suppose it was partially my fault." He said standing up. "What are you?" She asked. Luna was still engulfed in the conjuration book she was reading. "Well you've found out I'm not a pony." He said with a hearty laugh. "I am something called a human." "And you wrote all these books?" She asked. "Yes, down to each of the periods. All of these are one hundred percent my creations." He told her. "You must be pretty old to have written all of these books. How old are you exactly?" She asked. "Twilight, must you be so rude." Celestia told her. "It's quite alright. I am 2651 years old." He told her. "Do all humans live that long?" She asked. "No, most humans only live about one hundred years. I have been granted immortality by the god of time. I will continue to look like this forever." He told her. "So you don't mind if I look through your books?" She asked. "Not at all. Just don't use any of the spells inside. They are very powerful." He told her as she sat down and picked up a book. He walked over to Celestia. "So do you know where you will be staying?" She asked him. "Sadly no, But it can't be that hard to find a place to stay. I am rich after all, its the kind of thing you build up after 2000 years." He said laughing along with Celestia. "Well you can stay here in the castle as long as you want. Or you can see if you can stay with Twilight. She might have place for your books in her castle. The library here is overflowing with books." She told him. "I'll decide later. For now, do you know where we can get something to eat?" He asked her. "Sure. Luna! Twilight! Were going to get some food, are you coming?" With no response from either of them, Celestia and Murticuto walked out. "So where is this place we will be eating at?" He asked her as they walked through the castle corridors. "It's not here, its in a little village called Ponyville. Just a chariot ride away." She said as they walked into the courtyard which was full of chariots. Each chariot had two ponies with wings strapped to it. Celestia climbed in one and motioned for Murticuto to get in. He walked over to the chariot and climbed in. It started moving and soon it was in the air. "This land is beautiful." Murticuto said in awe. "It is a sight to behold. But after one thousand years it gets kind of old." She told him. "I hear you." After he said that they both laughed for a moment. "So your immortal too?" He asked. "Yes and no, we alicorns live a lot longer than normal ponies. But not complaining immortal. Our life spans last from 1500 years to 2000. My student, Twilight Sparkle, has a life span around 500 years." She told him as the town came into view. "Is that where were headed?" He asked. "Yes, that is Ponyville, you see that big ginger bread house?" Celestia asked. "Yes." He told her. "That is sugar cube corner. The place where we will be eating today." She told him. "That sounds great! You get kind of hungry after you haven't eaten in 3 years." Murticuto said. The chariot landed and all the ponies in sight bowed to the princess. "Please. Please, this is just a casual visit. Just go about your day." She told all the ponies that were bowing. They just got up and kept walking. When they walked into sugar cube corner they noticed the blue mare standing behind the counter. "Princess! You didn't notify us of your arrival!" She said. "Mrs. Cake. Please were just here for lunch." Celestia told her. "Of course, what would you like?" She asked the princess. "What do you have?." She asked her. "What about some cloud cake. It's freshly baked." Mrs. Cake told Celestia. "You know I can't say no to cloud cake." Celestia said. "What about your friend here?" She asked Murticuto. "Just some coffee and a slice of pie for me." He told her, finding a seat in one of the many tables. "Certainly." She said. "So your a master wizard?" Celestia asked taking a seat next to him. "Yes." He said plainly. "Who trained you. Do you have a teacher, or mentor?" She asked as Mr. Cake brought them their food. Celestia took a small bite while waiting for her answer. "Nope. Self trained." He said taking a bite of his apple pie. "This pie is great. Complements to the chef!" He said. "So is pie your favorite food?" Celestia asked. "Yes, I remember when my mother made it for me as a child. My wife also makes it from time to time." He said finishing off his pie and taking a sip of his coffee. "Your married then? Any children?" She asked. "Not yet. I don't think the world needs anymore of me." He said laughing along with Celestia again. Celestia finished her cake and Murticuto finished his coffee. Celestia tried to pay but they insisted it was on the house. They walked outside to get back on the chariot. "So did you like your pie?" Celestia asked while they were climbing aboard. "Yes! I must say it was better than my own mothers pie." He told her as they took off. It felt like only a second before they were back at the castle. They walked into the room where Twilight and Luna were still reading. There were two big pile. They were guessing one was ones they read and the other was one they haven't got to yet. "Enjoying your study session?" Celestia asked. Luna was broken from the trance. "Oh. Wait what time is it?" Luna asked. "It's around 8:17, why Luna, we don't raise the moon until eight thirty." Celestia asked. "We've been here for four hours reading!" Luna yelled which seemed to snap out Twilight. "How long?!" She asked in a yell at Luna. "Four Hours!" She yelled back. "Ohnoohnoohno! I'm gonna be late!" Twilight yelled. "I will finish these books later! I promised Rarity I would help her with a dress today!" Twilight shouted. "Do you have room for them at your library?" Murticuto asked. "Yes! Plenty of space, why?" She asked. "Because if I am to stay with you I need a place for these booms instead if this dusty old bag." He said holding up the bag and starting to put the books in it. "Sure. We just have to hurry. I promised I'd be there by sundown." She told him while she was gathering her things. "Don't worry about time. We will be there in a flash." He said putting the last of his books up. When Twilight finished gathering her things he snapped his fingers and they appeared in front of sugar cube corner. > After Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for the teleport! Go to the castle, you can't miss it! Tell Spike I sent you!" She yelled as she ran around a corner. Murticuto walked until he saw the castle. It was a giant crystal building that shimmered in the setting sun. He couldn't help but take in the scene. But he couldn't stay there forever. He walked to the steps and the strap holding the sword he brought undid itself and the sword clanged to the ground. "Ah! I forgot you were there." He said picking it up and strapping it back on. He walked to the large crystalline doors and knocked fit to wake the dead. A little purple dragon opened the door. "You must be Spike." He told the little dragon. "Hey guys! False alarm!" He yelled as around four ponies came out of hiding. "Why were they all hiding?" Murticuto asked. "Today is Twilights birthday. Rarity is distracting her while we set it up." Spike told him. "Who are you anyway?" "I am Murticuto, Twilight will be allowing me to stay here for the time being." He told Spike. "Oh, that's fine. Come on follow me. I will bring you to one of the guest bedrooms." He said walking back into the doors. "First may we stop by the library? I have a few books I need to put up." Murticuto asked. "Sure I don't see why not. How many books are we talking about?" Spike wondered out loud. "Around fifty seven." Murticuto answered. "Are they being delivered?" Spike asked. "No, I have all of them on me." He said as they entered the library. Must be small books. Spike thought. "Right over here. This spot has been needing to be filled for a while. It just makes the library look bad if a whole section it missing." He told him. "Is this a blank section?" Murticuto asked. "Yea." Spike told him. "Name this section Otherworld Magic." He said tapping the ground with his staff, which cause all the books to fly out of his bag and align themselves perfectly in alphabetical order that took up that whole section. "So where are we having this party at?" Murticuto asked. "How did you do that?!" Spike asked. "Simple levitation magic." Murticuto told him. "The party is in this room. The others are setting up the decorations." He said. "How did you do that without a horn?" He asked. "You mean the only ponies who can do magic are unicorns?" He asked. "Yea. I mean if you count the elements of harmony then no. But usually yes." He told him as they walked into the party room where two pegasi and two earth ponies were setting up games and decorations. "This room is just to big! We'll never finish in time!" Rainbowdash yelled. "You call these decorations!" Murticuto boomed as he walked into the room. "We're tryin our best, sir." Applejack told him. "He's right Applejack. I told you." Rainbowdash told her friend. "Girls! Please don't argue." Fluttershy said. "Don't you worry about decorations." He said whirling his staff around. There was a big flash of light and when everyone was able to see again they were speechless. There were balloons flying around. Streamers everywhere. Everything they were planning to do. Set up in the blink of an eye. "Thank ya kindly. We never would've finished this in time." When she finished three fillies cane in the room. "What happened? We just got started decorating and it all finished!" Sweetie Belle asked angrily. "I know you wanted to help. But this nice- nice- whatever he is just saved us a lot of trouble." Fluttershy told them. "Oh, alright. But ya owe us fer this." Applebloom said leading the two other fillies out of the room. "When's Twilight arriving?" Murticuto asked all of them. "Shes not supposed to be here for the next two hours." Pinkie Pie told him. "Well how about I tell you a story while we wait?" He asked. After that they all nodded, walked over to a table and sat down. "About, one thousand years ago. The evil demon lord Dabura tried to enter my realm and enslave all the inhabitants." --------Enter Flashback-------- Murticuto was looking out over the vast horizon from the top of his spire. "Are you sure we will be able to defeat him, master?" His apprentice at the time, Thomas Ward, asked. "If the nine divines entrusted me with this burden then I think we can have a little more faith in ourselves." He told him. "I guess your right. But that doesn't mean we can't take it seriously!" He yelled. "I agree with you all the way. But the best thing to do in this situation is to keep a level head." He said as calmly as possible. "It is time. We head for the portal." He said walking to the stairs. The portal was on the roof of his spire. All the gods could do is chose where he would appear, they were powerless to deal with him directly. As they walked up the final few steps they could see the demon lord start to take form. It kind of looked like a gargoyle a little bit bigger than a human. "Murticuto. Come to thwart me, I suppose." He said. "There is no need." Dabura jumped at that. "Because the second you challenged me, you've already been sent back to the dark hole you crawled out of." The demon god relaxed for a moment. "I thought you had done something to cripple my power. But you seem over confident in your abilities." Dabura said. "No, I'm not over confident. I'm just reinforcing what they can do. You see Dabura, I've realized that you never were a real threat to our world." He said trying to bring down the self esteem of the god. "Your power isn't even half of mine alone." "But I'm not alone." He said as the goddess of strength appeared next to him. "Demiria. You traitor!" Murticuto yelled. "I'm not betraying you. I've never agreed I was on your side." She said. -------------Reality------------ "Everypony, hide. She's coming?" Pinkie whispered. Whe she finished all the lights dimmed and everyone ducked down and hid behind something. Except Murticuto, who just cloaked himself. She walked into the doors with Rarity and everyone jumped out of hiding and yelled "Surprise!" "What's all the commotion for everypony?" She asked still recovering from being startled. "Its your birthday silly filly!" Pinkie told her. "Oh! I must've been so caught up in my visit with Celestia I've forgotten all about it!" She realized. "I was supposed to go to discuss the annual Market at the castle." "I completely forgot about that." Rarity said. "What is this market at the castle?" Murticuto said uncloaking, Twilight was startled again and fell down this time. "Horse feathers! Murticuto, that was the second time today!" She said standing up. "The market is just a formality at the palace. Traders come from all around to sell their goods there." Rarity told him. "Yea! I've heard this is going to be the best one yet!" Rainbowdash yelled. "Will we be going to this market?" Murticuto asked. "Oh yes. It is tradition all the princesses attend." Twilight said. "You can come if you want. It's tomorrow." She said. "I will tag along. It would be a great way to learn the culture here." He said. After that he walked around, ate some food, and conversed with the six ponies and one dragon there. It was about three hours later when he said. "You guys enjoy the party, I think I will turn in for the night. Long day. Spike, can you bring me to my room now?" He asked. "Sure, come on. It's just down this hall." He followed Spike to a door about halfway down the hall. He opened it and told him. "Heres your room, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." He said walking back to the party. Once Spike was down the hall he went into the room and closed the door. He noticed that some of the walls had armor stands and weapon racks. He took his staff and sword and pit them in one of the racks. He then proceeded to lay his bag down on the desk. When he was done he walked over to the bed and laid down. That bed was the most comfortable bed he has ever laid on. "I could get used to this." He said closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. ---------The Next Day--------- "Twilight! Were gonna be late!" Spike yelled over a snoring Twilight. "Huh. AHHHHH! What tike is it Spike!" Twilight yelled. Murticuto was standing in the doorway waiting. "It's 8:53 Ms. Sparkle." Murticuto told him. "I told Pinkie we should've ended the party at 11, But no one listens to me. We had to go until 3 AM. This is what happens when we don't follow the schedule." She said gathering her things and putting them in her saddle bags. "You made a schedule for a party you just arrived at?" Murticuto asked. "What can I say, I like to be organized." She said getting the last of her things. "We have to hurry, the train leaves in five minutes!" She said running out the door with spike on her back. Once she was up to speed she took off for the train station. She completely forgot about Murticuto, But he hadn't payed much mind to it. He just used his magic to make some clouds lift him up and her caught up in a matter of seconds. The only thing he could think about is. "What is this thing called a train?" But he payed no mind to it, sat down his staff on the clouds, laid back, and enjoyed the ride. When they arrived he saw dozens of ponies getting on a long snake like machine. "Is this what you call a train?" He asked. "What you've never seen one?" Twilight answered with another question. "No, as a matter of fact I haven't." He told her with a hint of sass in his voice. "Oh. Don't worry, its just like that cloud ride you have but a little more bumpy." She assured him. They climbed into one of the cars and Murticuto found a seat next to spike and Twilight. All the ponies in that car looked at him with complete disbelief. Some were just surprised about a princess taking the train, but most were wondering what he was. Murticuto was startled when the train started moving. He has never seen such a contraption. He held onto the seat for dear life. After what Murticuto thought was forever, they arrived at Canterlot. He was so happy to step off of that train onto nice, stable, land. "See, I told you that you would like it." She told him. "Like it! I will never set foot on such a device in my life!" He yelled back at her. She laughed a little and replied. "Ok, I guess we can just teleport back. Come on we need to go meet the others, they said they would wait by the palace doors for us." She told him as she walked off into the crowd. Murticuto followed willingly and when they arrived at the palace doors he saw a familiar sight. "Do my eyes deceive me!" He said as the figure turned to face him. > First Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The figure turned and looked in disbelief. "Do you know him?" Rarity asked. "Murticuto!" Starlight yelled. "Starlight, I had no idea you were back from the crystal empire!" Twilight yelled. "How do you know him?" "Well.... You know when I said I wrote that time spell." She said. "Yea." Twilight said. "Well that was half the truth. It didn't go through time. It went through dimensions. It brought me to his world. I found him. He perfected the spell for me." She said. "Oh! That explains it. I was wondering how you tampered with Star Swirls spell like that. But it doesn't matter, all this means is that I don't have too introduce you two." She said happily. "How are you guys enjoying the market?" "It's been nice, we just got here but were about to go for some lunch. Rarity made some of those delicious banana muffins." Fluttershy said. "Oh, Fluttershy their not that good." Rarity said blushing. "No! Really, their amazing." Starlight said. "That sounds nice. The market doesn't end until sundown. What do you say Murticuto?" Twilight asked. "No, I think I will just look around some. You enjoy yourselves. Save me a muffin though." He said walking off and waving. "Ok, have fun." She said following her friends. Murticuto walked for at least forty five minutes and saw nothing that caught his eye. But then he got to a stall that looked amazing. On the top it read "Strange Magical Items". He couldn't help but go see what it was. He walked over to the stand. And this stand had a strange, feeling about it. He walked over and leaned over the counter. What he saw surprised him. There was a bipedal creature standing there. The figure stood up and it was about a foot higher than him. "Can I help you?" It asked. "Yes, I saw the name of your stand and I'm wondering what kind of items are you selling?" He asked. "Ah, fancy us a wizard." He said. "Lets see, everything from magic rings to staffs to spell books." He said. "Can I see some of those magic rings." Murticuto asked. "I don't know if I can part with my precious." He said taking out a ring, slouching over, and rubbing it. "Ah, I'm just messing with you. That was a reference nobody in this world would understand." He said winking toward the audience. "What are you winking at?" Murticuto asked. "You know what, I like you. Names Discord." He said. "Whats your name?" Discord asked. "Murticuto, pleasure to meet you." Murticuto told him. "Now back to that business transaction. You wanted to see those magic rings?" He asked. "Yes, I would li-" He was cut off by a huge explosion from the courtyard. "CHANGELINGS HAVE BREACHED THE CITY!" A random stallion yelled as he bolted through the streets. "Oh no, Fluttershy and the others were picking in the courtyard!" Discord yelled. "Well we would hate to leave them waiting." Murticuto said. Discord teleported to the courtyard leaving Murticuto standing there. He slowly walked and took his time getting there. When he got close to the outer wall he heard a female voice yelling. "I've waited far to long to take Canterlot. With that pesky Princess Cadance gone I can finally take over. My hive will own Canterlot." It yelled. "Quick Twilight use the elements of harmony!" I heard Celestia yell. "We can't, I left them at the castle!" Twilight yelled back. "Discord, do something!" "What do you want me to do, shes more powerful than I am!" He yelled. "Am I interrupting something?" Murticuto said walking into the courtyard. "Who is this. Another bug to smash under my hoof!" She exclaimed toward him. "I think you have that the wrong way around." He said walking to her. "Murticuto don't are you crazy!" Twilight yelled. "Probably." He said laughing. "Don't you dare take another step toward your new queen! Bow down to me!" She yelled. "I bow to no one!" He boomed, and as he said it the ground shook. "You are no ones queen, if anything you are a worthless little pathetic worm!" As he finished that line the ground started to radiate with heat as cracks in the surface started to open up. "Die! Now!" She yelled as she fired a continuing energy beam from her horn. Murticuto just held his hand out as the blast hit it and absorbed all the magical energy. "I-Impossible." She said in disbelief. "This is a trick!" She yelled at him. "The only joke I see here is you! If you don't leave I will be forced to take action." He said in a now demonic voice. "How dare you speak to me like that!" She said walking towards him. "Have it your way! Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed as pure energy radiated off in all directions. Pushing everyone and everything in that courtyard back against a wall. "Where is this power coming from!" She said barely as the force of the energy was to much. He started channeling magic into his palm as a bright ball of light appeared. It wasn't a white light. It was black and red, born from something evil. His eyes turned completely black and he had red lightning pulsing around his body. He started to chant. "Ka luk bra dou ca limbre." He started to get louder. "I BANISH THE!" He shouted as a continuous energy blast came from his hands and completely engulfed her. The beam stayed there for a second and then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The body of the changeling queen taken with it. His body slowly change back to normal. His eyes changed back to white with light blue irises. And the lightning around his body faded. The blast knocked everyone out except Discord who was staring with wide eyes. "I did warn her." He said laughing, and walking over to Spike and Twilights body picking them up. "Well we can't just leave them here. You gonna help." That seemed to snap discord out of his trance, he used his magic and picked up the rest of them and they walked to the castle. The market was ruined, most of the stalls were destroyed with the initial blast from Queen Chrysalis, and the rest destroyed from Murticutos energy. "There's always next year, if I'm still here." He thought to himself. They walked into the castle and the guards immediately took the body of princess Celestia and brought her to the medic. Some other doctors came out to tend to the rest of them. Luna followed behind. "Did Queen Chrysalis do this to my sister?" She asked. "Well I guess you can say I did it, but she is perfectly fine. And you don't have to worry about that Queen whoever because I banished her to another dimension." "You did what!" Luna yelled. "I banished her." He said simply. "How! With my sister and I combined we couldn't manage to do that!" She yelled. "Lets just say, I have someone on the inside." He said. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "I mean I have an evil demon lord trapped inside of me and I sometimes steal his magic, nothing to panic about." He told her. > Broken Deals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your joking aren't you?" Luna said. "Well, while I do admit steal is a strong word. No, this is the most serious I've ever been in my life." He told her. "Look, we can talk about this later, for now. I need to go see my sister." She told him. "Well how about I tag along. I'm sure she would like too know also." He said following Luna down the hall. They walked into the main bed chamber and found Celestia sleeping on her bed. They both found a seat next to her and waited. They were there for about thirty minutes when Murticuto thought he heard something. "I think she's trying to say something." Murticuto whispered as they both leaned closer. "Ahhhh!" Celestia woke with a scream, punching Murticuto in the face with her forehoof. Luna couldn't help but fall out laughing on the floor. "Dear sweet me! Are you okay?" Celestia yelled going to Murticutos side as he rolled around in pain on the floor holding his jaw. "Owwww!" He yelled as the mane six walked in, just waking up. "Is this a bad time?" Twilight asked. Staring at Celestia helping up Murticuto. "No, no. Come in. There was just an accident." Murticuto said wiping the blood off of is mouth. He moved his jaw around some to see if it was dislocated. "Do you mind explaining what that was outside!" Rainbow yelled. Murticuto put up his finger, and snapped his jaw back into place. The sound made everypony in the room cringe. "Where do you want me to start?" He said sitting and looking at them. "We don't want your entire life story, we just want to know what just happened." Twilight said politely. "Long story short, I have an evil demon lord that I bound into my body and sometimes I tap into his share of magic, nothing to panic about." He told them. They all looked in disbelief. Until Celestia spoke up. "So is he contained?" She asked. "I think he's pretty secure. He has been here for at least 1000 years." He said as they all sighed. "Well I have no idea what to do now." Luna said. "With Discord reformed and Queen Chrysalis banished, there are no more threats to Equestria." "We can thank Murticuto for that." Celestia said. "Maybe we can now actually get to rule Equestria." "What should I do now?" Murticuto asked out loud. "Whatever you want I suppose." Luna said. "But we do have a very important day to get to tomorrow. I suggest everyone go get some rest." Celestia said beckoning everyone to leave her chambers. "Whats the important day?" Murticuto asked. "I'll tell you back at the castle, for now we have a train to catch." Twilight said as they began to walk. "I think I will just meet you at the castle." Murticuto said teleporting away. --------Two Hours Later------- "Good night Twi. I'm going to catch some shut eye, don't stay up to late." Starlight said walking into the castle and into one of the many endless corridors. "Now what is that special day tomorrow?" Murticuto asked. "Ahh!" Twilight jumped back. "The third time Murticuto, Third Time!" "Still, whats this special day?" He asked again. "Its Flurry Hearts birthday, her first one. Pinkie wanted to make this party extra special. Were leaving for the Crystal Empire tomorrow. I hate to break it to you but your gonna have to get on the train." She said starting to walk to her room with Spike. "You should get some rest." Murticuto sighed at the thought of getting on the train again. "I suppose if I have too, see you tomorrow." He sighed walking to his room. He got to the door and thought. 'If I'm going to stay here I might as well make it feel like home.' Before he walked into his room he snapped his fingers and when he opened the door it transformed into a whole other room. This was his 'Portable Room' spell he created for when he stayed in inns. It was pretty much a spare room he made and he stored things in there to make it feel like home. It had a couple of staffs, a bed, everything his room had. Armor racks, a closet, and anything else you might find in a room in medieval times. He walked over comfortably to his king sized bed and laid down. He soon drifted off to sleep. -------------------------------- "Old friend!" A voice called from the blackness. "What do you want!" Murticuto yelled into the void. "Its time to renew our. Contract." The voice said as Murticuto stood up. "Show yourself, I like to see your face when we renew our deal." Murticuto yelled as a figure appeared in front of him, booping in two chairs. Murticuto sat down and continued to speak. "Can you please refresh me on the terms of our deal?" Murticuto asked. "Certainly. As long as we are on earth, you can use my magical store of power. And you promise not to kill me." He finished. "You know, I realized somethings just now." Murticuto said as the figure leaned in. "When you tricked me into making that deal one thousand years ago, you were in a rush." "What are you saying?" He asked. "What I'm saying Dabura, you got sloppy!" Murticuto yelled standing and slamming his hand on the armrest. "What are you getting at?" Dabura asked. "Does it look like were on earth!" Murticuto said licking his lips. "Wh- No! Nonononono! You can't mean that!" He said standing and staggering backwards. "I think you've outlived your. Usefulness." Murticuto said standing and inching toward the god. By this point, Dabura fell back and started crawling on the ground. Murticutos hands lit up and started to glow. "No, please reconsider!" The demon begged. "You've caused me pain for far to long. Now. Now its time for me to return the favor." Murticuto said launching two beams toward the demon god. They quickly engulfed him and Dabura started to scream and his skin was ripping itself off. Being torn apart atom by atom. The god getting weaker with every second as Murticuto drained his energy. "Please!" Dabura said gasping for breath. "Silence! I don't want to hear any if your excuses! Your fate has finally caught up to you! Enjoy Judgement!" Murticuto said as the bright flash dissipated. Leaving nothing but glimmering peaces of start dust floating in the air. "Ahhh!" Murticuto heard a yell behind him. > Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He turned and was faced with the princess of night. "What are you doing here!" He yelled at her. "My- My sister thought you were hiding something." She stuttered out. "This is my private business! There are still things I haven't told you, and I'm guessing your doing the same to me! Is it wrong to keep secrets!" He yelled. "No, we just needed to know-" She said before she was cut off. "Know what! Their called secrets for a reason!" He said calming down. She sighed and said "Your right, we should be more considerate of others." Behind them they heard a thud and turned to look. "Thomas!" Murticuto yelled running over and picking up the body of his assistant. "It- Its been so long, are you okay?!" "Remind me, never to do that again." He said weakly as Murticuto laughed. "Who is this?" Luna asked. Walking over to the two. "This is my son." Murticuto said plainly. Thomas started to stand up. "I thought you said you had no children." Luna said. "He's not, not my biological son anyway. He was the soul survivor of his kind. His entire species was wiped out by a vicious warlord called Vur Lano. Drained of their raw magical power." He told her. "But he looks just like you." Luna said. "Yes, but there is a distinct difference in his ears, they are pointy, mine aren't." He said showing her his ears. "Who is this Murticuto?" Thomas asked. "This is Princess Luna. Princess of Night. Regent of the moon. The point is she has many names." He said helping him onto his feet. "Where am I?" He asked. "You are in my mind." Murticuto said. "Luna I will speak to you tomorrow at the party. I have some catching up to to." "I will leave immediately so you can see to it." Luna said as she booped out of the dream. Murticuto woke up and found his assistant lying on the ground next to the bed. "It's good to be home." Thomas said standing up and getting in one of the chairs. "Were not exactly home." He told him. "What do you mean?" He asked. He laughed and said. "Its a long story." -------Seven Hours Later------ "Murticuto, the par-" Twilight said walking in seeing Thomas sitting in the chair. "You must be Twilight." Thomas said walking over to her and shaking her hoof. "Who is this?" Twilight asked returning the shake. "This is my apprentice, Thomas Ward." He told her as he stood up. "Well take your apprentice and hurry, or you'll miss the party." Twilight said walking out as Murticuto and Thomas followed. Thomas looked astounded walking through the endless corridors of the crystal castle. "You like what you see?" Twilight asked walking in front of him. "Yea, it's the most colorful thing I've ever seen." He said spinning to look at all of it at once. Twilight laughed a little. "You haven't even seen the outside yet." They walked out into the main corridor and a little dragon walked up. "I packed everything we need Twilight, who's this?" He asked looking at Thomas. "This is Murticutos apprentice." She said walking out the main door into the outside world. Thomas almost passed put at the sight of all of the colors blending into the world called Equestria, all the perfectly placed landmarks. The undeniable feel of happiness radiating off of everything. They started to walk toward the train station. After about fifteen minutes of walking they made it. "Ahh, I do hate these infernal contraptions." Murticuto said as they started to walk onto the train car. "Why, what do they do?" Thomas asked. "Just wait and see." Murticuto told him as they walked in. "ALL ABOARD!" The conductor yelled as the train started to move. -------15 Minutes Later-------- Thomas had his head out the window, throwing up. "He doesn't like trains either?" Rainbow asked as he pulled his head back in. "What is this demon spawn!?" Thomas asked frantically. "This torture device doesn't deserve to be in this plane of existence!" "Guess riding a train is an, acquired trait." Rarity said as she walked over to Thomas and put a hoof over his shoulder for comfort. "I still don't like it, but its better after the first time." Murticuto said as they hit a bump causing Thomas to stick his head out the window and start to throw up again. "Its ok Thomas we'll be there in a minute." Twilight said. "Twilight!" Spike ran into the train car. "The conductor said there is going to be a little delay." "What do you mean?" Murticuto asked. "There are sheep on the track." He said sitting in the seat. "Oh, is that so. I think I will take a quick nap, wake me up when the train arrives." Murticuto said lying back and putting his wizard hat over his face he sat his staff down and drifted to sleep. -------------------------------- "Murticuto!" A feminine voice yelled into the piercing void. "What, can't you see I'm trying to sleep." Murticuto said laying on a bed in his head. "You have freed me from that disgrace Daburas evil clutches!" She yelled. "So what, you can't do anything about it stuck in here!" He yelled still laying down. "But I won't be for long!" She yelled again causing Murticuto to stand up. "What do you mean?" Murticuto asked. "Do you know where all of Daburas power went?" She answered with a question. "I absorbed it." He told her. "No, I did!" She yelled causing the entire void to shake. "You couldn't have, I feel it inside me!" He yelled back. "That's because I am inside of you, ignorant." She said swirling around him. "Sweet dreams Murticuto, soon there will be none left." -------------------------------- "Ahh!" Murticuto woke up screaming. "Are you okay?" Pinkie asked. "Just a bad dream." He told her. But he knew what it meant, it was much, much more than a bad dream. > The final chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------A Few Hours Later------ "Murticuto, what happened?" Twilight asked as she ran over to the wizards body lying on the ground. In the middle of the rubble of the train he was on moments ago. "She escaped!" He shouted. Leaning up and brushing the wreckage off of his chest. "Who?" Twilight asked. "She goes by no mortal name now. She is a god." "A god!" Twilight shouted. "Yes. She has stolen all of my power. She is now going for your precious crystal heart." He said. "Oh no. If she drains that energy she will be immortal!" She said. "Wheres Thomas?" "He left to help the others. I stayed back to look for you." She told him. "Well theres no time to lose." He said as a giant explosion went off in the distance. "That has to be her!" ----Another few hours later---- "A-" Murticuto was cut off. "Don't call me that name anymore!" She shouted. "My name is Omertà!" "Well Omertà, your time is over!" He yelled. "Ha, the only way you'll be able to defeat me is to sacrifice yourself. And theres no way you'll be willing to do that!" "Oh really." A look of fear shot across her face. "Murticuto no." Twilight said. "It has to be done Twilight." He told her. He reached into his bag and pulled out the crystal ball he used to absorb all the magic. "Get you and you friends out of here!" He commanded. "No, I won't leave you!" She said. "Do it!" She said sighed and her horn flashed as everypony in the castle disappeared. "Its over!" He smashed the ball onto the ground and a bright flash of light engulfed the entire crystal spire. Twilight had taken the heart with her to prevent its destruction. He found himself floating around in magic Lost in thought. "Is this the end. Is this what my life lead to. If I think back on the happy times. My children running and playing. Hanging out with my friends. Learning about new magic. And most importantly The magic of friendship. So if this is what my life lead up to. Then I accept my fate. And I will embrace death. THANKS FOR READING!